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Everything posted by dragonqueen
In response to Katzaniel's question: If you see someone on the list who's character would easily link to yours, send that info. If not, just send me general info, and I'll figure something out.
*pokes her thread as it begins to dissapear* Come on, people! It doesn't work if there's only one participant! All I need is information! Please help me keep my QQ alive, just by volunteering!
WWX Agatha Christie themed SIGN_UP
dragonqueen replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
I'd be willing to change my char to middle/lower class, if it ends up being all upper class...I'll wait until all 10 spots are filled, though. -
Love this stanza, especially the last line. I think the first time I read it, I missed the point. Took a couple of reads. This is a first-class poem...
WWX Agatha Christie themed SIGN_UP
dragonqueen replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Oo, I'm in. Missed out on the last one, and this looks like fun. I'll have to think about my character, but I'll get back to you as soon as possible. -
Have you ever called someone, and then when they answered the phone forgot who you were calling? Have you ever met someone who has a 'philosophical objection' to black nail polish? Have you ever gone to write something and forgot what you were going to write, and couldn't remember? Have you ever danced in the rain? Gone camping in the rain? Gotten so wet you just didn't care anymore? I don't think I've ever been shiny. I'll have to make that one of my goals. I often forget things, like people's names, among other things. And dancing is fun. Edit: Have you ever smiled at a crocodile?
Okay. Here it is, a lot sooner than I had thought. But I have a lot of time this week, and I figured why not. Just to rehash the original post, for those of us who missed it or don't feel up to finding it again: Similar to Tanuchan's Quest, I will be writing poems about members of the pen who have volunteered themselves and provided info. I will then attempt to smoothly link all the poems together, resulting in one long, flowing poem about many members of the Pen. However, I need your help. If you're interested, please follow the four simple steps listed below. Steps to being part of Dragonqueen's Quill Quest 1. Volunteer yourself 2. Provide Dragonqueen with information, or link to information. Dragonqueen may pester you for more information. *Information about your character.* 3. The idea is to for each poem to flow naturally to the next. For example: I write a poem about Bob. Bob saved Joe's life. I use that to make Bob's poem connect to Joe's poem. If you wish, you can supply something to help make your poem flow. Or, I could just come up with something myself. 4. Patiently wait for results. If you want to know a bit more about what I'm thinking of, here's a link to the original post. It might help. Then again, it might not. link Thanks for your participation, everyone! ******************** List of Participants: Black9 cryptomancer Gwaihir Katzaniel reverie Salinye Tanuchan Edit: For clarity! Not sure if it helped... Edit: For clarity! Again!
Have you ever gone somewhere or done something with complete strangers, and realized by the end of it that they're still complete strangers to you? Have you ever utterly failed to come up with an idea? Have you ever credited yourself as a genius? Have you ever called that number on the little wrappers? Have you ever gotten so absorbed in counting the measures of rest that you forgot to play?
Hi. First of all, I'm back, if you'd noticed I was gone. Second of all, I am utilizing(oo! big word!) this post to announce my rough sketch for a quill quest. As you may have already gathered, I will be doing a project similar to Tanuchan's. Upon realizing I had a extraordinarily vague idea of what I was doing, I thought and thought to come up with something to give my quest a bit of a twist and some direction. I will write poems describing members of the Pen, and I want to try to make them flow into each other. Thus, the result would be a sort of long poemish thing describing many members of the pen. I came up with the above idea. I was thinking people could volunteer themselves, and provide me with a description, or a link, or something to help. Perhaps people could be described in different ways, like by your favorite things, or values, or what animal you'd be or are. Something like that. Anyway, first post and rough sketch, so... I thought I'd see what people thought, and hopefully I'll get this project going soon.
*Ahem* I've just realized I have to go away for a week, and I won't be able to participate. Sorry for the last minute drop out. Apparently I've already used up all my free time this summer.
I will play Pepe le Pew, as my other characters are not much of a choice...
This is great. I especially like the line . The format seems perfect. Super cool.
I'm in for whatever setting, but please, not highschool again. Laurie required way too much thinking on my part. Second one sounds okay...I'll have to look at my characters...
Everyone deserves A sip of serendipity. That unexpected smile, That little act of kindness. That fortuitous fortune. A sip of serendipity. A sweet little treasure. An unsought treat. A sip of serendipity. Delectable to taste. Delightful to behold. A sip of serendipity. A bright spot in the clouds. Something you weren't looking for. A sip of serendipity. It'll touch your heart And warm your soul. A sip of serendipity.
I wasn't going to make one of these, but the prospect of 20 geld attracted me... I haven't really played my character much, so no one really knows her, but I've updated my profile to give a bit of information. So... Do you know Dragonqueen? Good luck... Edit: Yes, I am aware that question 3 doesn't say anything, but I'm too lazy to fix it right now, so just ignore it...
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rena suddenly notices all the people eyeing her suspiciously. She glares back at them. They must be planning something, she thinks. It's pathetically obvious. "What? What're you all looking at? I bet you think I killed someone. Well, guess again! I wouldn't get my hands dirty like that. You may think I did, but it won't do you any good. Your pitiful little plot is plain out in the open now. You can't hide anymore! I know what you're planning! You want to take me out. Just like you always have! Well, so what? You'll be sorry when I'm gone! One by one you'll die too, because killing me won't stop the killer! And I'll haunt you for the rest of your days. Thought you'd pick on poor little Rena, eh? Why me? What did I do? All I ever did was try to stay alive! You can take my life, but you can't take my spirit!" Rena falls back, panting. Towards the end her speech had escalated into a shriek. Rena's eyes are wide and hysterical. She seems to have blended reality and fantasy together. Certainly they may believe she killed someone, but it's not as complicated as all that. Still, Rena has always believed, and now she's prepared to go out in style. Somehow she's convinced herself this is the end, unjustified as it is. She thinks to herself, it would be a fine victory if they did not kill me after all. Why have they always hated me? -
Boisterous Picture Sprites?
dragonqueen replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Hmm...it tells me that the desktop/display setting is 96 DPI, whatever that means. Other than than, I don't know and no, the colors don't really matter. Edit: Okay! It also tells me the resolution is 800 x 600 pixels! -
"Of course! I couldn't bear to turn away a customer and their geld! Let's have a look a those cards..." "What's at hand...the magician. Now is the time to sttretch yourself and test your limits. Be adventurous, daring, and competitive. Success and recognition will follow. Past influences...the moon! People are acting clannish and emotional. Don't join the crowd. Read between the lines. Have patience. Food for thought...the king of wands, reversed. Seek new options for growth. Stay within ethical boundaries and don't be too aggressive. Actions to take...the king of cups, reversed. Associates seem to be moving slowly. Have a backup plan. Find a helping hand in old friends and family. There you go sir, thank you very much. Next customer, step right up! Come on, we don't have all day..." Dragonqueen pays little attention to Gryphon after the reading is done. She collects the cards as she speaks, eager to earn more geld before the end of the festival...
Werewolf VIII - Newcomers encouraged!!
dragonqueen replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Rena hides in a cornor, as always, and scrutinizes who's left. The terribly crazy one is gone, and that relieves Rena. A new strategy occurs to her then. Perhaps it would be best to take out the most insane first, and work from there? Yes, a perfect plan. Rena's eyes light up as she hits on a victim. The person who calls himself 'Mike'. Yes. He is...disturbing. Rena will be much more comfortable when he is gone. Rena smiles at the thought... OOC: MTUFoolish/Mike -
"Four piles, please. Wonderful. Now the pattern..." Dragonqueen reads Annael's cards... "What's at hand...king of cups. Go easy on yourself and accept what the day brings. Control your temper. Try not to feel pressured by deadlines. Past influences...four of cups. Look at matters from a different perspective. Your heart has been ruling your head. Share your thoughts and don't be selfish. Ponder...the ace of pentacles. This card heralds goodluck. This is a great time to apply for new work or seek a promtion. Action...ten of wands, reversed. Focus your energy. Be sure you have an objective and you're not just blowing off steam. A majority of upright cards means you are in control...unusual."
Dragonqueen lays out the cards and glances at them... "What's at hand...zero, the fool. Take things as they are. Things are going as planned. Do your part to settle disagreements. Smother others with kindness. The past...death, reversed. Perhaps you are egocentric. Be prepared to lend a shoulder and a kleenex. Ask for favors and offer them. Delays are likely. Honesty brings rewards. Interesting card, that. Ponder this...strength. Love conquers all. Try to be a peacemaker. Weigh all sides of the situation. Stubborness is you challenge of the moment. Action to take...five of swords, reversed. Beware of pessism. You have to work harder, but success may not come quick. Don't neglect your health. Thank you for your money sir...oh, and time." Dragonqueen flashes a tired smile and runs her fingers through her hair. "Annael, I believe you've been waiting... If you'll take this deck and shuffle it..." Dragonqueen collects the cards and hands them to Annael.
"Lovely, someone who makes it easy for me. What's at hand: the three of cups. People around you are seeking acknowledgement in the form of affection. Flexibility will bring luck. Family problems will mellow. Past...ace of cups, reversed. Accept assitance from others. Don't be too full of yourself. Know when to say no. Ponder...the ace of pentacles. Good luck with business endeavors and recognition for a job well done Enjoy and demand life's pleasures. What to do...the ten of swords. Trouble in personal relationships has been weighing on your mind. Your ability to solve problems can be determined only when you apply what you know and feel." Dragonqueen finishes the reading and smiles. "Ah, so refreshing to have a customer besides Vigil. Annael, I'll get to you in one moment..."
Hearing no reply, Dragonqueen shrugs. "Well, whatever. I'll just do it so I can get to other customers. Here Mr. Vigil, shuffle the cards and think of creativity. Then four piles...yes, perfect." "What's at hand...the devil, reversed. Seems to be a popular card these days. Things are unclear for you now. Don't let yourself be intimidated. Others seem uptight, set in their ways. Don't let past things cloud today's progress. Past influences: the page of cups. Don't get upset if things don't go as you hoped. Be open to alternatives. Beware of childish behavior. To think on...the three of wands, reversed. Stop struggling. Stay focused. Ask questions. Take time to clearly define your goals. And finally, action. The seven of wands, reversed. Don't be indecisive. Say what you feel and move on. Situations are nowhere near resolution, so be patient. Well, that's it. All three readings. Move along now." OOC: Ooo...a red topic...
Boisterous Picture Sprites?
dragonqueen replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Dragonqueen strolls over with a fistful of hard-earned geld and stares. Her eyes grow big. "Ooo...a sprite...of me...wow! Oo...I want a special package deal!" She tosses down 15 geld and thinks for a moment. "Okay, description. Tall, skinny human girl. Blue eyes, straight mousey brown hair hitting just below her shoulders. Wearing oversized long-sleeved turtleneck and and artist's beret. Soft half boots. And some sort of pants. No particularly bright colors please. Thanks a milllion!" OOC: Yay! -
Hey...I switched to the black skin and I saw it.