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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. oblivious
  2. Yay welcome back! Hope you did well on your finals *huggles happily*
  3. buzzword
  4. ...forgotten to go to bed and suddenly realise it's halfway through the next day already? .. and for the next three days be all confused on what day it actually is?
  5. try to shelter you shelter yourself we walk in silence walks with us will not follow you follow no one one word breaks the silence is all we ever needed [04 mei 2007, Hellevoetsluis]
  6. letters
  7. I have no knowledge of portugese, but I love the english version! It reminds me of someone dear *wishes she could even read the original but is sure that she's mucking up pronounciations* Thanks for sharing indeed
  8. And even I remember you.. from the UBB mostly Good to see old folk around, hope you find the time to hang around a bit
  9. Mirror, mirror on the wall Am I real or will I fall? Down the rabbit hole again Back to where it all began? Searching through the darkened woods Little girl in pretty boots Click your heels and call it out When nothing happens, scream and pout Wine red lips and long blond hair High within your tower fair Spinning golden threads so thin Finding beauty deep within [10 april 2007, Den Haag]
  10. The air is wheezing in his lungs and burns him from the inside.. but not because it's hot, but because it's cold! Too cold! A long coughing fit prevents all thought for a moment, and then the wonder at this world returns. He didn't even take the time to think about why they had been running in the first place. He only knew that it had seemed like a good idea at the time. And now, in front of him, there are two huge doors. This in itself isn't that strange, were it not that these are made of wood. In all his life he has only seen slivers of wood, carefully guarded and maintained by their owners. It was said those pieces brought luck. And now he's in front of two huge doors.. . appearantly made of wood. Tentatively he steps forward and touches one of the doors, not really believing to feel wood and jumping backwards when he does. He never did see the second wolf. His weasel, who he had flung into his breastpocket the moment they started running, hangs on to his blouse with his hind paws only and smells at the doors more thouroughly while supporting himself against them with his front paws. He's having the time of his life.
  11. Pirate legs o_O
  12. Brain Lateralization Test Results Right Brain |||||||||||||| 56% Left Brain |||||||||||| 46% *results won't usually add up to 100% as this test measures each side seperately
  13. fight
  14. I've read this over and over again and still have no more words but this: Wow...
  15. Appy


    Lovely scene this. I like the imagery you use; the sunflower self, the pool of sunlight and that very favorite, sunkissed. Sun is a very good thing indeed. But.. personally I loved the last stanza as it was, with that comma instead of a period. It leaves many ways open on how to read it and gave it a lazy rhythm that I have a hard time finding anywhere else. Possibly because I'm missing punctuation... (never thought I'd say that, one who hardly uses any herself), but also because of how you .. how to say it.. I'm missing certain words, as if you're trying REALLY hard to keep it short and simple, and thus forget that you CAN use prepositions (in, around, under, on) and conjunctions (and, or, but, yet) just as two examples, and still have the shortness and stylistic approach you're going for. It might help with the flow here and there.. Otherwise, lovely idea and I am eager to see the result. Even if you don't change the rest of the poem, I'm curious as to what you'll do with the last stanza.
  16. Oh great, now I have that song stuck in my head (Play that Funky Music, White Boy)... thanks GeldrinHor Good song. And even though Disco was a scary time, it keeps on comming back so there must be something appealing to it, right? Regel.. you are a great auto-biographer. Thank you for sharing. *huggles tight*
  17. ~Other~ I am still in the middle of writing out the History of Appy/Ptraci, Apaltra and WildJoker, since it is intertwined and explains a lot about each individual. Also I think it'll be worth writing.
  18. ~Relationships~ She has no real friends, but travels together with like-minded beings, who she uses to get her more victims. Or to shout at and blame when something goes wrong.
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