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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. *nodnodnods at all the good advice* Thirded on always having pen and paper with you. You get some rather strange looks when you suddenly stand still in the middle of the shopping street and start scribbling in a little book, but hey, you can even write about THAT as well then It's different for everyone and for myself I haven't found any solution yet apart from having some life-experience (like that new-found love), but even that only sparked my creativity for a short time. I think Ayshela's idea would work best still.. just DO it. Rambling is a great way to clear the path for the real stuff again .. I should try it as well
  2. Would love to try this! Seeing how fickle my creativity is lately though.. but I will try very hard, count me in *Appy would like the number 4.. if that's the purpose already*
  3. *huggles HB* Dude, you're growing old
  4. *posts her request here as well* Appy bounces in on her (fill in the blank). I want this! *holds up said object* That would be sooooooo cool if I can show everyone my (fill in blank space) *beams*. ~ You know what I would love to see Canid *points at her signature*. Also, great job and thank you for your efforts! ~
  5. *fails utterly at creativity but will come back to this later, I promise!*
  6. Thanks Mar, for the explanation and the photo's. Digging up my camera would've been.. difficult *poofs towards dutch trainstations*
  7. I'll see if I can take a picture of one next time I see one. It's not a chimney, it's merely a point on the station around which you are allowed to smoke.. aka the smokingzone. And on dutch trainstations it's marked by a pillar in which you can dump your cigarrette butts (or however you spell that).. this pillar is ALWAYS smoking on its own because people dump in their butts without putting them out first. *hopes to have cleared it up a bit)
  8. Appy jumped another beam and wobbled a bit before regaining her balance. Living in the rafters had been quite soothing for a long time. She could see and hear everything going on in the Keep and still avoid being seen.. by most. A movement up ahead caught her attention and she crouched down to check out this new arrival to her temporary living space. After some time it was obvious the creature hadn't seen her, but in this light she could see it.. him? well enough to determine he wasn't human... but he was small enough to be a child. Appy beamed in the darkness and jumped another beam closer. "Psst! Did you come to play?" A big smile is heard in her voice. The loneliness was getting to the little girl after all...
  9. Het verleden, niet naar kijken De toekomst, erg onzeker Ik zit op het tussenstation De rookpaal braakt vieze luchtjes uit Ik steek er nog een op Het verleden, geen nut om aan te denken De toekomst, vol potentie Waar blijft de trein? ~Something that came up on the train..~ The past, don't look at it The future, very insecure I'm on the in between station The smokingpillar spills smelly fumes I light another The past, no use thinking about it The future, full of possibilities Where's the train? ~I apologise for the bad translation, some things aren't working either like the smoking pillar.. on european stations you now have area's where you can smoke, and the rest is smoke free.. these are pillars on dutch trainstations, hence that word.~
  10. Minstrel Hall is open from Page and up And thanks for the heads up Oz.. Big congratulation on the promotion!
  11. Have you ever laughed and cried at the same time, and meant each completely?
  12. *Appy heartfully seconds the enjoyment in reading* I love different points of view, and this was well written. Welcome
  13. *wonders where to sign up*
  14. Technical: Very neat how you wrote this in a sort of sci-fi horror tale style, it works well. Personal: Oh my.. you're nucking futs! *hugs* I hope it's summer again soon for your sake Thank you for an enjoyable read.
  15. Now I only have to add this thingy *click* and then thingy this, *screw* and.. *thingies* .. tadaaa! Appy looks up from her.. thingy and beams I call it.. Stuff. *wanders off again*
  16. I would add my words to this, but.. well, he said it as it is and what I would like to say as well. Just adding my voice to the explanation of Fuzzy and each poem linked.
  17. Stroke my ego, why don't you. Believe in me, why don't you. Take an interest in me, why don't you. Make me love myself, why don't you. Increase our bond, why don't you. Why don't you? ~ I have no idea.. you tell me ~
  18. *points at A hand on my belly and smiles* No other comment necessary from me
  19. You know, you're right.. it does look too harsh now. I had it underlined still to keep referring to Trust. But here it's just not necessary. I think I'll just take out the underlining and see what happens Thanks for the comment! *huggles happily*
  20. ~ this ties directly into an older poem called Trust .. Not sure if this is finished yet, but there isn't much more to add or change at the moment.. enjoy ~ The smile besides me crossed oceans of barren wasteland in a single look To trust, nay to utterly trust just a single person It is close to having faith.. No more compromises leaving me dwindled. This time, there might even be an answer, to who I am.. [29 januari 2007, Leverkusen] [edit] the line It is close to having faith.. used to be underlined.. removed in accordance with Sweet's comment
  21. *grins and chants* "expand, expand" And funny how even without realising where the last stanza came from it made some sense to me. More so now though
  22. One moment in time Like a precious, fuzzy gem keep it close to me
  23. Have you ever tried to comment on a conversation that didn't actually happen? Did you then muck up your own sentences and had NO idea what you were saying?
  24. Makes perfect sense to me *smiles*
  25. Congratulations All!
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