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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Eyremon

  1. Nave as Woof - thinks he's a dog Gnarlitch as Itchy - general troublemaker Vahktang as Milos / Aic - everyone from "One Flew Over the Cuckoos's Nest" Ozymandias as Lamont - crazy somehow or other Eyremon as Eyremon - is fighting some sort of war dragonqueen as Rena - thinks everyone's out to get her MTUFoolish as Mike - thinks he's Michael Jackson Dean as Napolean - not really Napolean Jammeez as Jammeez - big troublemaker this might be a suicide mission soldier, do you understand that. Sir Yes Sir Very well then. Here is your package. make sure it gets to its destination okay sir. dunt dunt da da da da dunt dunt da da da da dada da..... dada da.... dada da.....dunt dunt dunt. Eyremon sneaks across the room at appropiate times folding himself up as a chair, lamp, and even a bear rug. dunt dunt da da da da dunt dunt da da da da dada da..... dada da.... dada da....... dunt dunt dunt. When he gets to Napolean, Eyremon stops. za no te du pwa? la sea de nu doodoo? at this point it is obvious that Eyremon knows no french... Eyremon knows that Napolean is his ally and gives him the package of a spoon wrapped in toiletpaper. This is from the one upstairs. Eyremon then goes to the corner and slowly starts to pile up books into a wall. while slowly humming to himself... while building a wall. OCC. nave.
  2. what woman? there is nobody there. this front is barren. it is the trandoshians they have employed a burned earth policy. all I see is a barren wasteland. and chared bodies with red lollipops. it is clearly a sign. lollipops kill...
  3. after passing Rena, Eyremon spins his chair around with the bucket on his head and mop over his shoulder. he slowly advances his chair toward napolean while making a constant grinding noise. errgggggggggghhhhhh when he gets to the obsticals he stops and slowly rotates his chair to a new direction and the continues... errrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh he passes by napolean only to stop at a blank picture frame. (no glass just frame) Eyremon then leans back causing the mop handle to raise until it is centered on the frame. pppbbbgggghhhhh Eyremon "fires" his mop at the frame sending it crashing to the floor. He then turns around and slowly rolls back to itchy before standing up and saying "Mission accomplished high overlords from TX395 please do not suck my brains out."
  4. <pushing himself around in an office chair> errrrghhhh zooooom wwwwwhhhhhooooooo I'm a fighter pilot! dat dat dat dat dat dat dat dat dat dat errrrrgggggooouuuuuu cccchhhhhhoooooo <Doctor> That is John. he suffers from Delousions. He basicallys sees things that are not there. just ignore him and you'll be fine. have fun at the zoo. :woot: They're on me I can't shake them. I can see them. There are two of them trying to kill me. Woooshhh dat dat dat dat :woot: I am hit May day May day this is Eyremon. copy I am going down! repeat I have been hit and I am going down. ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH <crash> John crashes his chair into the wall and falls out, while slipping into unconscienceness.
  5. As Wile E. Coyote I just wanted to be true to the form. over the top traps that inevitably backfire upon him. As for hunting Peepi the whole time (while he was alive) it was because of the wheel of fate thing. he took his target and hunted with obsessive compulsion. for that reason i pretty much ignored what was going on with the rest of the game.
  6. i agree i do want to play in an aslym
  7. more proof not to trust Nave or Elwen
  8. I would be up for a game. perhaps with so many "regulars" out this could be a chance to sign up new players. try putting a sign up notice in the main room? to see who might be interested
  9. How would Spidey know that Myself and Prime are innocent? He knows who the other eraser is. He knew that he wasn't the seer. Pepe Le Pew is the seer correct? therefore Yukito is my suspect. It is time to order my Acme card shreader... the first vote Yukito spoke up during he voted with Spiderman against ME. I can assure you that my only motive in hunting Peepi was dinner, I barely noticed any erasings. If I was an eraser hunting Peepi would be useless because I would not have anything left for dinner. If I was an eraser Pepe Le Pew would be erased by now. I think we should get this decision over so that I may go hunting again. I hear Duck Season is opening soon. Bugs, "Rabbit Season is opening soon" Daffy, "Duck Season is" Bugs, "Rabbit Season" Daffy, "Duck Season" Bugs, "Okay Daffy you win." Daffy Damn you bugs Wile E. puts on a Bib Daffy :woot:
  10. The Animated! Elwen- Tsukishiro Yukito (Card Captor Sakura) Lady Celes Crusader- Optimus Prime (Transformers) dragonqueen- Pepe le Pew (Warner Bros.) Eyremon- Wile E. Coyote (Warner Bros.) The Static! Deg- GIR! (Invader Zim) (Hey! That taco looks... BZZZT!) MeThinksUFoolish- Marvin The Martian(Warner Bros.) (Never touch a mans books...) Vahktang- Johnny Quest (Johnny Quest) (IT WAS SMUGGLERS DAMNIT... That's the Hardy Boys Dean... Oh, yeah...) Eirishluck- Chichiri (Fushigi Yugi) (NO-DA!) Tanuchan- PeePi the Hamster, soon to be Ultra PiPi (Invader Zim) (Behold the power of SEED!) Ozzy- Miroku (Inu-Yasha) (Well... The advantage to ghostlyness... TO THE SHOWERS!) Nave: Spider Man (Spider Man) (He was a wolf spider) Gnarlich- Dave Boswell (Knights of the Dinner Table) (oww my knees where is Tonya Harding)
  11. that is what make Wile E. Coyote a super genius
  12. I would be in either game.
  13. hmmmm. perhaps the PE PE I had found earlier didn't spell out Peepi the Hamster. But who could it be then? Tsukishiro Yukito no their is no PE PE in that name. Spider Man No it couldn't be... or could it! Peter Parker maybe.... Of course that is the only logical assumption. <hello Acme Quality Products> <Yes I need one superhero costume> Wile E. Coyote opens up his new package. Inside is a purple helmet with matching costume. Wile E. dons his new "Magneto" costume. complete with magnetized gloves and boots. Wile E. tests his new costume by raising his hand and a refrigator is pulled to him. It works!!! out on the arena floor prepared to face down spiderman. As Wile E. tries to get the attention of Spiderman something unpredicted happens. Optimous Prime starts sliding backwards. :woot: Wile E. tries to run away but simply succeeds at not moving. Optimous Prime's heels catch on the a few bleachers. Sending them flying towards Wile E. :woot: Massive amounts of metal start converging around Wile E. Coyote. By the time Optimous Prime arrives a tiny bit of purple helmet is still visible. Then Optimous Prime looses his balance. Flattening the metal ball. The metal pancake and Wile E. are swept away by the Jetson cleaning 'bots whom Optimous Prime starts talking to about Robot rights and how the "man" is oppressing them. They roll away with Autobot stickers on their backs. <O.O.C.> Spiderman.
  14. The next event at the Toonlympics was the Gymastics event. As Peepi is about to enter onto Gymnastic floor prepared with a dazzling routine. Wile E. Coyote stops him. Wile E. is again wearing those long black robes and powdered wig again. He tells Peepi that the routine has been modified a little and he now has to use a giant "atlas sphere" (one of those balls that you roll around in) Peepi enters the arena inside the sphere and proceeds to have a breathtaking performance. Peepi received a 9.8, 9.8, 9.7, 9.9 and 2.4 (apparently Mystery Inc. doesn't care for gymnastics) Wile E. Coyote is baffled at the judges reactions. Obviously they admired the bold move of the Atlas Sphere. Wile E. then calls up Acme <Hello Acme Quality Products> <I need 4 pair of rocket skates, an electric razor, a watermelon, a pit bull, a chainsaw, and a deluxe brand new version 2.0 autoprotobrandspankingoffthedrawingboard CHUCK ATLAS SPHERE Wile E. Coyote rolls his Chuck Atlas Sphere out onto the floor. He puts two sets of rocket skates on the pitbull. He puts on a set of rocket skates and proceeds to pick up the remaining items. The music of Richard Wagner is cued up. Wile E. Coyote enters the Chuck Atlas Sphere. and starts up the rocket skates. The Chuck Atlas Sphere starts moving around the arena destoying concession stands and seating. But Wile E. doesn't notice. He is busy juggling the running electric razor, watermelon and running chainsaw, while he is being chased by the pitbull who is angry over wearing skates. The next 135 seconds are interesting. Wile E. was actually managing to do everything... until his skate snagged on the gate. He tripped causing the watermelon to land on his head, while the razor managed to shave his back. the chainsaw missed Wile E. by inches. the Pitbull clamped his jaws around the cleanly shaven rump. They were all dumped onto the arena floor when the sphere came to a halt at the foot of the judges... .8, .3, -9.8, .2 and a perfect 10 (Scooby and Shaggy liked the watermelon) Wile E. goes back to the locker room to clean off the watermelon and to visit nurse Granny to remove the pitbull. The Medals are given out for this event. Peepi won the gold Dave managed to win Silver and the judges didn't have anymore medals to give out. Wile was so bad he couldn't even get third place out of three. Wile E. dreams of yet another way he might be able to catch the crafty hamster. <OOC Peepi>
  15. A pole vault event. perhaps this could be where Wile E. Coyote can get Peepi. <Hello Acme Quality Products.> <I need 1 rubber pole vault pole, and a judge's uniform.> Moments later just before Peepi proceeds with the pole vault Wile E. Coyote comes onto the feild carrying a pole and wearing long black robes and a powdered wig. He gives the confused Peepi the new pole which has been specially engineered for the Hamsters unique limp wristed vaulting style. Peepi takes the pole and proceeds to set a Toonlymic record of 79 feet. :woot: Wile E. is furious over this record and insists on going next. He takes the pole that Peepi just used and starts the vault. but instead of breaking the new animated record Wile E. is flung over the walls of the arena in what would have definately been a record, but Wile E. knocked the bar over with his gut. Also unfortuately for Wile E. He landed in the White Water Kayaking Course. OOC. Peepi
  16. When Peepi launches over Dave to get the food pellets the plan finally takes affect. as the pellets are eaten a rope hidden in the pellets is chewed through releasing a bolwing ball down the stairs to knock into a chair to cause it to fall. When the chair falls another rope around the leg of the chair is released letting go off the 7 ton safe that was dangeling above the hamster pellets. Unfortunately Wile E. Coyote used too much rope, and he gave his safe seat to Yukito. And Wile E. Mistakingly sat in the "Bad" seat which Peepi gave up to go eat. As the bolwing ball hits the chair with no effect, Wile E. is reminded about the plan. He offers to get everyone food and drink Peepi eats all the pellets and returns to table. Wile E. Coyote decided to use his Acme Card to order 8 pizza's and soda for the game as well as a D8million (vary rare) As he gets up to go make the call he walks past a Large X on the ground <doppler effect> Wile E. Looks up holds up a sign Uh-Oh The paint was just tacky enough to cause him to not move. <Boom> the 7 ton safe falls on Wile E. followed by a spool of rope. When Wile E. comes out of the safe all accordianed He thinks to himself now where is that Hamster Wheel. Just as everyone hears a Giant rolling sound. Uh-Oh A giant hamster wheel rolls in over Wile E. from the door and exits out the wall through a hole that Peepi painted, taking Wile E. with it. The D8million is lying on the ground where Wile E. was. It was ominously lying with the 1 face up
  17. Wile E. Coyote picks up the phone and orders an acme chance wheel 3 seconds later when it is dropped off he promptly adds everyone's name to the wheel. Wile E. Coyote spins the wheel without realizing that the pegs are dynamite... <BOOM> the only shards that Wile E. sees are ones that say <PE> <PE> that are still smouldering. Wile E. puts 2 and 4 together and draws up plans to hunt Peepi all he needs are some hamster seed, paint, an giant Hamster wheel, 288 pullies, and a 7 ton safe. Hello acme.... OOC Peepi
  18. Are Acme Ski's Allowed?
  19. American-The Coyote with no Credit Limit-- Wile E. Coyote Japenese- I have no idea so after asking Dean I think I will go with Sven from Voltron. The original Blue Lion- If I make it past two days it will be longer then the character.
  20. Ohhh Rich you have been served.
  21. that stupid architect must have been hanging around chandler when he designed that locker room. honestly why would anyone put a flight of stairs so close to a looker room. Hey Rich what did Arielle mean when she said she SAW you trip Jaquie down the stairs. Didn't you realize that someone could get hurt, or was this some football hazing ritual? Or did you do it just because you could. This is why I try to stay in my safe soundproof box. In my box I am in charge. I am in control. Not the Jocks. Again Rich why?
  22. I saw the paramedics take someone away. Was it the same people who hurt Billy?
  23. Hey Mr. Shipley. You need to help those actors decide which play to put on. One comes to me and asks me to start setting up stuff for Grease. then 3 hours later someone else says we are doing Little Shop of Horrors. The next day it is Okalahoma, Godspell, and Footloose. Why don't you help them decide what is going on, so that I may start with the set design and lighting. Honestly actors are so fickle. I am glad that I managed to get Theater Tech to count as my social science, science, tech, art, and my foreign language credit. I am not sure how I managed that last one though.
  24. Ya know what the worst part about the drama club is Mr. Shipley? The actors. They think it is all about them. that the show couldn't go one without them. Do they ever thank me? nope. They just demand things. I wonder how they would like to put on a show in the dark. "Now Eric, you know that your indespensible to the club. Even to the school. No one else knows the light and sound board like you do." Mr Shipley said reassuringly. Ya I know. It is just annoying. At least I was able to slip away in the darkness when those new bullys tried to get me last week. At least Meat and I have an unspoken agreement. He doesn't bother me, I stay quiet. I guess I had better go start checking the light connections.
  25. I will Be Eric the Drama Techie Geek. Ya know the guy who deals with the set, and lights, and sound.
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