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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Lord Panther

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Everything posted by Lord Panther

  1. Hmm, lets see what I can add... Thomas Steward, 21, employee Thomas works at the toy store, though his mind is often elsewhere. The slopes, girls, you name it. Anywhere but on his work. He's only working this job until he saves enough money to go off to college, and party there. He hears that Sorority girls are, well, wild. Being the typical young male, he definately likes that idea... So, until then, he's working the customer service department, dealing with people who bring things back because their kid broke them the first day, claiming that it came that way. He's definately not very enthusiastic about his job, and has gotten a little bitter with everyone always yelling at him.
  2. *Panther walks into the quiet room, sweaing he heard something running through the halls. He notices the note on the wall, has a read and smiles.* oohh! Congratulations to you both! *He hopes that the lady that left the note is still within earshot to hear the words...*
  3. From his own darkened corner of the cabaret room, Panther, still chuckling from Wyvern's "presentation", stands from his table and makes his way over to the gateway to Yui's realm. After a quick sniff to ensure its safety, he steps through the gateway and finds himself standing in a shadowy world. He sees his friends Yui and Aegon, as well as a tall scarred stranger who seems strangely familiar as well. He walks over to Yui and Aegon, removes the hood of his cloak which was hiding his face, nods to Aegon in a friendly hello and then turns his attentions to the birthday lady. "Happy birthday Yui! I hope its a wonderful day, full of friends and, of course, your love." Panther bows deeply to his friend and smiles. He then moves to have a look around this shadowy place, all the while keeping an eye open for more people that he knows...
  4. Hmm, sounds interesting, I should be able to play, but am drawing a blank on a character... I'll read through the intro stuff and talk to my usual sources and see what I come up with...
  5. Congratulations of your Graduation! I hope the search for a positions in your field of study is fruitful, even if it means waiting a little for it.
  6. Well, you know I'm there and where to find me.
  7. A very happy Birthday, to you Wyvern. May there be many, many more to come.
  8. Freedrick didn't know what to make of the events that were transpiring in the Calla. They were definatley events that went well against the way of the Manni. They were, after all, peaceful, and minded their own business for the most part. Freedrick had seen some strange and wonderous things in his short time in this world. From seeing his elder Henchick teaching the younger Manni, to the horrendous days when his brother, Samual had been taken by the wolves, and then returned, roont. He hated the wolves as much as the next person, and felt they must be stopped. If the wolves were not stopped, he feared that the Calla would continue to tear itself apart. And if that happened, would they be any better than the wolves and the other horrendous creatures that called Thunderclap home? Of course not. He thought, for a second, that it would be easier if everyone followed the way of the Manni, but he knew in his heart that his ways were not the path of all. He just hoped that everything would be returned to normal, or perhaps better than normal, if the Gunslingers were able to defeat the wolves. His thoughts turned to who could be working with the wolves. No one in particular had been acting strangely, to what he had seen anyways. His thoughts wandered to how Travis Reid had been so quick to throw himself before the Gunslinger, the one called Roland of Gilead, was it because of his underlying guilt that he wanted to somehow cleanse from his hands by joining the Gunslingers? Perhaps... [OOC: vote for Gryphon - Travis Reid ] [edit: typo]
  9. Welcome Back Lady Lilacflame. Good to have you around once more.
  10. Freedrick observed the approach of the strangers into the Calla from the shade of a small knoll. Dressed in the traditional attire of his people, a blue cloak, black shirt and broad rimmed, flat crowned hat, he tended to avoid the direct sunlight when it was strong. He noticed the big irons carried by the newcomers, and judging by the way they held themselves, he deemed them a ka-tet of Gunslingers. He decided to introduce himself to the group and thus approached the one he deemed to be the leader, the one with the hardened face and diminished right hand. "Hile Gunslinger! It has been a long time since we have seen a descendant of Gilead lost in these parts, you must have travelled many dangerous wheels in order to come here." The gunslinger looked Freedrick up and down, recognizing that he must be of the Manni people from his attire. A people who held an air or mystery throughout the world. "I will not keep you from your business, Gunslinger. Long days and pleasant nights to ye." With that, Freedrick made his way towards the village of the Manni, knowing that he should check on the well being of his dear brother Samual.
  11. I'm in, more to come.... Freedrick of the Manni (description to come) Twin will be Samual, who is a surviving roont. (again, more to come)
  12. "email" 4,620,000,000
  13. [swallowed]
  14. Please excuse the tardyness of my response, O polite one. I offer my sincere apologies for the lateness, along with the best of my wishes towards my belated acknowledgement of the day of your birth. *Panther bows deeply to the Polite, Ancient Elder. I hope the day saw you well, and that many more lie ahead...
  15. angstrom
  16. apple
  17. Happy Birthday Crypt! Hope ya had a blast!
  18. costume
  19. Alone
  20. Sweet!
  21. ball-gag
  22. (that's just) bad
  23. excitingly
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