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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nave

  1. No hard feelings carried over from previous games :D
  2. I'm in and have cast my vote Nave
  3. HA!! I knew it! I really had been suspecting you Tanny for a couple nights but werent sure if you were the banner or the wolf Well played Tanny And everyone as well. Mira you did the right thing to protect yourself I had a real good time everyone I'll sign up for the next round. Lets hope we get even more people Nave
  4. OOC Who voted for Mira? I think we only have 5 players left and Spider hasnt voted yet? IC Saber think about it. We have 2 people claiming to be the banner. One of them is lying. Thats the best lead we have. Either vote Tanny or Mira. Then, IF the person was an innocent, the other can be lynched tomorrow. If you lynch me you will lose that chance because you'll only be able to lynch one of the two of them. But go with what you want.
  5. I would not blame anyone for protecting themselves. Because that means they are here now. With the banner here and two people claiming to be the banner, we know one of them must be lying and the wolf has been lying to us the whole game. With today and tomorrow available for us to lynch, we should get the wolf. The odds are in our favor now, thanks to the banner protecting Mira. Vote for Tanny still
  6. Saber I know you dont know if I'm the wolf or not. Just go with your gut ok? I trust you. Mira, I expected you to claim to be the banner. Im not disputing your claim. Should you survive the lynching, I suggest you bane yourself again. Spider, you're the only person left to post. Do you too wish to claim to be the banner? For now I'm going to go with Mira on this. I've been having my suspicions about you for a few nights now Tanny. Sorry but you get my vote! Of course Mira, you should know, if Tanny isn't the wolf, since you claimed to be the banner, you must be the wolf. And I hope, if not me, someone skewers you with this spear! If Tanny isn't the wolf that is... ***Raises spear***
  7. Tanny? You're the banner? If no one else steps forward to claim the mantle, then I will pledge my spear to you Tanny. Make sure you bane yourself this coming night. I will hold off on making my vote for now. I wish to give everyone else a chance to come in. I have already said I will stick next to Saber. That leaves two options. Mira or Spider. Unless someone else wants to claim to be the baner?
  8. We have to vote still though. Its time for the Banner to step forward and announce themselves as the banner. We still have a shot at this now. Banner step forward and reveal yourself. That way we will know who not to lynch. Simple as that.
  9. The banner did well last night. So the wolf couldn't pass Mira's door. The question now becomes, is Mira the wolf, or was Mira the wolf's target? Hmm?
  10. I'm off to bed. I'll let you give me that drink in the morning, provided we're both here...
  11. Sigh. I so had hoped that it would be over with that death. This is it people... Someone will die tonight. Then we will vote again. If we don't get the wolf then the innocents lose. We have one more day... thats all...
  12. Time's almost up people! Get those votes in. Especially you Damon, if you have anything to say in your defense... *Take a long drink*
  13. I will go with the vote of Damon as well then. Let us hope this ends the nightmare. OOC No prob Dean.
  14. I am indeed waiting on the vote of Saber. Safest bet I can make at this point in time. Nave
  15. Ok everyone. Time to tighten the belts... We're running out of time here... We have two more chances to get the wolf at this rate. He/She also has two more slayings to do. If it gets to be just the wolf and the last innocent, the wolf can show their true form. I would like to mourn our losses, especially the good Lady, but we will have time for mourning afterwards. Or else we will join them. *Stands with the aid of the spear* Let's vote. No sense wasting time.
  16. SCORECARD Gwaihir- SEER- First victim of the wolves Eyremon- First Lynching Vahktang- Dead Degenero- Dead Lady Celes Crusader-Dead Merelas-Dead Damon Inferel X-Sabre Tanuchan Mira Nave Spider's Soul
  17. Saber I'm still going to tie my vote to yours. You may have been wrong but I know you dont have an ulterior motive. Least I'm pretty sure you don't... Nave
  18. OOC Thanks Nave I was editing trying to make it work I never noticed the "close all tags" line... doh... guess I was pretty sleepy... OOC No prob
  19. OOC Tanny The code is a little different here then at KC To get your code to work (like color) hit the "Close all Tags"
  20. Marelas is who I believe is our culprit as well. I am going with this soley because Saber has been voting against him the entire time and Saber is the only one I know is innocent. That's right. He was the swing vote. If he hadn't voted for Deg, we'd still have two wolves. There are scenarios where that would be a prudent move, but I don't think that is the case here. Nave
  21. ***Stumbles into the inn using his remaining spear as a walking stick*** ***Yelling back the way he came*** I'm fine Muncie! Leave me be! ***Looks around the inn*** One of you was working with Deg. He attacked me. That doesn't make me happy! ***He gazes at each of you for the same amount of time, lingering too long on no one*** I have my suspicions now though. I'm letting you know, wolf, I'm coming for you. I may have lost one spear but this ones for you! Now lets all get to bed. Sooner we do that sooner I can stick the culprit! But first how about a drink of that Apple Scrumble. Here's to Deg! May he burn eternally!
  22. (OOC: No searching Basically you just have to go on your gut feeling of suspicion of others and what they say and how they vote. The voting is the key though. Sometimes the wolves stick together and vote together and some times they split up on purpose so they don't look like they're conspiring. I recommand reading some of the Wolfen Chronicals from the Kenzer Boards Link: http://www.kenzerco.com/forums/showflat.ph...sb=5&o=&fpart=1 It'll give a good idea of how a game is played out.) IC Vahktang, With a heavy heart I stand by my vote against you.
  23. Deg, perhaps you've already had a little too much to drink. Are you forgetting right now we're in the town hall? But perhaps the tavern would be a better setting. After all, I think clearer after a few quarts. Let us all move over there. That way those who are staying there tonight don't have far to go.
  24. ***Uses a spear as a bar and blocks Deg's exit*** Sorry friend. Till we've decided who's the guilty part, its best if everyone stays here. Best go have a seat till the votes are tallied up. ***Points to some chairs on the side of the room with the second spear*** Right over there away from Celes will probably be best. It should be near night when we finish the vote tally. Then we can seperate and go bar ourselves in our rooms.
  25. Is that how its going to be Vahktang?! Just because a guy doesn't want face the harshness of murdering our friends and kin, despite their innocence, you will condemn them to death? So be your vote cast. Mine though shall be going against you! I defended you yesterday. I see that was a mistake now!
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