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Everything posted by Vanessa
EDIT by Katzaniel: The following was written as an application to the StoryWeaver Guild. Katz out. Hmmm...what to write? I know! How about a description of the elves?. That'll help in the story Rich and I are doing... There are three races of elves on the Plane of Mortals. The drow are a dark, almost black skinned race, although their psychical form is the same as other elves. They dwell in deep, dark caverns far below the surface of the earth, and thier eyes adapted long ago to the darkness of such caverns. Rather than the usual green or blue of the elven peoples that lived above ground their eyes glowed a malevolent red. The drow worship the gods of darkness, sacrificing mortals that they have captured in raids to the surface so that they can gain more power from the gods. The second race of elves are the wood elves. They dwell in seclusion amongst the forests of the Mortal Plane. They rarely show themselves to outsiders, prefering to stay seperate and aloof. They look upon the protection of the forest as their appointed task, and deal severly with those who do not respect thier territory. Lastly are the elves of the sky. Once elves of the wood they moved to the mountains due to some catastrophe that is unrecorded in even the most ancient of records. Among the many other creatures sheltering in the high mountains are rocs, immense golden birds capable of carrying extremely heavy burdens. Some few of the elves of the sky have found that they posses the ability to communicate with these magnificant animals and have gone on to train them so that they may be used as transport and, if necessary, as weapons of war. Although many consider this to be a cruel practice the relationship is nevertheless a symbiotic one. Despite their immense power and intellect there are many dangers that the rocs are unable to deal with but with which the elves of the sky can defeat with the aid of their magic.
Ewww! Blood on the floor! Who's blood is it anyway? Rich? Hey! Call for help!
Slowly Mara stalked between the tables of the immense buffet, unscrewing the lid from her hip flask as she did. Her target was easily visible even amongst all the people, and she knew she had better do something to calm him down before there was trouble. Hastily casting invisibility on herself she crept closer-and poured the entire contents of the hip flask into Heinrichs drink that had been forced on him by some-unamed party goer. The unsuspecting victim rose the cup...drank...and blinked. Very slowly he lowered the glass to the table, held his staff at neckheight, and headbutted it. Mara giggled from the corner where she was watching. Her personality-changing fluid strikes again! Heinrich was now cross-eyed and making his way to the buffet.
Vanessa looked nervously about as she crept from the side of Richards tower and over to the party. She didn't want to be anywhere near when he found out his sparkling building was covered with flyers for a party of all things. Quickly she ran over the poem she had written about cats... Hissing snarling bundles, Striking fear into dads lawn, Tearing up the plants. Hmmm...not to shabby for a first try. Worridly she handed it to the troll on guard, but it seemed to pass inspection. She was rather surprised to see a smile appear on the trolls face as she was ushered in to the room. She hadn't known trolls could smile without food. With a mixture of fear and excitement she looked forward to meeting the other people of the Pen...
Vanessa signs in to her account to tentativly make an apology to the leader of the werewolf game...and comes face to face with an amazing new look and access to several more rooms :wizzie: I was asking Wyvern how I could get promoted and see everything only yesterday...thanks all
I'm a Page! Aw man this is SO cool! A wonderful blue backdrop to the site and more rooms! Oh-and I'll join in this thing with a laugh and a smile (and a kick to Rich to make him buy the drinks )
OOC: and i, for another hadn't voted until now cause I only just got back from selling dvd's. So there Mara whipped out her notebook and quickly began scribbling notes. She wasn't fooled by the cheerleaders pretense at stupidity, she knew a story when she found one! Today the peace of this quiet, carefree school was shattered by a savage and brutal attack on one of our own people. Billy was attacked by a vicious thug, intent on killing him. Will the teachers have the brains to figure it out themselves? Will they suspect, as the whole of the school newspaper does, the supposedly innocent cheerleader, Tiffany? Or will we have to take matters into our own hands? Stay tuned... ooc: Sorry but I had a bad experince with cheerleaders. Vote for Tiffany/Lady Celes
Mara hastily sat down at her desk and unpacked her stuff. As usual she was only just in time for class-she had just had a massive row with her parents about her grades and why she should try as hard in class as she did for the paper. They just didn't understand! Pulling out her notebook from the back pocket of her jeans she began to compose an article about the absurd demands placed on students by thier parents.
The sheer tone of Xaviers voice forced Mara to grit her teeth to keep from lashing out at him. "Don't be fooled Finnius. The price he charges is far too high, as my father found out to his horror. His name is Xavier, the elves that are my people call him the Dream Assasin." She turned her fierce gaze back to the blind man. "Why are you here anyway? Seems a bit of a coincidence, you turn up at the same time as trouble!"
This is Mara Simons reporting for the school news with a message for all you people with tuck money out there. This quiet, peacefull town of ours has recently been disturbed by bullies! That's right folks, we now have three of them issuing a school-wide reign of terror. Will anyone take them down? Will strange creatures suddenly pop right out of books and deal with them for us? Or will the teachers actually wise up and take notice???!! Stay tuned folks...
Um, I know it wasn't on the list you put up, but can I play the part of school-class reporter? Can't really fit myself as a clown or bully, and a goth is more Richards thing. Letme know
Doesn't that list make posting take AGES?!
So....what? It would be like roleplaying only with us being ourselves? Sounds like fun .
Behind Alric there was a soft rustle of feathers as Mara landed her roc. "That was amazing!" Her voice was clear and light, seeming only one step short of laughter and full of enthusiasm. "Can you do that everyday, or do you need to rest? Does your power come from a god or is it inside of you?" A flood of questions poured from her, before she realised what she was doing. Blushing slightly she apologised and held out her hand. "Sorry, sometimes I get a bit carried away. My names Mara. I'm a roc rider."
Above the town of Eelix, a great golden Roc beat it's wings occasionaly, mainting its height. Riding upon its back he elf princess Mara had a perfect view of all of the city, but she couldn't see the Dream Assasin anywhere. "Probably in the tavern." She thought to herself, shuddering at the thought of having to talk to Xavier in a place with so many minds he could bend to his will. Trying to put of the moment when she would have to land, she examined the town carefully. To her amazement she saw a disturbance in the market, and an immense wall of thorns seemed to sprout from the ground. Her curiosity aroused, she soared in for a closer look. OOC: If I'm entering too late let me know
I believe he was attempting to be sarcastic Regel, annoying isn't it
Hi all! I've been planning this thing for a long time, ever since I was playing Neverwinter next to Rich and saw him drop a Balor, a red dragon, three Swords of Never, the evil Aribeth and that Maugrim character all on to a level six character who refused to stop killing villagers of experience . Drat, I started rambling again didn't I? Now where were we...oh yes, the plan. Here goes. The idea is this. The year is 2520. Technology has advanced in great waves, allowing mankind access to more effective and painful ways of killing each other. Several small towns have been destroyed, either on purpose or by a scientific accident. Parts of the world are now made uninhabitable due to the prescense of lizards known as Grakkar (more on these below). Humankind has been divided as it never has before. It has split into three seperate groups, each with thier own ideology (see below). They do, naturally enough, have the standard "take over the world" policy. Name me one self-respecting organisation that doesn't . The three groups, or "orders" are as follows: The Black Order-Founded by crimelords, black marketeers and your traditional all round bad guys. So far they have been trying to bring down the White Order by stealth more than brute force, though that of course may change. The White Order-This Order was put together by the surviving government leaders in the year 2480, in an attempt to end crime and bring about equality and justice. Equality and justice, that is, which they are far to knowledgeable to be touched by. They have a large supply of armed soldiers along with enough money to equip and train them proffesionaly. They are not all muscle, however. The Grey Order-A secret group of people, never coming publicly into view and often considered to be merely a rumour. Rumour has it that many who pretend to be of either the Black or the White are actually in the service of the Grey. This is spoken quietly however, for any such accusations bring severe punishment. The true size, nature and purpose of the Grey Order is not yet clear. Now then, here's what I want to happen. There will be a weeks joining period, starting from when the first person replies to this post. Whoever joins during that time will need to decide which Order they are in and include this in thier post. I want the teams to be reasonably even, so if we end up with a large imbalance I'll add some people under my control to the mix. The game will end when one Order has come out on top. Furthur instructions and rules will be issued once I have a list of people. As a final word: Please join!!
"See Heinrich," Mara said, turning to Heinrich and grinning. "I'm not the only one who thinks such things, despite what you claim." "Maybe not, elven child, but even if all the lands believed friends were needed I would still hold to my opinion. Everyone needs allies, but friendship is irrelevent." Mara grimaced slightly over the stubborness of the man that she, at least, called friend, but decided not to argue. She had tried to do so before, but it never got her anywhere.
"I'm Mara, and this is Maralasoth. I'm a wing rider. Well, a wing rider in training anyway. My father's Kirinath, first prince of the elves." She said this without any sign that she expected to be shown special consideration, her years in training had proven to her that until she had completed her trials she was the equal of everyone else.
Turning her glare away from Heinrich she faced Samara. The glare vanished and was replaced with a slightly impish grin. The strangers grin seemed heartfelt, and Mara's grin widened as she thought of how it might end up irritating Heinrich. I slightly reproving prescence touched her mind, and it was only her training that prevented her from showing any surprise. "I always try to catch Heinrich unawares." She explained, her cheerful voice making her seem on the verge of breaking into laughter. "One day I'll manage it, then I'll have great pleasure in reminding him every time I meet him." Out of the corner of her eye she saw Heinrich shake his head slightly, his mouth flickering briefly into a mocking smile before returning to its familiar compressed line. "One day..." she sent silently across thier link. "Perhaps, elven child, but only when you manage to learn enough self control to hide your thoughts."
Mara soared over the wooded forest on her giant roc, Maralasoth (Lit: Bearer of Mara). The feel of the wind in her face exillerated her, as it always did, and her dark black hair streamed out behind her. Distracted by the enjoyment of her flight, she forgot to keep a watch on the ground below her, and only Maralasoth's sharp cry called her attention to the terrain below. Berating herself for forgetting she was supposed to be taking note of the land she explored on her first flight, she quickly scanned the area below her. He sharp, tilted elven eyes easily spotted the clearing, and just as easily spotted the two figures standing in it. With a sharp intake of breath she recognised Heinrich, though the other figure was new to her. Briefly she considered sending out a telepathic greeting to her friend and occasional teacher of 10 years, then she giggled slightly to herself and decided to try and surprise him. Nudging Maralasoth with her knees, she ordered her into a sharp dive, straight towards Heinrich.
Can't be any rule like that-there are several books with the same name, and films as well (i.e "The Mask").
He's got all the patience in the world when it comes to making life difficult
Thankyou for you help Damon.
If anyone can work out the translation for this, can they please post it? I can't understand it at all. Hugs Vanessa