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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Vahktang

  1. "Drinking, no."Not being able to control oneself in public, yes." He follows her to the inncopied table, searching the folds, pockets, etc of his clothing for a moment."I am sorry. I have nothing to bet with except my clothing. (OOC: Could have resisted. Decided not to) IC: "I find your skill with cards amazing. I shall watch and be amazed." He does find this woman charming, he hands light and skillful. She is deft enough to play, watch the other players, while still paying some attention to him. He knew he would be hard pressed to the same in a similiar situation. He looks over Markus and sees a rough gentleman, not an aristocrat, but with a gentility. He wonders how the dog like Kami would play. (Hey, Wile E. Come on down.) OOC: Gawdz, Lady Celes Crusader, I hope you're not the wolf. It's going to be real hard to vote against you. Ah well, one of the problems with the modern RP WW game. Good hunting, everyone.
  2. Lord Washima looks at the crowd. 'They all seem so young. 'When I was young, parties were filled with much older people. 'And the people here all act young, too. 'Getting drunk in public, like a bunch of monks.' Lady Elizabeth sees a quick look of disgust cross his face as he scans the room, but the look is quickly removed, and replaced with an almost smile. 'I hope the charming lady in front of me is not like that.' He continues to talk, and, more importantly, listen, while trying to figure out if she would be impressed by poetry. At the same time, he tries to remember some appropriate poetry. 'This afterlife stuff is not easy.'
  3. LOL.Keep it up. Lord Washima seems to be trying to overcome awkwardness at this party, of his age, in this strange place, at the friendly returning smile of the young widow, as he finds that people understand him though they don't speak Japanese."Ah, I am alone, too. " He is lucky enough to not speak his next thought: "I believe that my, ah love, my consort, was slain through violence. The killer never caught." He covers the silence with trying the garden doors once more, verifying that they are indeed sealed. "It seems that there is no way out, that way." He bows and indicates a direction nearby. "Please, this way." He leads her away from the door to a nearby writing table. There, as he speaks, speaking of life at home, how her life enfolded, inquiring about likes and dislikes, he picks up a piece of paper, folds it, then refolds it, attaches string to the folded papers and the string ends to a long pencil. He then does that to another, then another. He finally demonstrates the finished product, a flock of origami cranes, that fly around when the long pencil is turned. Lady Elizabeth finds herself laughing in amusement, amazed at this seemingly reserved character's actions. He presents it to her as a gift. "Please forgive my forwardness. If it pleases you, you may address me by my personal name, Shin."
  4. Lord Washima looks around, suspicious. The last thing he seems to remember was going to bed across the hall from his consort. Many interesting people here. Many gaijin. No garlic eaters. One walking wolf shape, a kami of some sort. That speaks in signs that he shouldn't understand but does. Odd. He waves off the server before him with the tray of drinks. 'I feel I've had too much already.' At least his weapons were still with him. Older he may be, but he was still fast. And he would want to go down fighting. He did take a canape from a near by tray, and looked longingly at a plush couch. He dared not sit and relax. Not at this point. He made his way to the garden doors. Maybe they were open.
  5. You got it one.But, then again, you know me so well.
  6. Hey, to me animals can talk. Spirits can talk. You need a Bonze to get rid of them, though. And I like the ten years after blind person. Good concept. But any younger character not an actual child (under 12) will be thought of (and reacted upon) as an adult. Lord Washima is still certain that he is dead and being judged, though. Unless I hear different from the mod. Or the game goes total Roger Rabbit rediculous. Then I'll speak japanese while everyone will still understand me. (If they can read subtitles, of course )
  7. I am indeed.He died so soon. He is...puzzled by all the activity around here. Strange that this is the afterlife (or is it). He is certain he is being judged, and will act in the most exacting manner. What a fun guy!
  8. As long as we are doing high school, I think that the next scenario would lend itself to: High School Reunion. 5 years after. We're out of college, on our way up the job track, burgening families. But still close enough that old rivalries and jealousies can rear their ugly heads. Or 10 years after Youthful exurberience is almost gone. Families are established. Marriage and kids are around. But all wounds fester a long time. Or 20 years after. Only the most deepest hurts remain. We are all on our second wind, or spiraling down to our demises. This one could be fun, too. What say you all?
  9. I agree that the high school one ended too fast. Wanted a restart on that one. New characters? Old characters (new roles)? And I like the masked ball one. Going for my samurai character. Liked the guy.
  10. The last list I found was: * WW IX => Jamz (or me, see ww vii above) * WW X => MeThinksUFoolish * WW XI => Lady Celes (Agatha Christie), if it's not in vacation period... otherwise, Merelas * WW XII => Merelas (Salem Witch Trials) * WW XIII => Vahktang (Mafia) So, that would mean: MeThinksUFoolish. Feel up to it?
  11. Yes, thank you. And I just thought of an asylum character that would have gotten me lynched the first round. The Joker. Oh, that would have been fun. Maybe next time. Good hunting.
  12. Actually, I was going more for 'far side of crazy' than the other lines. But that was a great death. Thank gawd I don't have to try and remember more asylum movies. This was a fun game. Thanks all. PS: There is no hope for you all. You all spirelling into the depths of despair and suicide, murder and mayhem. Have fun with it.
  13. This post is for mature audiences only. Sorry?One of the best accusations made against me _ever_ and you're sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for. You may buff your nails. IC: Aic looks at the crazy poet, and starts to keen. The others step away from one of the most annoying sounds in the world. Suddenly he does a dead on impression of Richard Pryor (for a white guy). "Somebody get this bitch away from me. She's fucking crazy." He steps away. Then raises his arms and remembers a crazy little film and sings: Won't bore you with the lyrics, but you can read them here And then he sings it again. And then he sings it again. And then he sings it again. Over and over and over. Until his voice is hoarse and his arms are drooping. And then he does one for the road. And then he does one for the white line in the middle of the road. Then he falls over. And he just won't stop singing. OOC: Have a safe and sane (???) fourth. See you on monday.
  14. That would make this dayphase, I believe. And the conversion means one of us did not become _more_ insane. Interesting. IC: Aic paces in his room, back and forth, mumbling: 'I am not corrupt. I am not colorized. I am my own person, unaldertureated. Original. Pure. Nobody saps and/or makes impure any of my precious bodily fluids.' 'No, God is not watching.''God is Dead. Doesn't care. Let's my friends...get...killed.' Aic stops, sniffs, takes up the hem of his oversized (even for him) shirt and wipes his nose. Then begins pacing again. 'Is that it? Is someone influencing the others around here. Causing death. A true madman. Who, who, who could it be?' 'Napoleon. He led troops. Does he lead here? 'Holmes called Moriarty the 'Napoleon of Crime', and he did murders and things. 'What a better disguise. Aic yells out: "It's Napoleon, you idiots. He's the killer. Keep us safe from him." OOC: I accuse Dean as Napolean - not really Napolean
  15. Aic looked at the officers and the doctors and the others and tried to stay unobtrusive, as only a 400+ lb man can, a dialogue with himself going as he watched. 'So, Dawn's in trouble... must be Tuesday.' 'Questioned?'Usual Suspects? 'No, no, no!' Aic barely prevents himself from slamming his head against the wall, as that would bring attention to him. After seeing the incident: 'Man bites woman. Man shoots man. Gotta get out of this dangerous place. Smell of gunpowder. Smell of death.' Aic jumps around, looking for a way out and an orderly straight arms him, laying him low. Aic lays there. 'Who got out of situation like this? 'King of Hearts? No, he went back in. 'Michael Myers? Yes.' Aic stands, looking big, tough, unkillable. Something that can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until it is dead. He turns to the biggest, baddest, orderly around. And gets kneed in the groin and goes down. Tears fill his eye. One of the doctor's runs up. "What happened here?" The orderly looks down at the crazy fat man writhing on the floor. "He slipped," he says, innocently. Aic can do nothing except cry. He is finally dragged away and placed in his favorite padded room. He looks around and tries to figure out how to write 'kill Clouseau' on the walls.
  16. You can change me to: People in asylums from movies. Aic is doing his Barbara impression, and it's like butter: "No, I'm sure he believes what he believes. He thinks whores are girls who hang out on 8th Avenue and stick needles in their arms. He knows whores aren't nice white girls from nice white families. He knows that just as sure as he knows his wife is at home cleaning the oven. Isn't that right Herbie? But what if he's wrong? What if his wife is out balling the insurance salesman? What if he doesn't know is ass from his elbow? What if he's just an asshole with power to lock me up? What if that's all he is? An asshole with power. " Aic then looks at Rena. He thought this movie had an asylum scene. He leans over to her and wispers in her ear. "It isn't paranoia when they REALLY are out to get you." A vote for dragonqueen as Rena
  17. Umh, 'scuse me. Official moderator suspect list please. Accept no substitues. Void in West Virginia and Guam. Until we get one, my vote is for Dustin.
  18. Aic walks through the room. He is hunting. After a moment the others observe what he is after, a cockroach. It seems he is hunting for food. He catches it and much to their disgust it looks like he will drop it down his throat and eat it. But stops and says: "I am not insane. I am a sane man fighting for his soul. " He drops the cockroach on the floor and it skitters away. Aic closes his eyes and watches a movie on the inside of his eyelids.
  19. Aic. That's what the orderlies called him. It was an ancronym for a web site. But he didn't mind. They let him have his DVD's. And they let him out when he bagan to rap. A Beastie Boys song with his own lyrics: "12 monkey, those funky monkeys. "12 monkey, those funky monkeys.
  20. "Aaaaaarrgh." Finally an attendant looks in through the tiny window. "What's your problem?" [with a chicano accent]"My balls itch." The attendent gives a snort of a laugh. "Your on you own for that one, 'Cheech'." The attendent leaves. "Aaaaaarrgh."
  21. "Aaaaaarrgh." And after several falls, he finally stands.
  22. "Aaaaaarrgh." And he tries to get up, and fails.
  23. 'Nurse Rached' is now in a padded room with a straitjacket on. He sits up, shakes his head, and a sudden realization comes to him. "Aaaaaarrgh."
  24. A 400+ pound man in a nurses uniform fit for a 200 pound woman walks up, holding a tray out. The orderlies stare and the conversation begins again on how the hell does he get these things. The large man speaks in a strong, authoritive and almost female voice: "Good morning, Dustin. I am Nurse Mildred Ratched, your floor nurse. Have you taken your medication today?" Dustin looks at the man, and notes the similiarty between the one in front of him and they guy that runs 'Ain't it cool news' on the internet. But this one was fatter. And hairier. The two orderlies were quietly sneaking up on this strange fellow from behind. "I believe you're at the 200 milligram level, aren't you?" Dustin looks down at the offered tray. Small paper cups full of plain and peanut M & M's. "Go ahead. Take your medication. You don't want me to be cross at you, do you?" Dustin looks up at 'Nurse Ratched'. The smile is friendly, but there is a hardness behind it. And under that something else. Suddenly the tray goes up in the air, the candy spilling and the two orderlies are man-handling the patient, who is protesting and fighting back feebly. "There best not be any real pills on that tray again, 'Milos'," says the larger one. The big man suddenly goes limp, and the two orderlies begin to drag him away. "No DVD's for a week, now," says the other as they drag him away. "No," says the big man, quietly, defeated. "I have a marathon coming. I have to watch-" What he has to watch is cut off by the closing of the secure doors. A moment later a number of the patients run up and begin scrambling for the dropped candies. OOC: Accuse...the flying pink elephant around dragonqueen. He's the cause of everything bad! More later, Vahktang
  25. Y'all won. Congrats. More later, Vahktang
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