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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Nave

  1. Spider-Man perches himself on Prime's shoulder and watches him roll up his character Ohhh a Paladin eh? I was thinking of being a rogue myself. The whole wall climbing ability just speaks to me.
  2. Shooting some webbing at Marvin's gun, Spider-Man whips the gun into the air Whoa there 8-ball. No need to be disintergrating things yet. Sure Dave over there may be a geek for playing HackMaster, but that makes him ok in my book. I can relate. Having a hard time relating to something without a nose though. That's gotta be helping you avoid Pepe over there at least. OOC whoops forgot my accusation. One mark for Marvin The Martian
  3. Swinging down with the aid of his webbing, from where he was perched, watching the events, the figure known as Spider-Man follows the man in the purple robe to the scene of the accident. Once there he begins using his super strength to move rubble out of the way, lifting huge rocks with only a little strain. "Spider-strength don't fail me now!"
  4. He's strong He's fast He's smart He's cold, in that spandex http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif
  5. Isn't he the guy that can do anything a spider can?My question is: Is he strong? More later, Vahktang Is he strong? Listen bud, He's got radioactive blood. (From the 70's theme song ) From the Marvel.com site
  6. Ok I'm going to pick Spider-Man then. I take it everyone knows who he is?
  7. Nave, if you play Papa Smurf again I will kill you myself lol Ohhh tempting lol. Plus I could be playing him in two games at once LOL. Nah I like the idea of Spidey if we do American. Course I may end up using his alter ego of Peter Parker and thereby being a photographer again lol.
  8. For some reason I was thinking there was three wolves lol. I think I was getting mixed up with the KC game lol. Good game all I had fun Nice ending gnarlitch
  9. I voted American American, Hmmm I could play Papa Smurf for the third time LOL First two times at the KenzerCo boards. Nahhh American: I'm going to go with Spider-man Japanese: Lina Inverse! Long time since I played a female character but Lina rocks (she's of the anime "Slayers")
  10. Finally finishing all the papers, and having them delivered throughout the school, Rupert began to walk down the halls again, hoping he'd run into some more proof of the beatings. Soon he came across the group of students all huddled around. Hearing bits and pieces of the conversation, he determined another student had been attacked. Thankfully the group of students he saw, hadn't noticed him yet. He hung back and started snapping pictures of the group. It seemed that the majority of everyone seemed to be placing the blame on the Rich fellow. Rupert knew Rich a little bit. He had been assigned to take pictures of him for the school paper for numerous things. He seemed a nice enough fellow. As Rupert was snapping the pictures, at one point, when he zoomed in on Rich's face, he could swear he saw a momentary flash of anger pass over it. The flash struck Rupert as odd because Rich had always been so easy going. Stopping with the pictures for a moment, Rich looked to see if anyone in the group had noticed the flash. It didn't seem like it. Maybe it was just his imagination...? One way to be sure though. Rupert snapped a couple more pictures and then headed back to the darkroom of the paper. As he began to develop the pictures, Rupert silently thanked his position in life. He often times got to see things that others didn't get to see, and more often then not, people didn't even notice that he was looking at them. His parents joked that Rupert thought his camera gave him a sixth sense. Rupert brushed aside the comment. Most sixth senses didn't give proof. His camera did. Finishing the small roll, Rupert took a look at the pictures. Coming across the one where he thought he saw the flash of anger on Rich's face, Rupert sank his head. The picture was all blurred. Rupert hadn't had a blurred picture since he was a freshman. Why did he have one now? What was done different? Perhaps it was his imagination. Maybe he didn't see what he thought he saw. But it was rare for him to make something up. No he trusted his eyes. He knew he had seen that anger. Rupert didn't want to believe it, but it was the only lead he had. Rich had to be a bully. OOC Rich/Gnalitch
  11. OOC minor thing but Rupert's last name is Reagan not Readan
  12. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Rupert continued to print off copies of the special edition and tie them up. This was going to be a huge task to get them out there among the students. Grabbing two bundles, he decided to go ahead and get some of them out there among the masses. * * * * Reaching Mr. Blackburn's room a few seconds after the bell sounded, Rupert cut the ropes holding the papers together with his car keys, and started shoving the papers into the hands of the students just as they were leaving into the hallway. As the last student came out of the class, Rupert recognized her as Laurie Vayes. She seemed deep in thought to Rupert. As he gave her the last paper he had in his possession, she looked at him. "Rupert right? You work with Mara at the school paper don't you?" she asked him. "Yeah, that's right. What of it?" he replied. Rupert wasn't exactly a conversationalist. "Oh nothing. I'm just wondering what she was doing before class earlier." "How should I know?! I'm not her keeper. Enjoy the paper. I got to get back and get more copies off the printer." Walking off at a brisk pace, Rupert left Laurie with a look of disgust on her face. He didn't want to be rude, but why couldn't people just look at his pictures and not bother him? Thinking to himself, he did wonder where Mara had been earlier in the day. They usually meet up in the morning before classes to discuss what she would be reporting on, and what she needed him to take pictures of, in addition to his own personal Pulitzer winners he took throughout the day. She couldn't be a bully. Could she? OOC Vote is no longer tied to MTYF/Joe. Vote is for Vanessa/Mara
  13. After getting Nurse Felton and leading her to where Joe and Billy, as Rupert now knew his name to be, were at, Rupert hung back and around while an ambulance came to the school. He had gotten involved as much as he could, but now was the time for him to return to the sidelines and document the happenings. With his camera in his hands and his fingers on the shutter button, Rupert shot pictures of Nurse Felton looking after Billy with Joe's help. He continued to take pictures as the ambulance employees came in and took over and loaded Billy up onto a guerney and wheeled him out to the ambulance. Continuing to take pictures until the ambulance pulled out of the parking lot, it was only then that Nurse Felton realized Rupert had been taking as many picutres as he had. Seeing the look she gave him, Rupert knew it was time to leave. Rushing off to the darkroom of the school newspaper, Rupert wanted to get these developed as soon as possible. He said a silent thank you to Joe for coming out to the hallway when he did. * * Once he was in the darkroom, Rupert made sure everything was all set up for him to develop his pictures. "Why are my hands shaking so much?!"Rupert thought to himself as he fumbled with the release for the film. Taking a deep breath he started to develop the pictures. * * * * * After what seemed like forever, the pictures were ready to be taken out of the dark room. Coming out into the hallway Rupert looked at the images. He didn't need to see these...he could already picture them in his mind, they have been engrained so. These bullies weren't the kind that just shook down the random freshman for his lunch money. These were monsters. But what could he do to stop them? He shouldn't do anything. That wasn't his place. His place though was to share the info with others. Then it hit him. His writing may be subpar, but he had these pictures. Rupert set himself to work on an extra edition of paper. Laying out the pictures, Rupert realized that Billy would probably hate him once he found out that his assault was going to be the talk of the school, if not now, for sure when this issue hit the stands. But, Rupert justified it with the knowledge that there would be other kids unless someone was caught. He couldn't himself get involved, but he could share what he saw. And that would maybe convince others to get involved and stop these bullies. Getting back to focusing on the task at hand, Rupert laid the pictures out in sequential order. Once it was all set he began the process of getting them ready to be printed in mass, with a simple headline. There would be no words, except for 3 which put together a question everyone was probably asking. Who did this? OOC I'm tying my vote to Joe's/MTYF. This is only because he's the only other one who saw most of what Rupert saw. Since Rupert hasn't been interacting with others, he doesn't really have a basis on which to make an accusation. Plus he's trying to stay unbiased. If I could I'd just abstain but I know we don't want that
  14. Rupert Reagan should be in class right now, but he's got more important things to do. Like getting a proof of these so called bullies. Rupert could care less about about their actions. It wasn't his place to care. His job was just to write an unbiased picture, but since his writing skills were subpar, he'd do the next best thing. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. And if he could provide the information that the school needs, he would be sure to get some personal coverage and that would lead to VIP types seeing his photographs. With his camera around his neck, Rupert slowly walked the now empty halls, listening for any noise that would signify someone becoming the prey of his prey. Turning the corner he saw a guy, far down the hall, slouched against the lockers. Having not been noticed yet, Rupert ducked back around the corner and peered around, camera brought up to his eye. With the zoom lens, he brought the camera into focus and aimed at his target. The kid, as Rupert could now see he was, probably a freshman, just stood there and kind of wobbled a little bit. "Well he certainly doesn't look like he could be the one who's been beating up other students," Rupert thought to himself. As he hit the shutter and the camera made a series of clicks, signifying several pictures being taken in rapid succession, Rupert witnessed the kid collapse onto the floor. Stopping with his pictures, and removing the zooming lense automatically, Rupert stood there not knowing what to do. He wasn't supposed to get involved, but he couldn't exactly, in good consience, leave the kid there. He looked around to see if there was anyone else he could pass the buck to. Realizing how alone he was in the hall all of a sudden, Rupert didn't feel secure. He needed to go to that kid though. Justifying the interferrence with the excuse that he could get some good pictures of the kid up close, and maybe a lead on the bullies, Rupert made up his mind to go to the kid. Running as fast as his stout little legs could take him, Rupert reached the boy and took a couple quick shots of him lying prone on the ground. Kneeling down to him, Rupert jiggled the boy's shoulder. "Hey kid. You ok?" Turning the kid onto his side, Rupert saw the boy's shirt come up a little bit and on his stomach, he could see all shorts of large bruises and marks. The kid's eyes fluttered open in a way that couldn't help but remind Rupert of his camera's shutter. "I was just going to class...", the kid said weakly. "Alright can you stand? I'll help you get to the nurse." Rupert waited a couple heartbeats as the kid thought about it. Just as he was about to answer though, he started to close his eyes and went limp. "Oh don't you be dead kid. Don't you be dead." Rupert checked the kid's pulse and found one and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Looking up and down the hallway again for any assistance, he realized it was up to him to help this kid still. Rupert thought to himself, that the kid probably shouldn't be moved, but he couldn't leave the kid by himself while he went and got the nurse. His camera was how he solved problems. Looking down at it around his neck, he took it back into his hands, and took a couple quick photos of where the guy's shirt had come up and where Rupert could see the bruises. Letting his camera fall back down, and hang off his neck, Rupert thought about the situation. He could probably lift the kid, but he might cause more injuries. He could go get the nurse, but who knows what might happen while he's gone. Sighing to himself, he knew he needed help. He hated needing help. Taking a gamble that the bullies were off laughing over their latest victory, Rupert hoped someone would hear him. "A LITTLE HELP HERE! ANYBODY?!"
  15. uh, Nave, DUCK! HERE COMES A LIGHTNING BOLT! *ducks and hides himself, trying not to get fried with his buddy Nave* Actually I was hoping the Duff Man would appear
  16. Also stands for Who Wants Jack Daniels
  17. I'm in Bear with me if I push the 48 hr limit though on posting I'll try and get in before that but may not from round to round Vanessa, if you don't mind having a photographer, that's who I'll be Name is Rupert Reagan. Short and stocky fellow but he is convinced that his pictures are Pulitzers waiting to be found by a big newspaper. He's never seen without his camera and the camera shy better stay clear of him cause he'll take a shot at you.
  18. OOGame: You guys are hilarious with the voting
  19. Sorry all for not posting prior to this. I've been somewhat out of commission and busy. I think I'm going to sit this game out. Just got a lot on my plate at the moment Will probably sit the next WW game at KenzerCo out as well. I'll be reading the game thread though Have fun all!
  20. "I think you were jealous of my sisters Jamia... I think the scary man is right. You are dark." OOC Jamia/Jammeez.
  21. "...." Timmy just stares at Zach with an icy gaze "You failed both of them. You failed Albert." Timmy turns his gaze toward Jamia. "So did you. I don't trust you, but I trust him even less. OOC Zach/Deg. Keep in mind people we have about 2 day phases left, including this one. If the wolf isn't lynched during this phase or the next, the wolf wins.
  22. "I bet it was Zach!" OOC Zach
  23. Timmy stares into his bowl of mashed potatoes...slowly moving the spuds around with his spoon. I just wish there was some way we could know where everyone's been[/i]
  24. "Sniff, sniff" Timmy looks up at Jamia "I don't like Zach. But I like you." OOC Vote for Ed/Eryemon
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