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Everything posted by Arashi
Air above and below Nothing holding me to this place Destination unknown Up is down Left is right Three dimensional in this 8-bit world Free falling into the abyss Savoring the kiss of freedom As I slowly drift back into this hollowed happiness Questions rushing through my mind About the past About the present About the future Catching one question before it disappears And holding onto it like a last hope Not reading what it contains Just grasping it as a momento of this visit Splash down occurs as I hit rock bottom I unfold and examine the ponderence As I float without feeling Why is it that every time I am falling to my death I feel more alive and happier?
Underneath The puzzle Face-Paint You look into the mirror Trying to find yourself again Taking the first piece of the puzzle Putting it on to conceal yourself It makes you feel beautiful But it makes you look plastic and fake The second piece is added with care Over the eyes for a shinny effect To hypnotize the masses Into a lustful sinful train of thought Just by looking at them They fall prey to that intoxicating view The third piece is placed Covering up all of the crap you say With a luscious red smile And a smell to tickle the senses All the while tempting the bull To rush head first into the storm These pieces all form the puzzle But in the end You look worse then you started And you feel weighed down While underneath you scream To be let out of your cage You never really knew That your beauty has been hiding Underneath the puzzle face-paint ______________________________ Smile You say I could do better But I disagree I don't want to do better I don't believe I can You say you are sorry But there is no reason to be It is not your fault No one can help how they feel You smile I love it when you do You speak as though everything is alright But I do not believe it You smile again and turn away Slowly moving down that road of darkness Blindly moving forward Towards that light at the end of the tunnel I pray that when you reach the end You find what it was you were looking for And I hope that what you find makes you happy Happier then when you were with me You turn back and look at me And then you smile And move on down the road
Very nice poem, Lady Arwen. It holds the raw truth that we will all eventually die. I agree with what Regel has posted, in closing I would like to say lets live each day like its our last and not hold anything back because who knows when our eventual demise will actually occure. I know that I am not going to be sitting around when there are things that I still have not experienced in this lifetime.
What time did I leave you Where did we leave off Was it at hello Or perhaps goodbye Did you believe me When I said I would love you always Did it roll of your back Like rain running off a leaf Do you remember who I am Do you even remember me Did you ever understand what I lived for Can we take it back Pick up the pieces of our lost moments Or have they melted away Like the winter's snow Slowly becoming nothingness Have we truly lost it all Or have we merely ...........Lost faith
Very nice poem PS. But what can I say, I've liked all of your poetry so far.
Tormented by the thoughts of lost love I again wander down the hall of dreams Dreams left to smolder out and die Looking upon them in alarming dismay I think of all the dreams I lost Lost and forgotten all because of "love" The dreams of my childhood reduced to ash Laying dead and hopeless on the floor Tears streaming down my cheeks I kneel down naked and exposed Exposed to my own murdered dreams I turn and look back down the hall Into the eyes that helped me kill them And she smiles back into my soul It was for your own good she says still smiling I examine her once more Then turn back to my dreams and weep I point at her and show her the exit The exit from my world My heart And my love
thanks for the replies. And I just noticed how bad that look so I changed it. I missed it when I wrote it because it was late.
Am I real Or am I a figment Of some small child's imagination Set here in his toy box Slowly rotting away from years of neglect Awaiting my chance to be let out For one last adventure through time and space Am I really here talking to you Or did you just conjure me up As you slowly lost your sanity Were you lonely Needing a friend Is that the reason I am here To hold you together while you fall apart Did I really live Or was I a dream Floating between the void of life and death Silently screaming Drifting slowly to my final destination
I tripped today Fell up the stairs Scraped my knee In front of a girl Just keep smiling Just keep laughing I failed a test today Studied all night for it Missed dinner too Brain just froze Just keep smiling Just keep laughing Spilled my backpack today Papers scattered everywhere Crumpled like my life In the halls for all to see Just keep smiling Just keep laughing We broke up today No explanations at all Words were only written down And passed to me in a note Just keep smiling Just keep laughing I died today Just keep smiling Just keep laughing
My image was of a teenager. But I guess its really more up to what you invision it as. And I like the frowning and smiling because, well, thats how I see it. My brain is an odd place.
Waiting in the rain The sad child cries She has lost her will to live on Staring down at the guilty masses The ones who pushed her to the brink Labeling her with names Whore, slut, bitch, skank Each title is a new slap in the face Cheap black eye shadow Running down her cold cheek Dollar store lipstick turned gray Tear stained liquid paper face Smiling upside down But she was once not the so called goth We see before us Clinging to the rail Once smile, did she Greeting the sun with a frown That was placed upside down A free spirit dreamer Vision of youthful life Until rumors were spread Reputations destroyed Darkness spread Standing on the roof Looking down at them One final tear Then simple nothingness ________________________________________________ What does everyone think? I really enjoyed writing this one.
You in the corner of my eye A beautiful rose with razor sharp thorns Speaking sweetly and softly As you threaten him with bodily harm You are a ray of luscious red In a room filled with faceless mirrors What ho, your voice reaches my ear again More exotic then I remember Each word is candy to my ears A feast laced inside every word Filling my head with wonderful colors Smiling innocently with untainted lips As if kissing the world with every smile Every frown seems like a slap in the face So smile and kisses the stars in the sky And I will in turn kiss you good night
This is a very interesting piece. I can see were you're coming from but that probably because I know you personally. All in all I liked it very much and thank you.
Tonight the moon cried But not for the blood that I shed Or for the beating you took at his worthless hands It cried for the time wasted praying for you Praying that you would be alright That you would become smarter Smart enough to see your mistakes In the end, though, you still make the same mistakes Allowing yourself to be tainted by him Now you cry and rage about things lost But when you look back you see Everything that has gone wrong Is your own doing And I stand in the corner Remembering that friendship means nothing to thee Turning my back to your soulless corpse As it limps around the one its shackled to
Very nice indeed. The distance between friendship is very sad. Especially when that friendship has ended. I have felt both losing friends entirely and distancing of friendships that I wanted to stay with and wished would have gotten closer. Now I must go and kill the bleepy monster in my head. He keeps making a painful bleeps inside my head.
well my reasoning behind his taking a 100 year rest was that he had followed so many leads that lead him to dead ends that he finally got so discouraged that he decided to rest not really wanting to wake up but then he hears Edmonds name mentioned and it rouses him from is rest. I plan to make that part clearer when I finally sit down and begin writing on it more.
The first bite led to this. My wife, My Children, and all of my friends, Lost to that thing called Edmond. My name is Vincent Raines. My time of death was 1709 AD but I will forever walk the earth a vampire. I wanted the madness to end, but he took my wife and kids, and I stupidly gave him my blood hoping he would end my life as well. Unfortunately, fate dealt me a losing hand and instead of giving me death he gave me life eternal and for that I will forever hunt him down until he has suffered the same way I have. Edmond's existence is the main cause of my sorrow. I have watched countless friends and family members die and I have known the pain of not being able to help them, because if I did, I would be no better then Edmond. Now and then I see glimpses of the man I used to be, but then they get shattered by the fact that I can never be the same again. I am haunted by his face when I sleep and haunted by my face when I awake. You may think living forever would be the best thing in the world, but you would be badly mistaken. The pain of loss that you would have to endure would drive you insane. Knowing that you could never have friends and that you could never fall in love. Now do you think being immortal is a dream come true? It's more like a living, breathing, nightmare. One that you can't wake up from. Everything you touch, you know, will eventually die. That is why I have lived in solitude for the past hundred. Some times the hunger of blood overpowers even the strongest mental barriers. Then you snap out of it just in time to see your victim squirm with its last breath. It sickens me to see the images. Every time I sleep I wake up to find dried blood on my shirt and fangs. Its taste is so bad that you feel like vomiting for hours and even then that doesn't help. And don't think that by not sleeping you can control it, because I have tried to and it doesn't work. There is no way to stop from passing out. The only good side is to being immortal is that it gives you time to think. Now it is time to awaken from my hundred years of thought to hunt for Edmond to make him suffer and judging by the scent in the air, I would have to say that this new world has a lot of information to offer to me about his whereabouts. So the hunt begins _______________________________________ This is the first of possibly two books I am writing. The other is a tragic romance story that I think is going to turn out very well......I hope. Please tell me what you think of this piece. I will post the other story that I started as soon as I get all the pages I wrote it on in order. And I know that it seems a lot like its from quen of the damned but when I finish the first chapter and post it on here you will see that it isn't......again, I hope. P.S.: I need all the feed back on this that I can get on how I can make it better.
thanks Arwen. This poem actually tok me longer to write then most of my poems. It took me about three days to write (I normally write mine in about fifteen minutes )it because I already had the first letter of ever line written in and I didn't want to start a line with the same word. I'm glad you liked it. I might do more in this manner. It was really fun. :ninja2: :zorro Creepy Zorro
When the world finally ends I will still be alone Left in the darkest void again Lifelessly forever loving you Yearning for your touch upon my cheek Old times forgotten for the new Under the full blue moon Still lifeless after all these years Till the day you release my fears I remain motionless in a sea of sand and gulit Limbs torn away by your hands in a whirl Lustfully lovely this blasphemous girl Lost in a desert of sorrow and tears Open wounds have refused to heal Viciously tearing away all of my flesh Each day breathing, wishing for death My very organs pecked at by doves Everytime I look upon your smiling face Today you claimed you loved me still Occuring randomly after a kiss or two Moments after my heart exploded Offended by the lack of sincerity Remembering all of your dishonesty Rewarded falsely for the love I did keep On my pillow I started to weep With my final tear I began to sleep, still loving you
I likes the flow of it. Although I caught my mind tring to put words in that weren't there that seemed to flow in my cranium. Anywho, Grand poem and I think I might use that form in a later piece I do. Although I will more then likely either mess it up or do some things different.
Split in two Vision askew Bleeding slowly Dying softly Heart in blender Love's defender Crawling on the floor Reaching for the door Eyes dialated Feelings complicated Blacking out My final shout I love you
My mind has been plagued by you Images of you flash by with out warning And I turn to see if you are there But I know you will never be My pillow was soaked with tears The night I left that life behind And started out alone again But the past keeps coming back Trapping me in a web of wanting As my mind slowly drifts off to the darkness Caged by my own emotions Freedom fleeting away Barrel put against temple The loud sound echos through the empty room As I lay there not moving, seeing Thinking or feeling Finaly free
PS, my friend, this is a pretty well put together poem and I enjoyed reading it. I would give my recommendation but a lot of good that'll do since I am also an applicant right now too.
I do not mind if anyone corrects my spelling, I thank you for it. Oh, and Peredhil, you might want to correct that great and change it to a greet if that is what you meant to put.
Venturing blissfully along this lifeless road Looking for an exit to save me from insanity I see roads leading to drugs and death And I see roads leading to false love and suicide But none of these seem to lead me to you I met you in what seemed to be a dream And kissed you in what felt like nirvana We spent a week on cloud nine Before you dropped me into purgitory Now this is where I am On this road that never ends Hoping that some day I find the one true path But the only other path on this road is pain and torment And it is lined with cliffs and mountains