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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. Have a good one Wyv! *huggles*
  2. word-painter, you did well. Thank you
  3. *huggles Zool and shares in the sentiment of his post and foremost, the last sentence of that post* PS: Eep! *huggles Salinye as well!* congrats on things going so well for you hun!
  4. IS the title of the song.. not of the musical though, thus you said it right, and so did I *beams* PS: I was merely singing "Do you think it's alright?" because I know it better and always sing it when thinking of that musical
  5. *bursts into singing* Do you think it's alriiihiight? To leave the kid with uncle Irving? Yes I think it's alriihiight. To leave the kid with uncle Irving. Do you think it's alright, do you think it's alright, do you think it's alriihihiight? Neatly done! For a moment I thought it was all movies until you made Tommy into a song title instead of the movie/musical. Especially since the Last Unicorn and The Borrowers AND Clear and Present Danger are movies as well as books. And so is I am Legend, isn't it? (recently came out as movie.. with Will Smith in the lead.. not sure if it's based on this book though). Still.. nice! *huggles and gives two thumbs up for weenie removal, even though she has nothing to say about that*
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkham_Horror
  7. ...laughed in the face of a customer who had no idea you were laughing AT them, not with them? ...stood in a bedroom with all party people present and sung bohemian rhapsody together? ...did this in a hallway somewhere else as well, and never noticed the music being turned off until that guitar solo part? ...stood dancing in the store where you are supposed to be the responsible one? ...doing this with your manager? ...aquired so many books that you have to double row them to fit them in the cabinet, every single shelf? ...slept on a couch for half a year at a friends, find your own place only to be reduced to sleep on an airbed which empties over night? ...sleep on same airbed at several parties and have people wondering you come sleeping the rest of the morning in their bed? ...slept on a hay attic? ...been given energy at a party through reiki? ...been told that you 'suck' while being reiki'd? ...won a game of Arkham Horror in less time it takes to set up the game? ...actually pulled out of a game of monopoly because you were knee deep in debts? ...sat thinking of what else you did in the few months you've been away from the internet for over 20 minutes for a thread called "Have you ever?"
  8. *looks around as a certain raven caw's in horror at perfectly good eyeballs being spilled like that* And I thought you two were friends. Or at least steed and master. Something?
  9. Sigmund Freud thought almost anything was phallic. But then again, he also had several other issues as I recall, most of which were researched by or through him. Also, the number is four.. because three is four. Really. And pinguins are evil, but let's not get into that lest we call them just by naming them, like with elves. In any case, congratulations pages! -Appy, member long lost (no, not that kind of member.. the non-freud kinda member if you will)
  10. *giggles*
  11. *sneaks up on Patrick and whispers in his ear* Be? Un-Be and become Scarsick
  12. *reflects on the extended lame excuse* uhuh.. stuff, and such.. oh and things as well.. Actually I've spend a lot of my time working and in my free time I kill Nyarlathotep and other Elders. It's a busy life, being investigator and munchkin *grins* Now that I have my own internetz again, I might be on more.. or not. Time will tell
  13. *huggles all* Have a good one this year! I miss you guys! *huggles some more and fills up the hugbin before being dragged away into internet-less-land again*
  14. *hopes she has internet at all this weekend* o_O
  15. *reads the question again* In a romantic relationship I tend to look at past relations too much, and since those are past relations (ie. something went wrong) my trust isn't easily gained. I look for signs of why I shouldn't trust rather then signs of why I should trust. Which is a very bad thing to start out with I can tell ya. Eventually, this either gets turned around, or not (and that's where the relationship really should stop). This time I got turned around, and this was no small feat. It leaves me vunerable but the fact that this doesn't scare me as much anymore means that I trust and believe that this will not be taken advantage off. With friends, or new friends, I tend to trust too much though. But, as with Salinye, I have a pretty well developed instinct and because of that have not been harmed personally except by my own doing. Blind faith I have had and payed dearly for it (am still paying at times). But because of what happened, even from that I have learned things I would otherwise not have, so even that is not a loss but I gained something. Maybe paying is the wrong word. I should say that I'm still getting experience from that every now and then *thinks that's about it*
  16. Recently saw Boondock Saints, and all I can say is "I want to watch it again!" It's way old probably (no idea really) but here's finally a movie about christians gone wild without the religious holier-than-thou infliction that you usually get. They (the brothers the movie is about) don't think they are better than the people they deal with, no, the people they deal with are simply a lot worse and as such deserve their fates. *grin* Loved the action, loved the actors *purrs, Irish accents!* and loved the story. My only pity is that it was REALLY late already when we started watching it and I was distracted by the people I watched it with. Although this is indeed a movie you can talk through I do feel like I missed some of the magic because of that. So yes, I will definitely watch this one again first chance I get, and so should you
  17. I found it by watching what people were reading (active user watching thingy)
  18. *revives an old thread* Mardrax: *likes looking and touching stuff* Mardrax: especially if it makes soundies http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif No, it wasn't meant that way initially Also check out #thepen topics where we take things out of context almost weekly
  19. For sureshizzle yo! As long as it's not on any actual christmas day, count me in! An' planning takes the fun outta most things, didn't the great Balooga tell you so? o_O
  20. (abiding by your request of any feedback, thanks for posting in the first place Sora! ) I don't know if you did that on purpose Quin, but you using "Listen, Look, Feel" instead of the original "Listen, Watch, Feel" makes me think that Look would be a better word there. Something to do with the 'feel' of the words Listen and Feel. Look fits better in that row than Watch. Of course this would mean a complete change of the second stanza (I'm assuming that you'd call each part after a single word a stanza). A simple solution there would be to add 'at' in front of each line. This would also break the half-pattern you have of starting both second and third stanza's with 'the' but the first with 'to'.. I feel that you should either be consistent with repetition, or not use it at all. Right now it creates chaos where you seem to aim for a feeling of serenity (judging by the imagery and the last line). And about the imagery you use... There is an inconsistant consistancy in it (*grin*). By that I am talking about having something 'elemental and general' in the first lines (wind, sun, earth). Using a bird twice as a second line (but not in the third; inconsistancy). Something equally general as third line (although the comparison of trees and sea could be debated, they could both be seen as 'elements'), but then you completely go off course in the last two lines by using a flame instead of a bird, and talking about love, something which sounds and feels completely out of place in a poem like this, at least in the way that you use it. Toy around with the imagery, keep in mind how Native Americans think about their land, their heritage, and maybe something beautiful will arise from this seedling. Right now, it seems bland and without point. Either go with repetition or avoid it completely. And find some sort of ending too.. seeing how there is non right now. Looking forward to see what you will make of it if you do toy around with it a bit more (Of course, I haven't read any Native American poetry, but from your introduction it's not based on their poetry but rather on their stories, correct?) And as an afterthought, I would leave out any punctuation after Listen, Watch, Feel. The fact that it's a stand alone word gives it enough pause. But then again, I dislike punctuation in poetry as a whole, and only use it when absolutely necessary Have little to say on Storyteller which hasn't already been said. Do expand
  21. Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King, 5th book in the Dark Tower series. I say thankee-sai, it is as wonderful as I've gotten used to throughout the series.
  22. Appy


    Scar Outer reflection of inner self Love the scar on my forehead then love the scar beneath I've known pain before but this will be painless The door is open ~ Changed; see posts above ~
  23. Appy


    Tas: Thank you. And sometimes outer scars reflect the ones within. Something I can show and which this poem is about Perprise: I can see the removal of "unseen".. good catch, thanks How would you improve the meter though? I am somewhat of a minimalist and the things I have to tell in this are all there in its purest form. To me, the meter didn't matter much when I wrote. I am curious as to how you would change it.
  24. *applies duster to Kender* Welcome back
  25. Should be, if you're paying attention .. oh, and welcome Preprise
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