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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Spiders Soul

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Everything posted by Spiders Soul

  1. Well its not really a poem just a little snip lit thats cute, well I thought it was cute when I finished it. and I was not sure where to put it and this seemed the best place
  2. "'tis always the 'disbelievers' who have the blood upon their hands, now whose to say they are not real? People have been dragged from their homes in the night. how do explain that, sir?...other creatures would leave a trail of blood yet these creatures have braids they are smart how do you think they have eluded us for all this while? and the longer we ignore it the more murders there will be, and you could be next sir, so I suggest you curb your tounge and open your mind *Still while she spoke she would always keep that same level of calmness a smile upon her lips*
  3. *A young woman in the back slowly stood up adjusting the black bandages over blind eyes with her deep brown staff in one hand that looked like angry dogs chewed upon she cleared her throat and spoke in a soft tone, yet loud enough for all to hear:* "The tavern wench, is right, but I have to say... *Before she fully spoke her siteless gaze wandered over to Mira a smile came to her lips* "Good sir, tell me why you think this is instanity? we are trying to make this place safer for...all of us... you know the dead dont need farms... *She said in that cool tone of hers a matching smile upon lips the color of dried blood. she then took her seat to listen to the others*
  4. Ah such cheery poems makes me all warm inside But really I do like them Especially the second one good stuff as always
  5. Thank you thank you thank you!
  6. In a place of darkness, a dream of light lives the old order is trying to keep the curtains drawn, to keep out tomorrow, but a new day is dawning the future is rushing in. Will you be there to meet it?
  7. Oh I hope I'm not too late... I would really like to join to it sounds fun
  8. Hehe okay sure lets go with that :wizzie:
  9. Ah...something even stranger........
  10. Hehe I should have just names this Spiders and Lokis talk about....strange eyeless/fingerless scary people
  11. Yes I saw that just an imprint of an ear coming from his/hers bright neon yellow muscle shirt... and another set on the side of his head... and no I did point but I did not snicker I would not want him to hear that...I hear they are wild when they are mad like animals *Nod nod*
  12. Oh yes quite Common just the other day I saw one walk by...
  13. Why thank you. I guess I did not use something like dream because it is so common and you dont really dream up hope you need to make it to invent it you know? I dont think Dreams make things... I think they are the light or the key to make something as is hope.. and you cant unlock a key with a key if you know what I mean (I dont even know if I get what I mean )
  14. *Hands a Tissue*...There there...
  15. Perhaps but these work just as well
  16. Mmhmm... its called you want anything to eat or drink bring a large hand bag and if anyone stops you... walk... and dont stop till you are in the movie thingy...
  17. *Nod* Yeah me too... I'm to broke to go see it *Mumbles about prices*
  18. Ugh I am as bad a kender... I just cant shut my mouth...and thus we have Random Nothingness I thought I would just start it to talk about...oh anything rant about oh anothing and so on and so on. So to give something to work with... How are you?... myself I'm just peachy keen seen anything neat?... Oh! has anyone seen Big Fish... it looks so good!
  19. You are always commenting on others works.. and reading this I feel I have to say something... and my comment is: I love each little snid bit.. and no need to ask forgivness for posting like this I for one dont mind and rather enjoy it *Tumbs Up*
  20. Thank you bunches!... I fixed it all up... and the apostrophe well I typed it up and used spell check and it changed it so yeah I guess it is besides apostrophes are fun!
  21. Glad you like it... and I know I cant spell and I am always open to help.. so please feel free to pick at it
  22. Escape. Escape is what I must do No more can I listen to you Hear your soft yet poisoned words Feel them worm into the marrow of my soul Its over now, dont you see? Your eyes no longer enthrall me Warm amber's have gone dark and cold I was blind before But I see all too clearly now The plan... your pretty little plan To destroy me... Escape is what I must do.
  23. *BIG sigh* Well that did not work as much as I would have liked it too .... so I still need someone to host both avatar and signature if anyone would like to
  24. This is not much of a poem nor a song ... just a mesh of boredom and randomness ... so here it is and It just means that no matter what is in your way.. whether it be a physical barrier or mental or whatever the case my be and that you can always get through anything if you try no matter what lays in your way all obstacles can be overcome if you believe so here it is I hope it serves as an inspiration however short it is.. and hope you enjoy If you have no voice Scream If you have no legs Run If you have no hope Invent....
  25. Through the Webs Through the webs I must travel No light shins through on this journey no love or hope No one to help me through the webs that twist, consume and destroy Yet through the webs I must get through. Light must be made love and hope forged from the heart The webs severed with a diamond blade of perseverance and self findings Only then may I be freed to step through the webs The webs of my soul.
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