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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. Keep them comming, you have me reading for sure! More detailed nit-picking either in a few chapters or when you want it.
  2. Congratulations! Hope you have a wonderful day
  3. *adds some semi-recent discoveries of her own* Body language is very much in use, learn to read it and your life will get more interesting. Not everyone is aware of using body language, not even of the feelings they express. Replying in body language often has ten times the effect of a well thought-out sentence. My voice, when used to tell stories or speak my train of thought, can put people to sleep
  4. Have a good one and safe returns/arrivals
  5. Appy


    *is glad about weird things happening*
  6. Appy


    I really like this, thanks for posting! It somewhat reminds me of a dragon slumbering, dreaming of the glory days. Very wistful and yet peaceful.
  7. Scar Outer reflection of inner self Love the scar on my forehead then love the unseen scar beneath I've known pain before but this will be painless The door is open [10 oktober 2007, Den Haag]
  8. ...had more people look at you because you have a thin band-aid in your neck than when you had a lump the size of an orange there? ...wanted to return to the hospital because at least there you could sleep when you wanted and no one forced you to talk? ...woke up to a tune in your head, only to have your friend humm that exact tune moments later, because it's in his head as well?
  9. The birth of a pheonix amidst the despair and ugliness of a trench war. With the four horsemen riding to stop the pheonix from rising.
  10. Intimate yet not Exclusive yet not Free yet not Loved yet not Lost yet not What?
  11. Welcom back *huggles*
  12. Ooh I really like that cover! Come on people, browse through that music collection I know you all have and find something for this project. Took me some time to find some aswell, but if I can, so can you!
  13. ..said that the cremation of a dear family member was a beautiful day, and meant every word of it? ..wanted to dance on the last number played at that cremation?
  14. To the point. I like it.
  15. *grins* "Duuude!" You got that by missing a roll-call (search for that in the Cabaret Room, you'll find several I believe), and you get rid of it by writing something to get rid of it. "So what does mine say?"
  16. dude!
  17. Yay, it's going somewhere! Am really looking forward to this. Good luck and have fun!
  18. *steals all your cigarettes and feeds you coffee through an IV to keep you awake* Wanna read how this ends! Good writing, interesting topic and well worked at. The only part which is slightly confusing starts with: We had been living in Bloomington,. The switches between the places you talk about aren't all that clear, switching from the hell hole to where they used to live back to the hell hole.... but that might well be me, not being fully awake yet. Now write more *grins*
  19. ...listen to yourself say the most aweful and unreasonable things while feeling utterly unable to stop talking that way? (to stop smoking after 15 years is quite o_O.. and not just for me )
  20. Agreed. (Still have to see Hot Fuzz.. I have been told I should see it and I know I will ) PS: If you liked Shaun, you will LOVE Spaced.. it's sooooo much better!
  21. PC Strategy games or Role playing?
  22. Swords Long hair or short hair?
  23. The chittering of my weasel as he spotted the third wolf woke me from my revery at finding the wooden doors. I look inside the building and notice him too. He doesn't seem all that threatening and I reason that since I appearantly had just been brought here by the first wolf (and a talking wolf at that!) that I needn't be alarmed. So I look around a bit to see if I can judge where I landed. It might be the past.. or maybe even the future! Afterall, the device I had been working on, and which might've caused this, was designed to alter small pockets of time. I thought it might be useful in everyday life. You know, so you can cook a meal really fast, or grow plants which normally take a whole season in just a few days. I realise I'm still clutching part of it and carefully place that in one of my many pockets. Afterall, I might need it to get back. The building seems mostly made of stone. No, not the bricks of my homeland, but cut from living stone, straight out of the mountain! This place is most perculiar indeed. Without warning, and leaving a few marks straight through my leather robe I might add, my weasel scrambles out of my pocket and runs off towards a staircase. I run after him, telling the wolves that I need to catch him again. They might not speak my language, but they might've understood since at least the one who rescued me seems to nod. Why do I run after him into an unknown building? He's my weasel. I rescued him from certain death when he was still a tiny thing. The one companion who I know will definitely .. well, I was going to say understand me, or listen to me, but he doesn't really do that.. but he will definitely recognise the sound of my voice and so far, it's the only living thing reminding me of where I came from. So off I go, into the structure..
  24. I quite like your version too reverie Especially the last stanza stands out Thanks for all the comments!
  25. ..seen an elephant laugh?
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