Finding purchase on the Walls of the Pen, she slowly looks around. Nigh a year and a half and she has never ventured from the Banquet Room. Small but winged she has always had a way to roam, but… never the courage. Courage still eluding her, she yearns to escape. To see and be seen. To stretch her wings and fly. That is her dream. She has watched as others strode confidently through the halls of the Pen, and yet no matter her yearning to follow, she could not take that first step.
Now holding to the Walls of the Pen as though for dear life, she takes a breath…and leaps. Oh, to soar high above the Pen, viewing in full what before she only dared peek at. Flying high she sees it all. There! The Cabaret Room; and there, the Assembly Room. The Conservatory, the Library. What’s this? A Recruiter’s Office? A place unseen, yet always there. How could she have missed it, so close to her home? Beyond she hears the many languages of The Café and The European Classics, but she cannot go beyond the Recruiter’s Office.
As her wings tire, she must decide. Home? or Somewhere New? She longs to go rest, to find purchase on The Walls once again, but she knows that she must not. That first leap was one she did not know she would take and one she was not certain she could take again. Inside, her heart is torn. Home…Somewhere New…Home.... New…. Her eyes are drawn by the life she feels around her, and yet her heart, her soul, is pulled to that place she so often did not see. Inside she feels life, new, uncertain as she. Oh to have the courage…
Too tired to continue, her first flight at its end, she turns to go home. Perhaps another time, another day. Home, the Banquet room…but…wait, she has grown. No longer is the Banquet room such a cozy fit. Once perfect, now not so. She must fly again, for in her flight she grew. At first uncertain she realizes, that place that called before is calling again. Again a leap, less hesitant than the first, she glides, and then dives. Straight to the Recruiter’s Office. A new place. A new dream. Not a new home, but one small step towards striding alongside those of the Pen. That’s right, not behind them, not to follow. Her dream, like herself, has grown. No longer does she wish to follow. No, she will soar, she will stride, and one day, she will lead.