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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Snowz0r

  1. haha Timeline =p that is a terrible movie ><!
  2. Thats why its a movie in the cinema, not the history channel I know the real story of the trojan war and all that, but i liked Troy, one of my favourites, besides Last Samurai. And paris wasn't that good of an archer, i mean he missed archilles and hit his heel which is what was supposed to happen anyway. the iliad focused alot on andromeche and her suffering, the movie only touched on it, but what im trying to say is, the movie is not following the illiad word for word and thats good, cause it be boring otherwise . Im happy they didn;t include god or godly influences into the movie just hinted at it cause im a skeptic and i doubt that it happened exactly as the iliad said it did. the abscence of the gods makes the movie a little more real to me >< and less of a matrix cross lord of the realms movie however the slight hints tho, were enough in "my opinion" to make the people that have read the iliad happy of the coincidence of i.e. desecration of apollo's temple followed by plague to the greeks, achilles mother gathering the sea shells on the beach etc. Tho i grant, plague in 3 days of battle is highly unlikely High points of this movie for me, would be great battle scenes, and duels in middle of the battle. Although once again being the skeptic that i am, im sure didn't happen . but yeh very nice choreography(sp?)
  3. Hearing the familiar voice of Minta the neato necro gnomie girl, Tempestt chucks the rest of the end of beef he was chewing to his little pet and strides over to see Minta astride this huge monstrousity. "Oiiiiii, Mintaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" yells Tempestt "hihHIhiHihihiHiii!!" screams back Minta Tempestt scrambles up the giant undead frog lookalike "thing" right next to Minta and produces a giant Velium brawlstick. "Here ya go Minta" says Tempestt with an evil grin. "pssst, its made outta candy canes, fudge, peppermint patties, cinnamon drops, lemonheads, butterscotch, rock candy, taffy and filled inside with chewy chewy caramel!!!"
  4. Having finally reached the front of the line, Tempestt is confronted by the somewhat scary Melba ><! Melba: Your name and invitation please Temp: Tempestt Chubbytailz Tempestt hands over the invitation Melba looks at the scaly beast besides him Melba: You wanna bring that thing in here? Tempestt nods Melba: I guess ive seen wierder things well hand over your underwear and lets move along now Temp: Under..what?? Melba: Thats the fee for the party, males must bring along a piece of underwear Temp: erm.... *stutter* I must apologize, for I do not possess underwear, how about a nice chicken bone or two Melba: No, I'm sorry I cannot let you in without underwear. Melba motions for the Troll guards to escort the scaly fiend and his beast away Temp: Wait wait! I am a long lost companion of Rydia, Minta and Tzim! We have fought many battles together!! Melba: Move on please The troll guards continue ushering Tempestt out of the way Temp: How bout a loincloth instead! ; Melba stops mid turn Melba: Well now, i suppose a loincloth is some sort of underwear. So ok, give it to me, we need to keep this line moving Hands dissapear into that giant robe and grunts of exertion can be heard. finally it stops and the hands appear again. Temp: *grumble* here u go *grumble* now let me in.... Once past Melba and the troll guards, Tempestt mutters under his breath " bloody uncivilised barbarians... confiscating ones undergarments as fee to a party..." And at the same time, Melba is complaining to the next guest, "Can you believe the people that are coming to this party? that last guy didn't even know what underwear is, damn barbaric of him. loincloth.... pssshhh"
  5. A cowled and heavily cloaked figure, with a massive beast that can only be described as a cross between a stegasaurus and a wolf, shuffles along patiently with the rest of the guest waitting to enter. The rasping sound of scales rubbing against scales can be heard as the figure moves. Muttering under his breath, " Hisss..... it's been a long time...." the figure tightens his grip on his velium made brawlstick.
  6. FFXI looks cool, and seriously if World of Warcraft is not coming out next year i woulda played it. After playing EQ for sometime with Valdar, Zadown, Tzimfemme, Star, Illianna (Gyr for a tiny time )and the rest, I am kinda hooked into mmorpgs' =p. A few of us are thinking of playing World of Warcraft when its realeased, and might make a guild if we have enough people. Me, Valdar, Aegon, Yui , Zadown, Thinas and ermmmm i cant remmeber anymore
  7. SIG TEST! muahahahhaa
  8. SoB.... /me grins Snowwolf here =p hi2u all SoB and MKoJ my former comrades in arms
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