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Mr.Bunny's Carrot Stand and Happy Haiku Hut
dragonqueen replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Dragonqueen dashes over from her own booth, and grins. She grabs a piece of paper and a pen and scribbles out a haiku. Happiness doesn't have to be as complicated as all that. Comfortable warmth. Good food to eat. Being dry. Happiness. Simple. -
Dragonqueen awakens with a luxurious stretch and yawns. "Ah, I feel much better. Now, those other readings... Take the cards, shuffle them and focus on your career. Now four piles, left to right." As Vigil is already familiar with the routine, Dragonqueen doesn't bother elaborating. "What's at hand...temperance. Compromise brings happiness. Try to see others' point of view. Use common sense. Postpone arguments and debates until the people around you are open minded. Past influences...the wheel of fortune, reversed. Luck isn't on your side. Don't do anything you might regret. This is not a good time to be alone. Ask questions, seek answers, try options. Ponder this...the devil, reversed. Things are unclear for you now. Don't judge others too harshly. Others seem set in their ways. Are you? Don't let past issues cloud your progress. Last, what to do. The ten of swords. Trouble in personal relationships has been weighing on your mind. Your ability to solve problems can be determined only when you apply what you know. That's it for career. Now, are you sure you want that last reading?" OOC: Stop trying to scare my customers away!
Erm...I don't see it.
Dragonqueen swallows her surprise and sighs. These readings get tiring fast. Oh well, it pays. "Three readings? I assume that's what you mean. Well, you paid. Alright, sir, take these cards and shuffle them, face down. Focus on love. Right. Now with your left hand seperate the deck into four piles." Dragonqueen watches her customer, and then deals out the cards. "What's at hand...the queen of pentacles, reversed. What you lack in daring, you make up in persistence. Stay focused. Don't let others sway you off course. Past influences...the devil. Matter over powers mind. Desires rule. Beware the darkside. Cleanse yourself of behaviors and habits that are doing you no good. Ponder this...ace of pentacles, reversed. Don't let self-doubt get the best of you. Money may become tight. Beware of recklessness. Surround yourself with people who look out for you. What to do about it all...page of pentacles. You want to be financially independent, so why not get started? You may have to put up with criticism from family and friends, but this is the time to push foward and improve the quality of life. Whatever that means. Let's see, a majority of pentacles...approach everything like an accountant and aim for profit." Dragonqueen leans back in her chair and yawns. "Your first reading, sir. If you don't mind, I've been doing readings all day, and I'm dying for a nap. I'll be happy to do your two readings after that." Without waiting for acquiesence, Dragonqueen's eyes drop close and she falls into a doze.
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rena huddles in a cornor, trying to isolate herself from everybody else. Naturally she hadn't eaten anything this morning, because what a perfect oppurtunity to poison her. As a result, Rena's stomach was rather empty, which didn't help at all. Glaring out at the world from behind slitted eyes, she scrutinizes the occupants of the dining room, and settles on her choice of last night. OOC:Gnarlitch/Itchy -
Dragonqueen shrugs. "I suppose, but don't you forget to pay me! And I assume you don't mean Tuesday yesterday?" Shaking her head over her own soft heart, Dragonqueen gathers up her cards and gives them to Gwaihir. "Alright. Shuffle them face down. Now, four piles, left to right, with your left hand. Good. Let's see...the pattern." Dragonqueen flips the top card of each pile over and places them in the correct spots. "What's at hand...knight of cups, reversed. Don't be in such a hurry to get things done. Think before you act. Take a vacation from your responsibilities. Influences in the past...five of wands. People around you are cranky. Stay calm through the storm and remember who you are. Read all of the fine print. Something to think about...the three of pentacles, reversed. Don't let your insecurity drive you to be too generous to the needy. You'll have less energy and less money. Finally, actions to take. The queen of cups. Remember that life is more than day-to-day worries. Don't get bogged down by trivial details or demands of others. That's your reading, sir. I will see you on Tuesday, I hope..."
Dragonqueen is jerked from a pleasent fantasy of french onion soup when she hears another coin clink. Sitting up straight and smiling, she welcomes her next customer. "Welcome! The rubber chicken shall have to do. Here, take the deck and shuffle it. Yes, that's it. Now cut the deck into four piles from left to right with your left hand. I'll take over now." The second runthrough of the routine goes smoother and a bit quicker, as Dragonqueen's had a chance to get used to it. It's not like she usually sets up tarot booths for geld. Laying out the cards in their pattern, Dragonqueen leans over to get a closer look at them. "What's at hand in your life...the knight of cups. A break from responsibilities soon arrives. Let yourself be pampered. Give yourself a treat. Hm, that's a strange present you got there. Your past influences...the ten of cups. Tender loving care brings the best results. Speak from your heart. A sudden infatuation is likely. Food and drink become more appealing now; don't overdo it. What you should ponder...two of swords, reversed. Your ability to see everybody's point of view hampers your ability to make decisions. Aim for cooperation, rather than confrontation. What to do about all of this, the judgement card, reversed. Your desire to flee is strong. Listen hard and keep your mouth shut. Self-esteem needs a boost. Act now without fear. An interesting reading for a picture. A majority of cups warns against letting emotions cloud reason. Ah well, your problem, not mine. I just read the cards. Thank you for your money - and time." Dragonqueen finishes the reading and yawns. All this work is wearing her out. OOC: Yes, usually the tarot cards are pretty helpful if you do it right.
Dragonqueen grins at her first customer and begins. Handing the deck of cards to Katzaniel, Dragonqueen instructs her customer in the first part of the tarot reading. "Hold the deck face down and shuffle them for, oh, fifteen seconds. Try and clear your mind." Dragonqueen watches Katzaniel shuffle for a moment, then stops her. "Okay, good. Now, use your left hand to divide the deck in to four piles from left to right." With the cards laid out in their piles, Dragonqueen finishes the reading while Katzaniel watches. She takes the top card from each pile and lays them on the table in a lopsided pyramid - one on the top, three on the bottom. Examining the cards, she tells Katzaniel the results. "Let's see...what's at hand. The five of wands. Morale is low. Stay calm through the chaos and remember who you are. And one more thing. Read all of the fine print - legal troubles are possible now. Moving on to past influences...the king of swords. You have a keen imagination which helps you to be independent...cultivate your talents. Seek the company of those who care. Next, something to think on. The queen of cups. Life is about more than everyday worries. Take time to examine spiritual beliefs and don't get bogged down by details. Last but not least, what you should do. Sixteen, the tower. Oo, and it's reversed too. Delays are unavoidable. A fall is likely. Little cooperation and plenty of bossiness. Be prepared to change courses in the middle of things." Done with the reading, Dragonqueen sits back in her chair and waves to Katzaniel. "Well, that's your reading. Thank you for your time and money. And remember, the cards provide clues, not answers."
Off to the side stands a rather conspicious black tent embellished with star dust. In front of the tent there stands a sign post, obviously painted black in a hurry. In swirly, mystical-looking letters, the sign reads: Tarot Readings, 5 Geld Inside the candlelit tent is a small, round black table. There are two smooth, polished black chairs, one on either side. Dragonqueen sits in the farther one, and a deck of strange, squarish cards rests on the table in front of her. Smiling, she pushes a silver cup engraved with the word "Geld" towards you. OOC: I'll try to check this often... Oh yes, and if you were wondering, the 5 geld you pay is real, true-earned geld, and I will do a tarot reading for you.
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Whoops, wasn't thinking. I'll edit that out...thanks for telling me! -
Dragonqueen reads the paper, then thinks a moment. She grins. She starts hopping up and down and waving her hand wildly in the air to bring her idea to attention. "Hey! What about a fortune-telling booth? I would be willing to perform a tarot reading for a small fee of 5 geld, seeing as I have some minor knowledge in the area. And of course, I couldn't give something like that away for free. How about it? Sounds good, huh?" Dragonqueen announces her idea and then sits back on her heels, awaiting approval. Edit: Had a better idea! Sorry if that causes confusion...
Dragonqueen wanders in and stares for a minute. Sticking her tongue between her teeth in an effort of extreme concentration, she nods after a second. "This doesn't look like it requires too much effort. Guess I'll give it a go. Let's see..." Dragonqueen strokes her chin thoughtfully as she ponders a minute or five. Finally her face lights up with triumph. "Ah-ha! I've got one!" The road wandered amicably through the fields, in no particular hurry. The kitten was perfectly all right with that, as she didn't have any particular place to be, or thing to do. No, she pranced along, chasing butterflies and generally enjoying herself. This seemed to agree with the road, as it meandered companionably along beneath the kitten without complaint. Folding her arms, Dragonqueen grins. "Now that's personification!"
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted! I had to go somewhere for a week and I didn't have access to a computer. I'll try to stay caught up now... IC: Rena sits in the center of her padded cell, hugging herself and rocking back and forth. Earlier, during questioning, she had refused to answer a single question, out of fear of giving away vital information. Safe in her room now, Rena congratulates herself on withstanding interogation successfully. And kicking that one in the shins...good move, Rena. Don't let 'em get near you. Rena's triumph is short-lived, though. One sentence plays over and over in her mind. "It isn't paranoia when they REALLY are out to get you...it isn't paranoia when they REALLY are out to get you...it isn't paranoia..." Rena is filled with terror as it repeats in an endless loop in her head. What does it mean? The man who said it...he was dead...but what had he meant? Did he mean there really was a conspiracy against her? Well, duh! Even Rena had to laugh at that one. Of course there was a conspiracy! Nothing else made sense. But was he part of the conspiracy? Or was he just trying to scare her? Did he know something about it? If he was still alive she could ask him... But there are more important matters at hand. If the man was a member of the conspiracy, he wasn't an important one. Rena realizes she must pinpoint the killer and take him out. To kill the snake, cut off its head, she thinks. Once their top plotter is executed, they will be thrown off balance...and then...one point for Rena. Idly Rena wonders if it is possible to kill the assasin without getting her hands dirty... Rena laughs softly as suddenly it occurs to her. The one known as... Rena hesitates even to think it, for fear they will know, somehow, someway. He has acted so blatantly crazy... Rena will think on it more, but she is relatively sure of her choice. If she is wrong...so what? She will go through the ranks until the threat is eliminated. Now, she cannot sleep, even in this cell, for their arms reach everywhere... -
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rena huddles in a cornor of the common room, again. Feet drawn up beneath her on the chair, she whispers to herself about the latest developments in the conspiracy. "Taking us to the zoo...what were they thinking? They must be part of the conspiracy. It's just luck that we weren't killed. But some were! It must be part of a bigger picture. I wonder what their aim is? Obviously the people here are part of the plot...first one death, then the others...and then locking me in here with a bunch of lunatics? It's obvious they want me "accidentaly" dead. Why else would they go to all this trouble? An elaborate scheme, just so they don't get their hands dirty...the mind of evil works in obscure ways. But why kill the others? Probably just to put me off my guard and convince me I'm not alone...but I am! Even now, I am in danger..." Rena studies each occupant of the room, trying to fathom their secrets and decide which ones are part of the vast conspiracy against her. Is it possible they are all part of the conspiracy? No, some of them are obviously insane...incapable of being part of it. They are merely pawns, being manipulated by higher minds. But Lamont...he said they weren't here. But they were! They've revealed themselves! Either he was ignorant or part of the plot. Rena settles down to think on which, but she does it silently for once. At times such as this one can trust no one, and must keep everything to one's self. Of course, sleep is inthinkable of at a time like this. One of them is most certainly just waiting to murder her in her sleep. Rena keeps her eyes wide open throughout the night. -
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Too absorbed in her fright and hysterics, Rena fails to notice Lamont approaching. When he speaks, Rena tenses, but calm words and a soothing voice convices her this one may not be part of the conspiracy. Still, you can never be too careful. Rena can hardly believe her ears when the poor fool tells her they don't know she's here. As if. Oh well, it's a harmless delusion. Rena accepts the glass of water and nods her thanks, but keeps her eye on Lamont. There's still a mite of suspicion in the back of her mind. "Water's the only med you can trust...the rest of them, who knows what they could do to you...all that medical garble...can you poison water, I wonder..." Of course, Rena can't help but be suspicious, but her ramblings are tamer now. Despite the possibility of poison, Rena sips the water. "Suppose it's not poisoned...you're not one of them, I guess...it wouldn't be to their advantage to have me calm and trusting..." -
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Feeling a soft touch on her shoulder, Rena opens her eyes, if only to glare at them. She wasn't expecting Jameez's "Boo!", and it frightens her to no end. Rena screams, and breaks out into hysterical sobbing. "Why? Why do they hate me so much? Why can't they just leave me alone? Why do they torment me? The least they could do is kill me now, instead of teasing me and... Oh, they're horrible! I knew it. They're all out to get me, and they'll drag it out as much as possible, just to see me suffer. Why? Why me? What did I ever do to them?" Rena continues her wailing and sobbing, babbling on about the conspiracy against her, regardless of the fact that no one seems to care. -
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rena screams when John runs into her. Curling into a ball, she pushes herself into the cornor. You can hear her whimpering. "Oh my god, they're attacking. They hate me. They sent him, they did. I know it. They're playing with my mind. Oh my god." Slowly, Rena recovers somewhat. She sits again, but her eyes are wide with fear and panic. When Dustin approaches, she shrinks back, watching him hostilely. -
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rena sits in a cornor, watching the every move of those near her. Her eyes are slightly wild, and she seems very tense. She looked like at any moment she might bolt, like a frightened rabbit. Rena mutters rapidly to herself. "Lying bastards. They said I was safe. They said nobody was out to get me. They said it was all in my head. But they lied. They're all against me, I know it. Anyone of them could be hiding a knife, ready to stab me when the oppurtunity appears. It's all a conspiracy. They lure you into a false security, and then they strike. As soon as I let down my guard..." Rena continues rambling to herself, twisting her hands in her lap as she does. As soon as someone moves an inch closer to her, she jerks away. -
Wow, this started without me even noticing. I'll play Rena, a paranoid.
Ooo...an insane asylum. Sounds like fun! I'm in, whenever it starts.
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe pauses, and then looks dissapointed. "Oh yez," he recalls. "It waz Dave. My miztake. I am zorry, Prime." Now Pepe can hardly think of any leads. Spidey said the coyote and Prime were innocent, but can Spidey be trusted? Anyway, Pepe feels bad accusing Prime, because he seems like just the guy not to be the eraser. But the coyote...the question remains: was Spidey telling the truth? OOC: Oops. I'd like to withdraw that vote... -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe stands to the side, stroking his chin reflectivly. Now that Spiderman has been taken down, Pepe is unsure of where to turn next. He sighs regretfully. The light-hearted skunk wishes he could go back to his melancholy search for love, but now that he is involved he supposes he can not just withdraw. Pepe ponders: 'Last time it was zhe one who professed to be a hero. Perhaps zhat is again the case. Maybe...Optimus Prime? After all, he sided with Spiderman last time...yes, perhaps.' As he has no other leads to follow, but feels he must take some action, Pepe casts his suspicions and accusations on Prime. The more he thinks about it, the more the skunk realizes it is reasonably justifiable. OOC: Vote for Lady Celes Crusader/Optimus Prime -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: We're allowed to rp during night phase, right? -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe assumes a sage pose. "Dave ees innocent. Zhat ees all elze I know." He can't hold the pose though, and breaks out into a somewhat superior smile. -
Werewolf VII: World War Toon!
dragonqueen replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Conservatory Archives
Pepe does a little victory dance. "Hahhah! Zee? Zhey are no fools; zhey know truth when zhey zee eet! Zee zpider zhall trouble uz no more!" Folding his arms, Pepe has a smug look of satsifaction on his face.