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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vahktang

  1. 19th century insane asylum? Where the horrors inside our minds are sometimes surpassed by our 'treatment'? I am _so_ there. The 20th century one, too. I have the delusion that I am the entire cast of 'one flew over the cuckoos nest'. How about that? More later, Vahktang
  2. That sounds kewl. More later, Vahktang
  3. Seems that I have access at work. So, I'm in. High seas is nice. I think it was planned once but we did west instead. Pirate ship? Master & Commander? (w/French {American} Spies?) Pirates of Penzance ship? I'm Barnacle Phil, Bill's brother. More later, Vahktang
  4. Thank you. Nice exit. Good hunting. More later, Vahktang
  5. Well, how about some IC comment, then? Peepi is just following someone who has more hints than him, as he basically wants people to play with him Once the mob has their sights on someone, nearly nothing you can say IC can change things.We need something to hang an accusition on. Lord knows I wouldn't give up my vote on a mob like this. So, I guess I can't really blame y'all. I'd do the same. I've done the same.More later,Vahktang
  6. Johnny looks over his shoulder. He's being followed. He knows it. How'd they know he tried to narc on somebody? He thought he had covered his tracks well. He thought he had plausable deniability. Next time, a letter drop. That would do well. Now to see about other things. Like if he could get the phone numbers from the 'Totally Spies' girls. Hadji already had two of the girls' numbers, as Johnny did also. If he could get the digits of the third one before Hadji did, it would make this outing almost worth it. Especially if one of them said yes to a date. See OOC comments at Werewolf Toon Signup! in answer to all the apoligies. More later, Vahktang
  7. I was going to say there was no reason to apologize. Until I got three votes against me. And that's all I can say as I don't want to influence the votes with OOC comments. (Darn) More later, Vahktang
  8. Johnny looks over the field. The loudspeakers just announced the winners from the Hide & Seek competition from the games a few years ago. Twenty years, eight months, 6 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes, 44 seconds. For both. Only a toon could tie on a hide and seek competition. They would have to play it again. He was glad he wasn't signed up for that one. 'Who was the eraser?' He didn't know. He had no evidence. Dad always said not to make guesses on matters when you weren't sure. Especially when things were this important. Screw him. What did he know? He sidles up to a security guard, deciding to narc on someone, guilty or not. "Keep an eye on Lady Celes Crusader- Optimus Prime (Transformers). A very careful eye." He casually walks away. Now, if something happens, he has plausable deniablilty. Race had told him about that. More later, Vahktang
  9. I think I can see why I'm not participating more fully. Besides the computer being down a lot. I'm into animation, and chose a character accordingly. This is more of a cartoon thing. I should of chosen somebody from 'Superfriends' or something. 'Holy Dip, Batman.' Ah well. Next time. More later, Vahktang
  10. Umh, scorecard? More later, Vahktang
  11. So, we're playing a role playing game within a role playing game, right? Kewl. More later, Vahktang
  12. 'Hmm,' thinks Johnny. 'There more than meets the eye of that transformer guy.' More later, Vahktang
  13. Johnny looks over the stadium, at all the other characters. He had never been here before, but he had heard of the place. His show was different from all these other characters, but one thing his dad and Race had taught him was to be adaptive. And to be the best. He just wished Hadji had been allowed on the field, but he knew they were all up in the stands, cheering him on. More later, Vahktang
  14. Hey, can we do this again? Another year, we're all seniors, a different group of wolves? More later, Vahktang
  15. Isn't he the guy that can do anything a spider can? My question is: Is he strong? More later, Vahktang Is he strong? Listen bud, He's got radioactive blood. Well, yeah, but you say that as if that's a good thing. Also, it doesn't answer the question if he's strong or not. Thanks for the straight line. I like to do little set ups like that. I'm here all week. Try the veal. More later, Vahktang
  16. I thought for sure Meat would have been one of the first to go. Shows you how much I know about this game. Which makes me look forward to a 'no hitter' game, where the baner banes the right people and no innocent dies.That would be one for the record books. That was my fault.I wanted us to be bloodthirsty, cruel, violent bullies, a la the intro, and I thought the best way to do that would be to take out the blind chick. Gnarlitch wanted us to be good guys in our own way. Speaking of which, anybody looking into that locker thing? The date rape thing? No? Ah well. And your back up plan was...? More later, Vahktang
  17. Isn't he the guy that can do anything a spider can?My question is: Is he strong? More later, Vahktang
  18. American Vs japanese :yuiwink: Everybody plays two characters. And you can vote against yourself. I don't think mods have enough excitement in their life. No? OK. Japanese: Gô Mifune American: Speed Racer Anybody for Trixie? If anyone comes in as Sprytle or Chim Chim I'll kill you myself. Otherwise: American: Johnny Quest (my favorite) Japanese: umh, Yuri, from Dirty pair. Is there a Kei out there? More later, Vahktang
  19. Yeah, I got that, too. Umh, did I miss something?Did the mod say who the wolf was and list the execution? Last post I see on the boards from the mod is dated: May 11 2004, 02:02 AM Nothing since then. Getting ahead ourselves, aren't we? Not that I want to influence votes or anything. It's just that the game isn't over until the mod says so. More later, Vahktang
  20. That makes like four out of last seven that I died first. I now remember why I did the 'you'll be sorry' thing. I kept dying and the wolves kept winning. And I made this guy before I knew I was a wolf. And I warned that the unlikeable characters were the first to get lynched. You guys were lucky! Or damned good. Next time I'm telling my packmate to accuse me and keep accusing me throughout the game. "It's Vahktang. He's the wolf. He always the wolf. If he's not, he's the first one killed anyway, so no big loss." Speaking of which, we got a wolf the first shot over to the Kenzerco game. Now to go over and see if I'm still alive over there. Good luck to you all. I'll miss you all when I'm in Juvie. And hey, anybody going to investigate that locker thing? Good call.Lots of fun stuff. More later, Vahktang
  21. Actually, _I_ don't have you animosity.Mathew John does. Or at least I hope so. And I have no problem with Jamie having a problem with Mathew. But I just want to be sure that _were_ OK. Disclaimer: The view of any characters in these games don't necessarily reflect those of any other person, living or dead. OK? IC: "Just like you, and everyone else at this school, Jamie, we were trying to get all our friends to class without being hurt. That's why were always the last ones to arrive seconds before the bell. And because of our caution and prep we're not bothered. And we invite any who wish to to join us."And you well know that we don't proselytize on campus, especially during school hours. "And those historical things you mentioned: those were wrong, and those that did them weren't really Christians. The pope apoligized for the Inquisition, did you know that? "Jesus said," he says, then looks at the teacher, "things I can't repeat here. But they concerned love and living by example. Not predjudice and bias. And concerning that: how you doing? Prejudging any Christians lately for thing that they did not do, lately??" "Gays, addicts, satan worshippers? That's their own business. I pray for them, sure, and if they come to us, sincerely, we'll welcome them. Hate the sin, not the sinner. What they do, not the past that they can't control because they weren't even born yet." "You want to give that a try, huh, Jamie?" More later, Vahktang
  22. I like Readan better. The whole reporter thing. IC: Mathew looks at the note that Chandler wrote, making commentary to his neighbor. "Well, sure, he doesn't hurt anyone. But he isn't himself when he's on drugs. Everybody knows that. And it doesn't excuse anything. You have to take responsibility. We're young adults here. "Well, sure, I've never seen you beat up anyone. I've never actually seen you shoot up either. Doesn't mean you didn't do it. And Meat wouldn't let you in his crew, uh, gang. "And not coming to school while high? Yeah, we believe that. "And not having enough time? You could have arrived way early, waited, beat up Joe and still arrive 'late'. "The guilty grasping at straws. "I still think he did it. More later, Vahktang
  23. OOC: you're asking for a 24 hour turn around? On a weekend? We're more of a 48 hour crowd. Ah well. IC Mathew John is not shocked by the news. He had been aware of the inherent violence of the school for a long time. He was glad it was not any of his who got hurt, but he gave a silent prayer for Billy Smith anyway. He'd come up at the lunch prayer meeting today. And he'd ask the others if they'd seen or heard anything. Billy didn't have money, didn't look cross eyed at anyone, was a null, harmless. Who would pick on him? Drugs were a big part of the problem of this society and on this school. Drugs would make you do illogical, insane things. Like beat up Billy Smith because the voices in your head said so. Looking around at his friends, he started the rumour, knowing that it would spread through the school quickly, and the administration would do the right thing. "It's that burn out, Chandler A. You know he does stuff. Hard core stuff. Snorts, shoots, for sure. He beat up Billy. Watch out for him." OOC: A vote for HappyBuddha - Chandler Achtobowski. How's that for a vote? More later, Vahktang
  24. Thank you Katz for putting your character into the 'Bully' running. I was wondering how to vote for you in IC. More later, Vahktang
  25. Home room.Take attendance. Finish last night's homework. And as long as this is a fantasy role playing high school, the musical we should put on is: All that Jazz "Joe Gideon: It's show time, folks. " More later, Vahktang
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