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Everything posted by Vahktang
How about this space being the OOC area? So the thread can remain IC? Check it like you do the high school thread. More later, Vahktang
Mathew John walked through the hallways discussing the recent events, current homework and other trivia with his friends. Some 'urban types' called them a posse, or the Christian Crew. But he knew better. They were no gang. Far from it. They just supported one another, helped each with homework, socialized together, did activist stuff that happened to look good on college applications, that sort of thing. And one other. From incidents during the first few weeks of freshmen year, they would defend each other. They let it be known that while they were generally 'turn the other cheek' they could specifically be 'Vengence shall be mine, Sayth the Lord, and I am his instrument'. He nodded at Meat and his cronies and counted numbers. He saw Meat did the same. Then he looked at the others in the hallway. Last week, one of his crowd called them sheep, but did not mean it in the normal nice way. And though Mathew wanted it differently, they did not defend (or avenge) anyone who was not part of this group. And he had tried to convince them otherwise. But, where was it said 'if I gave orders that no one obeyed, I would no longer be chief'? The group separated just before the tardy bell and made best speed to their classes. They would meet up after class and escort one another to class. No wonder test scores were so abysmal at this school, all the stategy required to get to class unbothered and unharmed. He got to class and surveyed the room. The blind girl was there. He would talk to her again soon, offer her some fellowship. Maybe she would take to it this time. The other cheerleaders were working on Tiffiny. They already had a good number. Ah, the teacher arrived, and 10 seconds to the class bell. Time to begin. More later, Vahktang
So, what's the musical this year? Godspell or Grease? As if there's another one that high schools do. Although, I saw 'little shop of horrors' at the local this year. And, calling all christians. Any players show up for the daily impomptu prayer meeting every lunch? It can't be scheduled, it has to be spontaneous, because scheduled prayer is against the rules, but spontaneous is free speech. Wow, guess I'm an activist christian guy now. We need to form up our cliques. Also, I need a buddy of a gay to RP a scenario involving that buddy and a buddy of Mathew John. PM me so we can set it up. More later, Vahktang
More the latter, really.Agreeing with another is a good wolf trick. But staying under the radar is the best. For example, this game just ended. Never suspected the two of them. And, if you go, 'who don't I suspect? They must be the wolves' then they are not the wolves because you suspect them of being the wolves. Clear as mud? More later, Vahktang
'cause Merelas and I were pulling in all the attention?Nah. I would have suspected Blondie and Rosalie first. Better luck next time. More later, Vahktang
Yeah, but do you like her, or do you like her like her? Boy, High School is fun. (Mumble, mumble years afterwards) I imagine it takes a different level of bully to beat up on a blind person. So, can we call you Fes? More later, Vahktang
And I didn't.Good game. When I heard it was Blackie & Amanda I figured you were having an affair. One post before it was revealed, lot of good that does me. I did say: Were you laughing?Did Merelas and I make your job that much easier? BTW, if this was an actual story, wouldn't it have been easier to have goaded Nat into throwing down with Ben, Ben killing him leaving you two available, or Nat killing Ben and being taken off to jail (or hung for murder, etc)? Maybe if you write this up you can include those thoughts. In any case: Good games, wolves. Had no idea. Shows you people to not follow me, doesn't it? And, Merelas, you played well, let me reassure you. More later, Vahktang
I'm in.And I don't have any cards to play this game. I have no problems with you being the creepy kid who likes explosives. Oh, and just be aware that the foreigners, creepy types, etc are many times the first to be lynched. With that in mind: I'm the christian kid. My name is Mathew John, but my christian friends call me Peter because I am a rock unto them. I have two younger brothers, Mark and Luke, and a sister in elementary named Ruth. No, I will not proselytize during the game, nor say anything controversial, augementative, etc, nor be drawn into heated arguements. The vice principal has her eye on me and one more time and I'm suspended. My car does have a 'WWJD' bumper sticker. I run the informal prayer meetings on the senior lawn during every lunch, and I encourage 'hate the sin, not the sinner'. I also encourage my friends to not beat up the geeks, stoners, etc. I'm not part of that. My sexuality and gender preference is my own business, thank you, as it should be yours. Will anybody have a problem with 'the christian kid' participating? (and, are you saved? More later, Vahktang
My, did I.And I was finally reminded of it (on _another_ thread) and brought the OOC over here. No, never, no hard feelings.It's just a game. Character bashing, in character, is OK. Outrageous behavior, to some degree, is OK. When in doubt, PM, to double check. Thank you, I appreciate that.And the rest of your post I heartily endorse too. Clarification: I also believe and greatly encourage any role playing PMing.And I think strategy, alliances through PMing is cheating. But the final say of what is and what isn't is up to the Mod and I always play that way. Good discussion. More later, Vahktang
Gnarlitch that was Great! I was hoping to go down in a hail of gunfire, but I didn't want to say anything. Your inclusion of our RP was excellent. Good job. My only regret was that I got Jameez/Trudy killed. (Probably not, but that's how Ben'll will figure it.) I died a happy man. One of my best. Hope everybody else had fun, too. And we got an immediate scorecard. Good luck with the rest of the game. Remember, get this one right or those lying, thieving, murderin', dry gulcher (dry gulcher?) wolves win. More later, Vahkang
Ben feels like cursing again, specifically about his sore feet. All these weeks on the trail, on top of the hardships, the senseless murders. He looks around and sees Eric driving the wagon, Adam keeping an eye on Joe, walking behind him. They were all on their second pairs of shoes. Would have to find a cobbler before Oregon in case these broke, too. He thinks back to Trial of the Century in the town next to his when he was growing up. A family, axe murdered, the only suspect the only survivor, the second girl. Just like Rosalie. It was blamed first by indians, but there hadn't been any indians in the area, blood thirsty or otherwise for more than a generation. Her lawyer had talked about second child something or other. How the fact they didn't get the attention the eldest or youngest did made them 'more violent' or somesuch nonsense. He didn't see it, but he did pay special attention to all his boys, each respectively. Hard as that was, what with chores and everything else, he prayed to God every night that it was enough. OOC: an accusation for: Elwen~~Rosalie Tanisson~~. And I hope that I don't get hung because then: :) More later, Vahktang
But the reality is that we are playing a game. In the regular game we can see the body language of the people talking, their tone, etc. Sure this would be tainted by alcohol, lateness of the hour, how we feel towards them, but this all info we don't get on these boards. So, what to do about that, the fact that the information conveyed is very limited? Nothing? Smilies? (I hope not. I'm lousy at those things) Another reality is that real life intrudes. How many times have we all seen someone not post for a while and vote them out? A bunch. Then they usually come back with: computer down, some illness, etc, a very reasonable real life excuse. But the game says play on. There are also conventions to certain games. In D & D type games, the new PC shows up and the established party pretty quickly accepts the character, although in most situations, if they were really playing their characters they wouldn't. But they are playing a game. And so are we. But also remember rule 0: The most important rule of any game is to have fun. If my doing this is disruptive and you're aren't having fun because I am doing this, then you have to let me know. I want everybody to have fun. I don't want people to be offended or not have fun. I'm having fun, but I will continue to have fun if I can't play that card (no biggie). How do you get a poll around here? I'll post one. More later, Vahktang
Way too much OOC over here. This is supposed to be the IC thread. Going over to werewolf Q & A. Please join me there. Sorry for the interruption. Apologies to all. More later, Vahktang
OOC: I think while the big dogs have been fighting, the wolves have been laughing. Few posts aren't usually the wolves. Lots of posts aren't usually the wolves. Quiet ones, under the radar, are usually the wolves. Like Elwen. In these RP werewolf games we have a plus and a minus, just that, role playing. When we have a close friend/family member it's real hard to vote against them. Especially if we RP with them a lot. We did a Sunnydale game over to Kenzerco where I played Evil Willow and did some RP stuff with Willow (played by Jameez). And she was the wolf. I never would have voted for her and got killed for it. To that end: I accuse Elwen~~Rosalie Tanisson~~ And if I was doing: 'You accused me so I'm going to accuse you I would be accusing Merelas' He has convinced me he is not the wolf in this game. Or he is of the level of Gnarlitch, Jameez, et al amoung the giants of the game. I've already played my Metagame 'I'm not the werewolf' card. If you choose to ignore it this time, please remember for next time. Remember, we need a wolf this vote or the next or we lose. IC stuff later in the day. More later, Vahktang
OOC stuff: Yes, it can.One of the points of the dead is that they can't talk, can't influence a vote. It's up to the players to figure things out. From the original rules of the game: And an example from the same site: Sorry, but I am a big stickler for the rules.Since we are on the boards and it may be a week (or more) after a death before a game ends, we've been allowing the dead to lurk, do Role Playing, etc, which is fine. I agree with Gnarlitch, and everybody else.You're doing fine. If you're having fun at the game, you're doing it right. With some suggestions from the mods and few old hands. And I am saying this as: * the one the dead guy's observation helps * the one the new guy is attacking So I think my opinions are slightly weighted. Now, a personal note: How am I doing? New to this board, am I posting too agressively? Playing too in-character to the detriment of the on-line community? If I am a problem I want to know. I'm having fun here and don't want to spoil a party. There was a troll over to Kenzerco, a ninja nut, annoying as hell, that I (and a bunch of others) wanted banned. I don't want to that guy. Should I pull it back a notch? Half a notch? Your comments are welcome. If you don't want to post them public, PM me. PM are confidential and will remain so. Thanks. And dang, this is a fun game. More later, Vahktang
"They'll know that you're a tenderfoot."You don't know what life is like out here. "But that's not a reason to kill a man. "If he stays a tenderfoot, he'll get around to making his own death. As if death needs help out here." Later: Jebidiah Morgan comes up to Ben Cartwight, very cross. "A word with you Mr. Cartwright." Abraham looks up from one of his unending chores and sees the serious face of the train leader. "Yes, Mr. Morgan, over here please." The two go away from the train, away from sight of everyone. Ben notices that Morgan does have a shooting iron on his hip. "I'll come straight out, Cartwright. Did you threaten Mr. Bluett? Because I will not have that on my train." "And I wouldn't blame you a bit, but, no, I did not threaten him, Mr. Morgan. My hand was nowhere near my gun at any time. But I did give him a strong warning. Didn't take though, I don't see a gun on his hip yet. Brave, yes. Foolish, certainly. But he does love his family." "I've a mind to throw you both out, you and Bluett, Mr. Cartwright, for being disruptive." "Well, Mr. Morgan, that's your right, of course. And me and my boys would probably turn out OK. But you'd be sentencing those folks to a terrible fate. They are resourceful, and smart, but I don't think they have the gumption to make it in the west. What, one in three return to the east? I may be surprised, though." OOC: Now, are we having so much fun with the Cartwrights vs the Bluetts that we're missing someone? Blondie, for example, flying under the radar? More later, Vahktang
Umh, scorecard, please. OOC: You're doing fine, Merelas. And 'he voted for me so I'm voting for him' is a nearly valid excuse in this game, almost as common as 'he voted first, so he must be the wolf' excuse. (Glad I'm not doing my first choice character: Marion Wayne. He would have punched out Nathaniel.) We need to get a wolf this time or next time or they win. IC: Abraham looks stunned at Nathanial. "Well, Nathaniel, very stand up of you to say that. But out here when you say a thing like that to a man it's a good idea to have a gun on your hip. Like mine," he says, showing off his colt revolver in it's holster. "That way, if you are talking to a guilty man and they decide to shoot you, you can pull your own gun and shoot back." Nathaniel looks shaken, then back at the other wagon and witnesses, all too far away to help. "Same with an innocent man with a hair trigger that doesn't take well to a false accusation," Ben says, slightly harshly. Nathaniel barely keeps from paling, but stands his ground. Ben smiles. "Fortunately, I'm neither. Now, just go back to your encampment, keep you accusations to yourself, don't try these spurious arguements out on anyone else, or: You'll be Sorry." Because you'll be accusing a man innocent of these crimes." OOC: I'll vote tomorrow. More later, Vahktang
That people react to OOC statements IC?Yeah, that's strange. From your character description on page one, adapted from the sign up description: From my owns posts: And Now, where exactly did I say you were rude or unfriendly? I did say you weren't the friendly sort, but that is different from unfriendly. And it is because of your description. And you're (I'm) coming around. See post above. Good playing with you. And if you're the wolf, you're doing a damn fine job. More later, Vahktang
Abraham looked around the area to make certain that there was no children or womenfolk around and gave in to the luxery of cursing. Long and hard, with the experience of a sailor that he was at one time. He stopped well before anyone else came withing earshot with a certain amount of relief. A broken axle. A wheel he had a spare for, as he had already gone through one spare. Even two he had the spare and had already mended the broken wheel just in case. It would have lasted until the next town. But a broken axle could strand him here. Not to do anything now but try his best to repair it. And other things. "Adam?" "Yes, pa?" "Take that rawhide sheet we have, the largest pot and start to soak it." "Right away, pa." "Eric?" "Yes, pa?" "You and Joe go find a log, longer than me, strong without many branches. When you find it, come back here." "OK, pa. Come on, you little." "I'm not little," protests Joe. 'Now to try and mend some fences, too,' Abraham thought. He walks over to the German's encampment, taking off his hat and holding in both hands in front of him. "Mr. Gunther." "Just Gunther, Cartwright." "Gunther, then. And you may call me Ben, if you a mind to." "All right then, Ben. What is it that you want," Gunther says, noting the gesture of 'hat in hands.' "My axle is broken. I have a mind to mend it so that I can reach Cheyenne and buy a new one. I need help." "What is the plan," Gunther says warily. "Lever up the wagon, place stones under it to keep it in place, and tilt it. Set the axle, place wet rawhide on the break. Let it dry in the sun, and it should keep until we hit Cheyenne." "That will put you all alone a day or more behind the train. We may even have to leave before you can reach town." "Best I can do." "I may be able to do better." "Then I'd be obliged to you." "We will need at least one more to lever your wagon." "I was going to ask Mr. Bluett after I left here. Maybe a few other men." "Goot, goot. I will meet you at your wagon with my tools in a quarter hour." "Thank you, Gunther." After the job is done and the Cartwright wagon is ready to leave in the morning, Gunther is walking back to his encampment with Nathaniel, who is helping to carry all the tools. "It occurs to me," says Nathaniel, "that his patch would have worked." "Yah," says Gunther "And if he had emptied his wagon, first, he and his boys would have been able to do the job. It just would have taken longer." "Yah," Gunther said, arriving at his encampment. "Then his asking for help...," said Nathaniel, putting the tools down where indicated. "Yah, it was. Good night, Mr. Bluett." "Good night, Gunther." And he walks back to his own encampment and family. More later, Vahktang
OOC stuff: Well thank you.Gnarlitch has been so good about being historical, accurate, fun, real, etc, that I thought I'd put my own small attempt in. And I liked how a bunch of people used the hedge maze two games ago, too. Hence the request for the scorecard at the end of every death.And I make that request in _so_ many games. Guess I got to start asking during sign up or something. You don't check the board where you're playing a game every day?Talk about damned odd. Has anyone else noticed Abraham has not said one word out loud accusing anyone? No? I have. You people are too nice to accuse in public. Abraham is too nice to say bad things about his neighbors. Hence the OOC. Good to see you posting Solivagus I enjoyed you latest. More later, Vahktang
Since we have a deadlock, and many believe that I and Lady Celes are innocent let's give this round to the wolves. Vote for a non responsive: Solivagus~~Gunther Follow my lead: IC: Abraham comes out of his tent, wiping his brow. He looks beat. He accepts a cup of hot coffee from Blondie and sits down with an exhausted sigh. Cat looks up from across the fire, wan and slightly skinnier than she was last week herself. Abraham nods. "Adam's fever broke about an hour ago." "Then that's the last of the sickness," says Rosalie. She reaches up to scratch but stops herself in time. "Hope there's no scarring." "I reckon we can move on in the morning," says Markus. "I've seen illness wipe out a train before. Heard of it a number of times," says Spud. "And here we sat for a nearly a week," says Jake. "Well, Jake, most of us were a-bed for a few days this week," says Amanda. "Yourself included, I may add." "And I thanked you more than once for your care," he says, with a bow. She nods back at the apology. "The good lord blessed us that nobody died," says Abraham. There is a silence at the camp fire. "What is it?" "The german fellow. The one that didn't speak much english," says Trudy. "As you know, he quarentined himself first thing. Wouldn't associate with anyone. I wonder how did he get the sickness, though," says Nathaniel. "Don't know," says Charlotte. "We offered help. Neighbor helping neighbor. Soup. Bread. Care. He was the only one that said 'no zank you.' And wouldn't lift a finger for any of us. 'I am zhure you vill be fine. Please do not come any closer to my encampment.' "And he seemed healthy enough earlier in the week, though a little peak-ed yesterday," says Cat. "But nobody's seen him since this morning." Well, come on," says Abraham. "Let's go check on him now. Who's with me?" OOC: All those wishing to vote Solivagus~~Gunther out join me in a trip to his wagon. Non responsive players are generally not the wolf. Most people with a role are too involved to skip posting. But, this is one solution. OOC: a vote for Solivagus~~Gunther. More later, Vahktang
Thank you.And I enjoyed your death. Hope you did too. More later, Vahktang
OC: Can we have a scorecard, please? IC: Middle boy Eric rolls into camp, holding Joseph's hand, while Abraham is working on the harnesses. "Pa." "Yes, Eric." "I don't care much for that Cat girl." Abraham checks the leather for weak spots as Eric picks up a part and mimics his father. "Why? Because your brother Adam is trying to spend time with her and isn't playing with you." The large boy shuffles his feet and looks down at them, while Joseph squats down and finds an odd beetle fascinating. "Nah. It's just that, well..." "Speak your mind boy. Be respectful and honest. No harm in that." "She's kind of looking at us crosseyed." "Well, Eric, her bringing up was not what you would call ordinary. I know most of the indians out here are just plain folks, not all that much different from you and me. You have to give her a little lee way in how she acts." "But what if she's doing what they're saying?" "If anybody messes with us," says Joeseph: They'll be Sorry." Abraham puts down the harness and looks pointedly at the boys. "Now, Joseph, you know we don't go starting any trouble." "Yes, but I know that we end it," Joseph says, mimicing something he's heard a lot. Abraham sighs. "I am very glad I got you away from your uncle's influence. "Now you listen to me. You treat people with respect until you see them treat you otherwise. And then just don't associate with them anymore. Be friendly." "Not like that, Mr. Bluett, right, pa," asks Eric. "No, now I don't have anything wrong to say about Mr. Bluett. He's just not a very friendly sort. He can associate with whom he pleases. We just keep our hand out and if he ever shakes it, we'll shake it back. Now go and check up on the horses. They're next to Mrs. Gainsburg's, check on them, too." "Yes, pa," the boys chorus. Abraham returns to his work. That Nathaniel fellow was not a friendly sort. That was OK in the east, but, out here, that sort of attitude could leave you high and dry when trouble came. OOC: a vote for Merelas~~Nathaniel Bluett. More later, Vahktang
We all knew there were lyrics, right? Bonanza Lyrics and Theme! We chased lady luck, 'til we finally struck Bonanza With a gun and a rope and a hat full of hope, we planted our family tree. We got hold of a pot full of gold, Bonanza With a horse and a saddle, and a range full of cattle, How rich can a fellow be? On this land we put our brand, Cartwright is the name, Fortune smiled, the day we filed the Ponderosa claim. Here in the west, we're livin' in the best Bonanza If anyone fights any one of us, he's got a fight with me Hoss and Joe and Adam know every rock and pine No one works fights, or eats, like those boys of mine Here we stand in the middle of a grand Bonanza With a gun and a rope and a hatful of hope, we planted our family tree, We got a hold of a potful of gold Bonanza With a houseful of friends where the rainbow ends, How rich can a fellow be? On this land we put our brand Cartwright is the name, Fortune smiled, the day we filed the Ponderosa claim Here in the west we're living in the best Bonanza With the friendliest, fightingist, lovingist band, That ever set foot in the promised land And we're happier than them all. That's why we call it Bonanza...bonanza.. bonanza.. And here's the link that includes links to the music: http://www.bonanza1.com/lyrics.html Anybody want to know the Star Trek lyrics? More later, Vahktang
In the morning, Abraham Cartwright arrives with Adam in tow, sullen and proud, at the McAllister wagon. At a prodding, Adam speaks out. "Mrs. McAllister, Polly," he says, with a nod to Isiah. "I just want to apologies to you all for my actions the other night. Polly can make up her own mind who she would dance with and I just have to be happy with her decision. I hope I you will allow me to still see your daughter socially, if she has a mind to, of course." Abraham nods, tips his hat to the assembled family and meanders off with his eldest in tow. That night, taking coffee and smokes with the other adults after the children had been put to bed: "Bad business at the fort," he says. "A yup," says Markus. "Hope I've seen all the gunfighting that I'll see for the rest of my life." "Well, he had no business running like that," says Nathaniel. "Things could have been settled civilly. In court." "Maybe that's why he came out here," says Blondie. "So he doesn't have to settle things in court. Out here a man can be judged by his accomplishments." "And how they treat other people," comments Trudy. The others nod. Abraham spies Cat, who should be fast asleep, nearby under one of the wagons, watching the conversations of the adults. "A new start is much easier here than in the old country," says Gunter. "A new start is probably why we're all here," says Charlotte. "I dare say everyone here is trying to escape something from their past. Maybe nothing as concrete as old debts. Sometimes just, loss." A wolf howls on the prarie, and everyone takes a moment to listen and gauge if there is any danger to their animals, then settle down again when they realize there isn't from that particular wolf. For a time there is a silence as they watch the stars wheel in the sky. Then they go to bed. More later, Vahktang