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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Ceylara

  1. bleh... I was tired when I typed this last night. ignore the awful spelling and I fix it later...
  2. Okay, well, I thought I should start posting my work here a bit more, soooo here's my latest piece still in the works: You surround me like a film across water tha ripples beneath my fingertips yet does not break. An osmotic layer through which I feel warm breath against my neck, spectre hands apon my shoulders: a constant presence and reminder of what I really mean. You within me within you, miriad images reflected endlessly into which we both look earnestly hoping to see through that last door. You plead but I cannot reach out, can only streatch the film. You beat against it with your soul and I wish to break forth my spirit but I implode onto myself curl up in thick darkness and fade back into you again. You search yet I know not what to find, what to offer in exchange for freedom. For I protect you from yourself, from things you never dreamed to imagine or that there is nothing beyond the last mirror anyway. I am just a projection of your imagination after all. - November 20 I'm really liking this piece, and I've tried to put a concerted effort into imagery and word use and such. If you see anything, and I mean ANYTHING that sounds awkward or could be made more clear or whatever, please tell me. And give me interpretations. It's neat to see what other people get out of your work. Thanks ^-^
  3. Hello. Obviously, I'm new here, but I'm ettic to find a poetry board (not tha I've sought any out before). I found a link on an elfwood gallery and was led here. I like what I see so far, so I thought I'd see how some of my work might be received and go from there. Here's a few short pieces showing some aspects of my style, I guess: The Immortal I have wandered through time and space Seen a thousand ages, yet no change, A thousand lives saved at my expence, And die at the edge of my sword. And I have wandered the world over Under grey skies and over stormy seas Through lands torn by strife and disaster Searching for an answer, a sign, an end To bring satisfaction to my fate And set me free from the chains Of a life not my own. So that I may return to the garden Lay by the water's edge Wrapped in your arms In Heaven's sunlight forever And be forever free to die. - December 18, 2002 ___________________________________________________________________ I won’t be taken by your cunning smiles that cut the air between us and scream out your lies. I pity you, knowing that you believe to tell the truth. - June 5, 2003 ___________________________________________________________________ Wasted Effort As I am running through my mind I pause to think: Where is it that I am going In all this confusion and shadowed darkness? Am I trying too hard to fulfill myself, To make something beautiful from a blank page And find insight in every stroke of the pen That flows out of me, bleeds onto the page Like spilt ink? Until all inspiration is gone and I am left To drift again through these dim realities. - June 12, 2003 ___________________________________________________________________ Well, there's a sample. comment away. I'm always open to construtive critism and insight. (Sometimes there are element to your work that even you can't notice yourself) Tell me if you want to see more, or whether I should go ahead and apply. Thankies!
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