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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. You are improving in my opinion, though I liked your ramblings more... still well done
  2. Because it seems the right answer.. at this moment that's why the ending
  3. ~ Not sure what it is, but I guess one can call it free-form, so I post it here.. although I'm sure there's a story behind this, it hasn't found me yet ~ ~ edited: removed a spelling error ~ Who are you? I am...a-.... I was born a human being. I was named Margot. I'm my mother's daughter and I'm my father's child. I am.. family. Who are you? I am lover. I am wife. I am friend and companion. I am family by law. I'm Margot and Appy. I'm confusing and weird. I am loved. Who are you? I am Appy. I rant and play. I am friend and sister. I am poetic. I write. I am someone to talk to. I am talked with. I am ... listener. Who are you? I search for answers. I question. I'm always the curious one. I bind. I connect. I create Order in Chaos. I am Katalysator. I am confused. Who are you? I have been called Master. I am called Lover. I was called Man. I am called Woman. I was given the title of being Wise. I am Searcher. Who are you? I am needed. I am in need. I am part of a group. I am unique. I am alone. I am in compagny. I am happy. I am sad. I am one. I am many Why are you? Because. [16 oktober 2003, Leverkusen]
  4. who said I feel bad?
  5. That's so cool! Congrats!
  6. *smile* how often have I found myself in the same kind of situation already.. there's nothing better (or worse) then a bus- or trainstation and waiting for transportation back into the 'real life' to bring on such thoughts. (and somehow I simply LOVE stations, maybe for being the world 'inbetween'?) Thank you for a fine read and a look upon the words that linger within. I loved the visualisation and methaphores you used! And I think it's always great to see 'my own' pictured in words like this. Thank you
  7. Before I get pounded on for not giving ANY notice... I don't feel like being very active, you all know the drill probably, although for me it's unlikely that RL is being forced on me... I kinda like it at the moment, that's all. Anyways.. will be back, and probably won't be for too long.. just thought to give a short notice for those who might miss me in chat.. don't feel like getting pounded on when I get back... that did happen before ya know Hmm did I just say what I wanted to say Twice? No wonder I like RL atm, where I don't need words so much Take care all *BIG hugs* There's a way to turn up your days and open you soul for emotions Remember you're living in a great moment ~ might be mine, I don't remember, it's OLD ~
  8. *smiles* Lucky for you I guess that I don't know anything about writing sonnet's I really liked this.. specially the image of silken-swift. Oh, and there are several people who can tell you Unicorns Do exist
  9. *Appy pets Parmenion on his back and hugs* I hear ya, I miss her too.. Great poetry Valdar... so many lost in the land of memories indeed.. *wonders what happened to Invincebel and several others and shakes her head sadly*
  10. Congratulations!
  11. Appy


    *bumps this to show of the centering feature* Thank you Rune!
  12. Brilliant.. There's a wisdom in this story that few obtain purely through observation, very nicely captured! And thank you for sharing Some people would do well with such a 'box experience'
  13. *giggle* thanks for sharing that!
  14. That was beautiful... very moving And to answeryour question Justin, I'm not religious.. but I'm silenced...
  15. ooh interesting question yes, specially with my own believe.. that time is just a perception. I agree with all ppl that say that most are out just to make money. But I also have my own experiences and theories I have a dear friend living in the USA, me still living in Holland at the time. We knew when the other would come online, said the same things in chat, had the same ideas. All fine, I can even believe Canid's explanation on little connections being picked up by the both of us and patterns that we remembered (the comming online thing) Then there was this one night. I was in my bed, sleeping pretty deep (didn't get much before) and suddenly woke up being totally freaked out and sweating like a pig. one thing I remembered doing was checking the time and thinking of Don. Something had happened to him, something that scared me aswell. What had happened was that that evening while he was in class someone had started firing a gun in the room next to theirs.. that was what woke me up, it was the exact same time. Second story. I have a deep bond with someone on this board, and one night, while I was lying in bed (again lol) trying to sleep I heard a phone ring. Once. As if it was my mobile.. but that was impossible because I haven't used that for half a year because i can't use a dutch phone here in Germany. Again i had a creepy feeling and again I had checked the time. Turns out that at that time indeed a phone had rang once, and it was my friends phone, which she had picked up fast because it was right next to her. But there was no one on the other side. *phew* ok, long stories. And I have no idea what to think of them, but yes, I do believe people can know what will happen before hand (the there is no time theory) and that they can know something has happened to someone, especially if that someone is close to them (and you don't even have to know that) oh and Parm? I'm glad that I'm not the only one with that thought.. we should discuss it one day.. in fact, we have a lot to discuss still! lol
  16. Oooh *claps in her hands* lemme add my current list aswell http://www.sluggy.com/ <-- it's sluggy.. ya know http://www.crfh.net/ <-- College Roomies From Hell is the full title http://www.sinfest.net/ <-- brilliant stuff on only 3-panels http://www.brunothebandit.com/ <-- goofy rpg type http://www.soaprope.com/ <-- just.. weird http://www.elflife.com/ <-- ashamed to say that I haven't read up yet, it's elves *grin* http://www.nuklearpower.net/ <-- 8-bit rpg.. simplicity never looked so good THEN there is my OLD list... *cough* Wish I had the patience and time for all of them... http://strangecandy.keenspace.com/ <-- always liked this one.. http://www.bobandgeorge.com/ <-- A must for gamers, trust me *grin* http://www.errantstory.com/ http://www.little-gamers.com/ <-- should get back to this one, it's good sh1t yo http://www.megatokyo.com/ <-- YES i'm ashamed for not following it anymore! http://www.userfriendly.org/ http://adventurers.keenspace.com/ http://www.wendycomic.com/ <-- appearantly stopped, but worth reading the archive, and maybe check the other comic, kicking artwork http://www.eattheroses.com/ <-- great artwork! http://fogclub.keenspace.com/ http://www.pvponline.com/ http://www.rpgworldcomic.com/ http://strangedaze.keenspace.com/ http://www.mrchuckshow.com/
  17. I really liked this, and I love watching you grow hun, you're doing fine, keep it up. And good luck inhere! *big hug*
  18. Rejoice! - For it is Day! It is the crack of dawn the birds are singing in every tree After that first magic hour, silence.. and they go on with that which birds do best Humanity then draws my eye They get out of bed before being fully rested Grumbling and yawning into their coffeecups shouting at the people with whom they share the early road to work ------- Rejoice! - For it is Night! The deep silent of the late hour, so late that it is almost early For birds slowly wake up and ruffle their feathers after a good night's sleep Getting reading to sing Humanity again draws my eye Singing themselves in their drunken tongues Not caring about the next day Filling their bellies with late night snacks sloshing them down with more beer drinking on the headache that they know will happen ------- Rejoice! - For it is Humanity! [01 oktober 2003, Leverkusen]
  19. Good idea! *hugs*
  20. oopsie, I know see that there's more then one definition for 'meld' heh.. well used then *Appy walks away grumbling to herself; 'that's what you get when you try to correct things in a language that's not your own.. be more sure next time will ya...' grumble some more*
  21. ~On request, a happy poem, has a lot of flow problems though, any suggestions and comments are very much appreciated ~ The odd-one-out, being white-grey Master over the other three When it comes to eating.. call it gobbling, make that eating-spree! Always fighting for his place And making sure you know he'll go for fingers and your nose "I'm king here, now bow low!" But biting isn't in his heart A nibble 's just as good it makes you jump, reach for the bowl, make sure they still have food A big and furry ball he is when balancing on his hind trying to wash the down and under onlookers he's never mind That's when we call him little Buddha though Winter is his name he's becomming a bit clumsy but we love him all the same [05 oktober 2003, Leverkusen]
  22. *Appy grabs for her scissors and pen* First of all, I really like the style you used, the repetition works great and the change in stanza's aswell.. there were just a few problems with the flow at some points I thought... so here I go * ok, last line in third stanza: From which I was hoping to spare you It's so long.. either 'snip' it, for impact, thus making it a five line stanza From which I was hoping to spare you Or change the sentence into something shorter like From which I hope to spare you That's not perfect either.. but neither am I * Like said before, 6th stanza: I didn't know what I was saying Even if I thought it was right I shouldn't bring you such pain I needn't add to your plight the second line has too many syllables I think. Suggestion: Even though I thought it right third line misses one syllable. Suggestion: I shouldn't bring you in such pain or I shouldn't bring in you such pain last line, misses syllables aswell. Suggestion: I needn't be adding to your plight This way it should flow better, I think Again, great poem and style, I hope my suggestions are worth something *hugs*
  23. *breathes* oh, mind if I make a suggestion for that second line there? Always loved playing with words to make it fit Origninal: "As they prepared, a fire glared, removing any attempt at ruse." My suggestion: "As they prepared, a fire glared, removing all attempts at ruse" simple change, gone is the 'foot', I think? Meep, almost forgot to post what I wanted to post, which is, Great poem! I still love the topic there... *goes in search for rope to help Ayshela in keeping you here*
  24. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif I couldn't say what to improve... this went straight through my heart for some reason. It also remembers me of a Björk song... about a mother's womb I think it was.. Oh, found something * Encrouching does not exist according to merriam-webster (but they don't know everything ) Here are the first three options I get though: 1. encroaching 2. encouraging 3. enshrouding I'm guessing you meant encroaching? I must say that enshrouding would be a good choice of words aswell, imo * despeair should be despair * meld should probably be melt As I thought, just some minor spelling errors.. the poem itself works just like it is I think.. No need to improve there imo, great work *hugs* Hope this helped a bit, keep posting!
  25. eep! ofcourse they are that, suggestions, and that was clear.. I merely wanted to point out that not only being suggestions, they are "good" suggestions... sorry if I did something to annoy anyone... *hugs?*
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