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Everything posted by Eyremon
and that folks is why votes are important. so the moderator doesn't have to choose. oh ya dum da da dum da da dum da da dum BONANZA
ya I have killed before. Mexican's during Scott's drive to Mexico City. But for these murders. I would never. but if it makes you all feel superior and feel safer have at me. just bury me with me gun
I will ask ozzy when I see him saturday night. dean might ask him before then. he will need to find a computer to hop onto
thanks mster. how many trips long this here trail ditcha make?
wow a tie braking vote. anyway. either setting sounds good. Eric Smith in either setting. gone out to sea (west) fleeing from creditors
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
captain I think I found sommmmppppphhhhhhh told ya so. -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
I am innocent. and I would NEVER help a commierussianbastard. as far as helping get rid of the commierussianbastard i believe your attempts at "helping" were unsuccessful. You have said yourself you like to hurt little animals. Dirk, Greg, and gravity were more instumental in stopping the commierussianbastard. what help have you really given as head of "security". -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
I did not kill anyone. As a scientist and photograph entheuasist I haven't hurt anyone. My suspicians have always been the security guard. He is a self admitted cruel man. If he can hurt toads and rats he would not have any problems hurting us. that coupled with being a mutant skin peeling thing. Morris Pavlov is a russian sounding name. as everyone knows russians are commiebastardsandiwouldneverdoanythingtohelpstoopidcommiebastards! IWouldRatherEatCatsAndDogsThenHelpAnyCommieBastard. Heinrich is my vote. He quietly added his own vote to the votes against me, even though I have voted for him often in the past. Kerri was more adament about her vote against me. Heinrich is a cruel man, and as head of security has been failing horribly in his job. OOC Heinrich/Solivagus PS. Ed Smith not Ed Cooper (he was last game) -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
ya might want to get those instincts of yours checked out. they seem to be a widge off. why does nobody else suspect the security guard. he knows this place in and out. and for the last time people I INSTALLED THE CAMERAS!!!!! -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
wow a bomb. I think that is my department. but I didn't do it. Everyone knows that I have it out for commies not for nazi's. what about tom dashing? What does he do? OOC tom Dashing -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
I doubt that we will reach a majority consensus. Why don't we just agree to disagree and go get some sleep? -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Cameras. this place is full of them. that is what gave me my idea to install cameras on the testing site. because of those cameras we can send footage of the destruction to anyone we want to. I am weary of the security guard. A cruel and angry man I have seen him kick horned toads. He will be my suspect. <ooc> Heinrich (solivagus) Katzaniel as Kerri, the dumb blond Tanuchan as Terri, Kerri's sister, also dumb, also blond Degenero Angelus as Zachary Evans, average teenage high school popular kid. Nave as Timmy, Kerri's & Terri's 6 year old brother Elwen as Aidan Laran the teen angst punk Lady Celes Crusader as the Greta Von Richter German Scientist Gnarlitch as Albert E. Milhouse, teenage science nerd. Solivagus as the Heinrich cruel and angry security guard Eyremon as Ed Smith, engineer Dean the Adequete as Dirk Danger World weary traveler and all around go-getter. MeThinksUFoolish as Greggor Kinjiru, an astromoner with the big telescope that Jameez as Jamia, the cute, smart brunette. Shinkiro as Tom Dashing, American Scientist. Ozymandias the Elder as Morris Pavlov, creepy actor cameo AND star! -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Wow did you see that ship. why with one of those general Armstrong could stop those damn CommiesFromSpreading.PerhapsIfWeWouldHaveHadThisTechnology EarlierTommyWouldStillBeAliveAndPlayingBigLeagueBall.MaybeWeCouldSomehow FigureOutAWayToUseThisAcidicRain.IfWeCouldUseItOnThoseCommiesThenThey WouldSurelyRecognizeAmericanPowerAndDemocracy.IMustFigureOutAWayToUse ThisTechnologyAndResources. -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
welllllllll if the blast is strong we can stop all those commies dontcha know. besides with the CamerasThatGeneralArmstrongLetMeInstallWeCanGoAndSend PicturesToThoseCommieFoolsAndShowThemHowOurBombIsBetterThenTheirBomb AndTheirBombIsJustPlainStoooopid.OurBombIsBigger,Brighter,HasAMorePowerful Boom,AndANiceShinyCoverBecauseWeWantThoseCommieFoolsToSeeItComing BecauseOnceItIsArmedTheirIsNoGoingBack.ThisWillMakeThoseCommieBastards SorryForKillingAllOurYankieBoysInSiberia. hahahaha <starting to skip down the hall> our bomb is bigger our bomb is bigger Tommy will have is revenge because our bomb is bigger -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Eyremon replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
<with the glee that is usually reserved for 5 year olds at christmas a gentleman in his mid 30's wearing brown pants and a white short sleave button up shirt with a tie loose around his neck just starts jumping up and down screaming> hahaha :woot: haha it worked!!! my portion of the project worked!AtFirstThePencilPushersWeren'tGoingToAllowTheAddedMechinism ButTheseResultsGoToShowThemAllThatMyPortionOfTheProjectAllowed AllThisToHappen.ButIManagedToConviceGeneralArmstrongThatThis WouldMakeThisProjectAnUnparralleledSuccess!!IMeanWithout TheCamera'sMonitoringWhatHappenedHowElseWouldWeHave KnownWhatThisBombDoesToUnoccupiedBuildingsAndStationaryJeeps. Edited for clarity -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Bravo. wonderful ending. -
I am in I will be the engineer. Edit for name. Ed Smith
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
my head -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Damn this long restless night, waiting around for the assasain to murder one of us. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Methinksyoufoolish One of the top two on my list. Didn't vote last round, possibly to keep from giving himself away by not voting against Elwen, BUT, in the second round, with Elwen tied for the lead his vote was for someone not in the runing. he could have changed to Nave to protect Elwen and he didn't. Once again, it could just have been to keep distance between himself and his partner, but with his partners life on the line, I don't buy it. #2 on list. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Agreed Wil Thank you for your kind words and support. I will vote with you instead of against myself. OOC>James Doyle (Tamaranis) -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
my plan ms. Katherine was to have the assasain strike me down. giving Wil another night of seeing. I made a big deal about being the protector knowing that the true protector would not beleive me and hopefully protect wil. I beleive I had everybody exept two of you fooled. obviously the protector knew I was lying, but apparently so did the assasain. So you see. my plan failed. I was not the victim of the assasain. I have not brought Wil any more time since he made it clear he had second sight that is why I have failed. now get on with the voting, and bring me a priest. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
what sir alfred is dead!! damn. it seems I have failed in my plan. I accuse myself. -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
Eyremon replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
sorry for the delayed reply ms. horton. I was paranoid after the fire the first night and watched over Wil the second. I had a feeling that he was special. like I said I am going to watch over him again tonight. So I guess we had better get dug in before the next assasain strikes. Goodnight.