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Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
marcus you are making a mistake by not siding with wil. right now wil is our best chance at living through this ordeal. If wil said he has seen lady emily in the dreams then I believe him. your mother saw the secret in his eyes. it is the best for everybody. as far as the mythical beasts. call it whatever you wish. bottom line people are still dying. if will saw emily murder people and she changed into a werewolf fine with me. everything else he sez works for me. as far as being rash and quick to judge, Oh well. with the major roles revealed we must make the most of this situation. Wil has the power of second sight. I have been trying to protect people, and Emily has been killing people. *takes a deep breath* I believe everything wil has said. and I repeat at this point this should be a simple vote. paraphrasings mr holmes. if you have eliminated the possible all that is left is the impossible. Is nobody willing to take Wil's word that he has this gift. is nobody willing to see the murderer of our HOST be brought to justice. Lady Emily is the culprit. This vote should be so simple that anyone who votes against it could be a suspect. It would be safe to say that Lady Emily will deny the accusation as any sane person would, but if EVERYONE stands firm then we can get a confession. and if he is wrong then he has agreed to be killed tomarrow. please people. for the memory of our friends we owe this to them. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
*Pistol still trained on Emily* Well since you reveled yourself to us Wil, I see you need to be protected more then myself. Would you please enlighten us so everyone will know who is no longer a suspect in this ghastly incident. I see it as beneficial for everyone to remove any doubt of guilt from the innocent. By the way, I figure you have your last viewing tonight since you need to be safe in order absolve one more person. tomarrow night since I will be gone, and unable to protect you, you will be a target. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
*spin* *click* *cock* Silver bullets. I simply gave Dr. Watson my silver gun. Well played Wil. If you say it is lady Emily then I believe you. I have thaught that you have the sight for about a day now, hopefully you will accept my protection tonight from the other assasain now that you have reveled yourself. After the fire I protected myself incase the murderers decided to get friendly that night. Marcus I am sure that Wil has concluded that based on the mythical fear of silver werewolves have. If you remember silver has been present at every murder. I strongly urge EVERYONE else to quickly agree. That includes you Marcus. It is the least you owe Vinnie and Mr. Norfolk. Now vote. And we will be able to get rid of at least one assasain tonight <edit> forgot to clearify accusation Emily Galanodel <Elwen> -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Katharine Horton (Katzaniel) ==> , retired schoolteacher Wetherby Danielson (MeThinksUFoolish) ==> Sir Cecil Garnavon's butler George Worthington (X-Sabre) ==> tavern owner Sir Alfred Peterson (Degenero Angelus) ==> rich old Knight and Nobleman James Doyle (Tamaranis) ==> stableboy at Garnavon Hall Marcus Horton (Ozymandias) ==> a butcher (Katharine's son) Elisabeth Christie (Lady Celes) ==> well-known socialite Gavin Doyle (Matteo) ==> Philosophy major with minor in English Lady Emily Galanodel (Elwen) ==> unconventional teenage noblewoman Edwyn Cooper (Eyremon) ==> American soldier/merc just back from Africa Wil (Gnarlitch) ==> jack o' all trades hahahahahahaha. Hunted. Not a good feeling is it? with sickness and disease you can at least accept that you cannot do anything, but with two crazed assasains on the grounds, we all MUST look around and think two people here wish me DEAD. should we look at Mr. Danielson because of the serving tray? should we look at mr. Doyle because of the attack on horseback. Nobody is above suspect. Sir Peterson do you have a Silver sword? Lizzie silver jewerly? who did the Georgian suspect last time? does that make a good suspect? You all thought I was crazed or suicidal. I wanted to take action days ago. My suspect is Sir Peterson, this may be a nobel feud gone terribly to far, but it is up to us to stop it. play the numbers. 2 assasains, 9 of us. if it helps I didn't do anything. Now I am off to the garden. have fun guessing. OOC Sir Peterson -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Katharine Horton (Katzaniel) ==> , retired schoolteacher Wetherby Danielson (MeThinksUFoolish) ==> Sir Cecil Garnavon's butler Shota Vahktang (Vahktang) ==> Georgian gentleman on tour of the Continent George Worthington (X-Sabre) ==> tavern owner Sir Alfred Peterson (Degenero Angelus) ==> rich old Knight and Nobleman James Doyle (Tamaranis) ==> stableboy at Garnavon Hall Marcus Horton (Ozymandias) ==> a butcher (Katharine's son) John Norfolk (Nave) ==> merchant Elisabeth Christie (Lady Celes) ==> well-known socialite Gavin Doyle (Matteo) ==> Philosophy major with minor in English Lady Emily Galanodel (Elwen) ==> unconventional teenage noblewoman Edwyn Cooper (Eyremon) ==> American soldier/merc just back from Africa Wil (Gnarlitch) ==> jack o' all trades Lady Emily is forced to live life in a chair! are you saying that she hired somebody to do this work for her? Ms. Horton, I can assure you that I am on nobodies payroll since I have arrived here in England. I am happily self suffiecient for the first time in my life having no worries about where my next meal is going to come from. For some reason I have a feeling against Mr Worthington. Is his grudge against the family due to this recent wedding, and lack of work sent his way? Back home people do that on the frontier. Given the recent update about a possible silver connection and the deaths. Mr. Watson here is my Silver Plated Colt Frontier, may you hang on to it until this incendent is over, if not keep it. OOC. Mr. Worthington <X-saber> -
I think it is safe to say yes now everyone knows of Deans innocence. I would imagine the answer to the second question as No Accusations. but Tanny had better answer that one
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Mr. Holmes will not be here in time. The Police will not be here in time. All I know is that everyone is accusing the wrong person. Vinnie is innocent. I know I am innocent. Poison ain't my way of killing. Vinnie is knowledgeable in that field. and everyone wants to send him to jail. What do you think we are going to do after we accuse somebody. Their is not any authority around here for miles. Vinnie is sacrificing himself to show everyone how serious this business is. this will not stop with his death. I know that much. I have a feeling that the killers will stalk us all until they outnumber us, that while we whittle our numbers down through accusations. Vinnie is innocent and it doesn't take a psychic to tell that he was framed. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Damn you Vinnie this won't help anything. These people would accuse a taylor if they found a spool of thread. This type of killing would be too easy for anyone to set up. I accuse the Philosophy major because as an educated person he would know how to play off of everybodies fears. He knew the chemist was coming. He knew everyone would jump to the "logical" conclusion that the chemist would have the best access to the chemicals and therefore be the #1 suspect. how does that sound? The chemist DID not do it. You all have the wrong person dammit. you will regret this. He is the wrong person. These killers didn't leave any sort of legitimate clues. If they would have Dr. Watson and his many years of friendship with Mr. Holmes must have surely found something. No the needle and poison were left ON purpose to frame Vinnie. You all need to change your decisions. Those clues are baseless. Those accusations are baseless. Dammit Marcus atleast think about your accusation. The killers could have just as easily left a meat cleaver there. or a gun. A needle is so easy to pick up. to clean up after. It is too easy. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
yes marcus. I am insulting your country. What I have experienced consists of being accused of murder because I showed up. I spoke up and spoke my mind about everyone including Lizzie and as a result I am accused of murder. So hell ya I will insult your country. nobody sees this as real yet. guess what it is real and it is coming home. do you still think the chemist did it Marcus? Do you truely think that I did it? or do you think I am egging everyone so they try to see what is happening. Go head lock me in a basement. do whatever. hell i even confessed. but remember one thing. this will not end with me. and like it or not the police and Mr Holmes are not coming for a while. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Once again the obvious is lost. granted you didn't have murders until I came. were their murders around here before the georgian came? what about before 4:30? What If I was left handed? I would expect this from the germans but from the "civilized" engligh. ha But if my showing up and people dying is what it takes to convict somebody here the what the hell Yes I did it. <dryly> I am the super scary assasain who kills people in the night. run run quick or I will get you. oh ya I also eat kittens. now I am truely evil. oh you are all doomed. go ahead. what do you want to do with me lock me up in the Basement. will that make you ALL feel safer. <mocking> Well at least the american is in the basement. i guess we're all safe now. Lets have some Tea. Pip Pip and Jolly-o and all that other lummox. At least in the basement I won't have to hear your screams in the morning when you find someone else Dead. I know in the morning if I live to see it I will not be feeling bad about what I did today. I know I tried to do what was best for everyone. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Your are right Ma'am I have killed before. I will probebly kill again. That is my choosen vocation. I have killed more men then I care to remember. I plan to keep killing. I have killed men in africa for your country, I have killed men in asia for my country and i have killed men in the americas for the hell of it. I have yet to kill in europe. Has anyone one else here ever killed anyone? <silence> well it is expected that the killer wouldn't speak up. Ma'am Mr. Holmes should have been here by now. It didn't take me this long to get here and I live down the street from Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson. He is probebly being held up by Scotland Yard. What would you do with the person that we agree on as the suspect. ask them politely to please wait while the police are summoned. Ma'am we are dealing with people who have killed once. they will kill again. I for one am willing to kill the person we accuse in an effort to save us all. If that person is me. So be it. This has effectively become a battle between the innocent party goers. that includes me. And the assasians. Blood will need to be shed to protect the innocent. Mr. Watson will tell you that much. He has seen battle in the Boer Wars. He has been in africa where they attack in the night. We must do what we must to survive. And if your afraid of being caught up in a scandle then i am sorry to tell you that it is too late. I will have you know that I came upon my fortune by traveling. Mercenaries, don't make any money. Hell sometimes they don't even bury you! Everyone is a suspect Ma'am even you. Mr. Holmes will tell you that. Your son, as I am sure wouldn't hurt a fly, I am just as sure that cows and pigs would disagree. unless most of you change your accusation their will be nothing gained but a vacent room and heavy hearts. I know you are accusing innocent people -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Wow the dangers of being different huh.... I am glad we whupped your buts twice! I became a target for speaking up? You all don't want to have your dandy reputations tarnished by this. You would rather kill innocent men to quiet them. Well guess what. Nobody cares about what goes on out here. You are foolish to accuse the chemist. he could help you all. but noooo you would rather kill him then possibly be in a scandle. you want to kill me for speaking up do IT!!! Hell I did it does that make it easier. I just moseyed on up there and pricked him with that needle. I have no motive. But in the service we call this taking one for the team. I see that the chemist can help and you all are killing him for knowing his profession. What about the butcher? He knows how to cut up meat be careful. :woot: Also remember I am not the only foreigner in these halls. That should not be a factor in deciding guilt or innocence. Vinnie, I want you to know that I will not let you get strung up by these scared sheep. At least not if I can help it, And my two friends Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson will back me up. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
hellaya only in jolly old england can someone come to a wedding then be thrown smack dab into the middle of a murder. is this one of those new fad games that I have heard of Murder Mystery? ohhh ohhhh in all the books Eager wrote wasn't it the butler? that makes no sense. Hey Vinnie what was in that needle? your one of those chemical type people right? I know as an outsider I am oblivious to them there upper crust rivaleries, Perhaps Lizzie can tell us all that dirt she knows about the late Lord, After all it is well known that she is a gossip bug. If I had to venture a guess about a guilty party my bets would be on Mr. Doyle. A philosophy Major what can you do with that? That ain't like a good honest job huh Wil? OOC. Gavin Doyle <Matteo> Katzaniel - Katharine Horton, retired schoolteacher MeThinksUFoolish - Wetherby Danielson, Sir Cecil Garnavon's butler Vahktang - Mr. Vahktang, Georgian gentleman on tour of the Continent X-Sabre - George Worthington, tavern owner Degenero Angelus - Sir Alfred Peterson, rich old Knight and Nobleman Tamaranis - James Doyle, stableboy at Garnavon Hall Ozymandias - Marcus Horton, a butcher (Katharine's son) Nave - John Norfolk, merchant Lady Celes Crusader - Elisabeth Christie, well-known socialite Matteo - Gavin Doyle, Philosophy major with minor in English DeanTheAdequate - Vincent Cuthbert, doctor of Chemistry Elwen - Lady Emily Galanodel, unconventional teenage noblewoman Eyremon - Edwyn Cooper, American soldier/merc just back from Africa Gnarlitch - Wil, jack o' all trades -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Wow that was a fun ride. I haven't had that kinda fun since I rode with Teddy up St. Johnnies hill. Did Ya'll know that trains kept going after they jump the tracks but it is ahelleva lot more bumpy. Hey Wil Vinnie. How are y'all doin' ya know this is my first big ol' par'tay since coming into Uncles Georges money. Does this kinda shindig happen often around 'ere or only on special occasions? -
I am in the Holmes setting. hmmm character. I think I will be Edwyn Cooper. A 40 something single American Solider/Mercenary getting back from a tour of duty in Africa. He has just come into alot of money by fulfilling a travel clause in his great uncle's will. As such he has inherited enough to live comfortable for the rest of his life and an estate in wessex as well as an apartment in London 157 C Baker Street. Is that enough for ya Tanuchan?
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
I checked on Akane (Tanuchan) day one Then I said I would not speak against Her I checked on Shijin (Mira) day two and as he was being called on for votes I said how I was sure that he was composing a wonderful Hiaku I checked on Hoshiko (Dragonqueen) on day three but I died before I could say Anything As for defending Kinjiru (MeThinksUFoolish) I simply thaught that we were ganging up on the person who was different. He answered my question that I asked. Now onto the next Game... Tanuchan -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
*gazing at everyone with old and tired eyes* I see that the shapeshifters have won. Nobody but Akane-san, Kyosuke-san and myself are willing to step forward and confront the possible Oni-cursed. I am ashamed to be in your presence. The shapeshifters are playing upon our fears and guilt I realize that we are condeming our friends and innocents, but we do get closer to the shapeshifters. The only reason we are still awake now past dusk is because NOBODY else will step forward and speak their mind. Even when asked. Hoshiko-san kindly replied to my inquiry. But has Sawato-san. NO he has choosen to ignore it. That is why I vote for him. Shijin-san will you come out and vote as well as regale us with your works. Kamiya-san now is the time for votes. If we debate much longer the shapeshifters will be upon us and the shapeshifters have won, fore we are not willing to meet them head on. Kinjiru-san has answered everyone of our questions and has met our open hostility with graciousness. Hisoka-san I know you are scared and do not wish to become barbaric or loose your humanity. Sawato-san you cannot even seem to manage to defend yourself or answer any accusations. It is small wonder to me you are silent upon this issue. You have proven before you have a tongue yet you refuse to use it. By The Emperors WORD *produces an Imperial Seal* We Must Vote Do any of the condemed have anything to say in their defense? -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
My fair Akane-san I understand your desire to point out a guilty party. Are the disagreements between your lord and Kyosuke-san any different then the disagreements between Kinjiru-san and his father? If you beleive so please inform us all, why. Instinct and feelings is all we do have to go one. I will trust your insticts, fore feelings and intuition is a better reason to vote against somebody then silence. But then again this could simply be the shapeshifters using our grudges and feelings against us. I am still awaiting for any reply from Sawato-san in his own defense. As for Shijin-san I am sure he has simply been secluded working on a masterpiece to amaze us all, probebly as a lasting tribute to all who have fallen. -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Kamiya-san I wish I could share your certainy about the innocence of Sawato-san. I just simply cannot. The fair lady Hoshiko-san replied to my inquary, with a fair and plausible response. Please do not think me ghoulish when I stress that we must make a decission about who we should put to death today. Or is it the possiblity that you have had some divine insight to their fortunes or is it simply feminine intuition which can often be more accurate then mystical forces? I am sorry I degress. I shall stand by my feeling that it might be Sawato-san and I hope that Kyosuke-san will retract his accusation against Kinjiru-san or bring forth more evidence against him. It is getting towards dusk I must stress that votes are needed with any luck we would expose a Shapeshifter today and be that much safer. I place Sawato-san in the position of defending himself and dissuading my vote. (ooc Sawato-san) -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Hoshhiko-san and Sawato-san please forgive me for being impulsive but I have noticed that you two have not spoken up frequently, may I inquire upon your vocations? The last time Sawato-san spoke up was to render a judgement at Iron Chef. I realize that was simply yesterday but it still seems so long ago. You two have not spoken up to lament at the loses of our innocent comrades. Is it possible that you might be working together? either as the mystic and herbalist or as the shapeshifters. I do not suspect Kinjiru-San i think he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sawato-san what do you have to say for yourself? who was your first suspect? You told us that you had one the night before Lord Wasima was slaughtered. (OOC dean how much longer on day phase?) -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Teriuchi-san was very brave and bold. The emperor will miss his service. He did have few equals in weilding his weapon. These shapeshifters must have come to him in the guise of friendship and then changed. That makes them well aware of what they are doing. We must be careful. We are closing in on the shapeshifters. We have yet to find any shapeshifter and they have yet to find the mystic and herbalist. We must hope that our luck holds out. Hisoka-san I know you tremble at the thaught but I know your brother is in the service of the Emperor and has the power of sight. Do you know if it is possible to contact him and ask for his assitance, I can gain the emperors approval to send him if he is willing to come help. Kinjiru-san. What was the disagreements you had with your father? -
to join the game you just have to speak up during the next game signup which will be posted in the cabaret room or maybe here in the conservatory. Once a game begins then it is effectivally locked, no new players until the next game. but everyone is encouraged to watch. on other forums observers have even started threads talking about the game. The roles are random at the discreation of the moderator. They PM you to imform you of your role. If you don't feel up to the "main" roles (seer, baner, werewolves), I am sure that a simple PM to the moderator would change your role to a villager. Being an innocent villager is the default role. The time issue is usually solved either by using the forum timer or by letting everyone know which time to use and how many hours the difference is. just so everyone knows dean uses EST and it is currently in the 3:00 pm hour that makes it about <5 hours difference> Dean does this pretty much sum up the questions?
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
I should have foreseen that possiblity. I apologize. However before everyone starts feeling remourseful about the chef's fate, please remember we all had a hand in this, as it was nearly unanimous. Also let it be a warning to everyone that if you don't speak up, or at least attempt to communicate with everyone that it will be taken as a sign of guilt. The Iron Chef met his fate honorably and for that I shall singe my tongue with this wasabe... * * nuhow thwat it ith t(d)one wee musth phwre-phare for tonighth. *drinks some water* we must prepare for tonight. We still have two shapeshifters on the prowl and only one method of stopping them tonight. My the herbalist choose wisely. Have a good night and I hope to see you all in the morning, goodnight. Oh, Shijin-san would you please compose a hiaku for the fallen comrade, for the only thing I am sure of is that we will not be eating as well for the next few days. May our ancestors watch over us all tonight. -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Please forgive me my friends. I had been contimplating the effect this will have upon our Emperor. Akane-san I know it will be hard to raise your child alone, but know that you should be considered safe while your son is in the Emperor's entourage and that I shall not speak against you for I know that had you been next to Lord Wasima you would share his fate. Which brings me to my next point. The Emperor's chef should be with the Emperor. I was sent ahead to prepare for the Emperor's visit. I should think that the wise Emperor of our fine land should wish his chef to be with him. Why are you not with his Imperial Highness? Speak or you know what your fate shall be, and I will not try to hinder the process! OOC: Iron Chef -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
Eyremon replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Proud Warrior Fallen Victim of the HygenKyoi Moment of Silence It saddens me to hear that the shapeshifters have mauled another victim. And I truly understand the doubt and remourse you all feel about the previous day's lynching. We are all to blame for the death of an innocent, both those of us, myself included, who cast votes against him. As well of those of you who did not cast any vote. Ishikawa-san accepted his fate with the true heart of a samuri. I hope we all may have that courage. I know in my heart of hearts that Lord Washima faught valently and was overtaken through treachery. These are the tactics of the shapeshifters. We must to root out these shapeshifters. We shall have time to mourn in a few days. their will probebly be another shapeshifter attack tonight. Let us hope that our attempts today to find them will be successful and root at least one of them out today. Let us hope that our allies in these trying times are not inadvertently named. As for last night I was retired for the night and Lord Washima's samuri would vouch for that. I did awake in the middle of the night with all the commotion of the Lords attack, but again the gaurds would vouch as for my location. Shijin-san my I be so rude as to ask about what instrument you play? Vahktang- Shin, Washima: Strong head of the Washima Clan Victim of Wolves Eyremon- Lord Iago: Elder Courtier Mira- Shijin: Musician of the Biawgaku style Lady Celes Crusader- Yumi, Kamiya: Geisha Tanuchan- Akane, Shimizu: Head Concubine of Lord Washima Nave- Eiji, Terauchi dragonqueen- Hoshhiko X-Sabre- Koun, Sawato Damon Inferel- Kyosuke Vlad- Inoue, Ishikawa: Blossom festival tourist First Victim of Lynching Elwen- Hisoka: Geisha MeThinksUFoolish- Kinjiru-San (Son of a Paddy Farmer) RedChef- (Unknow Name) Master chef of the emperor's court. Known as the Iron Chef!