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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vahktang

  1. With 13 possible votes, 7 people have not voted, the tally stands: Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov 2 votes Eyremon as Ed Smith 1 vote Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, 1 vote Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans 1 vote Death will occur tomorrow at this time. The most votes will 'win'. I'm lovin' the role playing. Keep it up. Hope you're having fun, too. More later, Vahktang
  2. Oops, forgot the scorecard again. The players are: Katzaniel as Kerri, the dumb blond Tanuchan as Terri, Kerri's sister, also dumb, also blond Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans, average teenage high school popular kid. Terri's boyfriend, formerly Kerri's boyfriend. Or something like that. Nave as Timmy, Kerri's & Terri's 6 year old brother Elwen as Aidan Laran the teen angst punk Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer Dean the Adequete as Dirk Danger World weary traveler and all around go-getter. MeThinksUFoolish as Greggor Kinjiru, an astromoner with the big telescope Jameez as Jamia, schoolmate to Kerri, Terri, and Zachary Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist. Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star! The dead are: Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist and baner. Gnarlitch as Albert E. Milhouse, teenage science nerd, dead hero, first wolf victim. And we're going to do a 'day' and 'night' phase from now on, each will last several hours game time. It is now after breakfast, before 9:30 am. First we'll have a 'lynching', then lunch.Does that work for everyone? More later, Vahktang
  3. An apology form me is posted over to the Werewolf Q & A. Now back to the game: A dreary, rainy morning comes and people gather in the mess hall. It is announced that the rain is still burning, but less so. "Going to be bad for the plants life," says Jamia. "And animals," says Aiden. "Where's Albert," says Kerri. A quick look around shows that Albert isn't in the kitchen, mess area, or in the barracks. Dirk glares at the intercom, and Ed goes over to it. "Albert E. Milhouse, report," comes over the loudspeakers. After a moment, a reply: "I'm in equipment room 4 a. Come on over." Everyone finishes off a bite or two, sips some coffee and quickly gather at the room, finding a mess of equipment in the large hall, including half dozen modified radiation suits. Everybody looks around amazed. Timmy crawls under a tarp covering a work bench, giggling. "Two minutes," he says. "You've been up all night," says Heinrich. Yes," says Albert. "After Greta left I searched her room. I found her notebooks prominantly displayed, waiting to be found. They are in german, but I studied german and they're very plain and reasonably simple. She left the notes on making her gear that she used to escape. I've been working on making more, like this." "One minute, forty seconds," says Timmy. "Should we go? Shouldn't we wait for rescue," says Zach. "Rescue may not be coming," Tom. "At least not soon." "What if this rain is world wide," says Greg. "One minute, thirty seconds," says Timmy. Heinrich glares at the twins, and Terri goes over to where Timmy is hiding and lifts the tarp. "Timmy dear, adults are talking," says Terri. "I know," says Timmy. "I'm just watching this funny clock that counts backwards." A feared look is shared around the room. "Get away from there," says Dirk. Timmy is snatched up and Dirk, Tom, Greg and Albert pull the tarp off the work bench reavealing an assortment of wires, tubes and large bottles. "Timer," says Albert. "Detonator," says Greg. "Chemicals for explosives," says Tom "A bomb. It will probably take out the whole room," says Dirk. "How much time left," says Jamia, gathered at the door with the others. "Just over a minute," says Albert. "Clear the room. Now," says Dirk. Everybody begins to exit the room. "We'll close the secure doors. That will keep the explosion contained. ," says Heinrich, moving out of the room and studying a control panel. "Someone has tampered with this." Ed looks it over. "Leads are cut. We'll have to close it manually," says Ed. Tom quickly opens a small port, closes a switch and the doors close, slowly, ponderously coming to rest with a loud clang. A quick nose count leaves one missing. "Albert. Where's Albert," says Kerri, nearly in panic. Dirk goes to the intercom panel and opens a line. "Son, son. Come out of there. There's still time." "No there isn't," says Ed. "Those doors will only open manually. It'll take over a minute to get him out." "I can defuse this," says Albert. "It's simple electronics. Follow the leads. I'm not losing all this work I've done. I'm not losing our chance to get out of here." "Albert," says Kerri. "Son, Greta left it there to kill us," says Dirk. "That's nonesense," says Albet. "If Greta wanted to kill us she'd have done it much more effieciently then this found object, clap trap, jurry rigged bomb. She wouldn't have left this here. Someone else left this. And Kerri? I-" There's a muffled boom from the other side of the door, and silence from the intercom. ... The wolves have taken their first victim. It's day phase. Who set the bomb? Accuse away. 'Lynching' by Tuesday morning, or when a clear majority is shown, which ever comes first. More later, Vahktang
  4. The players are: Katzaniel as Kerri, the dumb blond Tanuchan as Terri, Kerri's sister, also dumb, also blond Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans, average teenage high school popular kid. Terri's boyfriend, formerly Kerri's boyfriend. Or something like that. Nave as Timmy, Kerri's & Terri's 6 year old brother Elwen as Aidan Laran the teen angst punk Gnarlitch as Albert E. Milhouse, teenage science nerd. Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer Dean the Adequete as Dirk Danger World weary traveler and all around go-getter. MeThinksUFoolish as Greggor Kinjiru, an astromoner with the big telescope Jameez as Jamia, schoolmate to Kerri, Terri, and Zachary Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist. Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star! The dead are: Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist and baner. More later, Vahktang
  5. Thanks for all the good wishes for yesterday. It went OK, not great. Back to the game. And by a slim majority it's: The assembled are in the chow hall. "Then it's agreed. It's against Greta," Zach. "I don't agree," says Aidan. "But you agreed to go with the major vote," Jamia. "Yeah, yeah," says Aiden. "Now what," says Morris. "Capture and contain," says Heinrick. "Uh, don't you mind find first," says Terri. The assembled look around and sees that the only one missing is Greta. "That proves she's guilty," says Tom. "That proves she doesn't want to be captured and contained," says Dirk. "She has to be somewher in the complex," says Heinrich. "We'll split into groups to cover more territory." "What about the secure areas," says Ed. "Yes, that's right. The teams will consist of: "Dirk, Morris, Greggor. "Tom Aiden, Jamia "Myself (Heinrich), Terri, Zack, Timmy "Ed, Kerry, Albert "Use the intercom system to report back." (OOC: you may insert where you look, what you find and how you interact, if you wish) A thorough search reveals no sign of Greta, but Dirk, Morris and Greggor ends up in the broken control room and Greggor takes the opportunity to look outside with the telescopic periscopes. "I see a figure moving," says Greg "In this rain," says Morris. "Is it still burning. "I'll test it," says Dirk, putting his hand in the light downfall, then snatching it away, then walking over to a fountain. "Yes, it burns, but not as much." He gets on the intercom and calls everyone to the conrol room area. "Let me adjust things, here," says Greg at the sensor. "Yes, it seems to be someone in a bulky, ill fitting radiation suit on some sort of tiny tracter pulling a sled. They're about two miles away and moving at a walk." "Ah, there's a radio. Maybe we can contact them. Ed, Tom, Kerri and Albert go down the hall to the communications room and fiddles around until he gets a voice, as each of the others remaining in the room take turns to look at the figure. After several moments, Ed gets on the intercom. "Only line of sight, still. No outside contact yet, but I got Greta and she is the figure on the tractor. "Go ahead Greta." "Greeting fellows. You see before you my attempt at escape and getting help. I put on my own radiation suit, the smallest, and Big Tom Bodeen's, the largest. With some insultating material between, the rain is not affecting me. I turned one of the donkey tractors we use to move the heaviest equipement into a half track, then loaded up oxygen, fuel and water on it." "You did all that in a night," says Albert. "I did all that in an hour. You see, I was probably the only one with the practical and theoritical knowledge to save us all from the threat before us. But enough of you turned against me to make me flee." A guilty look is shared by those in each room. "But I am much more altruistic than you. I am seeking help, and will send it back when I find it. I am abandoning the radio because of weight considerations. This is my last transmission. Farewell. OOC: You have voted the Baner off. Wolves, Seer, please PM me your votes. I will submit the next chapter when I get the votes in, or sunday evening, whatever comes first. Everybody, talk amoungst yourselves. No voting though, please. This is the 'night' phase and will end after lunch local time. The time is now 10 am. Hope you're enjoying it. More later, Vahktang
  6. Still no clear 'winner'. Two people haven't voted yet. And real life intrudes. Job interview. Wish me luck. Deadline extended until tomorrow at this time. _Then_ majority wins, I promise. Sorry for the delay. More later, Vahktang Oh, and you people are doing a wonderful job. I'm really enjoying it. Hope you are, too.
  7. Understood Katzaniel. More later, Vahktang
  8. Well, here it is 7 pm and the tally stands at: With 14 possible votes, 3 people still haven't voted, the tally so far: Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist 5 votes Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star! 3 votes Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard 1 vote Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist. 1 vote Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer 1 vote No clear, ah, winner. I PM'd the non voters to remind them. Voting stays open another 15 hours, until 10 am, PST, tomorrow. If nothing by then, I'll have to go with who has the most votes. More later, Vahktang
  9. If so, he'll have to do an OOC at the end like everyone else to get their vote officially counted.Speaking of which, no clear majority at this time. Polls close unofficially at 7 pm, uh, 3 3/4 hours from now. More later, Vahktang
  10. With 14 possible votes, 5 people still haven't voted, the tally so far: Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist 4 votes Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star! 2 votes Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard 1 vote Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist. 1 vote Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer 1 vote So it's up in the air. We need a clear majority to hang someone. Voting should end today at 5 pm. Talk amoungst yourselves. More later, Vahktang
  11. LOL.And: LOL Good job people. I read the post through and liked it so much I forgot to note a tally. We still have a day more of voting. Keep up the good work and maybe explore the complex: Hydroponics, theatre, communications, labs, assembly and manufacture area, living quarters, generator, etc. More later, Vahktang
  12. Yes.Sorry I wasn't clear. More later, Vahktang
  13. The night passes quickly and uncomfortably, everyone getting up sometime in the night to take yet another shower, check with the communications room, check on each other, etc. Finally, the order comes down to stay in the barracks and the chow hall, no unauthorized personnel in any other areas. Morning comes and everyone is up early, making what breakfast they may, the coffee being hot and tolerable. Conversations start towards news and people begin to wonder what is happening. Finally, Heinrich goes over to the wall intercom, curses under his breath that the manual for this was so overywhelming, and punches buttons until he hears a voice over the hall loudspeaker. "Hello," says the outside voice. "Hey, he must have gotten an outside line," says Albert. Everybody crowds around. "Yes, hello, this is Heinrich, security officer officer of Project Q. Who is this?" The radio crackles and then steadies. "This is corporeal Kowalski. We're wondering when our relief is coming by. We've been here all night." "You're at the ship site." "Affirmative." "Uh, I don't know about that, I'll have to talk to the Captain. I'll find him immediatly." "Thanks, Heinrick. Oh, and ask what we should do with the bodies." A silence fill the room. Heinrich frantically begins to punch buttons in an attempt to get the voice off of the speaker. "Only two, and they are civilians, not military, you can tell, but they're so badly damaged you can't tell sex, age, gender, heck, one of them could be that kid that went along." "Shut up," says Heinrich, futilely presses buttons. "Albert here thinks it's shapeshifting aliens stealing the bodies, but he's seen too many bad movies." Finally, Tom Dashing steps up and presses a sequence on the panel. "Thank you, Corporeal. We'll be in touch. Project HQ out." A check of the complex shows that it is uninhabited except for the 14 from the mess hall, but there are signs of violence throughout. This is day phase. Please do an OOC at the end of your post for your vote. More later, Vahktang
  14. The assembled gather at the crater site, the army in one group, the others in another. Everyone can see that this was more a crash site than a crater, there being skid marks and a craft! It is silvery metal, nearly 100' long, laying at rest at the bottom of a deep arroyo. A moments observation and the army springs into action. "Get me Project HQ," says Captain Johnson. "Sorry sir, some kind of interference," says the radioman "Probably ionization of the local atmosphere due to the bomb," whisper Jamia. "Does look like rain," says Kerri. "Meteorlogically speaking, this area is not supposed to have rain for the rest of the year. One of the reasons I came out here," says Greggor. "Volcanoes erupting debris into the upper atmosphere can often lead to rain," says Jamia, and, to prove her point, a sudden flash of lightning in the air and a distant rumble of thunder. "A runner, then," says Captain Johnson. "You, private, take your motorcycle and report what we've found." "A flying saucer," says Albert, wonderingly, for a moment almost silent. "Harumph," continues the captian. "A crashed aircraft of unknown origin." The military types move away as the private takes down the report. Albert thinks he overhears the phrase 'section 13' while he stares in disbelief at the craft in below him. The flash and thunder occurs again, as the cyclist roars off. "It's closer," says Terri, pulling her sweater a little closer and peering worriedly at the sky, black and roiling. "We have to get down there," says Albert. "We have to pull it up," says Ed. "What if there's someone injured down there," says Albert. "What if it's about to blow up," says ed. A sudden stong gust of dry wind blows through chilling everyone, and there is crackle of energy and the smell of ozone in the air. "Look, a horny toad," says Timmy, and the six year old goes down a path that a squirrel would hesitate over. "Timmy," say the twins, in unison, and rush to grab him, but Zachary catches them both up before they get over the edge. "No, it's too steep, I'll get him." And he begins to search for a way a sane person can get to the bottom of the canyon. "Yes," says the Captain," we should go down there. Men, find a path." A few moments of searching reveals an animal trail that the army men blaze and help the others down. The twins switch off calling for Timmy and alternatingly threaten and promise rewards to get him back. At the bottom, the kids spread out and search, as the military and scientists examine the craft. The calling finally getting an answer from beyond a large, tall briar patch. "Just a minute. I'm doing something important. Sheesh, girls." Another flash and rumble and Jamia counts and announces: "It's getting closer. It's getting closer, fast. "Captain," says Morris Pavlov, "I'm used to desert areas. We should get out of here. Now. This could turn out to be a gully washer." "Mr. Pavlov, topographical maps say there is a natural dam 30' high a quarter mile up stream. We should have no problems." Albert is the first to touch the craft. "Get away from there kid," says Dirk. "You don't know where it's been." Morris Pavlov raises his voice and projects like only a trained actor can. "People, I think we should go back to the vehicles. Sudden storms in the desert can be quite dangerous." "Gotcha," says Aiden, "as he picks up Timmy." "Let me go, let me go," cries Timmy. "Kerri, Terri, make him stop." The twins, and Zach quickly join them. "Young man," says Terri, "you are so in for it." Timmy ceases to struggle, pouts his lips and gives his patentened puppy dog eyes. "I'm thorry," he lisps, the only time he ever does. As an almost pavlovian response, the twins loses a large amount of their anger. "Well..." And then there is a blinding flash and a deafening roar, as if a cannon had been shot directly over their heads. Everyone ducks and Timmy manages to squirm away. Then the rain starts, a drenching sheet, warm as it soaks clothing, visibility dropping to the end of your arms. And then it begins to burn! The pain, while not intense, is surprising, and everyone starts a mad scramble for the vehicles, slipping and sliding in the now slick mud. The Captian attempts to maintain some order in the retreat, his soldiers stoically helping the civilians up the cliffside and over to the cars, suffering without comment. Getting everyone back to the vehicles in the dark and burning rain takes several moments, but a nose count after some confusion showed that everyone was there. "Kerri, Terri, it burns," says Timmy. His eyes are red rimmed and blodshot and he squints, as do they all. "I know, baby," says Terri. "Here," says Albert handing them his canteen. "Wash his eyes, then his mouth, then do the same for you. Don't swallow anything." This advice gets passed amoung the group and this quick first aid stops the majority of the discomfort. A unit of men are ordered to stay behind and secure the site as the rest of the party returns to the base. The trip back to the base is arduous and frightening, the trucks sliding in the mud, the visibility near zero, several stops are made as vehicles lose their way and must be brought back to the column. By the time they get back to the complex night has fallen, and the vehicles are ridding their rims, the rain having eaten up the rubber of the tires. A quick run and everyone is under shelter, to find the complex deserted. A lone officer reports to the captain. "Orders from the pentagon were to bug out, sir. All the personel and vehicles have left. I remained to report. A scientist, Tom Dashing, also stayed to monitor the equipment. He doesn't want to leave." "Good job soldier. Tell Mr. Dashing that we'll be leaving immediatly." "No can do, Captain," says Ed "The rain has damaged our vehicles too much. No way they can cross the desert." "Harumph," says the Captain. "Then we'll just hunker down here. The radio interference will eventually go down and we'll be able to get a message out. Everybody go to the barracks and clean up, and get some rest. The chow hall will be open as soon as possible. I'll be in my office." The wolves are amoung you now. NPC death coming soon. PM's have been sent out. More later, Vahktang
  15. A last minute entry caused some rewriting. Game starts officially after this post. With this number, we start with an NPC death. Our cast: Katzaniel as Kerri, the dumb blond Tanuchan as Terri, Kerri's sister, also dumb, also blond Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans, average teenage high school popular kid. Nave as Timmy, Kerri's & Terri's 6 year old brother Elwen as Aidan Laran the teen angst punk Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist Gnarlitch as Albert E. Milhouse, teenage science nerd. Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer Dean the Adequete as Dirk Danger World weary traveler and all around go-getter. MeThinksUFoolish as Greggor Kinjiru, an astromoner with the big telescope that Jameez as Jamia, the cute, smart brunette. Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist. Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star!
  16. While Ed runs the damage control team, the figures come back. "This is impossible," says Greta. "The instruments say that the explosion was greater by three." "Three times as powerful," says Heinrich. "Three decimal places," says Ed. "What's that mean," says Timmy. One thousand times more powerful than expected," says Albert. A silence fills the room. "And I have something else," says Gregor. They all look at the astronomer. "A few minutes after the explosion, this camera pointed at the sky shows a bolide, that landed nearby." "What's that," says Timmy. "Meteor," says Jamia. "Falling star." "Oh," says Timmy. "An explosion, an earthquake _and_ a meteor," asks Heinrich. "I think they're all related," says Gregor. "I think the explosion launched a rock into low earth orbit." "The first man propelled object in space," says Greta. "We got to go see it," says Albert. The others chime in, and over Heinrich's objections, and the project director's permission, the group and a number of soldiers go to the nearby fall site to look it over. More later, Vahktang
  17. Then Flash!!! As the bomb explodes. Everyone had been warned of what was to occur, flash, sound, rush of debris, then fireball, but what happens next was not on the list. Earthquake! The ground rumbles for some time, a few people fall, the thick quartz window of the control room shatters showering some with glass bits. Then the sound, echoing off the chamber, deafening everyone, the wind blowing dust and dirt into the chamber, it's quickly abandoned as everyone regroups into the corridor. "What was that," asks Zachary "Earthquake. 6.0 I think," Albert, resetting his glasses. "Bad luck to have it happen during a bomb test," said Terri "Are you kidding. This site is one of the most seismically stable in the country. No earthquakes here," says Ed. "Then the Q-bomb," wonders Greta. "None of our calculations indicated..." "It has to be," says Jamia. "No other explanation." "But the listed yield was no where near enough..." says Heinrich. "Checking the instruments," says a technician. More later, Vahktang
  18. The assembled gather in the control room, the forward concrete bunker of the complex. The tour was impressive, the complex being 9/10 underground, with it's own well and generator, living quarters for scientists and soldiers, assembly areas, infirmery even a computer! The control room is crowded, smoked glass telescopic periscopes pointing towards the bomb site, instruments for measurements about, each attended by a technician or scientist, a flurry of activity that calms down into intense anticipation when the countdown is started. A stentorian voice intones the count down:
  19. Yes, welcome Jamia, schoolmate to Kerri, Terri, and Zachary. Good job, people. More later, Vahktang
  20. In just 12 hours the bomb goes off. A new experimental atomic bomb, code named, the Q-bomb, will have a testing at a secret location in the american desert. Members of the press will be there to document it. The characters are making a trip to observe it, as this is an important historical occasion. Everybody has a connection to the project. The players are: Katzaniel as Kerri, the dumb blond Tanuchan as Terri, Kerri's sister, also dumb, also blond Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans, average teenage high school popular kid. Terri's boyfriend, formerly Kerri's boyfriend. Or something like that. Nave as Timmy, Kerri's & Terri's 6 year old brother Elwen as Aidan Laran the teen angst punk Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist Gnarlitch as Albert E. Milhouse, teenage science nerd. Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer Dean the Adequete as Dirk Danger World weary traveler and all around go-getter. MeThinksUFoolish as Greggor Kinjiru, an astromoner with the big telescope Jameez as Jamia, schoolmate to Kerri, Terri, and Zachary Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist. Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star! Games not sealed yet if anyone else wants to play. Please note any discrepancies. Please, notice the following: Bomb goes off tomorrow, first murder soon after, then 48 hours between days. No role PM's have been sent out yet, that comes later. Interact as your characters. Have fun on the road and at the large, extensive complex. *Please no PM's that can affect voting. Character stuff is encouraged though. *After you're dead, no PM or board messages that can affect voting. And, stealing notes from the last game: *Baner can bane themselves. *Wolves PM to choose targets and that's it, please. *Ties and lack of necessary votes/PMs may be handled by the mod (me ) rolling dice. * OOC thread: I'll be using Dean's "Werewolf Q+A" thread for OOC questions/discussions. Feel free to post there but remember that wolves are on the prowl... * If you cannot post for any period of time, you can PM or e-mail me your vote/instructions and I'll post it when appropriate. If something happens and you have to bow out early from the game, please PM me and I'll see to it. More later, Vahktang
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