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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. *hugs* very blunt, I like! topic is a bit eerie for me still, but you handle it well hun, keep them comming
  2. ooh very visual, I like.. not morbid you say.. looking into the mind of a murderer sounds morbid to me Well written, good flow and imaginary.. well done
  3. *Appy applauds* very neat Haiku's, well done! (that's from an inexperienced Haiku writer btw ) The poem... I'm not exactly sure what the topic is, well.. at first you think 'obviously heart-break of some sort..' but then it changes? Well written still, flow wise, and the title was well chosen too *Appy turns around and tries to walk out the window; must be overly confused again *
  4. very visual.. even though for me too long, the sentences I mean (but that's me.. you know ) Could it be that there's a story behind this? If not, you just wrote one
  5. Oh ahhh yes.. dont' you just hate it when that happens.. not being able to sleep cuz of your own pulse in your ear.. *shudders a bit* Loved the poem, nice metaphores.. (I think that's what they're called ?)
  6. this is interesting aswell though.. even though potatoes is much funnier has many possible explanations this, but the overall reflection on ageing.. I kinda like it after reading it three times over to catch the flow
  7. hmm this stirs up familiar feelings and memories in me.. very bluntly written, and I'm thinking that almost everyone felt like this at some point... even if unwilling to admit.. *hugs*
  8. *blush* thank you
  9. *hugs* (well written indeed)
  10. ~ <edit> I made a significant change in the story. I was playing around with making my own website and so re-read this too... he should say "NO" on her question if he would rape here... not on the "hold dear"-question.. if that made sense to anyone. I also added the little (......) dots, to represent the tabs in the original format, it give it more impact imo, and it being my story.. I use tabs a lot. They are part of it I'm rambling and still didn't have any coffee... sorry to take up your time *Appy out* </edit> ~
  11. *Appy giggles at the idea of being sticky like glue* Welcom back Illi () even though you might not remeber me, I remember you from when I first entered these halls.. I dunno, just wanted that to be clear I think lol My brain is never insinc with whatever I do, but the one thing I did notice is indeed that reading other peoples works and most of all, just writing ANYTHING by yourself helps getting back into writing "the good" stuff aswell. Just wanted to share that I'm rambling again, just a Welcom back would've done it Three times is uhm... shipslaw in Dutch, meaning it should/will finally be right... soo.. "Drie keer is Scheepsrecht" Welcom Back! *Appy ambles off mumbling something about finally learning not to post before having the first cup of coffee*
  12. Hope you have a Happy day out of it all, congratulations! *big huggle*
  13. *huggles* I'm sure apologies are not needed, but always appreciated Good luck this week, and have some fun yourself !
  14. Ohhh *claps in her hands* now I want to know where that curse comes from! Any recommended read-ups?
  15. *giggle* great work! more! :woot:
  16. Was ik maar een gezond meisje Was ik maar een goede leerling Was ik maar een toffe vriendin Was ik maar een apart figuur Was ik maar geliefd bij iedereen die ik mag Was ik maar... Was ik maar mezelf Maar tussen deze mensen ben ik niet Translation: If only I was a healthy girl If only I was a good student If only I was a cool friend If only I was a strange dudette If only I was loved by everyone that I like If only I was... If only I was myself But I am not among these people I wrote this when I was 18 and STILL in school.. it was what I had felt all through my school time and still now sometimes feel.. So I kinda know why you wrote this. Wish I had the determination you seem to have when I needed it most, for me it came rather late *sad smile* I liked how you put it into words, especially the repetition of; Tell myself it doesn’t matter But deep down I know it does Works wonders for the whole thing that. A job well done On the subject itself.. learn to see the truth, not what others and yourself would "like" to see... I can't do it. But i'm getting closer every day. For example I found out that I AM a strange dudette as mentioned above, but by my own definition. Afterall I'm the one who got up and left to live in Germany for love.... all my other friends did the obvious and studied their uhm..... well studied very hard Learn to see and live is what you make of it *hugs*
  17. *Appy peaks out from behind Kalypso's back* sign me up for infant Haiku's aswell.. never written one in my life, but I'd love to try and have fun communicating that way In plainer words, sign me up with anyone ;p
  18. Could someone either remove or rename this post? I feel a bit silly with my name perched on top like that /o\ At least now, that i'm the only one... *meeps and hides under her blanky*
  19. *smile* Thanks all.. so I was right that it was you who mentioned it Celes Nyyark, Danke Schön! Nicht das ich alles verstehe was du da sagt aber es ist eine schöne Überraschung jemanden zu finden der Deutsch liebt... ich habe es immer gehasst *giggle* Jetzt das ich immer Deutsch im fernsehen höre gehen meine gedanken auch manchmal auf Deutsch... [edit; figured I'd translate my little ramble there] (Translation: Nyyark, Thank you! Not that I understand all that you are saying there but it is always a pleasant surprise to find someone who loves german... I always hated it *giggle* Now that I always hear german on tv my thoughts often are in german aswell...) Ok enough german lol *winces a bit being sure there's a lot of mistakes in those sentences* Thanks all.. that's really all I wanted to say
  20. Appy


    4am I Orange light on empty roads A drizzle cleans the street It is the time, the moment which bodes A transition that wise men heed Window onto other lives Thoughts being unfurled Dreams in which the memory thrives Futures prowl and lure Eldritch is the 4am Still cities have their way Ghost hour in the modern jam That is here to stay [3/4 november 2003, Leverkusen] 4am II Orange light on empty, wet roads Silvery light on dripping leaves Silence deepens penetrating Time closes in A window opens Futures await prowling under the still You choose which to follow It's magic hour [3/4 november 2003, Leverkusen]
  21. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh *plop* A small ball of.. uhm, yes, of Hair, long blond hair, appeared half a meter above the floor in the middle of the room and fell down with a loud *thump*. The people in the room were at least midly surprised.. many shuffled a bit away from the hairy ball even. hmrpf! I'll never get it right .. ouchie! A leg appeared in the tangle of hair and a hand pushed the floor.. slowly a small figure unfolded herself and took in the room, a small pointy, black witchhat perched on her small, young head. Jolly would be the word for it. Nice decoration... a bit low on the color red though *a flash of small white teeth* the figure seems only after heavy stretching to notice the people gathered here and she smiles "Harken! I bring news.. news of the dead!" A timely lightening bolt hits the lone tree seen outside the window and a low rumble follows as is only custom in this case "I was sent here by Ozymandias with a present, and possibly....... a surprise" *same flash of small white teeth again, with an almost audible *pling* this time* The tiny figure fumbles behind her and suddenly holds the corpse of Nathaniel in front of her. "I give you your choice of hanging, lynching, maiming.. Any of those words will do" *Insert Manical Laughter and another Crash of Lightening* "He was A Wolfsbane in Life.. Now Know Thy Doooooom! WAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAaa*cough*aahh*giggle*" *Crash of Thunder, Flashing Lights over Corpse, you know, the usual cheap effects* "I'll be back before the night is over!" Appy (most people had recognised her by now, and the giggle made it sure) flicked her fingers and dissapeared with the same *plop* she had arrived with.. after some time the still stunned people heard a crashing in one of the cabinets that lined the walls *muffled, pleading voice* Uhm, could someone open this door please? It seems my teleportation spell fizzled AGAIN! After the closest person had opened the door Appy smiled apologetically and sidled towards the door through which she quickly dissapeared
  22. *GRIN* *giggle* Thankies for your nice comment and trying to read it in the first place! So much appreciated
  23. absolutely hilarious and brilliant in it's own way *echo's reverie's words* more! :woot:
  24. quite speechless here.. well done .. loved it
  25. Lovely poem ... great work even love Always there, even if i'm not present... *hugs* *mumbles something about comming more in chat but but diablo patch is out and and.. stuff... grumbles some more*
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