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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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    Kalypso and Tempest
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    Kalypso: An oddball High Elf Tempest: Nightmare
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  1. Quite an amazing action sequence! The pictures you created in my mind are indeed vivid. I saw a couple of things you may want to fix... 1. The bolded part of the sentence didn't read right. I think it might have to do with over using "in." I think if you reword it, it'll be more reader friendly. 2. Just a little typo mistake.
  2. The comfort level and understanding in long term relationships are invaluable. or care? I see the point you are trying to get across, but I think the way you wrote it can lead to misinterpretation.
  3. Welcome.
  4. Such a pretty little poem.
  5. It reminds me of two highschool sweethearts leaving to go too seperate, distant, schools. It does hurt when a loved one is gone. Yet another sad peice of work. You do have one typo you might want to revise... Eras cpmp luz, cpcp...I think you missed the o.
  6. How sad... If only we realize the truth before we ruin the things that have the potential to be wonderful.
  7. What a free spirited piece!! Even pixies have to deal with reality! I loved it. Made me feel light hearted.
  8. *smiles a warm welcome*
  9. This rings true for a lot of people who were lost and later found light.
  10. Happy, happy birthday!
  11. Poems that express raw emotion are amongst the best. You really did an outstanding job!
  12. You might as well wish for Armageddon. World destruction through the eyes of a pyro. ... That was actually my first impression of your poem. I understand the point your trying to make though. YOu express it well. You do use the word burn a lot, you might want to try another word to replace it in some areas. If i'm too harsh let me know and i'll tone it down a bit next time.
  13. I think your peom is refreshing. I love poems that radiate hope. It's great that you're exploring writing in other languages. If I ever get around to brushing up on my Spanish, I might give it a try. I know a little Spanish, and your spelling looks pretty good to me, although i'm not an expert.
  14. Ah huh! I understand now. Thank you for the explanation Illianna. Keep up the outstanding writing.
  15. That does bring back memories! It'll go by fast.
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