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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About purple_shadows

  • Birthday 04/10/1987

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  • Characters
    Parker Thomas
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  • Bio
    Well, I was born, much like everyone else, and I hope to die much the same.
  • Feedback Level
    If you read it, then give me feedback. If you liked it, great tell me why. If you hated it, great. Tell me why. I can't improve my writting unless I get feedback and constructive criticism.
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  • Interests
    music, art in all forms, reading, walking, sleeping in libraries, hiking, acting, dance, etc., etc.

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  1. thanks for noticing typos. i was typing on Margots computer so not used to the german keyboard and I accidentally repeted a line. Oh No! lol.
  2. I am a slam poet, so most of my work doesn't translate well to written form, but I am told this one will quite well. When you read it imagine it being spoken with the intensity of each emotion portrayed and the feeling of need along with that, but still slow and steady. I am hoping to record some of my poetry soon and when I do, expect a myspace page where you can actually hear it. This one was once untitled, but a fellow poet suggested I call it "Free" and so I have: I want somebody who will grant me sanity The kind of distraction that is like tripping on shrooms When the only way to deal with the way your world is changing Is the pink stuffed octopus and the baby blanket Playing house in a tree by the ocean At 4am as the sun is rising Pink and Blue on the horizon And the birds are chirping on the long journey Towards sleep And a purse left behind I want the kind of longing that comes when you are 3 You've just knocked over the groceries And you're watching the oranges As they roll down the stairs Towards the door The light and the noises outside I want the contentment and love that comes When your so drunk you're Throwing up in your best friends toilet And they're holding your hair back Wiping your brow with a wet paper towel Not mentioning it in the morning Just cooking you pancakes and eggs Not mentioning it in the morning I want someone who will let me be free Free like swimming naked in the ocean Free like the rocks under your feet and the salt on your teeth Like the cigarette glowing under a tree Free like silhouettes of music In the fire And the Moonlight
  3. So I wrote this about my best friend. lately he's been spending a lot of time with this really manipulative girl that no ne likes and forgetting his plans with people because of it, and that is what this is about in a nutshell. Calluses peeling Revealing new flesh I guess it's been awhile since I last swung my sword In your direction As you retreated into the trees Laughing while you shouldered defeat My beds been feeling Comfortable again It's been awhile since I last woke up on your couch Voice husky in the morning And you're rolling a cigarette beside me On your floor to the hum of the heater Is she worth the looks that you give her? Coy remarks on your manhood As she slips away slyly creeping Out the backdoor when I'm sleeping And on your floor you're lighting your cigarette Head bowed admitting defeat And you are doing Your best I guess You'll always be a mess on Saturday mornings Smiling as you are smoking your cigarette Like it's supposed to keep you breathing By blackening your lungs
  4. So here is the revised version and sparkly and shiney and new. Special thanks to HappyBuddha for taking the time to pour over it with me. Caffeine and cigarettes a bag of fast food wrappers strewn the days little reminders of you away 7 countries 16 days Hugs held too long cheek to cheek Words whispered in a song assurances for you away 7 countries 16 days and a CD But I was the last to say good-bye To hold you that day you cried The one who showed you the lightning And how thunder makes you clean By drowning out deficiencies hand in hand on your back porch in the downpour only now you've gone away 7 countries 16 days and a CD burned for you by me I can only hope that it will say what I need it to say comfort you while you're away 7 countries 16 days And a CD burned for you by me last night when you told me you loved her
  5. I am revising it. the lineation is staying basically the same, because I perform this as spoken word and it's how I read it. Most of whats changing is some of the wording and removing a few lines. But I do appreciate the critique and will take it into consideration when preparing the not-so-final product.
  6. actually, i meant acquist, but forgot the c. I have fixed it now
  7. My thoughts are twisted and tangled As I move from table to table Like naked bodies languid between the sheets Basking in the aftermath We are only what we appear to be I played dumb for you But now I acquist your bank of knowledge Forcefully And finally at peace Fall into a stoney sleep
  8. Long time no post from me but I've had a random bought of creativity and have been writting more lately so yay! Here goes: It's only Europe Caffine and Cigarettes A bag of fast food wrappers, strewn The days little reminders Of you Away 7 countries 16 days And a cd Burned for you by me On the night you said you loved her Hugs held too long Cheek to cheek Words whispered in a song Assurence that I'll not be waiting long For you Away 7 countries 16 days And a cd Burned for you by me On your couch as you told me you loved her But I was the last to say good-bye The one to hold you that day you cried Who showed you the lightning splitting the sky And how thunder makes you clean By drowning out our deficiencies Hand in hand on your back porch In the downpour And Now you've gone away 7 countries 16days And a cd Burned for you by me Last night when you told me you loved her And it's my story Our story I can only hope that it will say What it is that I need it to say Be a comfort to you while you're away 7 countries 16 days You can't rush these things It's only europe revised version posted in a reply below
  9. Well hello everyone! It's been so long since I've been on here. Life kind of decided that it wanted me to do other thigns for awhile. Like working 3 jobs and school and church and volunteering sleeping for 3 days straight from exaustion. Yeah anyways, I've missed it. And I'd like to publically apologize to my dates. I know I've told you both this many times, but I will say it so everyone can hear that I am extrealy sorry and I will get them up soon. Anyways I've been writting abit in my spare time, so i should have a few things up in a little bit. And yeah...um...i think that that is all for now. i'm going to bed... *hugs to all*
  10. hey guys, sorry this took so long. We're colaberating on it, so it may go on for a bit, but yes ummm...stuff.... ENJOY! Morning came as Black awoke to a sizzle of brief sun light. The burning sting of the sun's rays sent Black leaping out of bed with an awkward yipe, reminding him of what today really was...his date with PS! Having been alive for more years then most...4509 to be exact...Black had plenty of experience...but lacked some knowledge as he'd not been on a date for some time. This was mostly due to the fact that a good portion of his life was military based. After all, a leader, not to mention a commander of all the armed forces rarely has time for such events as a date. Taking time to wash up and perform any action one normally would...Black donned his freshly pressed tux and replaced his usual cape with that of a fine, new one. Checking his look in the nearby mirror...Black saw nothing...as he sometimes forgot that vampires cast no reflection. Black-"Blast! Now how am I supposed to know how I look?" This disturbed the vampire as he didn't want to meet PS with some glaringly obvious tweak in his appearance. Tossing this thought aside, Black thought it trivial to fret over such a small matter...besides...everyone knew that vampires cast no reflection...apparently everyone but Black! Vampires also rarely went out in the day time, but Black was not your typical vampire. He'd been wandering about in the day light hours for a great many years...too many to count...he'd even felt the sun a few times...though he was severly burned! Clearing his throat, Black practiced a few lines in front of his non existant reflection. Black-"Good morning, PS. NO, no, no! That is too ordinary! Too bland!" Clearing his throat once again, Black once more attempted to come up with a good line...after all...first impressions are key. With a bow, Black spoke in a proud voice..."Greeting, m'lady and how are you this fine morning?" Black shook his head in annoyment...was that the best he could come up with? He's a warlord not a pool man! Deciding it time to get moving, Death rushed out the door with little thought...only to return a few minutes later to retrieve his coin pouch. By this time, the morning had passed and early afternoon was approaching. What a dimwit Black was...being late on his first date in...who knows how long! Passing by a nearby flower/candy shop, Black quickly looked over the higher priced products and motioned that he'd like to purchace a dozen roses and a box of fine chocolate, heart shaped candy. Shopkeeper-"That will be..." Death threw a few gold coins on the counter and spoke in a rushed manner. Black-"No time! Keep the change!" Shopkeeper-"Oh? But this is way too much." By the time the shopkeeper finished his little speech...Black was already out of sight with his newly purchased products. Arriving at PS's door just a bit later that he'd hoped, Black awaited her presence as he attempted to think of something to say about his tardiness. 'Come-on! I can do this! I have taken down armies! I have led my troops to victory...when we were outnumbered...why can't I focus on one simple date?' Thinking as hard as his simple mind could manage...Death tried to come up with something...anything! 'I am deeply sorry for my tardiness m'lady. Apparently I can aid in saving the world, but mortal matters leave me clueless. A rose for a rose...m'lady?' That was it...the best he could come up with...it would have to do. ~~ PS was awakened by her door slaming into the wall and a loud thud followed by explicatives. "Damnit PS! When are you going to get lights in here?" "Good morning to you too, Shadows" "Just because you don't need them doesn't mean that the rest of us don't as well. Anyways, lets get you dressed, you've got a date this afternoon." "What time is it?" "Seven Thirty" PS groans "It's not going to take 6 hours to get ready. It doesn't take more than 30 minutes to throw on some clothes." "But today is extra special! You have to have time to get in the mindset, try on every outfit, do your makeup, style your hair" Shadows ticks off on her fingers. "Either way we are running late already. Get up. We're going to do some Yoga." Hannah Yawns and gets out of bed, her stomach growling. She walks upstairs out of the basement still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes when she sees two forms in oddly contoreted poses. Or rather one in a contorted pose and the other trying to get themself into it. "Good morning Hannah" The contorted form says rather cheerily. "What the frik are you guys doing?" "Yoga!" Shadows answers over PS's groan of protest. "I'm going back to bed." "I don't see why I have to wear this" PS complains "Oh hush you, you look great." "But I knuitted a dress just for today" Shadows looks at the balled up lump of yarn over in the corner, trust me honey, this looks mucjh better on you." "Yeah, but why a skirt? I hate skirts" PS was feeling more and more nervous as the day progressed. Two O'clock ahd come and gone and Black still hadn't arrived. She was hoping that he hadn't forgotten. She hadn't been on a date in years, and not one of them ever asked for a second. Things always seemed to go wrong. like the time her rat got out of her bag and ended up in her dats soup. Apparently talking rats aren't a very common occurance in the states, let alone in your soup. *sigh* she hoped this went well, and she hoped she looked semi decent. Rat would have to stay on her shoulder if she wanted to avoid any sort of disaster. She wished that Shadows would let her wear her glasses so that she could at least see. Even if everything looked like blobs. But shadows insisted that the coke bottle lenses did nothing to accent the outfit. This was going to be a long day. It was 3:30 when the doorbell finally rang. ~~ "I'll get it" black heard from the inside, but whoever had called, someone else had beat them to it. A woman in pajamas answered the door still in her pajamas, and half asleep it seemed. "Morning...er...afternoon M'lady. Might this be the residence of Ps?" Groggily Hannah looked at him, and then her face hardend to a scowl and she slammed the door in his face. Before he even had time to recover Another woman opened the door slightly winded but with a cheery, welcoming grin. "Hi, I'm Shdows, you must be Black, PS is in the kitchen. Sorry about Hannah,s he just woke up and she doesn't...uh...much care for vampires." Black breathed a sigh of relief as he'd been a little frightened of Hannah. Glancing Shadows way, Black began to speak...in as proud a manner as he could muster "Greeting Shadows." Black stated as he bows. coming back to an upright position, Black Continued "Thanks for saving me from Hannah...I'm in your debt. For a moment I thought this was going to be a very long day."
  11. Happy Birthday Gwaihir! *puts on the techno and dances around throwing confetti*
  12. happy Birthday Wyvie! *hugs*
  13. purple Shadows curtsies and hugs the elder warmly. "I'm doing just dandy. Slept through the ball though. *sigh* But, the night is still young, and now that I'm awale, I feel like dancing. I say we round up whomever we can find and have an after party. We can't be the only one's still awake at this hour. "
  14. Purple Shadows wakes with a start. She looks around the room and realizes that people have started to head out the door. "Ah man, I knew I should have listened to the doctor when he told me to get more sleep!" It always seemed that she fell asleep at the worst times, and by the state that the room was in, she could tell she had missed all the excitement. Noting Ozy across the room, she decided to go and see what he was up to. After all, she was wide awake. Why not go do something exciting?
  15. you just reminded me that I need to do my laundry. dangit, i still haven't foled the stuff from 2weeks ago, whats left of it anyway.
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