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Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe throws up his paws in defeat. "Ai! I give up! You people are hopelezz! What can I zay in face of zuch ztubborn ztupidity? I have done all I can. Now, eet ees up to you! I bid you, zhink long and hard on your decizion, for eet ees zee difference between your life and death! As for me, eet zeems you would have me die, but I warn you, you will regret eet! See how long zee zpider ztayz friendly once I am gone!" Pepe stops suddenly, when something occurs to him. "Ah-hah! Zee two of you must be zee erazers and with Yukito zo pazzive, eet ees eazy for you to take me out! And once I am gone, you will fall upon helpless Yukito like a pack of wolvez! Yukito, do you not zee their evil plot? I azzure you, I am in zee right! Zhey will turn on you! Zhey are zee villains!" -
I'm not sure I get the first one, so high seas! That would be fun...we could make them walk the plank!
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe shrugs. "What can I zay? I am a flighty creature. Bezidez, zee hamzter ees een a better place now. You must believe me! I swear by my heart, I tell zee truth! Eet ees zee spider who liez! Why ees eet zhat when I tell you zee true anzwer you accuze me? Why are you zo ztupid? Eet ees zee spider! I have told you zo many timez, and yet ztill you would have him go free? I do not know what to zay to convince you. All I have ees the truth. Eef that doez not convince you, not even Love knowz what will! Why are you accuzing me?? Eet waz not me! Eet waz him!" By this time the little skunk is gesturing wildly and hopping with anger. A small smile comes over his face, though, when he thinks of something to help himself. "You! Yukito! Did you not zee zhey accuzed you too? How can you zide againzt me with zhem when eet ees you zhey will kill next? Get zhem before zhey get you! And you zay you do not know who to believe? Believe me! Love ees on my zide, and Love ees never wrong! I promize you, I tell zee truth! Love cannot lie!" Pepe folds his arm and looks smug. Hah! That ought to give zhem something to think about! -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe's jaw drops in shock. "You cannot believe eet ees me! And my name ees not Zinky! I seek only love! Why should I wish zee destruction of another? We should all have zee chance to love! I azzure you, eet waz not me! But look, az zoon az he ees accused, zee spider points fingers! He ees directing attention away from himself! But at least I have zee common courtesy not to uze unnecezzary derogatory termz! I rezent zee referencez to my smell! I azzure you, eet ees the scent of romance! And how do we know you four are innocent? I warn you, do not kill me!" The little skunk is angry and indignant, an unusual mood for him. But it is so infuriating, when these stupid Love-forsaken fools stubbornly turn against him, when he knows so well he is right! Casting a glare at his accusors, Pepe mutters under his breath, "I knew zhey were all againzt me!" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe stares at Optimus for a moment, and then comes up with an answer. "Of courze I am zure! Eet was him, I promize! I cannot zay who ees innocent, only zhat Spiderman ees not." Pepe stops, and remembers Peepi. As is usually the case, now that Peepi is gone, Pepe wishes he weren't. 'Ah...zhat hamzter...he did not dezerve eet. He only wanted to play...' Pepe turns to Dave and tells him very seriously. "Peepi waz innocent." -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe le Pew scampers on to a conveniently placed boulder and strikes a pose, ready to proclaim his message to the masses. "Eet was zee spider! He joked about eet and said eet was not him, zo az to turn our attention away from him! But eet ees! He haz played the perfect hero's part een zee zearch, zo we would not zuspect him! He haz zeemed zo unzuspectible, but eet ees him! I swear, een zee name of Love, eet ees him! End zhis now, and exterminate him, zo we may turn our thoughts to love!" Pepe ends his speech with an earnest glance to his audience, imploring them. Exhausted from his effort, he drops his pose and droops. OOC: Nave/Spiderman -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Oh..." Pepe relaxes, but warily. "Haha." He is not amused. Remembering he's supposed to be unconcious, Pepe collapses again. But behind closed eyes, wheels are turning. Pepe spares some thought for the identity of the killer. 'Zhat was not a funny joke...I zhink maybe eet ees him...' -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe lies still in the infirmary, playing dead, but when he hears what Spiderman says, his eyes pop open. Sitting upright, he vehemently denies it. "Oh no, he liez! I have no idea what he ees talking about! I know not what zees Spiderman is, but I azzure you, if he ees zee one, Pepe had nothing to do with eet! In the name of love, zhat ees zee truth!" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Finding resitance useless against Peepi, Pepe shuts his eyes and moans. "Why will you not leave me alone? I have no interest een you! Please, leave me now een peace to pity my loveless life!" Cracking his eyes open, Pepe spots Miroku looking at Peepi. "Oh help me please, kind stranger! Eet will not let me be! All I want ees love! Oh, why me? Why me?" Giving one last dramatic sigh, Pepe puts his hand to his brow and goes limp in Peepi's arms. Craftily he thinks: Haha, surely zee hamzter will lose interezt now! Oh, cunning me! But eef only love did not zpurn me zo... -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe yowls as he flys towards the finish line, and the impact makes a loud thud. It certainly wasn't good for recently healed Pepe. This time he doesn't even bother getting up. He lies spreadeagled on the ground, and waves to the little birdies. "Why do zhey hate me? Ohhh..." Pepe lifts his head to utter these words, and then gives one final groan and collapses. -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted...we've been moving the computer. Pepe moans and puts a hand to his head. "Oh, my head...what crime have I done, that love should spurn me zo? Oh fie! Ah well, zee show must go on. What competition shall vee next fight in zee name of love?" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe bounds over to Peepi in alarm when he sees the hamster frightening his beloved. Gesturing wildly, he yells at Peepi. At the same time, he tries to run after his love, but Peepi prevents that. Pepe performs another typical cartoon stunt - running furiously but failing to go anywhere. When Peepi starts whispering, Pepe stops running and folds his arms. A grin appears on his face. Pepe nods his head enthusiasticly and gives Peepi a big hug. "Very smart hamster! You are a champion of Love! When I have saved her, we will play all you want! Wonderful!" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe hears the news with horror and sadness, but he forgets it quickly as he sees a black figure with a white stripe. His expression brightens immediatly, and he waves off Peepi as he strokes his chin and considers his approach. -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe listenes impatiently to the rules, but he waves them off. "Bah, I need no zuch rules, we will play by zee rules of love!" His fellow players role their eyes, but Pepe pays no mind. When Wile E.'s plan goes into effect, Pepe springs back to hide behind one of the chairs. Looking on, he narrows his eyes and says, "Zee? Zhere is treachery every where! Not even love ees safe!" Nobody else appears to care too much, though, so Pepe gives it up. He finds Wile mildly amusing, and chuckles from his safe vantage point. "Hah, serves him right, zee evil villain! Pepe is in a slightly better mood now, and notes Peepi has transfered his affections. He muses quietly to himself on the nature of love, but eventually that grows old and then there is nothing new to catch Pepe's attention. He taps his foot, bored and impatient. -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe skims the books quickly, and snaps the last one shut with an official sound. "I," he announced, "shall be zee bard, forever searching for zee elusive love, singing romantic ballads every step of zee way, a hopeless dreamer to zee end..." Lost in his own vision, he trails off. Coming to his senses in a moment, Pepe inquires as to the specifics of the game. "What are zee rules of zhis game?" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe lets out a startled "Ulp!" when Peepi squashes him. As Peepi steps back worriedly, Pepe staggers around in a proper squashed cartoon fashion, aka, like a paper doll. "Oh...ai, my head!" Indeed, minature stars and planets orbit Pepe's head. "I give up. What use ees resistance? Very well, I will play your silly game. As love ees avoiding me 'till zhis be solved, 'twill serve to pasz the time." Having given up his search for love - for now - Pepe spares a mite of concern for Dave. "Oh, fie, zee eevil Martian! What has eet done? Love does not destroy! I am sorry, Dave." Striking a dramatic pose, in a tragic voice, Pepe professes his sympathy. "I too, know what eet ees to lose a love! Oh, woe! I feel your pain!" Failing to hear a response of any sort, Pepe quits his pose and looks around. In annoyance he notices everyone is too wrapped up in Marvin's destruction to attend to his dramatics. Sighing, he droops and watches the action, for lack of any possible romantic prospects. Despite himself, though, he begins to get into the action. Soon he is on his feet and shaking his fist. "Get him, zee eevil fiend! Smite zee enemies of love! Smite him, smite him! Hah! Take that, you eevil alien!" Pepe stands down, redfaced, when the action is over, slightly ashamed of his loss of his usually perfect self-control and composure and slowly calms himself. Resuming his usual air, he strokes his chin and ponders his character of choice in this "Hackmaster". -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe is pulled up short when Dave yanks his tail. Struggling to get away, he voices his feelings on the matter. "Ai! Have you no respect? Away, fiend! Are you all out to thwart my search for love? Ai, let me go! I am no stuffed animal! And my name is not StinkButt!" Pepe is extremely disinclined to favor Dave with a game at the moment, especially if it involves Peepi and Gir. He is gratefully relieved when Marvin disintegrates the books, making it impossible to play the game and causing Dave to release his hold. Giving up his previous manner, he is the picture of depression now. Head hanging, tail drooping, he drags himself off to a cornor to mope about his mistreatment. "I am helpless in face of such devils," he sighs. "Why are they all against me? Are they so cruel as to want to keep me from love by any means? Oh fie, this day goes not well. All I want is love, and see what I get!" OOC: Pepe is a fun character to play! And one vote for Marvin the Martian, I guess. -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe yelps in an undignified fashion when Gir bites him. He whirls around again. "Ai! Zee stupid dog has bit me! And what ees this? It does not like my fragrance? Can it not recognize the scent of love? Pah! Serves it right for biting such a one as me! Begone, you fiends! I can zee no place is safe!" Nose in the air, Pepe springs away, before he has time to be accosted again. As he goes he mutters to himself about mammoth hamsters and offensive dogs. "Ah, me." Pepe sighs. "How am I ever to find love in a place like zhis? Oh love, what have I done that you will not turn your fickle eyes upon me? Oh, woe!" -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe is interupted in his speech when a giant hamster nudges him. Whirling around, Pepe stares at Peepi with a shocked expression. "In the name of love, how did zees hamster get so veery beeg? What is the world coming to?! Can a skunk not even take a walk in peace weethout being molested by giant rodents? Ah-ha, perhaps it ees returning to zee zcene of zee crime! Well? Which ees it hamster?" In a less than a minute Pepe changes gear from shock and outrage to suspicion. When he has finished speaking he is leaning foward, hands on hips and glaring at Peepi accusingly. When the hamster loses interest in him, though, he relaxes and continues walking with a haughty "Hmph! What kind of place allows giant hamsters to disrupt zee pursuit of love?" Pepe folds his arms and sticks up his nose. OOC: More later, I have to go right now. Sorry... -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe le Pew notices the rubble, and races over. Darting around he peers under pieces of rubble, looking to see if perhaps there is a female skunk under there. Having no luck, and digging having become rather hazardous on account of giant hamsters, Pepe drags himself off to mope. As he is dragging his feet and sighing heavily to himself, he spots the scene of the crime. Forgetting his woes, he gasps and shrinks away. Putting a hand to his brow, Pepe swoons against the wall and says "Oh, not even love ees safe from such a creature as would do thees! Who ees the murderer? Vee must catch him, quickly!" Leaning on the wall, waxing eloquent on the necessity of catching the killer, Pepe even forgets he is without a lover. However, he is too caught up in his passionate words to be of much use to anyone... OOC: Excuse my attempts at a French accent, please. I keep getting it confused with Transylvanian... -
Great poem. It's really charged with emotion. The lines are brief, to the point, and they convey a series of feelings quickly and powerfully. Kind of like a lighting flash. Maybe the first three lines are a little confusing, but the overall effect is great.
Very sweet and silly poem. Seemed like a nonsense poem to me; was there a deeper meaning behind it that I missed? I liked the blending of rhymes and stories and tonguetwisters. "The dame made a curtsy, the dog made a bow. " was a good ending line, with the curtsy and the bow. Great poem. Very light hearted, which isn't always common.
Okay, I'll play Pepe le Pew. In the words of the official Warner Brothers site: "Pepé Le Pew has all the qualities of a great lover. He is a born romantic. His enthusiasm knows no bounds. His ego is as big as the Eiffel Tower. He showers les femmes with flowery come-ons, champagne, and gifts. He purrs. He coos. He cajoles... All in that entrancing French accent." Pic of Pepe le Pew This should be fun...
that was quick...
sounds cool...American, maybe that french skunk guy...Japanese, can I be Godzilla? I don't really know that much about Japanese characters.