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Everything posted by Regel
Sweet and clever! Well done to both of you. Speaking of 'Sweet and Clever" Wyvern you and Wrenwind should invent a chocolate bar (candy bar) and call it that!
Welcome home Rune. It has been too long. Great to see your name in here again.
I offer my character to your quest. Let me know if you need any additional information about Regel.
I really liked the feel and sound of this. Tickled me in a place I can reach nor explain. Maybe the reptition or the unique style, doesn't matter I liked it.
Broken inside (and out) is a feeling I have known from the time I was small and is still known to me today. Seems like through providence you have found this place to set your broken heart and have a sauve applied to your soul. Keep writing the page will fill with these emotions and through strangers eyes will you see what is real and what is not. Welcome to the pen.
The art form of self destruction encapsuled for us to read. Your work takes on a very interesting yet disturbing subject. Hope that this isn't based on real actions.
Ugly Duckling When I was ten I rarely smiled, Too hard to tell you why. Hated, hunted, hurt and riled, My happiness had said goodbye. The ugly duckling with a broken wing I grew up believing this lie This life would be the only thing I'd know until I died. The Swan Slowly gaining strength and size I changed alot on the outside Discovered that I could be wise I challenged and I defied Emerged and realized one thing There was never an ugly duckling with a broken wing.
Under the headings "Things I never had when I was a kid." 1. Hairdryer - Apparently towels were the way you dried your hair. 2.Microwave- Science fiction of the sixties. 3. Game systems like Xbox PS2 etc. - Board games and table hockey instead. 4. Computers/Internet- books 5. Cable Television: Rabbit ears and prayed for clear skies. 6. Instant anything: Food took time to prepare and meals were family time.
Zool Butch Wax was how you spiked your hair to create the fifties hairstyle known as a Flat Top. The 1950's version of mousse! :lol
As a prefix to this post I am happy to say that dirt was still fairly new when I was born. Some of the references are likely out of the United States but I still recall a great many of them. I can still recall horse drawn MilkWagons from Silverwoods Dairy and the road apples the horses left on the street. For those of you too young ask your mom and dad or better still your Grandparents. MEMORIES from a friend: My Dad is cleaning out my grandmother's house (she died in December) and he brought me an old Royal Crown Cola bottle. In the bottle top was a stopper with a bunch of holes in it. I knew immediately what it was, but my daughter had no idea. She thought they had tried to make it a salt shaker or something. I knew it as the bottle that sat on the end of the ironing board to "sprinkle" clothes with because we didn't have steam irons. Man, I am old How many do you remember? Head lights dimmer switches on the floor. Ignition switches on the dashboard. Heaters mounted on the inside of the fire wall. Real ice boxes. Pant leg clips for bicycles without chain guards. Soldering irons you heat on a gas burner. Using hand signals for cars without turn signals. Older Than Dirt Quiz: Count all the ones that you remember not the ones you were told about Ratings at the bottom. 1. Blackjack chewing gum 2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water 3. Candy cigarettes 4. Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles 5. Coffee shops or diners with tableside juke boxes 6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers 7. Party lines 8. Newsreels before the movie 9. P.F. Flyers 10. Butch wax 11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (OLive-6933) 12. Peashooters 13. Howdy Doody 14. 45 RPM records 15. S&H Green Stamps 16 Hi-fi's 17. Metal ice trays with lever 18. Mimeograph paper 19 Blue flashbulb 20. Packards 21. Roller skate keys 22. Cork popguns 23. Drive-ins 24. Studebakers 25. Wash tub wringers If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age, If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt! I might be older than dirt but those memories are the best part of my life. Don't forget to pass this along!! Especially to all your really OLD friends.... ===== "Senility Prayer"...God grant me... The senility to forget the people I never liked The good fortune to run into the ones that I do And the eyesight to tell the difference." Have a great week!!!!!!
Happy birthday WrenWindSong, May your friends and family shower you with their love an affection.
Welcome, I am sorry I don't remember your name but welcome back.
The feelings in your work are universal. I may not have the poet's heart but I do appreciate the works of others. Here are the lyrics of one of my favorite artists, Stan Rogers. In moments of great sorrow and dispair I have often lean on his music and works to comfort my soul. I offer them to you without further comment. Stan Rogers - A Matter of Heart We live in fear of no one to love us Of feeling like an empty hole With no kind heart or strengthening hand To light the dark and secret soul. Behind the walls of lonely protection Afraid to give for what we may lose, And to hide our sin, or let someone within, Everyone will have to choose! Chorus: Put your life on the line, Give your hand and pledge your time To the love whose lips inflame you Like some ancient and golden wine; And to all it's a start in fulfilling greatest needs in part, For in whatever we dream of what we some day want to be It's a matter of heart. We like to think we know what we're doing, We always like to be in control. The rational mind rules the passionate heart Is what the ancient sages told. But that can sound a little bit hollow, When you're sitting by the fire alone! And the rarest old wine tastes of ashes and brine, When you've no one there to keep you warm. Chorus: The way in which our pride will stall us, When we know we should be losing control, Puts us in the fear of falling and we let it go! Our careful words are self-deceiving, Though we like to call them 'pretense' and 'art', But every old line is held in the mind, When it's really just a matter of heart.
That is truely the best news I have heard in a long harried week. Thanks for the good news.
A black on white short hair cat walks into the middle of a large stage jumps up on a chair and through the magic of this venue begins to speak. "Hi, my name is Sassy. Mr. Sassy at the vets. My life is the best. Food on demand (and I demand it often) fresh water (in anyone of three large porcelain bowls) and of course my many servants and personal groomers. The family that brought me home and raised me are pretty nice. It is a big place with lots of large windows and a great back yard. My 11 year old pet is named Joesph and his older but nastier sibling is called Chris. I like Chris even though I box him and chase him around but I love Joseph. He's my boy! Sleeping and staying warm are my biggest priorities after food but a clean litter box is right up there as well. I would love to stay and chat longer but, (yawn) I feel a big snooze coming on and I see a spot on my fur that needs mine attention. Later."
The evening passed far to quickly and although the old mage knew that this beatiful young woman was far too young for him it didn't stop him from enjoying her company. She reminded him of someone that had been very dear to him and that resemblence was very disconcerting. After the chocolate cheescake had been consumed the music changed back to motown and suddenly in the middle of the conversation the two friends both started singing along to an old classic. "Oo, bet you’re wond’ring how I knew ’bout your plans to make me blue With some other guy that you knew before? Between the two of us guys, you know I love you more. It took me by surprise, I must say, when I found out yesterday. oo," They both fell into a laughter and smiled inspite of their differences they shared many commonalities. They coversation remained in the shallow end of the pool for most of the evening but at one point there was a prolonged silence and it was finally broken by Regel with a simple question. "Do you like to dance?" When Signe responded the she loves to dances Regel's smile broadened and he pulled her to her feet and said "Let's go then". They quickly left his apartment into the evening air.
My holiday tradition is really old, it involves visitations to every living elder I have. A small gift and good tidings is all I bring and the time it takes to share a story or a recollections of times past. It seems only natural that at this special time of the year the one thing we can help spread is hope and I do what I can to carry on in this tradition. Unfortunately my waist line tends to expand as each visit does seem to bring forth hospitality in the only language these relatives understand, food and drink.
She was not what he was expecting. She was so much more. Smiling like a teenager he welcomed her into his home. “Something smells good!" she said with a smile. Regel returned the smile and said "Yes indeed, I believe it's you. Come on in. Are you hungry?" He watched her walk into the living room and sit by the fireplace "Famished. I haven't had a thing all day." she said as she sat down. "Can I pour you some wine? I have a nice chilled Riesling." he asked from the kitchen. "Yes, please." she answered. "Help yourself to the antipasto. I will be out in a minute." his voice was barely heard but definitely understood. The olives and cheeses were accompanied by several other delicacies. Some she recognized and some she didn’t. The crackers made a tempting palette and Signe had already begun to dress one with a sun dried tomato. While she waited for her host Signe had already begun to look around. Regel had and extensive musical library of cd’s and an even a sizeable collection in vinyl. Signe smiled as she looked through the older albums Cat Stevens, Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, Heart, Van Morrison, and James Taylor just to name a few. “What no beatles!” Signe laughed. Regel came in and smiled holding a pair of wine glasses one white and one red. Handing her the cold Riesling he simply answered “No not in vinyl. I wore them out.” They chatted and listened to the music that played in the background. Feeling alone the army's up the rode salvation à la mode and a cup of tea. Aqualung my friend don't start away uneasy you poor old sod, you see, it's only me. The two old friends had many things to catch up on and while they reminisced the music filled and room and broke up the silences while they nibbled on the appetizers. “So what did you make me? “ She asked. “We are having a roasted red pepper soup, then some cannelloni and a garden salad for starters, coffee and desert to follow.” Regel continued “Shall we start?” With that they moved to the dining room. Fine white linen table cloth and a simple place setting with fresh wine glasses set for two with a single red rose in a small vase as a center piece greeted the two friends. The food was piping hot and it smelled wonderful and all through the meal they spoke. Even their silences were comfortable as Billy Joel took over and sang Slow down you crazy child You're so ambitious for a juvenile But then if you're so smart tell me why You are still so afraid? Regel’s face suddenly stiffened and then began “Can I ask you something Signe? Why me? I am not complaining, just curious.” Signe carefully wiped the sauce from a corner of her mouth. Finally she began “I have always been attracted to older men. You’re a talented cook and besides you make me laugh.” Regel considered the response without comment and finally asked "Are you ready for desert? Chocolate Cheesecake sound good?"
Is it so simple to chose life over legacy?
Regel replied to Beautiful Nightmare's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Collect hearts Arwen, and friendships that will exist longer after the framework of this life. Have a purpose for waking up in the morning. Make a difference in other peoples lives. Share those special talents and abilities with the people around you. Try to become more than what you are. It's called growth. You know the kind I am talking about, the spirtual and personal development kind. Live a good long life and your legacy might be a loving family and thousands of friends. You wrote: . Perhaps you will write a story that will do just that. A story that brings families together at bedtime. A story that parents will read to their children for countless generations. Now that would be a legacy worth leaving, at least that's what I believe. -
He had given his driver strict instuctions. "Try and get her here by seven pm. If it looks like your going to be late phone me." The driver had nodded and left to pick Signe up about forty minutes earlier. Allowing for traffic and the usual delays they should be arriving shortly. Seven pm came and went and Regel's nerves were starting to get the better of him. The oven was lowered and additional sauce was applied over the cannelloni and then returned. "Relax" he told himself "everything will be perfect." He decided the red wine he had left open had breathed enough. He poured himself a glass and took a sip. The door bell chimmed. "She's here!" he dropped his glass off on the kitchen counter and walked to the door. Regel took a deep breath and collected himself and then opened the door. Signe was absolutely stunning. Dressed is a simple black dress and greeted Regel with a very familiar greeting. "Hello handsome." Regel smiled and returned with "Hello good looking. Come on in you are right on time." With that he gave her a hug and a kiss on both cheeks.
Preparations for Signe’s visit began early that morning. Regel was off and running at seven. The market was bustling that morning and he quickly bought the ingredients he needed and then left. He then made a quick visit to Vintages to stock up on some wine. He was making cannelloni stuffed with ricotta and mozzarella cheese, a favorite of his that he would be using as the main course. Cooking was always something he had enjoyed doing ever since he was a youngster. He would be drawn into the kitchen by wonderful smells of sautéed onions pull up a chair and watch his own mother prepare the meals that she would serve to the rest of the family. Regel would learn that recipes were not etched in stone. Often out of necessity changes and alternatives were required to pull a favorite dish together. The one ingredient she was never out of was love. The secret ingredient she told him that always made the food taste better. He set to work on the preparations for the meal. Chopping onions and garlic as well and a few celery sticks he quickly prepared the tomato sauce that would need several hours to cook. After he stuffed the cannelloni shells he thought about the young woman he had met several years ago. She had always been a beautiful young lady but in recent years she had really blossomed into a beautiful woman. Raven black hair and alabaster skin was the frame for piecing brown eyes and generous smile. “Chocolate” Regel said out loud. He ran out to the local bakery and purchased a chocolate cheesecake that the owner assured Regel “…was to die for.” Regel knew if he had any he likely would. Two bottles chilled in the cooler a Niagara Riesling and an Australian Shiraz. He inherited that appreciation of wine from his father. Only the salad needed his attention, the rest of his preparation was nearly complete. Simple white cloth and china plate were set on the table, each setting flanked by silverware and wine glasses and in the center an arrangement of spring flowers. In direct contrast to the bleak December day Regel was viewing out his window. The music Regel was playing was dating him. Older classics from the golden age of Motown and Regel smiled with the recognition of an old favorite then joined in with his own voice “Better you wondered how I knew 'Bout your plans to make me blue” The music always reached him and he slowly bopped his way over to the kitchen and quickly made the salad and before the last line was sung of “Oh, oh, oh, I heard it through the grapevine Oh, oh, oh, I heard it through the grapevine Oh, oh, oh, I heard it through the grapevine” He had finished.
Yui consider this. If men gave birth in this species we would have been extinct by now.
"You walked to Rectory and Hamilton road in the middle of this storm for a lousy cat! Have you lost your mind?! We were worried sick about you!" my mom was a little melodramatic I thought. "But mom I know where he is going. He is going back to our old house." I said almost apologetically. "Can Dad drive me there tomorrow so I can check." "Your father works tomorrow until late, he has appointments until at least four. Maybe after work." she said still agitated. "He'll be a popsicle by then. He hasn't eaten since he got here and he's outside." I was convinced that he was there somewhere outside our old house crying for someone to let him in. "Can you call the people that bought our house and ask them if they have seen him. Please mom!" "I barely know those people, and they will think we are crazy." my mom quipted. "First time they speak to our neighbours they will figure that out on their own mom." I was smiling as I said that and with that I caught my mother smiling too. "I'll call in the morning." she promised. She rifled through her purse the next day and found a piece of crumpled paper and then started dialing. My mother's english was amazing, she came over at 16 and learn english from english speaking women. Now thirty one years old her english unlike my dad's was flawless. I heard her collect herself and in a higher and softer pitch than she ever spoke to us began the polite enquiry. She smiled and somewhere during that conversation turned to me with a wink and said "He's there." The people we sold the house to really didn't have much choice Tutu wouldn't stop crying until they let him in. All smiles I waited for my dad to drive me down and collected him out of they arms of a little girl. I thanked them over and over again when we got there. Tutu seemed quite at home. "Walked in like he owned the place." commented the new owner. She was a kind woman and didn't seem to mind the furry freeloader at all. We said our good byes and then we left. Something weird about the old place. The smell was different entering it this time. I thought about it and concluded it was mom's cooking.
If you ask me about those days following the move, the one incident that struck me as most disturbing was the disappearance of my male cat Tutu. No he wasn't named after Desmond he came to us with that name and we kept both. It wasn't easy getting him to go and for days after the move I kept him inside. Someone decided to let him out and on a cold snowy December night he disappeared. For nine years this cat had been an outside cat that knew it's neighborhood well. As a child I remember the times he would be gone for days then come home with scratches on his nose and ragged blood clotted ears. I thought to myself the east end wasn't just tough on ten year olds. The grey tabby was about a 16lb short hair more than capable of taking care of himself. His green eyes gleamed with contentment whenever I scratched behind his ear or under his neck. He was occasionally affectionate but more often just hungry. He was never neutered or declawed and back then that was the norm. His disappearance left me extremely agitated and upset. "How could you let him go outside? He doesn't know his way around, he could get lost. What if he does get back?" I ate very little that night and was hovering around tears. "What are we going to do? You will help me look for him, won't you?" After the supper dishes had been cleared and put away I donned my coat and cap and started out the door. My mother asked me where I thought I was going at this hour. I told her I was going out to find my cat. I was use to roaming quite far from home as a kid and even though I was new to this part of the city I still knew it well enough to start trailing his paw prints in the snow. The air was crisp and with freshly fallen snow it was easy to pick up his trail. I went four blocks this way through backyards and back allies following his paw prints. Unfortunately for me it started snowing again and soon the fresh prints in the snow began to fill up and disappear. I had crossed the bridge over the Thames and passed the G.E. building and at the corner of Adelaide and Nelson his steady march south veered east. I travelled another four blocks until I could no longer fool myself, his tracks were gone. With the CNR tracks in sight I finally turned and started back. I was now closer to my old home than my new one and it occurred to me that he was going to the only place he knew. I wish I could call home but there wasn't a pay phone and even if there was I didn't have a dime. I was about half frozen and the winter wind did not relent on my long walk home. It took me another twenty minutes to get home and before they could question where I had been I yelled "He's heading back to our old house."
Usually excitement like this in anticipation of something or someone's arrival. Could it be that you are expecting someone?