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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vahktang

  1. I'm in. I guess Bubba Ho - Tep is straight out. My name is Moses. It is a relatively common egyptian name at one time. I was ambassador to the David in Israel. David being a title. And where are all my Nubian Slaves, heh?
  2. Well, I just hope you were a wolf.
  3. The Candidate is amazed at the sound.A gruff, armed and armored dwarf, squealing. "Got to get out of here." He starts to try nearby windows, seeing if any of them are open.
  4. Yes, you blow'd her up real good. Thank you. And MVP award must go to: YanYanGanaffi Not nearly as much would have happened without his participation. Take a bow. Now, here's the question: Do you want to do it again? With some new players? Over to Kenzerco.com we would play WW and they are not at present. I've got some interest when I mentioned it earlier, but not enough for a full game. Keep your old characters and the new ones will be young turks. Same 'take over the crime world' situation, PM's, etc. Anybody care to sign up?
  5. Game over, man, game over. Lady Celes Crusader was the second werewolf. The Seer was Tanuchan Good game all. Here is the final score card: The remaining wanted (in no particular order): Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi First wolf victim: Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragon queen First villager victim: Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Second Wolf Victim: Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny First villager sucess: Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer Third Wolf Victim: Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch Final villager sucess: Tai Rong Xiang aka "The Opium Lotus" - Lady Celes Crusader So, what did you think? I liked it. I got nearly 150 PMs. Filled up my box. Fun.
  6. The Opium Lotus looks over her city, her homeland. Millions in the city and she had influence with almost everyone of them. And here she was in 'The Castle', nearly 100 stories tall, a bastion of capitalism. A massive building, ultimately secure. The wine in her hand was more per bottle than the average yearly income of the ones below. "How goes things," she asks a minion. "Heartbreaker still searches for his sister. He is desolated and impotent." "Good. And we didn't even do that one." The Opium Lotus sipped her wine, savoring it. The glass was clear cut crystal, beautiful and functional. "The Shakura is off chassing her tail. Not on the scope. We believe she is hiding until this blows over." "Good." "The Gator-" "Never mind him. Beneath our notice." She dips her finger in the wine and runs her finger over the rim. A soft, sweet sound comes forth. "Yes, ma'am. The Black Widow has been investigating you in particular. We have planted false information, but we fear her resources are too far reaching." "We must eliminate her as we have the others. One of our artists will meet her personally, maybe a franchise opportunity. Then, our artist will show The Black Widow her heart." She looks at the wine in the bright sunlight and notices a red line reflected in the glass. She ponders it a moment and doesn't notice the missle hit the building, oblitering her entire floor, damaging the ones above and below, cause massive destruction in the structure. The Gator put down his laser 'painter' device that guided the missle into the building, taking off the earphones that allowed the laser to let him hear what was going on inside the building. It had taken him hours of searching and waiting for her to get in the right position. "That's for beneath your notice." He picks up his equipment and starts for the way down and out of the city.
  7. Shamus was incensed over the kidnapping over his sister. Despite the predictions, no ransom was ever asked. But every day another piece of skin was left at one of his businesses. For nearly two weeks. He was enraged, snapping at everything. Analysis showed that she was still alive, and there was rock salt and alcohol at the edge of the skin, meaning they were sometime spraying the raw areas with the astringents, further causing her pain.
  8. "You know what this party needs? "Some candy." Wanders off to look for some candy bars. None of that little bite sized stuff, some actually real candy bars. "Anybody with me?"
  9. Merelas is out for a while. I need Elwen's vote to tie it or end it. I've sent a reminder note. If nothing withing 23 hours from this post, will end it by majority vote. More later, Vahktang
  10. The phone rings and Jackie answers it, speaking Cantonese. Clouseau looks on. Finally, Jackie hangs up. "What is it, Kato?" "I am not Kato, Inspector," he says, exasperated. "My name is-" "Tut," says Clouseau, interrupting. "Calm yourself. And tell me what was said on the phone." "Our informant says that he has another copy of the death of van Rensburg. From another angle." "Ah, good. We will gladly accept it. It is too bad that with all our efforts the X-Terminator himself has not given us a thing. We have made offers but he seems to rather face the death penalty and stay silent rather than stay alive. Clouseau rolls himself to a tea service in the room. "And he will get life without parole. After all these years, hard evidence of 'The X-terminator's' crimes. Isn't it ironic that the man known throughout the underwold for hating informers has, himself, been done in by an informer?" "No, that is not ironic. Ironic is when-" "Tut," Clouseau says over his tea. "Listen and learn, Kato. Listen and learn." The asian man throws up his hands in frustration and stalks out of the room.
  11. Vahktang thinks: 'I ain't scared of no ghosts.' Especially stinky ones. 'Hmm, that cat over there is tres annoying. I bet he has something to do with all this.' ___________________________________ OOC: A vote for Dean => mage, a little over protective of booze; has a familiar (Phil D. Cat); 'cause Dean is married on Gilmore Girls and is fooling around with Rory and she deserves better than that.
  12. For weeks now, X has been supremely sequestered. A lawyer had been appointed him, competent and above reproach, but not his lawyer. The guards around him had been transferred from around the world, and none shared a language with X. He had no contact with his organization. Finally, he is taken out of his cell out of schedule and led to a interview room. The door is opened and sitting there is a man dressed in a dark black suit, sunglasses over his eyes, smoking. The door is closed but X remains shackled. "Mr. Smith, I presume," says X. Smith does not smile but does offer X a seat and a cigarette, which he accepts both. X begins. "What's the plan? I know this is too public and too much to make disappear. I figure you have a new prison being built somewhere. Send me there and then keep the populatio to a minimal. I can work my organization from in there for a while. Ship in what I need. A multi floor jail cell, that sort of thing." Mr. Smith is silent for too long, then finally stubs out his cigarrette. "We're cutting you loose, X." X stands again. "What? For all I did for you? After all I gave you? You owe me big time." Smith calmly lights another cigarette. "Sit down, X. You didn't do a thing for us that didn't benefit you even more. Even think about making trouble and you'll be released into general population. A lot of people can make a lot of cigarettes by putting a blade in you. "Just retire. Nice safe solitary for the rest of your life." Smith gets up to leave. X glares at him, held down by his restraints. "This isn't over. I NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!" The door closes on Smith. X is alone.
  13. Any evidence available at 'The Skins' is destroyed when his house goes up. Authorities believe a 'scuttling' charge, set by his minions upon his death. Trace evidence leads the explosives back to certain recent IRA bombings, which lend itself to the idea that 'The Skin' supplied the semtex. At Tai Rong Xiang: Her friend and companion of 20 years is now made out of vegtables. She looks around the restaurant. They were, to a patron, and including all staff, her long time people. Trusted. And fearful of her. And yet, here she was on an unwanted 'trip'. It was not as if she had not been on a trip before. She dranks some water from a passing glass, blue, floating in mid air. A thought occured to her. 'The people who did this must pay. I am not in my right mind now and they must pay for doing this. And who must pay? All must pay. Gator, X, Heartbreaker, Widow, and (the last with a sneer) Shakura.' A report comes out that a number of charities have money discrpencies, that they had been contributing to money laundering and other criminal activities. Those with ties to the money say that they were forced to for fear for their lives of them and their families and point towards recent injuries in their families in the same time periods. Clouseau crime fighters are investigating. At Saria's: "Mistress, we have news." "I have already seen the doctored photos of Shakura. Everyone got them. Embarrassing, but without humor. And if I hear of one person commenting along the lines 'an animal lover' they _will_ regret it." "Not that. Rumours. An affair between you and another." 'So, it is finally out', she thinks. "It is by now a common rumour that you a linked romanically, uh, sexually, and professionally with Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen." At Heartbreaker's, he and his chief lieutenant are looking at some items they recently received. Photos of the Shakura in pornographic positions and with nearly unimaginable partners and devices. "Sure, those are fake. But those over there are real." Heartbreaker laughs at the crude joke. A man enters the study unsent for, sweat poring off of him. A lieutenant looks at him angrily and barks at him. "Out with it." "Well, Heartbreaker, sir, you always said the only thing worse than bad news is not hearing bad news immediatly." Heartbreaker looks up from his one particularly interesting shot. "Well?" "You're sister's been kidnapped." Heartbreaker stands. "Molly? Where the hell are her bodyguards? I'll kill them-" "Too late sir. They're all dead, too." "Then how do you know she's not dead?" "This was left at the scene." The man puts a small paper package down on the table. It's bottom is wet. Unwrapping it is slow and painful for him, fear of what's in the package, fear of Heartbreaker. Finally, the crime boss can see it. "Molly's tattoo. From her back, she's been skinned." "Death throes from _his_ organization," says a lieutenant. "They'll ask for cash, territory or safety and we'll get her back." "And then we skin them anyway. Yeah. I like that. They'll pay for touching my sister." The Gator is attacked by a group with ties to the Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremist prison gang. He escapes with two limbs shot, one bodyguard dead, and six dead attackers.
  14. Gnarlitch was the baner. The remaining wanted (in no particular order): Tai Rong Xiang aka "The Opium Lotus" - Lady Celes Crusader Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi First wolf victim: Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragon queen First villager victim: Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Second Wolf Victim: Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny First villager sucess: Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer Third Wolf Victim: Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch It is now day phase. This will last until Tuesday morning. Good hunting.
  15. place holder
  16. The wounds were too much and too deep for X. His own doctors could not work on him in time. He was taken to a nearby hospital and operated on immediatly. A floor was cleared and his people were put on duty. He remained critical throughout the night. Moving him the next day could prove disasterous, so his organization hunkered down for a while. On the morning of the third day, X, finally fully conscious, heard sounds from outside his room. Eventually the door opened and an old man in a wheelchair he didn't recognize was pushed in by an asian man. In a thick french accent accent the old man spoke. "Kato, push me towards the bed." "I'm not Kato, Inspector," said the pusher. "My name is-" "Tut. Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen? I am Instector Clouseau. You are under arrest. Your men haf been defeated by the martial arts prowess of my companions. You will now be under police custody. Come with us quietly." X looks at the strange little man, the monitors and equipment attached to his body and snorts in laughter. The pusher comes forward and pulls a set of cuffs out and attaches it to the bed and his arm. "That should be sufficient, inspector." "Yes. Quite." Armed and armored guards come in, including a police physician, and the crime fighters leave to go after their next target. Time passes.
  17. We can't talk about 'Knife Fight'.Oh. Sorry. That's 'Fight Club'.
  18. Suddenly, Vahktang shudders, holds his forehead and almost falls. "What is it," says Ayshela. "A pun. From the manor. Wyvern, I think. So bad it even affects me here."
  19. Cryptomanter was a werewolf. The remaining wanted (in no particular order): Sammy "the Gator" Bosselli - YanYanGanaffi Vinny "The X-Terminator" Nolen - Gnarlitch Saria "Black Widow" Larani - Tanuchan Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien - Merelas Tai Rong Xiang aka "The Opium Lotus" - Lady Celes Crusader Saya "Sakura" ('the Sakurazukamori') Shizuka - Elwen First wolf victim: Simona 'Da Vinci' Ciotti - dragon queen First villager victim: Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel Second Wolf Victim: Leif "The Bunny" Eirikson - LeifTheBunny First villager sucess: Mickey 'the skin' van Rensberg - cryptomancer It is now night phase. Specials, please PM me. Night phase lasts until Sunday morning. Have fun.
  20. The X notices something in Skin's mouth. He had assumed it was chaw, but it doesn't smell right. "What the hell are you eating," he asks, even more insulted that someone brings their own food to his restaurant. "My own concotion," says the skin, breaking X's hold, with sudden strength, now seemingly unaffected by the narcotic slipped to him earlier. "Combination of native African plants and local modern pharmaceuticals." At a nod three of X's men rush Skin. In a dance that couldn't possibly have been choreographed, all three men quickly lay on the floor, cluching their bellies to keep their insides out. The smell is horrific but not one person moves to leave or even move, in an attempt to make it so they aren't noticeable, aren't targets. "Nobody touches me," says Skin, straightening his clothes. "Not the cops. Not the feds. Not the internationals. Not any rivals. And especially not a lieing ass bitch like you X." "You got any more, is this," he says, indicating the bodies on the floor, "this the best you got?" "No," says X. "I'm the best I got." X takes off his jacket, Skin steps back, sucking on his 'chaw'. The Black Widow hands Heartbreaker off to her men, but his men from outside come up. A moment's tension and he is handed off to be shuttled away in a town car. The Black Widow looks at the room and the two gladiators. If she had to bet she knew who her money would be on. "Get out," she says. The frozen patrons look up. "Now." As a mob they move, given both combatants a wide berth. "Say nothing," she says to their backs. She watches as do the others on the feed. X kicks a chair at Skin who dodges under and closes the distance, shoving aside a table on his way. X backs up, throws a full water carafe and picks up a carving knife. Now they are both face to face, within hands reach. The knives flick, in, out, seeking an opening, a weakness, finding none for a few passes. A moments movement by the Black Widow earns her a thrown knife which she dodges. She decides to leave, to watch on monitors from a safer distance. Less than a minute passes. X is cut, bleeding from a dozen wounds, weakening. Skin is smiling, his face a near rictus. "King of the world," says Skin, and moves in, his knife biting deep this time. Skin backs off to watch as X bleeds. X stumbles to his knees. Then falls. Then crawls. "Yes," says Skin. "Crawl. My organization is in position. I am the boss. Crawl to me and you can live well. All of you," as he mugs for the hidden cameras. X reaches a table, tries to pull himself up, halfway suceeds, then pulls the trigger of the double barrel shotgun hidden underneath, both blasts going into Skin's body.
  21. with a tie of three to three, the deciding vote is...YanYanGanaffi. Hope he chimes in the next 45 minutes. I've sent him notes.
  22. Going towards the library: "Well, I'm just saying, has anyone actually tried the front door? Is it actually locked? Or are we just assuming? And the windows? Glass, right? Everyday, ordinary, easily smashable glass? _Baseballs_ go through those things like anything else. Has anybody tried to smash a window to get out?" "I'm just saying this isn't a movie, right? Are we really trapped by forces unknown?" He looks to from one companion to the other, each nods in turn. "OK, then." They reach the library. "Someone smart once said 'We burn the book.' Are we doing that? Is there anything I shouldn't touch/look out for." He points to one thick, bound volume, glancing at the spine. "Necro- comi- con," he slowly prounounces. "This one can get us out, right?
  23. Though he puts up a poker face, everyone can tell his knees are knocking."What _I_ say three times is true. "What you copy without attribute is plagarism." He wishes he was away, he wishes this wasn't so, he wishes this big thing with all the weapons would get out his face.
  24. Day phase ends in approximently 25 hours from this post. Noon, PST. Thank you.
  25. From before: "Hey, I already said that. See? What am I, invisible?" "Ohmigawd, I am. It's like that Holloween Buffy episode, where nobody notices what's-his-face. "Somebody See me," he yells. With no attention given, he begins to wander: Oahua. _________________________________________________________ OOC: A vote for cryptomancer Because he copied me and didn't give me credit. And cause you have to vote for someone.
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