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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Louveteau

  • Birthday 06/24/1981

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  • Location
    Bleiswijk, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Sports climbing, reading (fantasy), football (soccer), games, sleep ;)

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  1. Neat!! :woot:
  2. Great song/poem, a good description of how much joy a love can bring and how not being with that love can make things look darker (that's how I interpret it anyways) I think Brian and Jassette should be happy they got each other and I know they are Brian: be nice to my lil' sis or else......
  3. nice little thingy and be nice to my lil' "sis" or else.....
  4. Dun worry hun, I'm there for ya. If you feel sad, worried or something else I will listen. You're my lil 'sis' and I care about you. Btw. I'll copy the cd asap and send the photo's as well
  5. Now my opinion. To be honest: I haven't got a clue. Do psychic abilities exists or not?? Are seers for real or not?? I don't care at all actually. Though my idea is that if you know the future, life wouldn't be fun exploring. And I don't really think seeing the future is possible, you might be able to see a possible future. But every turn you make on your path towards death (or perfection perhaps) influences your future and every path has got another outcome. Perhaps there's people who are able to see a future, but that future is a possibilty, not a certainty. About the psychic abilities, I dunno and I never really experienced anything like that at all as well.
  6. /me huggles Arwen We're here for you and I think everyone has shared that feeling once or twice and perhaps even more.
  7. A very nice poem indeed. If more people would read it, a lot of them would start thinking for once For me it perfectly describes how shallow a lot of people are nowadays. The fear of people to look beyond the mask. I could go on and ramble like this on and on and I'd start summing up all human flaws, but I won't Can't bother you all with that. So once again very nice.
  8. All I know, he was raised in a pretty religious family and that his experiences and his belief influenced his writing. It took him pretty much time to complete LotR and it does have something religious in it's background because he was raised that way. But I can't say we're able to comment on that too much cause : 1. it was another time, 2. religion was in a complete different perspective those days, 3. who can look into a man's mind?
  9. All I gotta say is, it's a great poem. And it's not only about recent events, it involves a much bigger era. Perhaps not meant but it does, cause it kinda involves the entire 20th century, starting at WW1 and all that comes afterwards.
  10. Louveteau stands up, grabs his cloak and walks towards the door. "I'd like to thank you all for your warm welcome, but I'll be wandering around again. I'll see you later." After saying this, he opens the door and walks out into the rain again. As some people sitting at the windows look out, they see no man at all. All they see is a large but young wolf disappearing into the forest nearby
  11. Gracias Glad you like it, now some constructive replies as well
  12. My second post. If anyone got something to add, comments or advices, please say so. And else just enjoy it But don't forget, this is what I think about it Blissful joy I close my eyes and feel the sun shining on my face. My eyes are closed, I enjoy the heat, As I open my eyes I feel a cool breeze pass by, I feel the heat fade and come back again, The sensation sends shivers through my spine, I know I’m alive, I feel alive, I felt the joy, The blissful joy, from a cool breeze on a hot summer day
  13. Impressive, got no other words for it. I kinda like the style you used though I dun think I'd be able to do it lke you did And it's always good to have a blue voice around, even if you don't really need it. It's nice to know people care about you and like you.
  14. Loki, I like it. It's plain and simple but it gives people something to think about. And to me the content is more important then the way you it rhymes. And being criticall is a great thing, especially when it's about yourself. It'll keep both feet down onto the ground. But being to criticall isn't good, it's bad for your own confidence and it'll make it less easy for you to accept errors from yourself but from other people as well. And trust me, I know what I'm talking about And another thing is, you're much further into writing poems then I am
  15. This is a first try, never had the intention to rhym, no intention to make it flow as well. Though I still got the feeling it's not finished yet and that it lacks something but I just can't seem to find the proper words so suggestions, remarks and all are welcome. Anything to make it better and understandable for everyone. So sharpen your knives or swords and give me your comments and advices It’s the simple things that make life difficult, A badly timed word, The greed of people everywhere, The death of someone you love, It’s the simple things that make life wonderful, A smile from a nice girl, The laughter of a happy child, A drop of rain on a hot summer day, It’s the simple things I can get angry about, It’s the simple things I sometimes fear, It’s the simple things that make me smile, It’s the simple things I appreciate above all, So simple but so complicated as well
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