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Lorna moved calmly through the otherwise surprisingly busy halls, making her way towards the council chambers where she had been summoned. At her side trundled a droid, classification H666. She had no idea how do stop it following her, unless it was by dismantling it. A small part of her mind wondered why the halls were so busy, usually the quarters where the Padawans were housed were silent. She didn't try to listen in on what her fellow students were saying, if they wanted her to know they would tell her. "Welcome child." Mast Gorak greeted her as she entered the familiar council room. The small part in her mind that was busy thinking wondered if any other Padawan had been in this room as many times as she had. "Master Gorak." she replied calmly, bowing slightly. "We have had reports of someone destroying one of our beacons in the Androma quadrant." Master Gorak continued. "We believe it has something to do with Padawan Heinrich. The beacon was set there as a warning many years ago to keep people away from an extremely dangerous area of space. We require you to investigate this matter. A ship is waiting for you at the space port." Lorna only just managed to keep her mouth from gaping open. "You're sending me out on a mission to a dangerous part of the galaxy? Alone?! What about my training? I'm not even a full Jedi yet and..." Her voice trailed off under the impassive stares of the Jed council, and she hastily struggled to regain control. It was not easy, with the Masters staring at her and such an important order being put infront of her, but eventually she managed. "Child, we do not expect you to go alone. You may take two others with you if you wish. We would send a full Jedi along to aid you, but I am afraid that will not be possible. There has been a disturbing increase in the demand for Jedi, you will have to do the best you can. Do not worry, the evil that once lived in that sector has no doubt long died out. All you will have to do is find Heinrich and bring him back. Good luck, Lorna." Lorna bowed again as she left and then hurried off to her room to pack for the trip. Her mind was in such a state over the mission that it wasn't until she had just reached her door that she realised the Master had called her by her first name. Blinking, she opened the door and found the robes of a Jedi Knight spread on her bed, along with a note in Master Goraks smooth hand. It said just one word-congratuylations. Feeling instantly better, she quickly changed and went out to meet her ship. In the council chamber Master Gorak turned to his fellow council members. "Should we have told her about Jedi Fable?" "I think not." replied Master Thosa, calmly. "There is no reason to believe that he will be involved, he does not even have the power of the Force behind him. She has enough to worry about." Master Gorak nodded slightly in reply, but he couldn't help feeling they would be hearing Jedi Fable's name again.
Love the poem. Thanks for sharing it. Glad Rich ain't here with his comments on it. Hugs Ness
Good news... for me at least.
Vanessa replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Oh don't encourage him pointy one -
Good news... for me at least.
Vanessa replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Saw someone going against Rich in the Jedi game -
Lorna paced back and forth by Fables bed. She couldn't help feeling it was her fault he was hurt. If she hadn't hesitated on going to the council, if she hadn't let her own emotions interfre with her descision... She tried hard to stop pacing and focus on peace, but too many ideas were running through her head. The council had said her dreams meant something, but they refused to say what. She had an annoying droid following her around and had no idea how to stop it short of attacking it with her lightsabre, Heinrich was outside the enclave all alone and no doubt getting into loads of trouble, and she may very well be the reason Fable was in a sickbed. It was intolerable!
Of course, your not depressed at all are you. Faugh!
Look at me, I'm having to devise imaginary friends just so I can have allies. I didn't include a name for my friend, maybe I'll get lucky and someone will join me. Lorna dived into a smooth roll and lunged with her sabre, the blade of light humming slightly and detonating the small practice droid on contact. Throwing her hand out she sent a wave of the Force into the second droid, flinging it into the wall and destroying it as well. The third droid was caught up by strands of the Force sent from her fingertips. With a sharp tug Lorna brought it onto her sabre. Sighing irritably she ended the program. No matter how hard she set the traing program it was still too easy, and her master refused to let her practice on the more sophisticated droids. "Want some company?" A voice behind he asked. Grinning at the familar voice of her friend Lorna turned round. "I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you'd be ransacking my room for the latest assignment." Her friends face radiated such a look of wide eyed innocence that Lorna couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I thought about it, but that damned droid that Heinrich built for you was guarding your room." A touch of irritation had entered her friends voice, though she would have been willing to bet it was fake. Raising an eyebrow Lorna raised her sabre, ready for her friends attack. Swiftly her friend launched several blows at her head. Lorna turned them aside with ease, sparks flying as the sabres made contact. She rolled to the side, slowly passing her blade across her friends shins. Her friend jumped to avoid the blow, dived and lunged. Hastily Lorna jumped back before flinging her hand out, the Force she sent outward aimed at her friends sabre. With a sharp jerk the sabre was pulled from her friends hand and sent flying across the training room. Undaunted her friend dived for it, rolled and managed to deflect Lorna's follow up attack. Lorna grinned at the challenge her friend was giving her, it felt good to face a challenge again. Thier blows came faster, each concentrating on the Force, allowing it to guide thier actions and aid them in avoiding and countering blows. Once again her friend launched blows at her head, but instead of deflecting them she ducked and swept her blade across her friends stomach. With a rueful smile her friend retracted her blade. "You win, this time." She grinned. Together they headed off to Lornas chambers to get some refreshments. "Has thier been any news of Heinrich?" Her friend asked as they walked. Her tone was cautious, she new she was walking on touchy ground. Lorna's face took on a sad cast. "No. But the Jedi council has had a report of a star ship being stolen, and of a Jedi being made unconcious by the force." Her friend gaped. "Unconcious? And a starship stolen? How could Heinrich do that?" "He's angry, and desperate." Lorna replied sadly. I worry about him, my dreams haven't been the same since he left. I see him walking down a path that splits. Over one fork is a lightsabre with twin blades, the other has a symbol of two crossed sabres. The twin lightsabre scares me." It took an effort for her to admit her fear, she should not have felt that emotion but however hard she tried she could not be rid of it. Her friend shivered. She knew her friends ability to control her emotions. For her to feel fear and not be able to suppress it... "He'll come back." She said confidently. "Where else has he got to go?" Lorna made no reply, and the rest of the walk to her apartments was made in silence.
Humph-fine. I'll be the only one following the will of the Jedi council. See if I care. I hope the dark side takes you all The doors infront of Lorna opened with a soft hiss and she stepped into the large, white, bell shaped hall that was the Jedi council room. There were no lamps, instead small pots of crystals were placed at set points in the room. These crystals caught the light that streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and refracted it into many different colours, leaving no space unlit. Slowly she approached the seven figures seated in a semi-circle facing her, the Jedi masters of the academy. "Greetings child," Master Gorak said in his deep voice. "You have asked for our council?" Bowing, Lorna began to explain her reasons for approaching the council. "I stopped off to see Heinrich about an hour ago and..." Suddenly she cut off, her eyes widening in shock. The Force inside of her seemed to fluctuate violently. The feel of it seemed to change as well, becoming somehow more sinister. For the first time since she had learned to feel the Force inside of her she wished she was unable to. As suddenly as the feelings had started, they were gone, and Lorna was left wondering whether she had felt anything or not. One look at the Jedi council told her it had happened. Master Goraks normally calm eyes were tight, and Master Yoraths fists her clenched as if bracing himself for something. The other Jedi Masters also showed similar signs of strain. "What...what was it?" Lorna asked, her voice faint despite all her efforts to calm herself. The council exchanged glances, but none spoke. Then Master Gorak spoke. "It was a...disturbance, child." "But that's not possible!" Lorna burst out. "Causes of disturbance were wiped out years ago, everyone knows that!" "Calm yourself child." Hastily Lorna struggled to regain control of her emotions, but in her hurry they merely became more scrambled. Taking a deep breath she tried again, slower this time but with more success. Eventually she was able to speak normally again, though she still could not shake off the unpleasntness of hat she had just felt. "Forgive me, master. It will not happen again." "We will find the problem in due time, child. Tell us why you are here." Lorna quickly told of what she had seen in Heinrichs eyes and of her fears while the council watched, thier faces and postures calm once more. When she had said her piece she couldn't help feeling slightly silly. It sounded so childish, worrying about the look in someones eyes and then running off to the council about it. A look into Master Goraks face told her she had not made a mistake. "You have done well to bring this to us, child. The matter of Padawan Heinrich will be settled soon. Return to your studies now. May the Force be with you." Lorna bowed again and left the council chamber. They would know what to do. She wished she didn't sound so much like she was trying to convince herself. Footsteps hurrying, she set off to one of the many training rooms.
Lorna sat in her room, a look of peace on her face as she meditated on what her master had told her. The Jedi code ran through her head time and again, bringing her mind and body together and allowing her to control her emotions. Almost reluctantly she left her meditation, then sighed with a touch of irritation that she quickly suppressed. Her worry about Heinrich and what she should do was still there, despite her meditation. She had to decide what she was going to do, unfortunatly whatever choice she made would probably bring either herself or another, pain. All of her teaching and most of her mind instructed her to approach the council and inform them of what she had seen in Heinrichs eyes. She knew full well why he had not become a Jedi Knight. Despite all his skill with the force and sabre he was still unable to control his emotions. "A Jedi without self control is no Jedi" she murmerd to herself. That was one of the first things that had been explained to her when she had first joined the order. However, if she approached the council with her fear of what Heinrichs anger might do to him, she might well be damning her friend, not to mention ending thier friendship. Focusing her thoughts she removed all trace of emotion from her mind. As she had been taught, she used her mind to concentrate on the problem without allowing herself to worry about the consequences. With that, she realised what she must do. Calmly she set off to find Master Gorak, head of the council.
I like the rhythum and the tune once you showed me how to read them. I liked the way it went together. I liked everything except for thr f$%£ing topic!
Vanessa narrows her eyes at Richard. "I remember this from Notley, as I remember the teacher gave us both detention for it. This time I'm going to make the good guys win " But while the Walker strode the land, bringing ruin to all, The people of good and right rose up against him and, With steel in thier hearts and righteous power, They drove home thier attack. Back the Walker and his foul minions were pushed. Back to the dark east from where they were formed. Back to the black woods and soiled ground that, Formed the home of the empty Walker. Sword crashed down and staff blazed fire, But still the battleline held. Men found hope and courage, The sight of thier kings driving home the attack, Brought strength to thier aching limbs. Slowly, step by step the Walker retreated. Step by step his darkness waned and the light of the world brightened. The sun blazed once more in all its glory. The darkness, Force created of anger foul, was diminished and almost destroyed. Now it lurks once more, alone and weak. Nursing its wounds and withering in hatred. Now begins the fourth age when men, Swore never to forget, and always keep a watch. I'm going to match you blow for blow with this...
Adglomero gaped in horror at Damon as she saw him calmly drive his sword into the dwarfs head. She didn't understand what language they were speaking but surely nothing could justify that sort of behaviour. Nervously she backed away from the person she had once laughed with and travvelled without fear. Heimalis, catching his mistresses mood although not its source shifted slightly, casting a distrustful eye at each of the companions. How many of them can I really trust? she worried to herself. (OOC: I'm assuming you're talking in Infernal since the dwarf is, so of course I haven't the slightest idea what you're saying. If I'm wrong then change this to something like me worrying about your sanity, saying that you hear voices.)
Adglomero, now safely on the ground, was relieved to see that Heimalis was back to his old self, if extremely battered and looking the worse for wear. Making soothing noises in her throat she gently guided the Roc to the ground where she could finish healing him. She landed close by Damon, ready to thank him, when she saw what seemed to be a small dwarf. Harsh-sounding syllables were being spoken by the creature to Damon, but what they meant she had no idea. To her shock Damon had put down his sword. Wildly she looked around, searching for some guidance in what to do, but no one seemed to be there to give her suggestions. Worridly she looked back at the dwarf to find it had stopped talking and just seemed to be waiting for some response. The sight of it standing there, the colour of its beard, things seemed to be trying to connect themselves in her head but they were only giving her more questions, no answers. She was also surprised to find that the creature was looking only at Damon, paying no attention to herself, Silver, or Heimalis. (OOC: Sorry, I was grounded for kicking my brother )
Adglomero muttered a string of elven curses under her breath. What the hell was she supposed to do? Can't chop off a griffons head with a knife and now Damon was losing his ability to protect Heimalis. She looked around desperatly for something she could use but her mind drew a blank. Her arm now a mass of aches and pains she clumsily jumped over to Heimalis again, starting to bandage her Rocs wounds rather than combat, hoping that the time it would take for her to complete this job would help her find an answer to her problem.
Adglomero smiled gratefully over at Damon. "Thanks for the help, both against the griffon and with Heimalis" She called out, before launching yet more arrows at the undead beast. Heimalis, having regained control of himself attacked again, the enemy unable to dodge due to it's injuries. Savagly he tore again at its wings and the hole opened wider as his beak rent its foul skin. The griffon tried to turn to face the roc to return the attack but it was too slow, Damons attacks had disorientated it. Thinking desperatly Adglomero leapt from Heimalis's neck and landed on the griffons back. Taking out her knife she began to saw at the creatures throat while Heimalis kept it's attention. To her dismay the knife made no impact to instead she switched her knife to the other hand and jabbed down purposfuly with her knife, plunging it directly into the creatures now empty eyesocket searching for the brain. Once again her balance saved her as the griffon tried violently to shake her off. She looked worriedly over at Heimalis, who was bleeding badly. "I hope he can hold out until this is over." She murmered under her breath. "I can't do anything about it now."
Adglomero glared at the undead griffon, more annoyed with it's creator than the creature itself. She had a special fondness for birds and to see one so mistreated made her elvish blood boil. Angrily she kicked her roc into the air and soared towards the creature, Heimalis screamed out a challenge to the undead being. The griffon rose to meet the pair, it's sharp claws poised to strike. Shooting like a bullet it slammed towards the two creatures stupid enough to fight it. Swerving sharply to one side Heimalis clawed at the griffons form as it passed by while Adglomero fired three arrows in rapid succesion at the beast. The griffon seemed to shrug off the blows as a mere inconvinience and turned to attack again. This time Heimalis was too slow, and the impact of the two birds colliding shook Adglomero in her place between the rocs wings, her sense of balance only just keeping her from falling to her death. When the creatures seperated again Heimalis was sporting bloody scratches in his side while the undead bird had a chunk torn out of its wing, making it's flight path erratic. Adglomero fired her bow again, this time hitting the griffon in the eye and sending it reeling. Heimalis dived to attack again but somehow the injured undead managed to swerve just in time. Adglomero looked around desperatly for help. The creatures stamina frightened her and she knew that even with Heimalis's skills and courage she would not be able to win this fight. The combatants began to circle each other, readying themselves for another attack... (OOC: I know a griffon isn't a bird as such but I count it as one anyway. So there )
With a quick grin at Silver, Adglomero leaped onto her Roc and reveled once again in the feel of the wind and power underneath her. The thought of Kordrak having to walk while everyone else flew brightened her day up no end.
Adglomero's eyes brightened up at the thought of a swift flight-just what she needed to try and cheer up. Giving a shrill whistle she called Hiemalis to her and lept up on to his back. With a quick grin and a wave she rose into the sky and shot forward over the trees. Slowly images and ideas began to filter from her to Hiemalis and then on to Seyan. Just outside of the forest was a small village. It's wooden houses stood in a seemingly random and haphazard way, offending her innate need for neatness. More out of curiosity than any real worry she soared lower for a closer look. The houses had at one time been set out in in orderly manner, but now it looked as if they had been flung around as if by a large hurricane, though there had been no sign of such weather while she had been walking in the forest. All the people seemed to be grouped in a large open area surrounded by broken buildings and brick-a-brac. "Why don't they straighten things out?" She wondered quietly under her breath. Setting Hiemalis down just outside the broken village so as not to scare the villagers she began to make her way to the gathering. In a matter of moments she found out why the people had all been standing so still, and she heaved what seemed to be all the meals she had ever eaten into a nearby bucket which had been lying by her feet. All the villagers were dead. They were held up in a number of ways. Some were crucified with metal stakes hammered through thier bodies holding them in place. Others were hanging from gibbets, thier faces blue and lifeless. When she looked at the grass she found dark patches of blood, making it look like the ground itself had bled. All of the villagers faces held grimaces of pain and horror. Hastily she ran back to Hiemalis and leaped on to his back before winging her way back to Silver to deliever the news. She knew Seyan would already have told what had been seen, but she felt the need to tell it herself anyway. "I'm sorry I doubted your ability to track the killers." she said through teeth tightly clenched to keep from chattering. (OOC: Richard helped with the descriptions-I just wanted proof of Silvers fathers killers. Horrible imagination he has sometimes )
Adglomero edged closer to Silver before beggining an explanation. "He is a Guardian of the Abyss." She said quietly to Silver, a hint of something that was a mixture of worry and horror in her voice. "The Guardians do not sleep, age or require food or drink. They came into being when the Seven entities who support balance realised that they needed some protection since they would be set upon by the forces of law and chaos. Heinrich has probably been sent to them because of his acts towards Damon, cutting off his hand rather than losing it created a large amount of chaos. "I suppose I had better explain somethings about Heinrich, though he probably won't thank me for it. His real name is Lomach, and he is a servant of the Seven. He struggles to preserve balance in this plane, or is supposed to. Sometimes he forgets himself. He was never accepted into the order of Witch Hunters, he merely watched them and made sure they did not exceed thier authority. "The beings that chase him are those of chaos, they believe that by destroying him they will suceed in tipping the balance in thier favour." At this thought Adglomero shivered. "The Guardians know only thier duty to thier masters, you will never be able to make him leave your side and he will follow no order that will compramise his charge, in this case you. If a wizard were to cast any spell at you, even one that would cause death to any who were in its path, Kordrak would intercept it before it could touch you. "All of this I know from the teaching that Heinrich gave me, though I'm sure he witheld much. For instance he never told me what the equipment they carry actually does." Worried that Silver, Damon and the rest would think badly of Heinrich for using so many different names she hastily clarified his reasons. "He uses so many different names because he has lived so many different lives. Whenever he dies he is reborn, though the Seven may change his form in order for him to perform his duty more efficiently. When my father found out who Heinrich was he was outraged and challenged him to a duel. Heinrich lost his hand but calmly replaced it as he did with Damon. My father was so humiliated that Heinrich was banished, never to return." Having finished her explantion she tried to get some sleep, a look of worry for Heinrichs fate on her face as she hastily hid her tears. She didn't want the others to think she was weak.
Adglomero looked slightly green at Heinrichs demonstration. "I wish you wouldn't do that. As I remember that's what got you banished from the elven lands." "True." Heinrich replied calmly. "But I'm old and I irritate easily." "Old? Don't try and pull that line on me." She grinned. "I know almost all of your secrets remember? Will you tell these people some day?" "I doubt they care." Heinrichs reply was reasonable. "It's enough for them to know that I'm a fair illusionist and small time magician." Adglomero collapsed into giggles at this and had to walk doubled over.
Adglomero laughed happily. "Another group of people to join us! Don't mind Heinrich-he doesn't make friends easily. Damon's a good example." Don't be *too* polite will you She sent across to Heinrich. Since when did being polite fulfill my duty? He shot back irrtably. Adglomero rolled her eyes at Lelu. "You'll get used to him-eventually."
Gliding down from where she had been hovering Adglomero slipped off her Roc, laughing happily. That was a nice touch. It seemed suitable. A wide grin across her face Adglomero strolled over to Damon to make sure there were no hard feelings.
"I'm sorry about this Damon, but he is Adroniseth, whatever my father says about him. Stand against him and you stand against me. Some things are stronger than friendship, even when they are forbidden." Adglomero looked sad but fierce as she readied herself to fire, even upon her new found friend if need be. Gently she stroked her Rocs neck, wishing she possesed it's strength.
Adglomero gasped at the sight. She had never seen anything like it befre. Quickly retreated to Heinrichs form, seeking comfort as she had when she was a child. With a solid thump she realised she had backed into the tree he had been leaning on. With horror she saw she had walked through him. Apparently another one of his illusions! OOC: Created via phone, all I've been told is that Richard cast an illusion of himself there, not where he is now. Hiemalis gave an inquisitive look to her rider before quickly positioning herself between the strange creature she saw standing infront of her and her rider, while Adglomero looked desperatly about for Heinrich.