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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Eyremon

  1. To the High Inquisitor; It is my opinion that Brother Adrain is both pious and devout. He has somehow managed to gain the unflattering attention of his fellow brothers. I hope Vices do not grip the entire abby. May your travels be smooth.
  2. Brother Igottafiln has been scribing in his personal ledger his impressions about the abby. His report should enlighten his superiors about the day to day way non pampered and padded children of God live. Although the recent string of incidents might prove the undoing of the abby. The swordsmith Brother Hue is being turned upon by his brothers. I do not believe the his heart has been swayed from the lord. His work is true and the fire keeps his faith strong. Brother Farhaven has been acting strangely, In my humble opinion he should be watched or banished from the temptation that must surely be present here. His soul may be in a struggle and we must do everything we can do to help him save his soul. OOC. I accuse Brother Farhaven [Damon Inferel]
  3. The Brother Igottafiln strolls into the abby. He had been sent by his superiors to observe what is happening and to report back if anything strange happens. His simple robes and a satchel are all that the Brother has on him. He receives his spartan room from the Abbot. Rome has forgotten about this simplicity. Then the Brother goes about to find out the daily routine for this Abby
  4. Is the Rose game filled up?
  5. Samantha Bones, a lonely old widow who lives on the edge of the village. It is so sad to see the Reverend die in such a manner. He was truely supportive when my husband died in the indian attack 10 years ago.
  6. i am in
  7. well i think the game was very good. I had a hard time with Wile E. Coyote's hunting
  8. Wile E. Coyote walks in wearing his CSI jacket [Dat Dumb (again think law and order)} Wile is carrying a black satchel case and wearing latex gloves over his feet, hands, nose and ears. He starts roping off the table where the bacon, ham, and sausage is Police CRIME SCENE tape. After he successfully ropes of the area, he then produces a container of Gallon Zip Lock bags. carefully using tongs Wile E. Coyote bags each piece of meat on the table into individual bags. Wile E. then leaves the crime scene with the "evidence" going to a makeshift lab he set up in the spare bathroom on the 3rd floor of the east wing of the manor. Wile E. then examines each and every peice of ham, bacon, and sausage under an ACME Portable Electron microscope. He is searching for evidence. After finding some fingerprints on a piece of bacon Wile E. has what he needs. Wile then goes to his ACME home newspaper kit to print out his findings. HEADLINE: Serena, a nerd in high school, has been caught with irrefutable evidence that she.... PUT BACON BACK AFTER PICKING IT UP. Trace fingerprints were found on the pork product in question, detective runner is on record as saying "beep beep " before he was called off on another breaking case in Cabot Cove, Maine where an unnamed tourist died traveling to a hotel. A unnamed witness has come forward saying, "I thawth I Thaw her puthin it back. I did I did I did see her puthin it back." Detective Coyote goes on to say, "If this poor misled girl can put bacon back on the breakfast tray what else is she capible of? What would the health department say? What would your grandmother say." Well we here at ACME news found what her grandmother would say. Ethal Waterford the maternal grandmother of Serena would say, "Don't take food you don't plan on eating. People are starving and you shouldn't throw food away. That food costs money you know." There was several more examples of generational advice given and ACME news has taken the liberity to compile it all into a single volume, Elderly Advice, edited by Nick O'thyme. Availible on Amazon and whereever fine books are sold. OOC. Accusing Serana
  9. Tanny I don't know how often it has been said, but Thank you for stepping in to mod this game. You help to make the boards fun and a place to come back to. Thank you Eyremon
  10. Wile E. Coyote follows Dr. Van Muncie around as he proceeds through his investigation. Wile E. of course is wearing his CSI jacket and Sherlock Holmes cap. Wile E. proceeds to produce a magniflying glass and starts to comb the floor looking for clues. Wile E in an adjacent room stops and declairs that he found footprints of a 6'1" man who weighs 200 lbs. has blue eyes, brown hair, wears specticles, and is an organ donar. Everyone seems amazed at this declaration until Dr. Van Muncie tells Wile E to give George his license back. Wile E complies and continues his search for clues. OOC. Tying vote with Dr. Van Muncie, unless otherwise said.
  11. Wile E Coyote goes to the Welcoming table at this reunion and scans the names of who showed up. It would seem to him that PETA needs to be informed of the crowds decision to throw him out so rudely and hastily. After all Wile E was invited just like everyone else here Shaking his head Wile E stops dwelling upon his narrow and seemingly divine parole from the crowd. But who in the crowd was responsible for his current trouble. It is true that Lord Washima, George, and Serena all jeered the crowd in attempts to expell him. But should Wile E's hunt for the person who wants him expelled be limited to just these three people. I think not. Javier, Elisabeth Christie, Dr. Van Muncie, Jaqui, Walter Morrison, Markus Black, and Shana were all their to go against him. This calls for some old fashioned detective work. Hello Acme.... I need 1 Junior Beginner, so you want to be a forensic detective kit, Yes thank you I would like the jacket as well. Wile E. Coyote gets his package moments later. He pulls out his new blue jacket with CSI: Reunion writen on the back. He dons his new Sherlock Holmes hat, with his Columbo cigar. He pulls out his Jessica Fletcher "authentic" typewriter to organize his theories. Finally he hits play on the tape that is included. Bomp Bombnnnn (think Law and Order) Wile E starts typing... someone dies in a small fishing town in Maine.... Dr. Van Muncie, what does Wile E. know about him. He is a kindered spirit, a hunter of elusive prey. Yes perhaps Wile E. could make an ally of the Doctor. Elisabeth Christie, a socialite who has been through so much already. She may have an idea or a lead. WWSHDOPWWSOPCSDDIASS. following thoughts based on first letters clearly does not work. But what to do next? Wile E needs to investigate further.....
  12. thanks i do try to keep it fun. the hard part without Pepe la Pew is finding something to hunt.... lol
  13. U Upon hearing his accusation Wile E. Coyote steps forward out of the crowd wearing a white flowery komono, his disguise to get past the man with no name worked, only to be "outted by Lord Washima. The accusation is laughable, yet Wile E. is angry at being thought of as a mere preditor. The assembled crowd is starting to turn on the innocent coyote. All of a sudden there is a commotion outside. Foghorn Leghorn comes into the room carrying blueprints and plans and charts. "Now wait here boys, I said no hold on a minute. What I have here is irrufitable evidence, and character summeries of my good client Wile E. Coyote." Every one of his charts and plans shows an image of a bird or hamster with some manner of catching him involved, usually a large weight. "Now you look see here in these home movies Wile E. has yet to catch his quarry. infact his quarry has usually injured Mr. Coyote quite greviously. Now I am not much of a city I said city schooled lawyer. I am just a rooster is said a rooster boy. Now what i do know hear me now what i know is that Lord Washima has slandered the good name of my client, and that my client requests no i mean demands satisfaction. My client would like to see Lord Washima work so dilligently for his meal, when even the fates conspire against, I said against your every move." With that suggestions Wile E. Jumps up and down He then gives Lord Washima the number to Acme Goods and Delivery Service so that Lord Washima can attempt what Wile E. does to get his meal.
  14. Wile E. Coyote walks in wearing a majorly dented purple helmet with a flowing black judges robe. As he tries to make his way into the party, A man with no name steps into the doorway blocking entry. "we don't allow no varmets into this here party." Undaunted Wile E. contacts acme to order 1 pair of rocket skates. Wile E lights up the skates and head towards the door. The man with no name simply flicks his cigerette onto the sidewalk. :woot: As expected the cigerette stopped all the forward momentum of the skates propelling Wile E into the wall. Wile E Coyote will find a way into this party.
  15. Wile E. Coyote will hunt again
  16. I will either be Lord Iago from WW2 Edwyn Cooper from WW3 Wile E Coyote from WW7 they were all fun to play. Any suggestions on who to be?
  17. I will play but as far as being a Mod. in RL when I mod it tends to go real fast. No theme just who died and then day phase, then night phase, repeat as needed. Besides I need to finish my summer session of school before I even think about trying on the moderator pants.
  18. I choose jameez as the traitor. although Mike is keeping a low profile. and what is with that mask?
  19. Refuge has been admitted to my humble keep for the duration of this foul winter. May my humble surroundings prove adequate for the emperor of all europe. <edited to provide a list of alive characters on a new page> Eyremon as Eyremon - is fighting some sort of war dragonqueen as Rena - thinks everyone's out to get her MTUFoolish as Mike - thinks he's Michael Jackson Dean as Napolean - not really Napolean Jammeez as Jammeez - big troublemaker
  20. Eyremon as Eyremon - is fighting some sort of war dragonqueen as Rena - thinks everyone's out to get her MTUFoolish as Mike - thinks he's Michael Jackson Dean as Napolean - not really Napolean Jammeez as Jammeez - big troublemaker Our choices are few, and our enemy has apparently turned one of our allies. but whom. as long as I am in my fort I am safe. but who am I trying to protect myself from? mike. he hasn't done anything illegal, but my jury is still out on that one. rena, she might just be ready to take on the world. it is quite fun. Napolean hasn't done anything wrong. but seriously a land war in asia. never a good sign. Jammeez has been causing trouble and dissent the entire time. She caused Itchy to hurt himself. Itchy was a good person, even though he didn't know what Red means. but who should I eliminate, napalm, bombard, take a long walk off of the pirate plank, put infront of the firing squad? I just don't know. but my instinct compells me to choose Jammeez. she caused much dissent. hopefully her departure will cause the plattoon to calm down.
  21. <ooc> you know itchy you don't need surgary as an excuse to get medication to get into character. hope you recover quickly
  22. clickety clank I'm a tank clickety clank I'm a tank clickety clank I'm a tank
  23. owww. I don't think I like Bobby at all. he isn't very nice, or talkative. I must be back to my wall. In my fort I cannot be hurt. the french and russians will combine into a form of catalina and Mike will be the king of soft drinks once again. the poor puppy was killed for no reason, that I can tell. I know the short guy from france is safe. why else would he keep the peanut butter. My mother used Jif and she was safe. Smart mothers and emperors use Jif. Why does that wall have a hole in it. I might be able to see the outside with it. or I can make my own peep hole. everyone else will be jealous. of my viewport. my window to the outside. it is mine. i might share it with someone. No no no no it must remain hidden and secret. like the resistance. yes. a chimpanzee operation. hit and run. like the Mohammad Ali. float like a butterfly sting like jellyfish. why doesn't bobby like me? I tried to play nice with him. I wonder if itchy met bobby. I betcha itchy could make bobby cry red. but itchy wouldn't stop at red. I would like to hear bobby cry red, from the safety of my wall and peep hole. Yes all mine....
  24. I would say that if the roles didn't PM you then they were over drugged that night and couldn't accomplish anything. It is clear when you sign up what your role is. There should be no reason why you don't PM. What about sending out PM's with read reciepts on them.
  25. What do you know about the attempted escape plan? You won't get me to talk you silly copper. Why do you insist on making this hard for yourself? You can't see me I am a Ninja Pilot. You are not a ninja pilot, you have toilet paper wrapped around your head! Are you calling me a liar or a Mummy? A mummy, no Liar... Third questions time to get flung out. arrghhhhhh.. why didn't you get flung? STOP FOOLING AROUND! Are you threatening me? I am a Ninja Pilot Yes I am threatening you. RED, RED, RED, RED!!! What are you rambling on about now! the nice lady i picked up in siagon 3 years ago told me that was my safe word. i yell that everything stops.... I am a VETERAN NINJA PILOT. I was shot down in duty to my country. You are not a veteran. You are not a ninja. You are not a pilot. YOU ARE A MISUNDERSTOOD INSANE PATIANT HERE! NOW TELL ME ABOUT THE ATTEMPTED ESCAPE. I finally understand. I am an INSANE VETERAN NINJA PILOT. yeaaa. I am not allowed chocolate. it makes me hyper. John. Have met Bobby. No, who is Bobby? Bobby is my friend who helps me talk to people. <pulls out his nightstick> Yea I am going to get a new friend. Hey what are you doing with that stick. Owww Stop that. owww that hurts. RED RED RED RED ow stop it. I am telling someone!!! Owwww. RED!!!!!
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