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Everything posted by Zen
I feel i should write something, but all I can think of saying right now is thank you for the wonderful poem.
When you're close to the ground, you can feel the heart of the world beating. The smell of grass in the morning is amazing. Dew drops glisten in the morning suns rays. a simple lawn turns into a field strewn with dimonds. THe song of the birds ushers in the new light the new day the never ending light that cuts and bounces through the universe.
Who can find time to remeber an old owl, an old boy who has a mind to tell the truth when we are all lost in the lies of our fathers? After all we are all damned.
Immortality via ones words, the secret desire of most if not all writers, through out the ages. Great read. Thanks for sharing.
hmm there are so many great works here. yours is one of them *raises glass to all the writers in the house*
The imagery is awesome. I like how you have a sense of movement. I can see them running, like in the nature videos lol. its great. The only question I have is why must the Bobcat be vilified for what it naturally dose? Is it not also innocent? “Innocence torn away” Just wondering.
The population is becoming so conditioned by what they see on television that anything on it that claims to be fact is so in the minds of the masses. Any other view that conflicts with that of the establishment is destroyed on air, thus preventing a popular movement to ensue with out massive effort. This piece flowed so nicely, it makes me picture people sitting in darkened rooms with blank stares and the glow of the tube on their faces, just responding dully to what they see on television. O I’m sorry for the rant. Great poem.
Your poem is great. I wish i could critic it better but I fear I dont have that power yet. I Thoroughly enjoyed it. Well I'm of. And again great job.
yes but it could always become very interesting.
La da de da. Happy New years lol. great poem.
Happy New Years This year, Has felt so long. So long and worn. The seams breaking The sole worn. Its happily time for a new one. Lets whish it a hello. And treat it with care. Or by the end, We’ll want it gone too. We’ll promise to slim Not lie. Or squander away our fortunes. But we all know, It’ll be just the reverse. Our bellies will grow. Our white lies black, Our fortunes gone, In the first new years shopping rush. But that’s life and that’s time. So lets have a little fun tonight. Cheers, And happy new years. :wizzie: :wizzie: :wizzie:
were there was once one, now are two. _Zen_ thee friest and Zen me.
A kiss A kiss, So simple a kiss. Two sets of lips. Sending connecting signals. From each lovers touch. A kiss So simple a kiss. Meaning so much. A moment shared. An emotion conveyed.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm hmmmh hmmmm, is there a such thing as a self hating buddhist. just kidding. Should I dance let me meditate on that. ramble ramble. smiles. O and all the other poems, fresh for you guys here at the pen. lata
Salvation Salvation, From what? Hell, Eternal flames? The pain and agony of a thousand deaths? Sins committed by sinful people. Of sinful nature. Of divine creation. Pure and unaltered. Tempted by a snake. If so perfect creation, Why the faults? Or was that part of a sick game? To make men suffer through life, And punish them for a creative mistake. In death. Perfection is an illusion. A standard so absurd, We hold our selves to it, Unknowingly. The limits we impose on ourselves. The grief we go through. All meaningless All useless. In the end.
this is odd. we have the same name...lol um I enjoyed your poem and its sort of peter pan never land type feel to it.
guilt can be a powerful emtion. especialy when one feels responisble for some ones death. Even if it is as remote a chance of our involment in tha tdeath. The poem seems t as if it were wrtten from the view of a little girl who is affraid what she asked for came true. kind of like in amille when the nieghbor tricks her into thnking she cuased accidents with her camera. It is a feeling that many ppl can assciate with on every level.
It is a very excellent poem! the way you led us away and then bam brought us to the realiztion that if we dont die we cant aprreciate life. ( makes madden stlye movements with hands as I illustrate poem in wide over sweeping gestures. circuling letters) great job. It flowed like a summer stream.
Wistful A sudden gust, Blew by. O my o my, Someone run, I think it’s Going to be fun. The kids are away The birds in a nest. The jolly jolly fun. Of a long long day Wistful thoughts Wistful dreams. The days of old. The days if new. We live and die By these rules. (my applicatoin poem, I put it here in an effort ot consolidate al my writting in one place)
Reflection, Meditation I am the space. The nothingness. I am complete, Because I am void. I know nothing, There for I understand everything. I am the space, Between the lines. The air inside your lounges. The blood in your veins. The echo of your heart. The straight path is barren, The trodden path dry. The road hidden is the richest. Life blooms in its wake. I seek to be nothing, And in the process have become everything. I am whole Will being incomplete.
Thank ye all for the wonderfully warm welcome. I think I will like it here. Yes this will do just fine.
Night Few are the saved. Few are the justified, I am the serpents son. The son of sin. The question that drives us. Is what brought me to life. I am the night crawler, The alley king. The lost and found
Tears Tears swell inside. There’s nothing he can do. The girl he loves is gone. She’s limp in his arms. A stray shot, On a cold December night. Her life force streams out. She looks into his eyes. And eternity passes before them and she dies. The distant screaming of sirens A little to late. He holds her tight hopping his heart beat will echo in hers. “She's gone” “Let her go” That’s all he hears. Her blank gaze staring at his. Nothing. They take her away, Wrap him in a blanket Bombard him with questions He can’t answer He’s lost in her last gaze. Her last kiss. Her last breath. His mind freezes in that moment Forever trapped under the weight of dieing eyes. They take him away, He won’t respond. Love is to strong Won’t let him forget. The one girl he ever loved.
it is often that which we whish not to be seen that is seen. The swollen dove to me represents a society that once was beatiful but allowed its self to swell with to much pride. disabling any tuth. there for they build up images and lies to maintain a Façade. thanks, thank you all for the suport
If Only It comes, like a bolt. The thought of what I could have done So many years ago. My life would have been so much better I think to myself. I would have gotten the girl, Never gone to the party, Where I discovered both, Drugs and myself. I would have asked the girl I loved so much out, Taking her away from that busy road that Friday night. Would have done the things that made me rich. I would never have let her go. I would have used protection, That night I meet Mary Jane. And spared the years of guilt, From the abortion My grades would have been better. The schools I got into also. If I only knew what I do now. What a life I’d have.