HawkAngel....who had just stepped out from Hell for the first time in a good long time and found himself holding the Nimball, which was as usual completely idle.
'Man, first Hell for 3 years with no available exit, and now I come back into the middle of a game of Nimball[tm]?'' he groaned.
Taking to his heels he sped off towards the nearest object he could see, a rather overgrown statute of a giagantic turtle. As he passed through a nearby village he was overwhelmed by a feeling of complete deja vu. Not paying any attention he tripped headlong over a very familiar looking imp. The Nimball[tm] flew forward at tremendous speed off into the woods.
'Great, Hell for 3 years, a game of Nimball[tm], where I lose the Nimball[tm] not 5 minutes after getting it, and there's no tavern in this village to quench this 3 year parched throat.....'