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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. I tire of humanity passing judgement so easily I tire of people watching every step of my doings I tire of society controlling my life's path I tire of communicating with words so easily misheard I tire of attention needed at times but not wanted always I tire of myself for wanting but not knowing what I tire of this poem the usual lines over and over again Time to sleep
  2. Heh, thanks for all your comments, and Louv, you are right! Seek sounds better.. thank you I'm glad I posted the original version now, even though I didn't expect any dutch people around that soon
  3. Willow! For all the same reasons too
  4. ~this I wrote in 1994, originally in dutch, posted below it for those that can understand it... lol~ Raindrops It's raining Thick drops fall from the sky It's raining Thoughts in my head I try to catch them Like a small child tries to catch snowflakes in it's mouth As soon as you have one it dissapears Like music they weave thoughts about the past thoughts on you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I scream but nobody's looking I don't exist not for you not for anybody I seek for words about the past ------------------------------ Regendruppels Het regent dikke druppels vallen uit de hemel Het regent gedachten in mijn hoofd Ik probeer ze te vangen zoals een klein kind sneeuwvlokken probeert te vangen met zijn mond Zodra je er één hebt is hij meteen weer weg Als muziek golven ze door gedachten over vroeger gedachten aan jou aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Ik gil maar niemand kijkt ik besta niet niet voor jou niet voor niemand Ik zoek naar woorden voor vroeger ~edited the "I search" to "I seek" in light of a better translation~
  5. Who are you, portraying my feelings like that? In other words, I like this a lot.. would say more, but my clouded mind won't let the words come. And i'm perfectly fine with the cluttering, I often forget that sometimes one has to read something twice to be able to appreciate it.. at least that's the case with me
  6. This was amazing..
  7. Happy Birthday *hands out some rootbeers*
  8. I do not know much about New Zealand history, but I DO know Dutch History Abel Tasman was indeed from the Netherlands and Zeeland is a Dutch province (his homebase I believe, but not sure) I'm looking forward to more, always was interested in History with a capitol H
  9. ~any critics very welcome!~ My Turn Apathy rules my body Chaos plays with my mind Boredom paints my eyes Reluctance tugs at my sleeve Confusion tickles my spine Displeasure kisses my lips Annoyance screams in my ears Emotions rend my nerves ..My turn now Defiance dances with my corpse Excitement radiates my cheeks Anger beats inside my blood Tension permeates my muscles Memory stings at my skin Hunger yaps at my heels Heritage made my soul Conflict is my life ..But it is MINE ------------------------------ ~to make it more readable (is that a word?) try reading the first 4 stanzas of Longing as being two different persons, first one, then the other, and again..~ ------------------------------ Longing Circling the girl Drifting closer Touching gently Caressing soft skin Longing for what cannot be had Moaning uncontrollably Shivering from coldness Shuddering with fear Flinching at the touch Longing to go unnoticed Kissing with passion Fluttering fingers Piercing thoughts Cutting flesh and bone Longing for screams in the dark Gasping for air Dreading the future Screaming in exhaustion Fainting from pain Longing for peace that won't come Two entangled In morbid dance Each trapped In their own prison Forced upon them By cruelty Which had been; Longing for a Daughter Longing for a Love Longing for that, which can never be real
  10. Oh right, Congrats Zool! *walks away mumbling; wanted to put that in my former post.. dunno where my head's at*
  11. Oooh where can I get a W.A.S banner?
  12. I like it! Very well worded. The first time I read it I too indeed had some trouble with the flow but that must've been because it was late at night, now that it's morning it flows perfectly. Another little gem
  13. I did't think of any fairy tale in specific, but the visualisation strongly reminds me of fairy tale visualisation of virtues and the such. It would make a great tale about giving and, exaclty like Parmenion pointed out, to not to expect too much from others. It is inspiring
  14. hm difficult question indeed. I'll start by telling that i have worked in a Sauna (one of those were you are truly naked, no towels like you always see in the movies) and there it indeed felt weird to walk around in my working clothes.. you feel out of place. But then came the day that I went there with my boyfriend and we didn't know that my best friend worked there that day. He did NOT feel comfertable anymore, even though she probably didn't even notice him being naked, with all those other people around. So thinking back to that, it would depend on who i'm with, if it's just my husband.. NO problem. Swim on! But like EAN said after being to the Sauna with a big group of guys she saw in normal life aswell.. that's a bit "weird" the next day. I'd rather find a different beach then, instead of having to hear "funny" jokes the next day. Even though I myself have no problem with being naked, I would be uncomfertable with seeing all of my friends naked I think, and dogpiling is out of the question PS: I am european btw, just to make a lil point
  15. After some discussion on #thepen, a little revision.. thanks Vlad The world is White It looks at me and says: "You are Empty" and I agree I've always despised White.. The world is Darkness It looks at me and says: "You are Nothing" and I agree I've always feared Darkness.. The world is a Mirro r It looks at me and says: "You are Incomplete" and I agree I've never liked Me.. [10 september 2003, Leverkusen]
  16. Best Wishes
  17. Thank you for editing and posting this for me! (i'm still a bit lost on these boards as you see *giggle*) I guess I'm going to have to bug my husband for the reading *grin* It's definitly worth a try. Thankies again One of the things that I already noticed is that I have a hard time projecting the "picture" that is in my head on paper, so that other people actually understand what is being said. My appliance poem is one of those that you have to read like the "Longing" poem in the working thread... I doubt many realised it :S Oh well, back to the drawing-... uhm, writingtable
  18. ack! yes I mean "says" lol, thanks And I'd be the first to agree on the rest of your comment, and i'm sure you know that it's the will to fight for succes that most times fails (there's that word again).. but if you know me well enough, then you also got aquinted with my "attitude".. Life has nothing on me in that regard, luckely It's just the words that elude me constantly *grumbles at her pen*
  19. The world is White It looks at me and says: "You are Empty" and I agree I've always despised White.. The world is Darkness It looks at me and says: "You are Nothing" and I agree I've always feared Darkness.. The world is a Mirror It looks at me and says: "You are Boring" and I agree I've never liked Me.. [09 september 2003, Leverkusen] ~edited, looky at next post for reason ~
  20. *Appy agrees* A very fine read, good job *welcoms and hugs aswell*
  21. ~not a sad note ey? *pout*~ *Appy huggles the kender gently to avoid any bruises he might've gotten in that fall* Good luck on this new path in your life, and take care!
  22. *Appy sings the Happy Birthday song, slightly off-key, and huggles troubled sleep* I wish you a great day, and many more of such *dives towards the ice cream*
  23. This was about writer's block? To me it felt like an old man sitting in a missionary in the jungle at the end of his life thinking about how it all came to be this way, and if it could've been different if only he.... oh well, interesting and inspiring picture, thank you for sharing
  24. A whole fairy tale captured in a few lines, it's beautifull
  25. *Appy can only agree with tattered* but you knew already that I like your way of writing
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