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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by DeanTheAdequate

  1. OOC: Thanks Nave! Forgot to do it this night.
  2. As day breaks, Doctor Von Muncie walks to the inn. He tries the latch... but it won't budge! He soon rears back and knocks in the heavy door. He nurses his shoulder as he looks around. No one is there... oh so he thinks. "It's horrible" Tanuchan whimpers from the top of the stairs "They got her..." Von Muncie rushes up the stairs to find only one room open, Lady Celes'. "I wake her first every morn before I open but..." Von Muncie is speechless. Lady Celes is rumpled on the floor next to her dressing table. Her dressing gown is torn as her chest was ripped open. Von muncie closes the door as he leads Tanuchan away. "Wake up the others." said Von Muncie "We'll discuss this downstairs. I'll get the kettle on while you get the places set." As Tanuchan weeps by the linen cupboard, Von Muncie gets a roaring fire going. "Fewer and fewer..." he muses "I hope there is time left..." (Lady Celes was innocent! Not good. It's day phase. Get your votes in now... because you could be next!)
  3. The slips of paper indicate Merelas. He is dragged off to the gallows, pulling for all he's worth. The rope is dragged over his head, the door falls. Nothing. Merelas dies quickly and quietly. "It proves to you all just one thing." Von Muncie says "If you do not participate in the hearings, your doom dosen't even leave clues for your survivors. I'll see some of you in the morning." And with that the Doctor turns on his heel and heads for the late Farmer Brown's. (OOC: Merelas was innocent. It's night phase. Wolf, Baner, need those PMs)
  4. (For those who don't kow, the first story in this series is here The Last Duel... And now...) The gentle breeze swayed the bamboo shoots as Yama brought his sword down. Over and over as the breeze cooled his sweat. His father looked on with pride. "One day my son" he said "you will help change all you survey in ways even this old man cannot predict." "Yes father." Yama replied. He glanced over to his father's favorite spot, but could not see him there. He felt a tug as his blade stopped in mid swing. Yama quickly turned to see his sword, embedded in his father... * * * Yama Mitsurugi's eyes bolted open. He tensed, but quickly loosened up. Kitsune, his bride, had pressed hard against his back. It was warm here, in the future he had carved. In a way, this was why Yama took up his sword two days ago. He had denounced his lordship a year ago, because all he ever wanted was to have a common happiness. That, and his love for this woman. "A mere daughter of a gardener." his father had said "She is your subject and is yours at any time..." Those words left Yama with a hasty retreat under the cover of darkness and a deep resentment for the old ways. But now he had his own path, he grabbed it with his own hands and woulden't let anything take it away. And then Yama glanced at his sword, leaning against the far wall. He shut his eyes and tried to forget. There were still those who would take away all he had worked for... * * * "When are you gonna' let me leave!" "When you decide to tell me where you left the offering bowl you stole from the temple." "But I didn't..." Yama ignored it the best he could, but Naota had never been one to confess when he was getting free room and board. He continued his paperwork until his section chief came along. "Yama, I have some bad news." Hikame began "A group of dissadents have raided a village to the southwest. I know it's been such a short time since you came back..." "I know" said Yama "but as a fledgling force we must make the most of our most promising and useful members." Hikame stared blankly. "Yes, well... It's too big a job for just one, so I'm having Shuji go with you. Also, I've been able to get you this." Hikame dropped a package on the desk. Yama opened it to find a gun and belt. "That's a colt navy pistol. Just came off the ship." Hikame began "One day we will all have fine sidearms like this." "No." "What?" "I will not carry this. I have no business using what I have no training in." "Now see here." said Hikame "As the times change even you must. The sword I have permitted you to use is for your skill and safety. One day the sword will be no more than a ceremonial bauble. Now, the gun is part of your uniform commander, and I won't have my officers out of full uniform. Understand?" Yama fumed for a moment before letting out "Yes sir." "Good." * * * Shuji was outside, bridling the horses. "Good morning Cammander." Shuji began "I'm ready when you are." Yama looked over Shuji. He had left Lord Mitsurugi's lands when the first opprotunity arose. Shuji had been a good friend in the courtyards. The son of a cook, Shuji had an intense feeling of wanderlust withen the castle walls. He had found Yama a job with the newly formed police. To repay his kindness, Yama had trained Shuji in the proper use of a sword and got him a fine replacement for the government issued steel. "Please Shuji," Yama said "let's just speak of old times before we get to the village. I have much to talk about." * * * The journey was swift. Soon they found a village in mourning. Three had been killed in the raid. One policeman, and two villagers who tried to help. "They must of needed supplies" the village chief said "All they wanted were the villages stores, but now we may miss a meal." "Amateurs I'd say." said Shuji, going over some tracks "They took the livestock. A child could follow thier trail." "But no child could fight them." said the village chief "They had...." he rolled the unfamiler word in his mouth "...guns." Yama looked cooly at the situation. All of those killed had gunshot wounds. The officer's sword had been broken in two. He cursed inwardly. "We should set out soon." Yama said "We will be back for a cart to get back your stores." They set off between grieving wives, mothers, children and kin. All pleading for a swift vengance. "Shoulden't we get some help from Kyoto?" shouted Shuji as they rode. "There is no time or resources. They cannot hide as long as they keep the livestock, but they will soon realize thier mistake. We go." * * * There were signs of the raiding party slowing for the night. They had rode hard and caught up to the raiders as they made camp in a clearing in the wood. Several thick timbers lay about, as if a lightning strike cleared the area some time ago. Yama and Shuji had left thier horses behind. Behind two trees, they observed the raiding party of ten men. They had settled down to eat one of the pigs taken. The policemen waited until all the mebers had had thier fill. Shuji drew his fine european blade, as Yama soon nodded. They burst through the thicket and into the firelight. "If you are unarmed you will not be harmed!" shouted Yama, but this desperate sort never took this bit of advice. One of the raiders took up the skewer the pig was on, still piping hot. He thrust out at Yama. Yama drew his blade out only halfway to parry the metal. He then brought his kneee into the raider's bread basket, and the man crumpled. Shuji was having good luck as well. Two of them had reaping flails at the ready. The stronger of the two had ensnared Shuji's left arm and pulled. Shuji fought with it for a moment until the other raider came to strike. Then, in one motion, Shujiducked under the blow and put a slash into the first raider's belly. The second one fell back and was given a piercing blow. One by one the raiders fell. Some dead, most alive. Until there was one left standing by a cartload of ill gotten supplies. "Give it up." Shuji said from across the firepit "You have only yourself to blame for this outcome." But a moment later the raider pulled something out from the cart. There was a bang and a puff of smoke. Shuji fell to the ground, bleeding. "Arrgh! Yama!" But Yama wasn't in the firelight. He had taken cover behind one of the fallen trees. He knew that if he was spotted in the firelight he would be killed. "He's shot my leg, but I'll..." BANG "Arrgh!" Yama peered over. The raider was behind the cart and placing wounding shots into Shuji. Yama slinked back behind the tree. 'So this is what it's come to.' he thought 'Yama Mitsurugi leaves the fight because of a gun..." He slumped as another shot rang out and Shuji screamed again. He hardened his resolve and put his hand on his sword... But he hit the gun holster instead. He took the pistol out. It was apparently ready to fire. Hikame had said so. Yama jumped over the log with his gun brandished. The raider took aim, but Yama still had his years of reaction training. Yama emptied his gun. It was over. Only one shot had hit the raider, but it had counted. Yama ran to Shuji. "Got him?" Shuji asked. "Yes." Yama removed his undershirt and began making bandages. "He was toying with me. I'm not set to ride." "It's fine. They've left us a lovely cart to take the survivors in. You'd better hold this." Yama handed over the gun "So they don't try anything." * * * The villagers quickly set out to retrieve thier stores. Shuji had been treated at the village chief's house. He would spend a long time recovering. Yama returned to his home. Kitsune greeted him warmly and went to prepare a meal for her "hero". Yama began to remove his uniform, and stopped when he took off the gunbelt. He stared at the device for a while, then tucked it into a drawer. "It's too late for me," he said, to no one in general "but you saved my friend's life. For that, I will try my best to accept the change you bring." And with that he quickly changed into a comfortable robe, to enjoy some of the hapiness he had earned.
  5. OOC: O.K., the voting as stands is as follows Merelas- 2 Mira- 1 I'm not going to night phase until I get at least five votes total. Midnight on Monday, however, is last call! Merelas dies if there are no votes until then. And now back to your sceduled RPing
  6. Well thanks! It's great to be here and I'll definately look around for things to get involved in. Won't let you down chief!
  7. Thae dawn comes... but not peacefully. Nightmares plauge the populace. Yesterday's display only proved what had been feared all along, one of your own neighbors is a killer. But who, but who. At the Inn several of the men of the village begin talk of a stratagy. Over a hearty breakfast, they pour over a map of the town and a list of motives made up by Venturi. "It's funny," says Nave "Vahktang should be up and about by now. It's 10:00 by the clock and no sight of his burly self yet." The eyes around the table look at each other. Wordlessly, everyone seated rose and rushed over to the Tanner's... But the scene is most horrid. Blood covers all of the workroom. Soon the remains of Vahktang are found. He is skinned and a message is punched (def-pressing into leather) directly onto the soft tanned hide. "As will all my prey fall..." This time Venturi rushes out to heave. "My god," says Merelas "coulden't we do anything?" "We keep ourselves safe." Nave says "But our time to find the culprit is now." "Agreed, agreed" says Von Muncie "Let us gather all to the town hall at eve. We'll finish our business there. But for now, let us bury our dead." * * * The graves are dug and filled quickly. Father Novak says thier rites as the mourners give thier final farewells, and thoughts on how to best avenge them... SCORECARD Gwaihir- SEER- First victim of the wolves Eyremon- First Lynching Vahktang- Dead Degenero- Dead Damon Inferel Lady Celes Crusader X-Sabre Tanuchan Merelas Mira Nave Spider's Soul (OOC: Day phase! At the gravesite, most of the speculation takes place. The votes will be closed around midnight EST, probably... Happy Hunting!)
  8. OOC: I said what I said and I meant it... at least the tie is finally broken. Sorry all.) The townsfolk silently sit an write on papers. The papers are all put into Venturi's hat. He shakes them a little and Mira, the outsider, is asked to do the counting. "One for Damon Inferel... One for Lady Celes... One for Myself... One for Vahktang... Two for... No I won't do it!" "What do you mean?" says Venturi "We all agreed to this." "Well I'm prone to agree under protest is all. It seems we are meant to string up, Degenero." Several members gasp. Murmurs are heard. "Well," Pipes up Degenero "I guess it's my turn to sample our good Eyremon's handicraft." With that, Mirelas and Nave take Degenero by the srms and haul him to the gallows. As the rope is affixed around his neck, he says what is believed to be his last words. "And soon, you all will join me." The lever is pulled, Degenero dangles at the end of his rope... but a moment later he struggles! He doubles in size, ripping his clothes. Soon he has razor sharp claws to cut himself free! Several citizens scatter. Nave holds his ground. Degenero's lupine visage leers at him hungerly, and strikes! Nave raises his sharpened poles... the wolf plunges into them! But the beast keeps moving like a being possesed. Venturi comes to the rescue, sword drawn, but he is knocked away with a mangy paw! Degenero breaks off what he can from the pike, twisting it from Nave's hands wioth his mighty strength. The beast resumes his bear down on Nave, who just brings up his hands. "You may get me," he states "but I'll be sure to take a nice chunk of you with me..." "NAVE! GET DOWN!" shouts Damon as X-Sabre pushes a barrel down the lane. As it reaches the werewolf, a shot rings out from a pistol. The wolf is ablaze, along with a barrel of Lady Celes' apple scrumble. Nave hurries away while the wolf howls in pain. It's howl is cut off when a crossbow quarrel shoots through the beast's throat. With the intense heat, the quarrel melts onto Degenero, who slups over in a heap. As Von Muncie lowers his crossbow, he looks over at the outsider, Mira. "Good man," Van Muncie begins "but we still have one wolf to deal with. Twilight is upon us. Get to your homes as quickly as possable. I willtake Venturi and Nave over to Nave's homestead for treatment, and to protect his family while he is wounded. Lock yourselves down! If you feel your doors inadequate, I've paid Lady Celes thirty pieces of silver for your accomodation. One room each." He loks over the lot. "Get going! A good plan by Damon, but we're out of scrumble, now move!" (OOC: Degenero was the wolf! I need a PM from the remaining wolf and the Wolfbaner please. Feel free to RP at the Inn if you wish."
  9. Looks like fun! Let's give her a whirl. 1) A Unit of Time: Eon 2) Name of a City: Prauge 3) Name of a River: Yangtze 4) A location: the Marenaras Trench 5) Adjective: droopy 6) Plural noun: campers 7) Verb Ending in "ing": mating Adjective: taller 9) Type of Family Relative: third-cousin 10) Noun: fudge 11) Plural Noun: balilaikas 12) Name of a Street: Rockford 13) An emotion: squimishness 14) Verb in past tense: cleaned 15) Three Initials (example: ABB): LIB 16) Type of Animal: Blue Footed Booby 17) Plural Noun: spoons 18) A Junkfood: beef jerky 19) Adjective: swirled 20) A Liquid: bleach
  10. OOC: O.K., The votes (as far as I can tell) stand as follows... Lady Celes Crusader- 1 Degenero Angelus- 1 X-Sabre-1 Mira- 1 Vahktang- 1 This leaves me at a sticky wicket. I want to wrap up the day phase soon. From this post (10:43 EST), you have about 3 Hours to make a decision, or two will die. A scorecard will follow the lynching. IC: The day is spent going over the villager's spotless homes. Von Muncie is not in attendance. Damon is furius. "Tell me," says he "where is our mighty hunter as we do all his work." "He told me that it wasn't his work to track false leads." Nave responds, checking his blade nervously. "Bah!" Soon evening approaches. As the search party leaves X-Sabre's hovel, they see Von Muncie in a small woodlot. "Hey!" shouts Damon "Why are you trifling with that woodlot?" "Because it's where the wolves have transformed before..." states Von Muncie. He reveals claw marks intermingled with human. "You see, they learn. They want no attention to be paid to thier human persona. They will not change in thier houses if they can help it. Should we board up the citizens of this fair burg as they settle for slumber. Who will do that? You Damon? The most trustworthy of us?" "No," Damon says "None of us can be that trustworthy." "So here we have it. A smart wolf. Cunning and deadly. Able to parade amongst our kin and tear through most defenses. I'm afraid it will have to be a process of elimination, one way or another..." Damon looks on in horror as Von Muncie turns to the town hall for the villager's votes.
  11. Thanks! I haven't written anything in sooo long. But I had an idea for this little story and found a place for it. (Here's to a hopeful acceptance Clink!)
  12. I would call it "Lamplight Searching" Liked that part. Flows great!
  13. Lord Mitsurugi paced in his inner quarters while his herald spoke. "...and with the changing of the country's fortunes, you must relinquish your sword to the government..." The messages came every day. Lord Mitsurugi knew they would finally have enough of his stalling. Most of his loyal servants have left his summer home. They wanted to experience the new era for themselves. He was lucky he wasn't cooking his own meals. He had to stifle a laugh. "...as honored, the Government." "You may go, Hideo." "Yes Lord Mitsurugi." Mitsurugi looked out across his inner garden. It was filled with the most exotic greenery he could find. But sadly, the downpour that had started overnight dampened it's beauty. He could do this no longer. Living in this state. Soon there would be an army outside his once-impregnable gates. They would have guns, cannons, and whatever else came from the west this week. They came for Lord Ihon, Mitsurugi's greatist friend. They decimated his army with thier new weapons. Ihon had been slayed by a commoner. A commoner. For all the indignities to suffer, being shot by a poorly trained peasant was not an honorable way to die at all. And yet... there would be no war to die gloriously either. If only Tanaka Katsurai had still lived. That was the only man who had equalled Mitsurugi in sword skill. If he could of died in an epic duel, that would bring glory upon glories. But there were no more swordsmen. No more trained at his level except for... That was it! "Hideo!" he bellowed. "Here lord!" "Take a message to this new 'government'. I wish to have a duel for my lands you seek. Send me your finest swordsman..." * * * It wasn't long before Lord Mitsurugi saw the government crest his hill. The rainfall had not stopped over the last four days. It was as if his lands could sense his foul mood. But in a small way he was pleased. He had sent away the rest of his house. His stores of silver and gold had all gone to those who remained loyal. He was ready to meet the government's champion. The retinue came to rest in the courtyard. Soon several souldiers filed out of the wagon. It seemd that Mitsurugi's request had been honored. Each soldier had only a sword at thier side. But soon the last member of the wagon came out. A policeman. He must have some special privilage because he still had a proper katana. Rain beat down on the policeman's hat, covering his face even more. Lord Mitsurugi quickly ushered them all inside his common area. A toasty fire was in the far corner. Soldiers quickly tried to shed thier damp. But the policeman stayed in the common's middle, facing the aged samurai. "The government really wishes you could choose... another path." the policeman said. "I asked a simple request. A final duel. If you win, the land is the government's. If I win, I am to have my full status as a lord held sacred by the government." The policeman scanned the room. "You don't plan on living." he said. "No," began Mitsurugi as he assumed a stance "I intend to shout louder than the thunders, I will never submit." And with that there were two glints of steel. Mitsurugi smoothly sliced in many directions. The policeman was no government pushover. Every thrust parried. Every slash blocked. "Why do you toy with me, policeman?" spat Mitsurugi during a lock "I want only what you want." "Not what I want." said the policeman "What the government wants." With that the policeman unfooted Mitusugi with a mighty push. Mitsurugi stumbled back and felt a pull at his chest. He knew it was over. Blood stremed form the gash He saw his katana skitter across the floor. The policeman rushed over. "My sword..." gasped Mitsurugi. "At once" said the policeman. He brandished the katana that had skittered out of reach and brought it to Mitsurugi. Mitsurugi scowled, then limply dragged the blade across the policeman's cheek. "That is to remember... your past..." and with that, Lord Mitsurugi closed his eyes, never to open them again. The soldiers were agahst. "Commander!" said one "We must go with the sword at once!" The policeman looked at the old Samurai. "Tokei," he began "was this the right thing. Is it really what he wanted?" "Commander Mitsurugi, we have no right to question why. Just to produce the results." Yama Mitsurugi scowled. "And yet, sometimes it's just not as fulfilling..." The sky rumbled. It mourned it's valley's keeper well into the next week. And then, like all things, life soon continued. (I haven't done any free form writing in quite a while! But, wow. It's good to be back. -Chris Kinsey)
  14. Morning has come. All seems quiet in the village. Very calm, very surreal. Small patches of fog are all over the landscape. Very soon a small group of villagers head out to Farmer Brown's field. Mira, Damon, Nave and Venturi come across the scene. There is still dried blood in patches around his field. "Look here," begins Damon "simple wolf tracks!" "Wolf tracks?" says Mira "Wolves don't come in size twelves!" "Hey," begins Venturi "who's lit a fire in Brown's kitchen?" Silently, the group brandishes blades. Surrounding the farmhouse entrance, Venturi counts silently to three and busts in the door. The group rushes in toward's the large kitchen. Von Muncie looks at the armed guard. "Can't a man eat breakfat in peace?" he says as he puts down a kettle. A strange smell is in the air. "Why are you here?" demands Nave "Leave the dead's possesions alone." "My dear fellow, the innkeep dosen't allow cooking in the rooms" Von Muncie replies "And I wished to have additional protection. Hence, the smell." "What is that?" says Damon "Camomile tea?" "No, the sharp smell of wofsbane. Drives a nightstalker away. I have no intention of being the next victum. I'm here to help for crying out loud." With that said, the door busts open. "Venturi!" gasps Lady Celes "It's Gwaihir! She.... She..." Lady Celes gently sobs. Venturi takes her to a chair and gives her some fresh water. "Please tell us." He says, calmly as possable. She speaks in a hushed tone to Venturi, then quietly sips her water. Venturi carries a heavy scowl. "Nave, Damon" he says "Go with Dr. Von Muncie to the curio shop. Be cautious, and armed..." Von Muncie nods and begins to walk to town. Nave quickly follows. "Are you sure?" begins Damon, but soon leaves after catching Lady Cele's eye. * * * The curio shop is in shambles. The door sit's unlocked as trinkets are scatterd about. It dosen't take long for the hunting party to see what they were looking for... Nave dosen't take it too well, and quickly runs outside to vomit. Damon and Von Muncie wait for his return with handkerchefs over thier mouths. "That..." begins Nave "That..." "Is unnatural?" says Von Muncie "Quite. Note, there is no sign of scuffle at the door. Somebody she thought she knew and trusted came in here and did, that, to her." Damon looks on in horror. "Dog's are definately not allowed in here..." Von Muncie begins poking around the shop until he gets to an ornate rug. It is half tossed aside with claw marks nearby. Human, not wolf. "Curious..." quips Von Muncie as he pulls out a small toolkit. After some fiddling a click is heard. A trapdoor pops open. "Very curious..." Nave takes point as they decend a small stairwell. Soon they see strange markings on the walls. "What is all this?" Damon asks. "Runes of Seeing... This does not bode well for us." Von Muncie responds. Soon they find a small room with a pool of trickling water. The runes are everywhere, giving off an eerie glow. "What luck! They still have a little power!" Von Muncie exclaims. "Hey! What are you..." Damon begins, but Nave cuts him off with a gesture. They both look into the pool while Von Muncie chants some words. "Bring unto us the last image of the seer, so that the darkness is exposed to light... An image appears in the stagnant pool. It is an interior of the shop, with Gwaihir sorting through some items. There is a bang on the door. She jumps, then looks out the small window. "Oh! It's you two. Just one moment...." She takes out a large key to her lock. As soon as she thows back the bolt the door wings in as two large wolves, silvery in the moonlight, tear into her. The last thing the three hear are Gwaihir's screams fading away. The runes grow dark. "Two. There are two wolves." Von Muncie says "We have to go to town hall..." (OOC: Gwaihir is dead. She was also the seer! It's day phase. Who goes to the gallows. The decision will take place on Midnight on Wed.)
  15. The hall goes silent. All eyes finally fall to Eyremon. He calmly stands up and walks outside. Curious, the townsfolk pile outside to see what he's up to. With hammer and nails in hand, Eyremon assults a pile of timbers. As it gets to be dusk, he had assembled a gallows. "Well," he begins "if I am to die, I will do it with my own hands. I will not have myself suffer needlessly." Several guards soon take thier places as Father Novak gives the last rites... Then the trapdoor falls. All is quiet in the square, until a gentle clapping is heard towards the back of the crowd. "Well, well..." begins the stranger "It seems that your friend was not the night stalker you thought." There is a lean man in a well worn duster. A large brimmed hat covers what looks to be long hair. Spectacles are seen on the man's lean face. A dusty rucksack is slung on his back. "So what?" begins Vahktang "We have no evidance he isn't the wolf. Job done I say." "No," says the stranger "A werewolf will revert to it's lupine nature if you've killed it properly..." and with that said the man's hands quickly produce a crossbow from under his duster, he aims at the body and fires... nothing. "Yes... Innocent." the man says "The job isn't done. I can only suggest you lock your doors tightly. I hope the inn has good, thick doors." "Now just see here!" Damon says "What gives you such authority." The look the stranger gives could kill weaker willed people. "Me? I'm Dr. Sigfied von Muncie." There is nothing to say. The doctor is a well known hunter of werewolves. He heads to the inn in silence, knowing that this village's fate could be sealed... (OOC: Eyremon was innocent! This happens to the poor guy every time. It's night phase! I need PM's from the wolves, wolfbaner, and seer please!)
  16. (OOC: Welcome to the werewolf thread! With this post, the game begins. When you post here you are in character. Type OOC for when you wish to make yourself clear for voting. Here's our cast... Gwaihir Damon Inferel Lady Celes Crusader Degenero Angelus X-Sabre Eyremon Tanuchan Merelas Mira Nave Vahktang Spder's Soul Let the hunt begin!) It was a cold nigh in January. The village of Pruskansta lay in it's chilly vally, waiting for the warmth of spring that was so far off. However, all was not quiet in the village. Good farmer Brown had decided to go out to the root cellar to gather some grains for mash in the morn. But as he emerged from the cellar... The next morning Frmer brown was not seen by the other villagers. One of the town guard, Venturi had a look around. Soon it was reported back that Brown was dead. Very soon it was made clear, Brown was attacked by two werewolves! With food so scarce, there was no doubt. A werewolf would have had to be someone who lived in the valley... posed no doubt as one of your own! Venturi has gathered all the villagers in the village into the town hall. "It seems that we are plauged once again by the wolves... But now is where we strike back! Today, I'm afraid... one of us must die!" You all murmur until Venturi calls for order. "I'm afraid with the roads blocked off, there is no choice but to find who killed frmer Brown ourselves, but no normal prison here could hold a werewolf. We moust vote on who was the killer. We will hang the one who is chosen... and hopefully we can sleep peacefully again." Venturi goes silent. He awaits the crowd's decision. (OOC: It's day phase! All players must vote for another player to die! Whoever has the most votes when either, a) All votes are in or when Tuesday rolls around, will be dead and cannot Speak in the thread. Let's face it, nobody here speaks dead. Good luck all!)
  17. Aye! The fully updated player list will be on the game thread. No more sign ups here. There will be more games coming in the future (hopefully) so if you didn't get in this time, there's always the next time. And the following ones will be themed. Click on the link in my sig if you in desperate need of some werewolf action!!!
  18. O.K.! All Signup is completed. The Werewolf thread will begin as soon as I send all PM's. Day Phase begins Monday around noon. Happy Hunting!
  19. O.K., updated player list. Gwaihir Damon Inferel Lady Celes Crusader Degemero Angelus X-Sabre Eyremon Tanuchan Merelas Mira Nave Well, I'll PM everone thier personas on Sunday, then I'll begin the game thread on Monday. The thread will begin with the last list of players. When play begins, no more players may sign up... until the next game of course (Which will have a theme!) We'll start in day phase after an NPC gets the mauling. Day phase will end in either 24 hour, or I get ALL the votes in on the thread. Happy Hunting!
  20. So far we have... Gwaihir Damon Inferel Lady Celes Crusader Degenero Angelus X-Sabre Eyremon Well, I'll get things started on Monday the 19th, as to get a few more players. I've recruited a few old hats to help everyone learn. See you all soon... except for those who don't survive of course.
  21. The Bebop Movie was way kewl... But you really had to be a Bebop fan to a) care or enjoy it fully. Luckily it is cool enough to get you friends asking questions. The only anime I saw in the theatre is "Metropolis". Good stuff! It was a comic book by the "God of Manga" himself- Osamu Tezuka, and a great film adaptation. As for Evangellion... It's pretty simple... Kinda... It's basically the rights of man vs. the decrees of God (Read Revelations and you'll find most of the Evangellion script there). It ssems that man decides to resist god, and almost provides his own undoing out of vanity and all the other selfish reasons we all have. Etc. Etc. I suggest you pick up Anime Insider's Decamber issue for a good discussion for what it all means. But when it comes to anime, Big O gave me a bit of a letdown at the end when it shed it's noir image and tried to be another "What is reality?" thing. Or, maybe it's just me.
  22. Almost enough people! I get three to five more and we'll start the game thread.
  23. Well... that's just the sort of rule for the Moderator to make up. If the wolves can change others into wolves, it kinda gives the villagers no chance of winning. But, it may be able to work with a really big game (20+ players, One wolf) Maybe turning limits? Only X amount of wolves at any time?
  24. Hi! Dean The Adequate :wizzie: here. I'll be moderating a werewolf game shortly using the rules I've posted earlier. I've decided to make things simple. No setting, just come as you are and we'll plop you in a remote romanian style village to hunt werewolves! There will be One Seer, One Wolfbaner, and wolves will be determined by how many players I get. I will PM players with thier persona when enough players sign up. See you soon.
  25. Hello! I'm Dean The Adequate :wizzie:, a longtime friend of Ozymandius. At his request I've joined the forums to add the hyper-fun party game known as "Werewolf", to the board as a fun creative writing excersize. I guess to start, I'll tell the basic rules... 1) The game is basically a hunt for a Werewolf in a rural village. All players get a simple persona. a: Villager- No powers, no PM's to other players. All discusion about who is the wolf takes place in the thread for these folks. b: Seer- The seer gets to PM the moderator during Night Phase (described below) and ask if a player is a werewolf or not. The moderator will give a truthful answer. The seer can communicate in the thread as a villager, and is on the villager's side. However, it may be unwise to give away that you are the seer, because you are the villager's greatist weapon. The wolves will target you first. c: Wolfbaner- This is an optional persona. The wolfbaner gets to PM the moderator during night phase as well. They may use wolfbane on a player. If a wolf tries to kill the villager the wolfbaner picks, there is no effect! d: Wolves- Wolves are villagers that, during night phase, may PM the moderator and choose a victim. That person is found dead during day phase. Depending on the size of the group, there could be two or even three wolves! If that is the case, the wolves can only feast on one victim a night. They are encouraged to PM each other and go over battle plans. The wolves must agree on a victim. e: Moderator- The moderator is not in the game. S/He is in charge of collecting the Seer, Baner and Wolf PM's and moving the game into day and night phases. S/He is also in charge of assigning persona via PM's. The moderator is also in charge of providing the setting (if there is one) and adding or subtracting optional rules. 2) There are two phases of the game. Day phase and Night phase. a: Day Phase- Every day phase everyone has abandoned reason and will lynch who they agree upon. Every player in the game (Wolves, Seer, Baner, Villagers) vote who they are going to lynch. Majority vote rules. In case of a tie, someone has to change thier vote. Pleading is suggested. After someone is lynched, all are told if that person was a werewolf, seer, wolfbaner, or villager. Then night phase begins. b: Night Phase- Night phase is when all non-villager persona PM the moderator to gather thier clues and kill the innocents (The blood of innocents is mighty tasty!). All players can debate and role-play during this time, but there are no accusations. After all the PM's are gathered, the process returns to day phase, until the villagers or wolves win. 3) How to win! a: Villagers- The villagers win if they get the werewolves! In the case of more then one werewolf, they must all be lynched. b: Werewolves- The werewolves win if they kill enough villagers to be equal in number to them. Ergo, if there is one werewolf, there needs to be only one villager left. And so on and so on. Everything else is on the moderator's shoulders. They are in charge, so to speak. I'll begin a signup post shortly. A moderator signup post should have the theme and optional rules posted. Players should make a charater of themselves, should the moderator choose a theme. HAPPY HUNTING!
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