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Everything posted by Nave
I'm really sorry for being inactive guys I just totally blanked out on remembereing to come and post Sorry all
Oh oh I want to do a poem too!! Ummm Been a bad player Might as well go with the crowd I vote Finnius OOC Finnius
Papa Smurf looks around at people retreating from him due to the smell Hey!! I just had beans. Give me a break! Anyway, any of the lovely ladies want my vote tied to theirs? Step on up and claim your prize OOC Vote goes with first gal to claim it
As Papa Smurf gets out of the pile, he makes innocent looking movements with his hands as he's getting up that appear as if he's trying to get up, but he keeps managing to put his hands only on the females in the dogpile. After everything is calmed down, he looks at his particpants in the mess Any of you all want to be my Smurfette?
OOC Vote is tied to Gnarlitch Sorry for the lack of OOC earlier Itchy, I smurf you're right!
Waking from his slumber, Nave/Papa Smurf looks around... Whoa. Sorry all. I uhhhh got knocked on the head. Had nothing to do with those leaves I was smoking. No siree bob! Whoa. We're voting against people? Hmmm.... I'm going to go with .... I dunno Laugh. Ok the first person to grab this piece of paper holds out paper from me, will get my vote tied to theirs for this day.
Upon hearing the offer of a drink (granted to someone other then himself), Nave locates the source." "Hey if you're smurfin out the free Hooch, hook a smufy brother up!"
Watching the pumpkins float around the room, Nave takes a look at something in his hand... "Ok I think its time I put the shrooms away." Nave holds up some mushrooms far away from himself and then tosses them into the air "Skeet Shoot!!"
"Smurf to meet you my good fellow." Nave snatches a look at Tanny. "What can I say? I like the Papa Smurf's smurfy ways." a wry smile escapes his lips.
A figure approaches the front door and gently raps on the door. As the door slowly opens on its own from the rapping, you are all greeted with a sight that is sure to haunt you for many nights to come. At first someone, yells out that it's a member of the Blue Man group, but upon hearing the first noises coming from the figure, cringes spread like wildfire through the party... "Fa la lalala la, la lalala la..." Underneath the red hat, and below the white beard, you see the blue lips of the 6 foot figure move as the noise escapes. "PAPA SMURF IN THE HIZZOUSE!!" shouts Nave as he settles in. "SMURF-TASTIC!"
Yup As usual, Nave. This time, there's no special theme, so just pick some character you'd like to play. Or, if you prefer, you can re-play anyone from previous games, provided it hasn't been a wolf. Glad to see you here again!!! Ok sounds good I'll try and think of a character
I'm in I'll probably only be able to do the Halloween one though. Just make up a character?
Hey all, Just wanted to say I'm going to be sitting this one out. I'm not online as much nowadays and would forget to post
OOC Wasn't me this time Go my lupin brothers!!
"..." "GRRRR" OOC Vote changed to Itchy
"YIP!" "GRRRRRRRRR" Woof lunges for the newspaper and grabs it in his teeth and starts to wrestle for it. "GRRRRRR"
Woof slowly wanders around the dining room, sniffing around each patient. When he arrives at Napolean though he hesitates... "Grrrrr" Lifting up his leg, Woof attempts to mark his territory but since he's wearing pants, succeeds only in creating a wet spot between his legs. OOC Dean
Chasing after the ball as it flies to the other side of the room, Woof fails to notice the rapidly approaching wall. THUD!!! "ARF!" Woof crouches down and puts his front paws over his head and hides for a bit.
Woof follows the ball as it sails through the air...
"WOOF WOOF!!!" A rather unkempt man crawls over on all fours and starts to sniff Itchy's crotch." "Woof!"
Just popping in for a sec. Sorry RL has been keeping me busy Good game all. I was so happy till the good Lady changed her vote against me My apologies to Deg. I had no idea that he kept getting elimanated early in the game. It was a random choice that first night. The second choice, Eirishluck, was because he wanted to be my ally. I thought he might be the seer and wanted to throw me off (going on the assumption he saw me that first night) But before that I was planning on taking down Ozzy because of his going after Mary Jane. I thought he might be the seer and trying to make me get all angry. Thats why he was taken out 3rd. Great game all
OOC I vote against Nave too
I'm in Mental Asylum could be very fun!
OOC Anyone going to vote? lol
OOC Yeah but nothing that can influence votes during the coming day phase.