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About Nimue
- Birthday 06/03/1983
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To completely understand the complicatedness that is Nimue please feel free to read her bio. Actually, I insist as she's rather difficult to explain in a short amount of words here, trust me I tried and it kept saying I had too much but there was nothing left to take out.
Nimue; born with the gift of magic; raised by humans after her village was burned to the ground. More human then elf in personality, but more elven in looks then human. The difference in appearance caused a fear in the people around her which eventually resulted in outcast. There were rumors that she was a drow, not an elf but really she was neither. Sure she looked like an elf, but deep down she was something else…she just didn't know it yet. Her journey to find her place is what lead her to Katt. Their chance meeting is posted as Katt's history in her bio.
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BC, Canada near the city of eternal rain.
Anything artistically inclined. I am currently waiting to enroll at VCC for their jemology program. It's a two year program that basically teaches one how to apraise, shape and set stones for jewelery. I spend most of my time drawing, writing, daydreaming of possible rp situations for my two characters Nimue and Katt. My head always seems to be in the clouds and never where it should be.
Nimue's Achievements
~History Continued~ For weeks the young feline lay still, motionless as a corpse would lay deep within it's grave. One thing had changed though; she was now in the care of Nimue, a caring and yet somewhat chaotic elf. She had been nursing the feline's wounds day in and day out for a month or two before her eyes slowly opened. As Katt attempted to move her fragile body waves of pain over took her causing her to lie once again without motion, only now she was conscious to it. She gazed around the room, as much as her eyes would allow. It was small but cozy. It had a small window, a bed (which she lay in) and a small nightstand, nothing else. She took a deep breath and drifted off back to her dreams. She was awoken the next morning to the most pleasant sound she had ever heard. Someone was singing and was not too far away from her. This panicked the little feline, as the last thing she could remember was cold and the unknown being. Where was she now? How did she survive the dragon's fire? And why did she feel safe here in this undetermined place? Scared and feeling alone after having seen her entire tribe slaughtered she begins to weep. She sobbed silently to herself even though the motions from her quickened breaths caused her immense pain. She went on crying to herself as the singing continued. It seemed, however, to be getting closer and yet it wasn't getting any louder. This puzzled poor Katt and after some time her concentration fell to the music, to the melody, and she forgot her fear and her pain. She could not however make out the words. She had never heard this language before, but the words were soothing to her as though they were healing her burned body. She closed her eyes again allowing the song to take hold of her, taking her back in sleep. The sun peered in, filling the room with its warmth. Katt was sleeping soundly as the elf cleaned and re-bandaged her wounds. She sang as she did this, her song helping to heal the tigers burns. To Nimue's amazement, the fur had almost completely grown back in such short time. It worried her though that she had not seen the little feline awaken yet. She picked up the remaining bandages and a bowl filled with warm water. With the two in hand she turns the leave the room. She was stopped midway through the door as she senses that she was being watched. Her first instinct was to look to the window. No one was there, not even in the distance. Her eyes fell just below the windowsill to Katt whose eyes were wide open and fixated upon her. Nimue could tell that she was rather frightened. She smiled to her guest walking slowly and cautiously back towards Katt. "Good morning. I was starting to worry that you'd never wake up." Nimue sat down beside the bed that she had placed the child in. "There's no need to be frightened. I won’t hurt you. I'm a friend." Katt was somewhat relieved to her a familiar language and yet she was still confused by the words. She had never been spoken to so kindly before, something just didn’t seem right. "Do you speak?" The elf asked in a gentle voice. Katt nodded, replying in a quiet childlike voice. "I speak." "Do you have a name?" "Katt." "Not much for conversation are you? Oh well, I'll go fetch you something to eat. You must be staving by now. Oh…by the way…what do you eat?" Katt stared blankly at the new creature before her. She was in disbelief that this being would want to look after her. She said not a word. She just gazed into Nimue's eyes in awe. She wanted to go to this new being and curl up in her lap. That was how safe she felt now in its presence. Nimue rose to her feet and walked over to the door. "If you don't tell me what you want I'll just have to bring you what I think you might want." She smiled at the child and waited for a moment for an answer. Nothing. She turned as though to leave stopping mid step as the feline began to speak. "Fish…Katt likes fish." 'Reverse psychology, works every time with children.' Nimue thought to herself. "Well then, fish it is. And just in case you were wondering…my name is Nimue." She turns and sauntered off to find some fish for the hungry feline. Katt waited patiently trying to stay awake but her eyes were getting heavy and soon after her exhaustion kicked in and she was asleep.
~Abilities~ Katt is a physical fighter capably of both handling a weapon (normally staff like) in her humanish form and being capable of ravaging a being to pieces in her tiger form, just as tigers do. (yes, just as Nimue she has two forms. You'll have to read her history to understand more.) ~Physical Description~ Bear with me...Her profile is within the first paragraph of her history and her history is well....unfinished at this point. I wrote Katt's history in story form with the intention of finishing it but what I'm about to post is all I have managed so far. I hope you all enjoy. ~History of Katt~ A chorus of mews fills the room as the last of the litter is born. There were five all together, two male and three female. The last one born was naturally smaller then the rest or one could say 'the runt of the litter'. She was a lighter colour then her four siblings who were a brilliant orange with distinct black stripes. She was more of a washed out paler orange, although her stripes were just as dark as the others. She was born into this world as one of three princesses, her parents being the royals of her tribe. She was branded with a simple name, 'Katt' she was to be called. She hadn't been given much of a chance for survival. A few weeks her parents had been told. And yet the little feline surprised them all as she struggled for her survival, something everyone else had given up on. For in this tribe only the strong survive and the weak perish or were left behind. As it turned out, she was the only one to survive out of the five as the tribe was caught in the middle of a great war, one that had been going on for many generations between the surrounding tribes. This was always kept the tribes on the move, seeking out one another. She was four at the time that the feud killed off not only her siblings, but also her entire tribe. She had been left behind with a few others that had grown ill and were wounded. Her mother, the only one horrified by this judgment taken by her 'king', told the young feline that she was to watch over the tribe members that were being left. That she would be back for her when it was safe. There were tears in her mother's eyes as she spoke and somehow Katt knew that the words were hollow, that they were just being spoken to keep her from following. The other members of her tribe that she was to look after all died the following day. She was now alone and yet not frightened. She walked for miles following the sent of her tribe members that had left her to die, wishing to catch up with them and no longer be alone. Her wish comes true after only three days of tracking, but what she found was only corpses. They had all been slaughtered. She walked through the bloody mess upon the ground; eeriness filled her body and chilling her through to her bones. She hears a faint noise a distance away, a familiar one. She raced towards it to find her father fallen upon the ground, dead, and her mother fighting with a massive beast. She had never seen such a creature as this before, only heard of it. A dragon it was called. It spots the feline child out of the corner of its eye and turns to it. An easy target she was to the hungry beast. It wasn't long before her mother spotted her as well. Katt could see the heartache in her mother's eyes as they met with her own. Within moments her mother lunged towards the dragon and once again started on her assault trying to dig her claws into it but its scales were too tough. She was trying to protect her child for the first time. She yelled to Katt to run, to be safe, to live. She told her that she was strong and that she would survive, that she had always known that she would survive. With that it seemed as though the dragon had begun to laugh and it threw the feline from its body as though it were only a rag doll. She hit the ground after hitting the truck of a large tree. Katt closed her eyes as the sound of breaking bones rang through her ears. Her mother never got up after that. She was now the last of her tribe. She ran over to her mother, tears in her eyes and the word 'survive' in her mind. She looked around herself spotting a small hollow in a near by tree. This is where she ran. This where she hid. Shivering with fear she sits with her legs drawn up to her chest and face pressed down upon her knees. As the dragon exhaled a ball of fire engulfed the tree singeing the little kittens body. She was losing her breath from the lack of oxygen and the intense heat but before she lost consciousness she felt a sudden coolness surround her and she saw the outline of a cloaked figure walking towards the tree. The dragon was now gone, but what was this new being? What was this power that had defeated it? Her eyes became heavy, her body falling limp as she collapses upon the ground within the hollow, unable to defend herself from this powerful new being. With nothing she could do, she gives into the urge to sleep and dream. She had no idea that the being would become a new mother to her, in a sense, even if it was to be against its will.
~Magical Abilities~ *Elven Form* She has a rapid healing ability taken from both her elven and esper characteristics. This is an ablility that happens instantaneously when ingured; much concentration must be used to heal another being. Her skin is cool to the touch almost freezing. She must be conscious of her actions because of her low body temperature as she is capable of freezing liquids while holding them in confined objects. *Esper Form* For those of you unfamiliar with this type of esper I'll give a little info here. (taken from Final Fantasy 3/6 for those who know it.) An Esper is a being a pure magic. If magic no longer existed, espers would no longer be able to live. Being a being of pure magic they are capable of absorbing magic of similar elements of themselves without harm bieng done. Nimue, being an ice elementalist, is capable of absorbing: water, wind, ice and air elements. All other elements (aside from fire) cause little damage as they are absorbed, fire element causing a harmful amount of damage as it is absorbed. Her healing capabilities are amplified in this form as is her capability to freeze water by touch and at her will as her body temperature is well below freezing in this form. When consentrating she can cause a storm from the calmest weather. All of her 'magic use' is all by will, no spells needed.
~History~ As you may have noticed, Nimue is not a traditional elf. She was born with the gift of magic. Since she was a small child, she has been able to freeze things at will. She also has a rare and very unique ability of healing. Where she had inherited such powers is unknown to her. She is unaware of the origins of which she had ascended from, having been raised by humans since she was the age of 4. She had watched in horror as her home had burnt down to the ground, leaving her alone in the world. She had been fortunate enough that a small group of travelers had come across her just a few days following the fire. They had fed and clothed her, even adopted her as one of their own. Needless to say, she acts more human then elf. Although, she still has a few characteristics that set her apart from the humans, such as her strong attachment and understanding with nature. Her unmistakable almond shaped eyes and her pointed ears are also another trait that set her apart from those around her. There was also something very unique about her, something that no one could explain nor did they attempt to in the first place. Most of those around her stayed a fare distance away, calling her hurtful names and often cursing at her. Most believe she was a drow and not an elf, but really she was neither. Sure she looked like an elf, but deep down she was something else…she just didn't know it yet.
~Physical Description~ *Elven Form* Nimue is a young elven woman. She stands approximately 5'7" tall and weighs around 140 pounds. Her ice blue eyes, when looked at closely, give the illusion of water freezing. This intriguing dance of crystals has been known to mesmerize their onlookers. Her hair, which falls midway down her back, is a very light shade of blond. This shade of blond is so light that at times her hair may appear almost white. She is normally concealed within a full-circle cloak, deep purple in colour. But for those lucky enough to catch this young maiden, without her knowing of their presence, she can be seen without her 'security blanket' wrapped around her. At these rare moments, her shown wardrobe is that of a tight, sleeveless shirt, laced up both sides and a lengthy skirt slit up both sides almost to her hips. Both are made of black materials, which have been known to give her a rather ghostly appearance. *Esper Form* Her skin, pale blue in colour, has small swirls and intricate patterns of ice crystals adhered across its surface. Her strong posture seems to add an intimidating presence that cannot be ignored; her eyes a swirling storm of snow to match her consuming temper. A slight mist rises from her body as though having come out from a steaming bath and her hair; encased in strands of ice gives the illusion of dreadlocks. The elegance and flow of her movements surpasses even that of the most elegant elf. As she steps she leaves behind icy footprints imbeaded upon the ground. But onlookers beware. She may be captivating to the eye, but she doesn't take kindly to strangers in this form.
Sorry that it's taken me so long to reply. Been having a bit of writers block and well...personal life issues that needed attending to. To make a long story short, I'm back now for a while and am very excited that Wyvern liked my application. Anyways, life calls. Oh...and Wyvern I would like to take you up on that offer of help on tenses if you're not busy that is. Thanx. ~Nimue
*slouches slightly as though in shame* I've been working on how to stay in one tence. I seem to have a problem with it though. I appreciate you pointing it out to me as so many have before about other stories that I have writen. (and it was a life story. A recent life story so thank you. It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one that's been through this. Even though I know that many people have. Makes me feel less alone.) *hugs*
Thank you. *smiles* Im just happy to know that someone has read it. It was one of those things that one needs to get off ones chest. You know? Anyways, thanx again.
From the moment she enters the house she knew that something was wrong. She walks down the stairs as always, following his lead to the basement. They walk through the TV room and into his room where he asks her to sit. She sits down on the bed next to him. They had been seeing each other for some time and yet, things were not as they used to be. She knew that this was coming, but she was clueless as to when. As the words rambled out of his mouth you could actually see her heart breaking. The words 'I'm not ready for a relationship right now' ran through her body like poison. Her body starts to shake as her eyes well with tears. She starts to sob as he tries to comfort her. "I still want to be around you. I still love you. I just can't be in a relationship right now. I need to…grow up a little first." He sits in front of her, his hands upon her lap pleading with her to look at him. She refuses. She hides her face in the long tangled mess of her hair. She couldn't figure out how something that she knew was inevitable to happen could hurt so much. "I never wanted to hurt you. I hope that you know that. I still want to be in your life. Please promise me that you won't shut me out. I need to be in your life. Don't push me away." With that he started in his own chain of sobs, his head now resting in her lap. She hadn't moved at all. She just sat staring at her lap shaking, crying. "Please don't do this. I still love you. I'm not leaving you for good. I'm not leaving you alone. Please, look at me." She shakes her head no and continues to hide her face. Her sobs begin to get louder. He rises to embrace her. "Please talk to me." She speaks for the first time in over a half hour. "What's to talk about? If this is what you want." "I'm still here for you. I never wanted to hurt you." "I know." She thinks to herself, 'I should leave. I can't stay here.' "Please don't shut me out, I need to be in your life. I need to be there for you." She rises to her feet pushing him away. "I have to leave. I can't be here." She exits the room and picks up her things but he stops her. She didn't really want to leave. She wanted to make things back to how there were when they were happy. Knowing that she couldn't do this was tearing her apart. "Please, I don't want you to leave. Talk to me." "What's to talk about? You've made up your mind." "I still want to be there for you. I need to be there for you. My feelings for you haven't changed." She starts to get very upset in her confusion of his contradictory statements. "Then why is this happening!?" "I'm just not ready for a relationship right now. Please understand." "I understand. I went through the exact same thing when I was your age." "Don't push me away. I'm begging you. Let me still be in your life." They had moved now to the stair well. He stood in her way so as to keep her there. She stood facing a wall to avoid having to look at him. "I can't do this anymore. I want it be over." She whispered as she spoke. "What was that?" He hadn't heard her, which was probably for the better. "What did you say?" She speaks up a little louder. “I don’t want this to go on. I want the pain to stop.” He realized the underlining in her words and panicked. "Don't you say that. You need to go on. For me. I need you in my life. I need to be in yours. I will always bee here for you if ever you need me." "That's what people say, but they never mean it." "I do mean it. I will always be there for you. If you let me. Will you let me?" She shakes her head as she didn't know what to say or think. She wanted nothing more then to have him in her life but she didn't know if she could handle seeing him as 'just friends'. "Please look at me. If you care about me, you'll look at me." She turns her head just enough to look in his eyes. They were red and puffy from his tears as she was sure her were as well. But they still shone with the same glow as they always had when she looked in them. This was when she realized his words to be sincere. Her gaze began to fall from him. "Don't look away from me." He repeated this over and over until she looked him once again in the eye. "I need to be in your life. Please don't push me away." They talked for a little while longer before she left for home. But she was not ready to return there. She needed to be in the comfort of friends. She needed a shoulder to lean on just for a little while. She searched throughout the night for someone to be home but found no one. It appeared to her that she was ment to suffer alone as she always had before. She returned home and curled up in a tight little ball upon her bed. Her tears were her only comfort that night, the only thing that helped her drift to sleep. Maybe the pain would go away. Maybe she would awake and it was all a dream. One can only hope.