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Everything posted by Vahktang
It has been suggested that the Specials list (Wolves, Seer, Baner) be given to a backup in case of Real Life Intruding, delays, etc, in the game. My recommendation is that the first one slain gets the list to keep just in case. Your thoughts?
Attention, attention! Real Life Intrudes and a technical difficulty make it so that voting is extended to friday morning. No sooner. My apoligies.
Vahktang does impressions: "Nyang, Nyang, Nyang." But whether it is Curly or Lou or some other is not known.
It's been a bad week. Opium Lotus's cook had tried to poison her, or so the yew leaves found seemed to indicate. Tracking down through her accounts had shown that she had just had deposited a particularly large amount in an nearly untraceable account in the Antilles, which has ties to Norway and certain cruise lines. The Bunny has his own problems. Two of his men in Copenhagen had been butchered in the back room of bar they frequented. Painted on the walls was a message "Shhh...I'm hunting rabbits!" Police reports that The Bunny received showed DNA from a Celtic source, not native Norwegian or normal worker Turk or Algerian. The Black Widow is nearly slain by a car bomb while entering a trendy nightclub. The reports she received showed that the bomb making material used was an untraceable semtex, but matched materials used in recent IRA bombs. The Sakura is nearly assassinated by rifle fire. She is quickly taken to safety and her minions track down the marksmen, but are forced to slay him before he can be captured. Investigations show that his family was killed about the same time that the assassination was occuring and that it was done by strangulation by a silk cloth, an ancient Chinese method. Finally, everyone gets a DVD disk. It clears security and is played by a lieutenant before being seen by the boss. The video clicks on showing a man, older, hair falling out, eyes rheumy, age spots all over the body in a wheel chair, several I.V. bags placed. It takes a moment to realize that it is The Bunny, seemingly aged 50 years in two weeks. "Hello," says The Bunny in a labored, horse whisper. "If you see this, I am dead. While I am talking now, I am near dead. "I was poisoned, but not in a conventional way. "Several micrograms of a radioactive. Don't know if it was plutonium, or tritium or U238, but the point is that it was very poisonous and deadly and I ate it. I now have advanced cancer throughout my digestive tract and I've been told that the material was small enough to go through my blood brain barrier. I'm not right in the head now." He laughs at his own feeble joke and that brings on a coughing jag. He waves away attendants. "I don't know who did this to me, but I do know one thing. "Get them. Make them suffer. Bring their children before them, kill the kids, then their parents then any other relatives. Then kill them slowly. Make it last. "Nothing is too awful for them." The video ends.
Leif was not a special. All the specials are still in play. The remaining wanted (in no particular order): Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Tai Rong Xiang aka "The Opium Lotus" - Lady Celes Crusader Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch First wolf victim: Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragon queen First villager victim: Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Second Wolf Victim Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny Day phase begins. It ends on Wednesday morning or when I get a majority of votes (and reach my computer). Getting close to the wire. Good hunting.
"I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel." And, with that, The Candidate enters.
"I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel." And, with that, The Candidate enters. He follows the others, wondering about all the weapons. 'Thought this was a party. Not ready for _that_ kind of party.' He reaches the end of the tunnel and enters the house proper. 'Ohh, green glow-in-the-dark-house-up-on-the-hill. Spooooky. 'Whoever hosted this part did a good job.' "Well, I guess I'm the Alan/Fred part." ""Let's all separate and look for clues."" "Who's with me?"
Dragonqueen is always special.But did not have a role to play in this game beyond villager. I'll be sure to note it on the next slaying. Speaking of which, Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel was also a villager. The remaining wanted (in no particular order): Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer Tai Rong Xiang aka "The Opium Lotus" - Lady Celes Crusader Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi First wolf victim: Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragon queen First villager victim: Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Specials, please PM me. Night phase now. Please continue over to the RP thread. It will end Monday morning or when I get all the PM's. And if anyone has a preferred way to die, PM me. I may or may not do it, but the input is fun.
A breaking news story that interrupts programming: Graphic: Gun battle at the airport! Fades to: Newsreader: "Earlier today at a busy American airport, security was breached and a firefight ensued. We have video tape:" The video is grainy, as it always is in a surveillance camera. The producers put closed captioning down so the words can be perceived. The view is from overhead, at a smallish airport. Gutterball and his entourage are moving through the terminal. One of them is speaking to Gutterball. "Because the private plane is targeted. We can sweep, but they can have," looks around, "devices that can get us in the air. We've sold these devices to others. "Whoever's doing this can't expect... The view changes, another camera. Five armed security personnel a dozen feet from the entourage, all wearing dark glasses. One looks over to the group, seems to be staring. Suddenly yells: "Gun!" The captions also read: "Stand down." "Freeze." "Don't move." But there are no discernable sounds of those things actually being said, only screams and indistinct yells. Both groups move with amazing speed. The security personnel grabbing out their weapons, the entourage suddenly producing small devices that went through the metal dectectors unnoticed but are still quite deadly. Gutterball is covered by two of his men as he struggles to get his own shots in. The first security personnel fires at Gutterball specifically, the others open fire on the entourage. Two of the security men go down with wounds, while all of Gutterball's group goes down. After the entourage are down, the security personnel continue to fire until their clips are emptied. Finally, silence, and the video clip ends. Newsreader: "All members of the invading group were slain, while the security personnel received only minor injuries. "Besides the weapons seen, two guns were found on the persons of the airport intruders. "The groups' exact identities and motives are being withheld by the authorities. "There will be a thorough investigation, but the pundits say that, with the existance of the guns and the violent resisting, the security personnel will be cleared of any wrong doing. "Also being said is that there will be even more stringent and invasive security measures at the airport in the future." "Thank you and more news later."
Day phase has begun. Start accusing. Start sending 'your boys' after the one you thought did it. Please note an OOC accusation here in the OOC thread. Your accusations in the RP thread may be non existant or different from the ones you post here, but the ones you post here are the ones that count. Voting concludes sunday morning or when I get a conclusive (5 out of 9) majority, which ever comes first. Have fun. Good hunting. The Scorecard, in no particular order: First wolf victim: Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragonqueen The usual suspects: Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Tai Rong Xiang aka "The Opium Lotus" - Lady Celes Crusader Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan
They all see it on the news, a fire at a great estate. Newsreader: [scene: airiel view of large mountainside estate, all wings on fire, as well as several of the out buildings.] "This is the scene at the moment. "The country estate of Simona Ciotti is aflame and out of control. "The twists and turns of the approach road has prevented all but the smallest fire vehicles to approach the mansion. These are proving inadaquete for the blaze. Other fire fighters are being helicoptered in, but that is taking time. [scene: microbus fire truck hooked up to garden hose shooting at the house.] "The cause of the fire is unknown, as is the number of casualties and the location of Ms. Ciotti herself. [scene: ground level view of the burning building.] "It is thought that by many that the vast amounts of artwork that Ms. Ciotti is said to collect is on display and will be destroyed by the fire, a great loss to the world of art. "I am told that somehow we have a feed from the internal security cameras. Let's show that now." A series of quick cuts show: [scene: opulant room on fire.] [scene: well decorated room filled with smoke.] [scene: hallway, picture curling from the heat.] [scene: Da Vinci's body found nailed on a 3' x 6' canvas with a red silk shawl stapled on her naked body and a black rose glued in her mouth.] [scene: room with ornate window, smoke going out] [scene: garage, multiple classic cars on fire] "What, what was that? Einz, go back." The scene goes back to the room with Da Vinci's body. The camera lingers. She was quite the beauty but now she is quite dead. Suddenly, the scene goes back to the news reader. He looks at the camera, then recomposes himself. "Uhm. Yes. Well, we'll have more on that story as it develops." He waits for the cut away, for them to go to commercial, but the camera glares at him, then finally fades to black. Promos for upcoming shows come on.
"Then it is fortunate for us that the gods are so generous." He sips, lets it breath, tasting it on his tongue, then swallows enjoying the feeling of it going down his throat and warming his stomach. "Well one of the planks of my platform is listening to the voter. "What concerns you? "Cell phones in the theatre? "Airplane food? "Ah, one I have had great sucess with is: "No X-mas decorations before Thanksgiving. "No songs, no shows nor movies. "With the sucess of this campaign, we'd start the '30 days before the holiday' legislation, to make is so for all holidays. No more holloween decorations in August, that sort of thing." "Your thoughts?"
"I have never tried mead."But if my prospective constituant thinks that it is a good thing, then I think it is a good thing." I put down my cup and pull up a mug. "Pour, please, prospective voter."
Soon as I get confirmation from all the specials.Should be late today, early tomorrow. And I am quite proud of you all. The RP thread is going swimmingly.
Police are everywhere. In every family residence, at many resources, incoming and outgoing. Even some safe houses. Some are even taken in for questioning. Lawyers on retainer earn their big fees. Saya Shizuka sits in an interrogation room, the mirror freshly clean. She refuses the offer of a smoke, smiling. "I do not understand," she says. "I just run my business, mind it myself." The police are deferential, at least the veterans. They are aware of how things are. A rookie in the room isn't. "This about drugs, Shizuka. Two kilos in your car. That's _dealing_ weight." A shocked silence fills the room. The other police look for someone to shut this kid up. The Sakura's expression does not change. "Are you certain it is not something...innocuous. I occaisionally pick up powders for food. I also have god children. Help the parents. I am very generous." A nod goes from one of the senior men and a more junior leaves the room. Some hours later Saya Shizuka leaves the police building and enters the very car where the 'baking powder' was found. She looks into the eyes of one of her functions. "Your pleasure, Sakurazukamori?" The Sakurazukamori thinks about revenge and actions.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do take campaign contributions," says The Candidate. "But only in the form of topping off my drink." The listener does so. "I thank you and your country will thank you."
Releases the entourage to their own pleasures. Goes and gets a grinder from the snack table. Chats up whoever is nearby.
I did miss you.(Blushes) Terribly sorry. Here now is the list of international criminals, in no particular order: Tai Rong Xiang aka "The Opium Lotus" - Lady Celes Crusader Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragonqueen Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan Game starts now. Hangings should be done with odd number, so the first day is a night phase. I've sent out roles, please PM me your interests. For everyone, set up defences (which includes attacks), investigate, etc. Have fun.
The scene is repeated in each family, with variations: At breakfast, a few days later. "Boss." "Don't call me boss." "Oh. OK boss. We've got some reports." "Tell me." "Harold Shand is dead." "Remind me." "British mob boss. Under Tony Avacodo's influence, united the mobs under him in England. About to do his first truly international partnership. Had some problems, missing people, money, bombs going off in restaurants. Deal fell through. Now he's dead." "Hmm. Next." "A japanese crime family has been destroyed." "More." "Clan Yashida, ties with international Yakuza, years to build up, gone in a day and a night, the leader was slain by a canadian intelligence asset." "Not an operative? "No. Rogue. Personal. Something with the daughter of the leader." The flunky looks like there is more to say. The Boss sighs. "What is it?" "Kaiser Sose is dead." "Kaiser Sose is a myth/was Tony Avacado." "No, he was a real person. He is dead now. Slain under mysterious circumstances." The Boss is alarmed, thinking: 'Once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is a conspiracy. Someone is making a play to be the big boss."
News story: Famous police detectives to come out of retirement: From the BBC news: Though thought dead for nearly 20 years, French Surrete official Chief Insp. Jacques Clouseau has come out of seclusion to join an international task force of police to combat the feared crime wave in the wake of the death of international crime boss, Tony 'Tony Avacodo' Avacado. [snippet of interview] "There are dark forces at work here. The death of Tony Avacodo was a start, not an end." [two pictures of handsome chinese men] Joining him are Interpol inspector Eddie Yang and Hong Kong police Chief Inspector Lee. Will have more news as this item devolops.
Well, here are the power brokers in the world of crime at this time: Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragonqueen Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan Still need private crimes from a few members. (Already PM'd them) Today is the last day to sign up. Tomorrow, a death occurs.
(Last song, I swear) The hot guys are all sweaty from the extended line dancing song. The Candidate offers them one more song, then the night off. A few moments of arguement and disagreement and a consensus is reached. A chorus line is formed, while one handler, with the sweetest voice, starts: And the song kicks in, and the chorus line starts to kick, too.
It's lunch time. Have a good meal together before heading home. A death will occur then. What's served? How? Who watches whom? Who brags? Who manuevers? Have fun.
Recent crimes: A cell phone rings and a lieutenant hands it to his boss, Heartbreaker. "The Semtex is at the buyers. Chemists are paid off and away. All explosives will be untraceable. Mission complete." "Distribution?" "IRA. Chechneyians. Iraq. In the agreed upon weights." "And the vig?" "Each didn't blink when we added on the handling charge at the last minute." "Good." Heartbreaker hangs up, seven figures of profits added to his cash flow. A good day. A cell phone rings and a lieutenant hands it to his boss, the Sakurazukamori. "Honored Lady." "This is she." The voice on the other end speaks respectfully. "The INS found the ship in San Francisco. 112 living immigrants seized, 19 dead." "And the others?" "The two ships in Los Angeles and the ship in Seattle were undetected, due to the attention given to San Francisco, to the exclusion of the other cities, thanks to the anonymous tip." "And the hand off?" "Those that left left their 'business' in good hands. The activities that will bring more will continue as before." "Good. Carry on." The Sakurazukamori hangs up, seven figures of profits added to her cash flow. A good day. A cell phone rings and a lieutenant hands it to his boss, Da Vinci. "Paintings are sold. Each believe theirs to be authentic one." "And the experts?" "Expertly identified, threatened and complacent. No problems." "As what I expect from my organization." Da Vinci hangs up, seven figures of profits added to her cash flow. And so it goes: Animals illegally shipped into the US gives profits to Gator. Kickbacks from cruise lines ups Bunny's black ink. Raw materials for a nerve gas sold by the X-terminator. A suspected terrorists gives all the information at his disposal to the CIA due to The Skin's organization. Gutterball's Collegiate Rock N' Bowl parties bring much profits in the sideline selling of drugs. The Black Widow's mail order bride business is booming, beautiful South American women to rich Chinese men. Some women even went voluntarily. And it's not even lunch time yet.
Thriller ends. There is a pause by the DJ while a handler runs up to her. A moment's arguement, the passing of some folding money, and a new song begins. The beat is familiar but not instantly. The handler runs up to The Candidate, another moment of arguement, then a shrug. The security people, The Candidate, and the handlers get in a line. Some cries: "The Horror, The Horror." The dance floor empties except for the entourage. "I know holloween is supposed to be scary, but..." They go through line dancing the entire song, in mechanical precision, a fake smile plastered on each of their faces. It is somewhat unnerving. Much booze is consumed during this sequence.