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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vahktang

  1. Why the heck did the wolves take me? I initiated the Napheen hanging. I was doing their job for them. Pooh. Ah well.
  2. Moses waits in the darkness, wondering what the next surprise will bring. He hates surprises.
  3. Funny. We usually hang the Seer on the first round.
  4. Moses is in his dark, deep dungeon. No light illuminates the fanciful and pleasent wall paintings. Nothing shines on the many entertaining games or the scrolls with vast and secret knowledge. 'All I said was 'defend yourself'. 'I didn't mean anything to actually happen. 'I thought she would, or, - ... 'I don't know. In the dark he moves to a musical instrument, finding it surely, being very familiar with his habitation, even in the dark. He begins to play a haunting melody, something that an outsider would call imagination, or just the wind.
  5. And Thank you.Don't know what it was, but something Lady Celes wrote inspired me. Glad you liked it.
  6. OOC: I guess this is one where everyone is having so much fun that nobody votes. Well, time to become a target again and be the first to vote. __________________________________________________ Moses sits and thinks. As the forces that keep his mummifed remains moving also keep the ancient wooden chair from collapsing under his weight. "Something has changed," he speaks. "And with change comes chaos. "We were right to resist it. "With chaos about there was no telling who to suspect. ... "Even one trusted with the Pharoh's children. "One like this would be above reproach, even above a guard. "Napheen. "I bring suspicion upon you. Defend yourself." __________________________________________________ OOC: I accuse Napheen
  7. "Tomb Raiders," says Moses. "Even in our time of first life they existed, scorning the warnings and punishments. "Recently I had a dream of one, a single person, a woman, she wore shorts and a top that left her arms bare, and she carried two weapons, short metal wands that spat death at all that threatened her. Pray that is only a dream and that she is not real and robbing our tomb." "We must protect ourselves. This is not a matter just for the guards, it is a matter for us all. "The question is: how to best do so."
  8. Moses stalks the chamber, on the periphery. He never felt quite as welcomed by the others as he felt he should have. Certainly, everyone was courtly, amost friendly, but not close. It was all his time in the hinterlands and over the border, and the Two Kingdoms normal paranoia and xenophobia. Anything foreign... The Pharoh himself held him in respect and trusted his counsel on otherwordly, uh, international matters. But the last time they had talked had been...when? Ah well, nothing to be done except wait. He sits, watches, waits.
  9. I imagine this will be, as usual, the OOC thread for the current WW game. In that case: Good device. Just to make is sure, I am the ambassador _to_ the shemites of palestine and the levant.Not from there myself, but I know the language, customs, how to work with them and make them work. Had to look it up.One of the things I like about this site. "Deviating from ordinary forms or rules; irregular; anomalous; abnormal." Question: the pharoh's tomb itself will never be in any danger, right? Daaang, that's good.
  10. Didn't know there even _were_ 50 archangels.
  11. Vahktang lifts the cold wand and blows over the tip, eliciting a 'smoke' effect that looks way kewl."Yep," he drawls, "looks like we got the varmint." He looks towards the tunnel certain that it is now just a tunnel, not a long, dark, terribly scary thing. He stops and looks around. "Anybody see what happened to the amulet?"
  12. "Hit it with my hand???"Big, ugly, dangerous, possessing spirit thing you want me to hit it? "Isn't that like 'go into the light', generally bad advice if you want to stay on this side?" At Tanny's serious look, he turns back, and does what she wants. Vahktang jumps after it, his only hope for protection, or a chance to participate. "Your turn, Gnarlitch. Take it down."
  13. Yep, that was me.The ignorant guy with no magic skills or experience trying to do the best I can. Hope it doesn't kill anyone. Ah, the idea that 'if it can hit me, I can hit it'.But an experienced or powerful creature can become partially incorpereal. The parts that hit you are corporeal, the parts that you try to hit aren't.
  14. He looks back to where the camera would be and waves at it.Several people wave back, then catch themselves.
  15. "You got it big guy."Vahktang takes the amulet from underneath the vest in his suit. It is not small, much like a large cameo. He opens it up, looks at the held figure, taps in some letters on the amulet, closes it, then appoaches Gwaihir. "The Idea is that if this thing protected me from it, if I put it on a person possessed it should protect them from it. And if I worded the protection correctly, contain it in the amulet. It's very powerful." He inhales, mentally girds his loins, then steps next to the entranced figure. "Step back, I don't know exactly what will happen." In clumsy motions, Vahktang lifts the amulet, kisses it, removes it from his self, then drops it around Gwaihir's neck. He then stands back and waits.
  16. Waiting to be teleported...
  17. "Wow. He almost looks series about this."Vahktang looks at the other viewers when Gnarlitch says this on screen, sees their somber looks, their sober faces. "No, this is all part of the joke, right? "Good special effects, fabulous acting ability?" Vahktang looks at the faces and sees that life and death are really appearing on the screen. "Shit. Someone get me over there." "What can you do? You have no powers," says one. "Help. Pray. "No, wait. More than that. "I have a plan."
  18. Vahktang sits down in the overstuffed chair and watches the TV, his drink not a drop spilled, his other hand occupied with a plate of munchies. He'd heard of a 1000 inch TV, but, only in a song. He watched the happenings in the haunted house. But was prevented from cheering or influencing things. "Dang. Here I am a politician with no influence. Just like-" "Shhhh," one of the other watchers said.
  19. I leave for the weekend and now I'm dead. Well, one more wolf and seer is still alive. Hope there is, still. Good hunting. More later, Vahktang
  20. Vahktang gets a feeling. A familiar feeling. He remembers everything he recently ingested. He looks around at the assorted, then outside the room. "Umh, 'scuse me." And begins to exit the room. "Where ya going," someone calls. "Use the euphemism," he calls, then heads upstairs. __________________________________________________ OOC: C'mon. haunted house, let's explore. And how are the wolves supposed to get us if we stay bunched together? I read that in one of the threads. The Mod (or someone) wants us to separate.
  21. "Are you making fun of me, blue guy? "Was that a 'sardonic' look? "I'm going back to library to find a dictionary." _______________________________________ OOC: A vote for Finnius. 'Cause he looked at me funny.
  22. I do have one name.Moses. Bubba Ho Tep was a joke. It's (all together now) From A Movie. I am an advisor. I had a special in with foreigners.
  23. I got lynched first round so many times I brought up the 'You'll be sorry' gambit. (Since banned here in themightypen.) Got bit by that one more than once.
  24. "They _always_ run in threes."Bad things run in threes. "Celebrity's die in threes. "Nostradamus had three anti christs. "There are three people here who, who, uh, help me out here."
  25. Vahktang thinks over recent events. Ghosts. Vampires. Evil books. And so on. "All I wanted to do was go to a party. A costume party on Holloween. I like costumes. Holloween is fun that way. "And I end up here. "Well, 'an adventure is an unpleasent experience six months ago.' "So I guess this is an adventure. "And in an adventure you have to have some bad guys. "Cryptomancer, that's a bad guy name. "What do you have to say for yourself?" ___________________________________ OOC: A vote for Cryptomancer. 'Cause he has a bad guy name.
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