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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Silver Dragon

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Everything posted by Silver Dragon

  1. Looking over her shoulder at the odd pair that had joind her she curtly replied "I care not who joins me so long as they step llively. And I am also glad to see that I shall not have to be seperating the two of you." With an indignant squak from Seyan (Silvers tiny silver dragon) she strode on down the path deeper into the woods. As the sun began to sink into the sky Silver began a search for a place to camp, frevently hoping that the two comapnions she had aquired had brought food for themselves and that they would do their fair share of the work required at night. ooc: Darlin' we are in the woods. But if you would like to me in a tavern i'm sure that my char. would fly you there with a little prodding. oh and no she will not always be this mean.
  2. As Damon stepped out of the woods and introduced himself she wondered where he had come form. This man seemed qiute odd to her just walking out ing front of unknown people that way. If he had not been as stealthy as he was and she not quite so intent on her journey he may not have surprised her the way that he had. It had been so long since she had had company that she figured it may be a nice change for some. Blanking her face so as to not let him know that he had starled her she graciously replied, "Of course you may travel with me, although you may find that i am not quite as helpless as you may have first believed." Looking at him as if he should have noticed before she opened her wings to thier full extent. With the unveiling of her large silver wings she said," If you had not noticed I am half-dragon. " As if her words to the man had caused a leash to come undone Seyan poked he small silver head from under the long locks of silver hair that fell just below the womans shoulders. As Seyans hiss Silver began to calm the timy silver dragon. "People call me Silver." she said. "I have been alone for far too long it is about time that I saught some company and if you were a very bad person my little girl here would have attacked you instead of hissing. She only did that because she does not know you." With that she turned and headed off down the trail not waiting for him. If he were to travel with her he would just have to kepe up
  3. welcome to the pen
  4. The night wore on and as the sun began to show its head on the horizon Silver opened her eyes to great the horribly cheery morning. As it was she hated mornings like this, despised them was more like it. Rising from her bed above the tavern that she managed to find a room in that night. Washing her face and donning her long black cloak she headed down the stairs to enjoy a drink before determining her next course of action. When she arrived at the lower level the noise of the morning petrons engulfed her. Finding a table somewht off to the side she waved over a serving woman and ordeered a meal and a glass of wine. As she waited for the food to arrive she listened to the morning tales of the locals. Eating her food in solitude she suddenly realized that she had decided to travel on to the next town. This country was new to her and though she did not know the names of the towns along her way she seemed to know where she was going. It seemed that only yesterday she had decide to go after the men that had killed her father and though it had been months since her departure from his cave she could still smell his blood from where the men who had slain him had passed through this very spot. Finishing her meal she returned to her room and gathered her things to be on her way. Her pet dragon Seyan came to her upon entering and retreated to her hair for the long journey that was still ahead of them. When she left the tavern she still felt as if there was a long way yet to travel. Heading on down the road she soon was encompassed by the forest. The locals told of horrible things in the forest, but that was of no concern to her, for they had also said that it was the fastest way to the next major city, and that was where she was headed. OOC: since I had nothing in mind really when I wrote this just have fun but do try to follow my lead here please?
  5. As Jarom begins his tale of the tragedy of Brute Silver Dragon enters the bar and upon seeing all the people gathered close to the old dwarf she meanders over to investigate. With the last words of his tale floating over the small gathering she takes a seat close enough to hear his tale. While sipping her wine she feigns disintrist in what the grizzled dwarf has to say, all the while soaking in every word that escapes from his mouth. :dragon4:
  6. As the slender woman sat there rereading what she had just written she wondered just what was taking so long. She had been waiting for a long time now it seemed, idally playing with her silver hair she saught for something to ocupy her time for she could think of nothing else to write on her story at the moment. As her gaze traveled the lenght of the hall she caught sight of the miniature silver dragon that was her pet. It seemed odd to her though that her name seemed to fit her in every aspect. She had a silver dragon as a pet, silver hair and silver eyes, with a slightly dark complection which accented the dragon tatoo that covered the left half of her face. "It is very odd." she thought. Then the thought came upon her that maybe it was ment to be. The intricate tatoo covering her face was what caught most peoples attention, but than her hair didn't help much either. As she sat and waited for the resultes of her application she pondered all of this and more. So totally engrossed in her thoughts was she that she totally missed her dragon come streaking to her shoulder to hide in her hair. At this display from her beloved pet she looked up to see what had startled the poor thing. As far as she could see there was nothing that should have startled her. "It is alright Seyan,"she mumbled to the tiny dragon "see there is nothing there." As she calmed Seyan she freverently hoped that she would be accepted. Leaning back, she carfully folded her wings and tried to get more comfortable. Waiting was becoming an increadably boring thing she listened closely for signs of anyone coming to retrieve her and though there seemed to be none she wished for someone to come soon. :dragon4:
  7. ok now i did like your writings. I am also a poet I have been published three times now and my newest poem is about to go into another book. There is one thing I have to ask though. What the heck is with all the space at the bottom of that last piece? :dragon4:
  8. Ok so I hear that someone wanted to hear more of my story. Well here we go.\ A soft light slowly penetrated the darkness, as her eyes slowly fluttered open she stoped for a minute for she didn't know where she was. The damp leaves beneath her and the chatter of the birds brought to mind th eevents of the night before. Carefullly rising to a sitting postion she examined the area around her to see if they had found her yet. There was nothing that she could see to indicate that anyone had ever been here other than herself. Listening carefully to the sounds of the morning she rose to see where her feet might lead her today. Having no idea where she was she wandered off with the sun to her back. "How am I to get home?" she wondered aloud. She was totally and utterly lost. Despair at the fact began to sink in as she wandered deeper into the woods. Day slowly faded to the beginnings of dusk and she began to look for a place safe for the night. Weary from her despair she promptly fell right to sleep. To be continued on another day for I am at a loss. Here is more, though not much more, for those who wanted more. :dragon4:
  9. The wind rustled through the trees, but all she could hear was the sound of her own breath in her ears. She ran on not knowing if they had given up yet. The feeling was still there though, the sense that she was not yet alone. On she ran through the night, running faster still till she could run no more. The last thought that went through her head was "what is going to happen when they find me?" As consiouness left her body she thought she heard footsteps off to her right. :dragon4: that is a beginning. A good start to a story. my e-mail is silver_dragon_09@yahoo.com
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