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Everything posted by DeanTheAdequate
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
DeanTheAdequate replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
*The spirit of Dr. Cuthbert hovers close...* That's right all of you, the "Werewolf" calling card... The silver weapon. And the potent poison... "Wolfsbane" Actually the weed was a poison, but when used properly could "Cure" a "Pure" infected soul. And if they died, well... Who was to care? They were obviously too far gone. A fitting calling card of the werewolf. So that's why I had to die... A shame to die over a superstition... But they'll have Holmes to answer to. And that would of been too much of a giveaway... Oh well... Back to my studies on the ethereal... -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
DeanTheAdequate replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Sorry for the lateness of my "Haunts", but I coulden't really think of Cuthbert's motivations while he's dead... Well, let's take a whack at it... IC: A ghostly apperation appears from the burnt room. "I can't believe I survived that!" Cuthbert waves his hand in front of his face. "Oh, I didn't survive... But, but... This shouldn't be" He walks around the next day, experimenting with all he can do in this form. He tried to scribe some of his findings in a small notebook after he learned to exert his will on objects. No luck, for the ramblings of the dead do not come so easily and all he writes is for naught. So his preoccupation turns to what most of the dead do as a hobby, watch the living... And what he sees... what he sees... The next morn he comes to the accusations table. As the bickering and dickering happen, a cruel grin crosses his face. "Oh you poor fools. One way or the other you are doomed to share my fate. The clues are there, should I have lived so long I would have known... But my efforts to save another have given me... this..." He watches the drama a little longer. "I know who they are, both of them. Maybe if you broke out some ouiji cards and a fine port-glass, I might give a friendly nudge." He floats over to the book ends, brushing his finger through the books, pushing the last one over to make Katherine startle. "Ah well, at least I have been able to discern the true nature of the more, archaic nature of chemistry... True quicksilver is real. But once I am burned away I shall meet my maker... I can only hope my life was not cut too short. I do so hate to keep apointment's waiting..." -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
DeanTheAdequate replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Feh! Your off your rocks if you think I had the timeframe to kill our host with deadly poison. Why do I believe in Weatherby? I should ask why you all don't believe it! As I can recall, Weatherby is the most trusted of the servants here by our host. And may I just say, seeing all this old money might just drive a man to extreme measures. An "Upstairs, Downstairs" syndrome, as a phreneologist colleague of mine would say. But if you would have me confined, so be it! Mr. Cooper seems better equiped to protect any of you who are innocent, so I'm changing my vote. I vote for.... Vincent Cuthbert! Now I hope you can all sleep better tonight. edit- typing errors... sorry... -
Shadows of the Kitsune Tail
DeanTheAdequate replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Whoa! Nice! *Thumbs Up* I'm glad to see the game is inspiring so many people! -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
DeanTheAdequate replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Ugh! There is a sulfuric content in this bubbly that... Wait a minute... *Coughs into a napkin and rinses with a hip flask* Ugh, how vulgur... I am reminded of the joke of the wine taster... A man walks into a pub claiming he is the world's greatist wine taster. "I will wager fifty pounds to anyone who can bring me a bottle of wine I cannot identify, blindfolded!" Several people try to stump the wine taster, but he gets it right every time, down to the vinyard. At last he sips one last glass. "Ugh! This is urine! Fresh, warm urine!" "Yea!" yells a voice in the back "But who's?" -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
DeanTheAdequate replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
Hmmm... A poison you say? Well, I do happen to have a few instruments in my belongings. If I can get the permission of the family I could analyze a blood sample from the deceased. As fro who did it... Tell me Weatherby, has your master been sleeping well at night? Perhaps he needed something before he drifted off? Well I must say that is some stron ether, let me tell you... OOC: One for MeThinksYouFoolish. I coulden't resist... THGE BUTLER DID IT! -
Werewolf III: The Case of Garnavon Hall
DeanTheAdequate replied to Tanuchan's topic in Conservatory Archives
*Vincent Steps out of the carrage and begins loosening his gloves* Well if this won't be a grand affair. I have been in the old basement for so long I'd think the whole world had four walls. And I'll have to make sure to thank our host. A more comfortable ride I couldn't have hoped for. -
*Applause* Nicely played! I am so glad my use of you brother in the thread didn't throw you off. I just needed a way to keep the Emperor safe, and you gave me the perfect out. Thanks for the great read! Dean :wizzie:
I'll be a player this time. I expect to be lynched by the "Veterans" for being a little rough in the death department... But what the hey! I'll put my "Black pebble" in the Sherlock jar. I used to love the "Maque of the Red Death" campaign option for AD+Ds "Ravenloft" I'll be Dr. Vincent Cuthbert. A doctor of chemistry.
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Hmmmm, a littel subliminal perhap? jeez even the mod was out to get me That wasn't it, I swear. When I go for in game, no hints are given. The names of the characters will be the ones used for in-thread discussion. Just happened that Lord Mizuhara didn't want to be taken for a fool. After two re-writes I thought "Eh, it won't matter" And it didn't. Good play everyone! -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Lord Mizuhara stares at Hisoka. She quickly turns to avoid his gaze. Mizuhara reaches over and puts her eyes front. "I'm afraid it's your turn..." says Lord Mizuhara. "Come" Hisoka sags, but is hauled up by a guard... *** They are taken the bluffs which Lord Mizuhara's castle overlooks. Hisoka is taken to the cliff's edge. "It must end tonight!" Lord Mizuhara announces, as the wind whips around him. "You are making a mistake my lord" Hisoka pleads. "Do what you must Hisoka. If you cannot find your strength, my guards will give you purchase..." The guards step forward, but Hisoka waves them away. "I will do it..." she says weakly looking over the edge. She whispers her last thoughts and jumps as the breeze kicks up again. Cherry blossoms swirl around all gathered on the bluff as Hisoka plummets to her doom on the rocks below. "I'm sorry..." Hisoka whispers as she is dashed upon the rocks. *** Up on the bluff the blossoms clear away to reveal Lord Mizuhara, his guards, Shijin, Hoshhiko, and two hygenkyoi. One wolf, one fox... They smiled... "And now," Kinjiru snarled "You all die!" Kamiya tears into the two guards, twin daggers producing a fishtailed bloodspray over the shocked guests. Lord Mizuhara draws his sword and swings in one stroke, hitting Kinjiru with a mighty blow. "Not going to work, M'lord" grins the beast as he picks up the lord and hurls him off the cliff to share Hisoka's fate. Shijin had taken off running, preparing a small dagger in his flight. He feels a snag on his heel. "Oh Kami..." is his last thought as the dragon fire powder charrs him to death. Kamiya grins at her own trap. But she soon concetrates on Hoshhiko, who is defending herself with a silvered iron pipe. "I have no time for you, whore" Kamiya snarls she parrys the pipe, drops her dagger, and snatches at Hoshhiko's throat, drinking deeply for refreshment in battle. "Come Kamiya!" shouts Kinjiru "The emperor should be arriving soon!!!" They ran to the front gates, waiting for thier delicate prey. The moon rises higher in the sky... "Where is the royal palanaquin?" Kamiya snarls... *** On the road away from Kyoto, the royal palnaquin sways with the Emperor and Shizuka. "Ughhh!" gasps Shizuka as he clutches at his side. "What is wrong?" "She, is gone Emperor... My sister is dead. So must be all at the castle." "It could not be helped. You made the right choice, warning me. The hygenkyoi will give up on a missed opprotunity. I will send troops to inspect the castle later. For now though... We should be safe." A howling comes from the distance. "Believe me Emperor..." says Shizuka "I wish that could be said for those that are left..." THE END!!! OOC: Mmmmm.... Tradgedy.... *Drools* -
At a friendly guild I post at on aforementioned site, I volunteered to whip up a quick story for two of the members. I thought it turned out OK... They want more... *** As they passed the grove a strange stillness fell upon them. Silent Flame and Panda's eyes met as cherry petals fell all around them. But suddenly Panda's eyes shot to the side! He shoved Silent out of the way as a dagger streaked past where they were just embracing! "Heh, heh, heh" chuckled a voice from the tree "You haven't lost one tenth of your true strength Panda" "Show yourself miscreant! No one attacks my lady and lives!" Panda drew his blade and looked to his love "Run Silent!" Silent ran out of the clearing, only to be wrapped by chain! "Nooo!" she screamed as a pulley raises her. Panda closed his eyes, his ears perked... "HIIIIAHHH!!!" he shouted as he sliced at a branch. The motley miscreant fell from the tree on his feet. "Good, very good..." The fellow took a stance. Panda rushed with his sword, but was blocked at every thrust. He soon connected... but with a *CHINK* "Chains are my weapon..." grinned the dark villain. With that chains shot out from the stranger, entangling Panda! "Panda!" Silent winced, tears streaming down her face. Anger pulled within her and she shut her eyes tightly. "BURN!" she screamed. The villain went up in a blaze! The chains pulled away from Panda. Panda re-steadied himself and charged. "ZENTEN BOHUY HANKEI!!!" He shouted, delivering his final attack. Silent fell from the tree, tired from using her power. Panda quickly ran over and caught her. "Are you OK?" he asked, his face skewered in concern. "Yes, as long as you are with me..." In each other’s arms, the two kissed and set off for more journeys...
Oh very very Shibby!!! Wait, I don't have to get a stupid "Mixing Bowl" haircut do I?
Well, the Baning rule could be used that way if the Mod wishes it. But I don't play it like that. Each game's specifics will be in the signup. As for writing this up, I'm getting a little backlogged! I still need to do the next Yama Mitsurugi story and a story for some friends on another site.... A great idea, but I'm not sure I can do it right away... Gomen As for the "Inner monolouge" there should be no problem with that. Game wise, yes the wolves will have to lie. However, writing wise this is still an RP thread, so have fun is what I say! And now I'm off to see who dies. Until later!
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
The morning comes. The morning meal is unattended by Mizuhara "Where is he?" decries Shijin "It is not like Lord Mizuhara to miss his meal." "Come to think of it, Akane is missing as well..." Hoshhiko remarks. All the members look at each other. They then race down the hall to Akane's room. Lord Mizuhara and two guards block thier path. "Let us through Mizuhara" demands Kinjiru "We must know what happened to Akane!" "I will tell you, for you do not need to see." Mizuhara responds "Akene is dead, much in the same fashion of the others. Now go to your meals, we will vote shortly. You have no need of these depressing images. I also wish to rob the wolves of your looks of despair at the breakfast table." Begrudgingly, the others leave. Mizuhara sighs and goes into the room, kneeling at the covered form of Akane. "Your son is safe at least..." he whispers to the corpse "I have had him sent away after you went to bed. In a way I am glad you did not need to discover his dissapearance. For it shamed me to have to suspect even you..." Lord Mizuhara then went about the task of cleaning the room, much like his own servants. (OOC: Day phase! If you don't get a wolf today... it's all over!) Scorecard Who's Alive! Mira- Shijin: Musician of the Biawgaku style Lady Celes Crusader- Yumi, Kamiya: Geisha dragonqueen- Hoshhiko MeThinksUFoolish- Kinjiru-San (Son of a Paddy Farmer) Elwen- Hisoka (Geisha) Who's Dead! Vlad- Inoue, Ishikawa (I came, I saw, I died) Vahktang- Shin, Washima (See you in the morning hon...) RedChef- Iron Chef (.........) Nave- Eiji, Terauchi (I'm not afraid! Urrk! Irony killed the cat...) Damon Inferel- Kyosuke (Wanna see my new toy? Kewl! BANG!) Eyremon- Lord Iago/SEER (By The Emperor's WORD We Must Vote... or die ) X-Sabre- Koun, Sawato (Mmmmm.... Drugs....) Tanuchan- Akane, Shimizu: Head Concubine of Lord Washima(In dreams, my love...) -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
"So that's how it is..." remarks Sawato "If I am to die then I shall not be defiled by those beasts!!!" Sawato uncorks a bottle hidden in the folds of his Kimono and drains the contents. A spicy aroma wafts the air as he shatters the bottle at his own feet. Sawato sways rapidly. "1000 years of medicinal training for naught! Are you happy? This potion, while toxic in large amounts, will rebuke any hygenkyoi withen sniffing distance..." Sawato drops to his knees, holding his midsection. "But now there is none for you. My injustice, I will see avenged..." Sawato slumps forward, cracking the dining table in two. Mizuhara looks down in disgust. "It seems we should re-evaluate Lord Iago's forewarnings in a different manner." he muses "Or none of us will see the Emperor's arrival..." *** Shizuka continues to run... but finds pause at a crossroad. One path will intercept the Imperial parade, the other will blaze a trail to Mizuhara's castle... "Hisoka... What should I do..." (OOC: Well, the baner is dead... Night Phase!) Scorecard Who's Alive! Mira- Shijin: Musician of the Biawgaku style Lady Celes Crusader- Yumi, Kamiya: Geisha Tanuchan- Akane, Shimizu: Head Concubine of Lord Washima dragonqueen- Hoshhiko MeThinksUFoolish- Kinjiru-San (Son of a Paddy Farmer) Elwen- Hisoka (Geisha) Who's Dead! Vlad- Inoue, Ishikawa (I came, I saw, I died) Vahktang- Shin, Washima (See you in the morning hon...) RedChef- Iron Chef (.........) Nave- Eiji, Terauchi (I'm not afraid! Urrk! Irony killed the cat...) Damon Inferel- Kyosuke (Wanna see my new toy? Kewl! BANG!) Eyremon- Lord Iago/SEER (By The Emperor's WORD We Must Vote... or die ) X-Sabre- Koun, Sawato (Mmmmm.... Drugs....) -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Night decends on the castle. Everyone dreams fretful dreams of the days ahead. But in the room of Lord Iago, all is calm... He sleeps soundly, confidant in the abilities of Mizuhara's guard. Duty to the Emperor is strength enough... *** Lord Iago is in a garden. In Edo, the sakura are sweet in the Emperor's garden. A small luxury the courtier allows himself when he has completed a burdensome task. The wolves are defeated in more than ample time. He saved face for Lord Mizuhara, and favors like that are the greatist wealth. He began to paint a plate of the event. His hues brush the plate into a masterpiece of he and those present at the procedings. Another memory for him to treasure. But as he picks up his finished plate for glazing... It shatters in his hands! *** Lord Iago is torn from his futon, held at arm's lenght by the wolf. He gasps for the air to shout for the guard... But he does not waste his breath. His five imperial guard are in pieces around his room. His eyes widen as the fox whispers in his ear. "You were far too clever by half. Your past as a Shinto seer will not help you now..." He is stabbed in his frail side, left to struggle in the wolf's iron grip as he flails, limply, until he is limp. "Noo..." he hisses with his last breath "There will be another... A chance to...stop...you..." *** Shizujka's eyes snap open. He has passed.... Another violent scene. He hesitates no longer. His mind is clear. He gathers a small satchel and some rice balls as he runs down the monistary's mountain path... *** Lord Mizuhara is flush with anger. He stands at the courtier's room, quivering with rage. Iago lies in a pool of his own blood. The symbol of "Fortune" and "Doom" are etched throughout the room in more of the blood... "This must end soon. And it will end. I have a stain of honor too great. When the Emperor comes, I will have to make my sacrifice..." (OOC: Lord Iago is gone.... And it is a shame, he was the seer... Day Phase!) -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: One of these days I'll remember the firkin' scorecard... OOC: Scorecard time!!! Who's Alive! Eyremon- Lord Iago: Elder Courtier Mira- Shijin: Musician of the Biawgaku style Lady Celes Crusader- Yumi, Kamiya: Geisha Tanuchan- Akane, Shimizu: Head Concubine of Lord Washima dragonqueen- Hoshhiko X-Sabre- Koun, Sawato MeThinksUFoolish- Kinjiru-San (Son of a Paddy Farmer) Elwen- Hisoka (Giesha) Who's Dead! Vlad- Inoue, Ishikawa (I came, I saw, I died) Vahktang- Shin, Washima (See you in the morning hon...) RedChef- Iron Chef (.........) Nave- Eiji, Terauchi (I'm not afraid! Urrk! Irony killed the cat...) Damon Inferel- Kyosuke (Wanna see my new toy? Kewl! BANG!) -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Ah how I dreamed of this" says Kinjiru "Taking work away from our farmers. Now you wish to destroy this land from the inside as well!" "Enough!" says Mizuhara "You will not shame the man who must make this sacrifice. Only if he is our culprit will he be dishonored." Kyosuke's head slightly drops. "As could be expected. You do not share the Empires views. Those of you who do not bend, shall break in the changing wind." Kyosuke hands to Mizuhara a laquered box. Mizuhara opens it. "What do you want done with these?" Mizuhara asks. "This is what I worked for, and this is how I wish to die. For my purpose!" Mizuhara pulls out two Colt Dragoons. "I wish to challenge my opponant! Kinjiru!" "Hmph! No toy will defeat one with true honor." Growls Kinjiru. The group steps outside. * * * An impromptu lesson on how to use the strange devices are held. Soon the two pair off at a safe distance, then begin pacing... Soon, at the count of ten... Both guns cry out. Kinjiru is shaking. He drops the smoking pistol in fear. "Heh... You will not last long in the next era...>COUGH!<" Kyosuke brings up a heavy dose of blood... then collapses. Lord Iago rushes over. "He has died." he announces "He has asked that his paperwork be kept safe for the Emperor..." "It will be done." says Mizuhara "But as it sems, he was not our culprit either..." (OOC: NIGHT PHASE! Kyosuke was innocent... Tension...) -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Game extension! I've got 3 votes by my reconing. 1 for Kinjiru, 1 for Sawata, and one for Kyosuke. Please! I need roleplay AND votes. The PMers are feeling left out... Annoncements like this will be in the Q+A from now on, so check it out as well. -
Nice! Greed does seem to be the most evil of motivations. With a helping of good intentions, another empire crumbles. If I may quote the Gueniss researchers... "BRILLIANT!" *Claps*
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Scorecard time!!! Who's Alive! Eyremon- Lord Iago: Elder Courtier Mira- Shijin: Musician of the Biawgaku style Lady Celes Crusader- Yumi, Kamiya: Geisha Tanuchan- Akane, Shimizu: Head Concubine of Lord Washima dragonqueen- Hoshhiko X-Sabre- Koun, Sawato Damon Inferel- Kyosuke MeThinksUFoolish- Kinjiru-San (Son of a Paddy Farmer) Elwen- Hisoka (Giesha) Who's Dead! Vlad- Inoue, Ishikawa (I came, I saw, I died) Vahktang- Shin, Washima (See you in the morning hon...) RedChef- Iron Chef (.........) Nave- Eiji, Terauchi (I'm not afraid! Urrk! Irony killed the cat...) Sorry Nave. Wolves chose you... Then they chewed on my server apparantly. Gomen... -
Werewolf II: Land of the Rising Moon
DeanTheAdequate replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: I am soooo sorry! My server went all wonky last night and it had to be fixed. Daytime should be over by now... But I digress! Someone must die! IC: Miso soup is served piping hot by the servants. "Hmmm... One last meal from the Iron Chef..." Muses Shijin "He prepared this for the servants to serve." "It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth," says Kamiya "knowing what we did to him." Lord Mizuhara is fuming, his soup untouched. "Where is Terauchi? One does not miss a meal at my table. I am gravely insulted!" He stands up, the stress of the last several days finally taking it's toll. "Please, Lord Mizuhara..." Says Hoshhiko "If Shimizu can keep her temper in check, surely so can you. We have all had a trying time." Mizuhara relaxes for a moment. "Thank you for your words. But I will still send someone to wake him." "I'll do it my lord." says Sawato "I won't see my host insulted." "Now now," Kamiya says, cooly "I'll wake the man up. Your roughness is better served protecting me." Sawato shrugs and the pair head to the guest's room. Kamiya slides open the door. "Ohayo... Noooo!" Kamiya stumbles back into the solid frame of Sawato. He looks in with horror. "What kind of monster are they, Oni?" Blood is all over the paper walls. The kanji for "Moonlight" is traced above Terauchi's shrine to his ancestors. His wakizashi lay broken near his lifeless, mangled body... (OOC: Nave was innocent! Day phase!) -
Yes, yes! Well handled Eyremon, and thanks! The server was all wonky last night and I was unable to post. As for the WW game... Next game is going to be handled by Tanuchan! She want's a crack at moderating. As for the particulars of the game, like theme and signup, that happens after the wrap-up of the current game. Keep an eye out for a Werewolf signup III. Glad to see new players! It's why I was recruited!
Wow... I can see it. Picturing childhood friends or even siblings. It gave me a chill... Nice work! edit: My freakin' space key has gone all bonkers! Grrr...