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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by BehindBlindEyes

  1. *hugs and kisses* thankies babes XxxxxX
  2. yey hehehe thankz alot :woot: peace
  3. My poor princess is really sick and i wanted to get people who love her to wish her well again. I love jassette with all my heart and hope she gets well soon. Love you loads jassette. XxxxX *hugs and kisses jassette*
  4. haha yeah sickness thats right :erm: :yuiwink: im in love that aint a sickness
  5. This is kinda crap concidering i have one thing on my mind ***JASSETTE*** but i made this song up from nothing no emotion or anything so tell me if ya think its crap Peace Price To Pay One grim day, I faulted you, And now im ready to pay, For what i have done, Chorus Now Im Ready To Pay! Twisting in my head, Everything you Said, Twisting Out Of Control, Im ready to pay!!! Save us from Hate, Save us from Fate, Save ourselves, Before it’s too late. Chorus The Price I pay, Twisting in my head, Everything you Said, Twisting Out Of Control, Ive paid for my faults!!!!
  6. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif thankz a million! *hops on jassette and kisses* hehehehehehe so i can write more stuff now. ok im working on something its kinda crap tho so dont expect anything good
  7. I need you babe, You're all i crave, I think back to when i had no-one, And i feel like death; I need you, You're the only one for me, You have made me feel love, And what it's like to be loved. You have broadened my horizon; I love you more than life, Everytime you're upset, i feel the pain. I know what i want in life, And the only thing i want is you. You light up my everytime i see you, You give me shivers when i hear your voice. I haven't felt this feeling before, But i love it and don't want it to end. I want you alone to be mine forever, You complete me, utterly complete me. The girl of my dreams, i can't believe it, You're truely amazing, Love is a feeling i now have-thanks to you.
  8. Jassette, Im so in love with you, Every second spent with you i cherish, Before i do anything i think of you, Every second away from you i perish. Love-What a feeling, Joy, happiness, warmth, A sense of being, I harness your love. I was fortunate to find you, You are what i have been searching for, Your the one i need, i want, I cant imagine it any other way. Your my true love, Your my soulmate, You have my heart, And all my attention I love you, With all my heart, With all my energy And i will forever.
  9. YEY... Cool But very depressing poem I love you so much babe. Your such a great writer. I love you to bits.. XxxxX XxxxX yey *Gets on one knee http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif and Kisses Your Hand * Soul mate babe i Love you For life.. OH YEY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. OMG I LOVE IT......I LOVE YOU SO MUCH XxxxX *gets on one knee* heheh i love you *hopes on you and kisses* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love you
  11. I wrote most of this but my beautiful great girlfriend jassette really made this song alot better. She is amazing and i love her more than anything im hoping to put music to it. I LOVE JASSETTE FOREVER XXXX
  12. hmmm Yeh
  13. hmm love ya
  14. hmm thankz.. zoom
  15. great poem keep up good work brian
  16. Save us from fate, save us from hate Save ourselves before it’s too late i thought of that in two minutes..Yey
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