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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. \o/ cute cute cute! I still miss my The Raven and The Cat story.. smart of you, posting this here I likey, great moral on top of clear and easy reading *hugs*
  2. *Appy tuts a bit* don't be sorry.. there's no reason to. It was not your doing that made us relate to your poem, and it is not right to excuse your own emotions... I know, I do that too. But somehow it feels wrong to say sorry for feeling the way you feel, because emotions are created out of so many components.. most of it isn't yours, but laid upon you to deal with. And by whom is a very individual experience and will determine the way you deal with the things you go through.. I hope I made some sense here.. I have the feeling that I'm rambling again, all I wanted to say, don't be sorry.. just keep writing. For me it helps that there are so many people around that can put into word exactly that which I could never phantom to be written out that clearly. I should really stop now lol *hugs* I hope you find your self-realisation soon Ayshela, it gave me strenght
  3. *huggles big time* Congratulations! New life.. wow
  4. Happy b-day! Or am I too late?
  5. *hugs* A very well written little thing this, sis.. like your "dad" said, you get better with every poem you post.. keep it up, put into words what you cannot comprehend and your muse will never leave you. This is part of your humanity.. I'm babbling, I know.. do with the ramblings of this girl, that feels so old, whatever you want to do with them.. it's for free afterall And some people won't run.. you know that by now I hope *hugs again*
  6. *Appy sits in awe for a while, realises she's still breathing and closes her mouth* Gem from the past indeed, both the analysis and the analysee (that being analysed... i think?) wonderfull..
  7. Very dark indeed, but well told I especially like these three lines, for their flow and the picture that they weave: Keep writing
  8. Appy


    Thanks all, I woke up this morning with a bad hangover and suddenly recollected writing and posting this in my drunken mood yesterday.. I was like http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Glad it didn't turn out as the cathastrophe (sp?) I thought it would be
  9. Appy


    written in 2 seconds..
  10. Why is it so hard to respect one another? Why is it so difficult to grand each other space? Why is it impossible for people to interact.. on a normal basis with out anyone getting hurt or lost beyond comprehension What is so difficult about a little empathy? [27 september 2003, Leverkusen]
  11. Good work this. I especially like the ending that nothing is completed because they go to far again How often did that happen already in history I ask... .. yup, very nice work
  12. *Appy applauds* it's great, very fine work
  13. *hugs* (everything's been said, i'll just smile)
  14. Happy day Wylde
  15. Hmmm , I'd say that that's close enough ... *Appy hands Wyvern his flower, and giggles. The flower has a little note attached 'It is illegal to sell this flower to third parties without consulting the first party (being the giver, Appy) about the intentions of the second party (being the receiver, Wyvern)' * I actually wrote it because I stopped smoking.. but I like your explanation.. more applying to anyone that way.. what was that word again, ah right "universal" Thank you for the nice words on the style.. I like experimenting, but it's always a guess if it's still readable/flowing then, so ...Thank you
  16. Thanks I'm always ready for a new style.. and this is how it happened in my head.. I sometimes wish I could write a sonnet or something, but that's just not me I guess.. I'm too Chaotic for that
  17. *Appy applauds* Like said before by Sorciere, I aswell couldn't stop reading once I began. Very nice done! Now I'm really in the mood for my hubby to finally start our Spelljammer campaign *Encore!*
  18. welcom
  19. *hugs* this touched me deep.. very honest
  20. I toss and turn, unable to sleep Can't find the manner, in which to lie This cocktail of emotions is driving me nuts And it feels all but natural for my lungs to breathe - I will have to rest - But everyday I get up again with shackles around my feet showing the world what I am - Condemned for life - I will put an end to it - now - And life will again be as intoxicating and exhilirating as it used to be - I am allowed to hope - [24 setember 2003, Leverkusen] ************************ ~ A flower for the person who can actually figure out what this is about ~ ~edit; Shakles should say Shackles ofcourse ~
  21. *giggle* Happy Birthday Jareena Faye Could anyone be saddened? Nay! We have declared it Happy day For 'tis the Birthday Of Jareena Faye ~I just woke up.... no coffee yet... it shows Happy Birthday Jareena ~
  22. You "could" try the rum and monkey forums (just click on the "discuss" icon) I browsed it a bit myself when I was bored and although I must admit that the politeness if far-sought there at times, some of the discussion are Very interesting.. and yes, it's a Huge community I hope it helped a bit
  23. I love it... especially "that winter in her soul".. such a strong image that. Very nice work! *applauds*
  24. *blushes* (for the second time today, I hope it won't become a habit!) Thanks Deg Aleaha; I agree that it is Odd and Strange and that when you read you really have no idea What you are reading... and that was the purpose.... I think.. Like I said, I woke up with this in my head.. in Full, and it wanted to be written.. and it refused to be in poem-form or I would've done that.. One reason why I'll keep hugging this story is that it made me get up and write it down.. otherwise I probably wouldn't have come out of bed at all that day. One little background thingy that I Can give is that both persons are perfectly normal humans (apart from being twins) .. super-power seemed appropriate because that word has been used so often lately.. I wanted to give it a twist Oh my.. i'm starting to guess that there IS more to this story then what I've written down... Thank you for asking Aleaha, you rebooted my mind on this topic *hugs wren* thanks hun
  25. How about "when path's have strayed" ? I dunno, I didnt have any coffee yet .. but I try
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