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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. Congratulations to all!
  2. Congrats! *cheers with a german-beer-bottle-1/2l* Here's to exellent writing, don't stop
  3. ~ warning upfront: my 'brain on beer' turned into 'my beer on brain' once already this night.. in other words, i'm kinda drunk ~ now.. what was it i want to say.. right, I know your feeling, because I'm going through it at the moment. I want to write.. just that, for me, nothing seems right (like peredhil said already, in his own words) and my mind's all fluffy cotton and concrete at the same time.. All I know is.. this will pass... Before I knew this board, it had been at least 5 years since I wrote (I'm 24 now and my first coherent and 'plotted' short story dates back from when I was 5 or something) ... this board brought it back to me. And I intend to keep it close this time. Just that my muse needed some time off... my mind's blocked and I can't get a coherent thought on paper it seems.. although me posting AT ALL again since november shows that i'm on a rebound. uhm.. right.. pump.. yes, ofcourse Peredhil is right, go out there, watch the world and the words'll come back... world and word.. only one letter difference, did you ever notice? The point is.. well to be honest is that the point is that i'm (ab-)using your post to ramble a bit on my own. But I do want to make a point to help you... just keep going, it seems ridiculously simple but is terrible complicated. Or the other way around.. Just that you're posting this shows that you CAN. Keep that in mind ~ hugs Yatsuna13 big time ~ Never give up, it's always worth it in the end
  4. I want to thank all those people here that keep trying to be (and stay) themselves, despite of some of the odds. If I'm utterly wrong on that one, then I'd like to thank those people that make others see themselves how they really are. I want to thank Arwen, for being her (you know best yourself hun) I want to thank Wrenwind for the same reason I want to thank Morgane, for being so much like me, while being herself I want to thank Zen, for his incredible openmind and heart and all those other things that love-poets praise and others long for (That's _Zen_..) I want to thank Parmenion, for embracing me everytime, no matter what I did, or how long I was gone I want to thank Peredhil, for his patience and ability to make you laugh, despite yourself I want to thank all those people that make this board tick and run (don't know exactly who they are, but you do) I want to thank LokiWyrd for putting in to words what I cannot, for sharing a same line of thought.. often and without knowing I want to thank Nobody for being him, at all times I want to thank X-Sabre for not giving up, not on himself and not on others I want to thank Solivagus for not giving up either, and for talking about 'nonsense' like only a true dutchman can I want to thank all those people that make me smile and nod when they talk about themselves, nod in recognision and smile in knowing they gave me another way to put myself into words. I want to thank ... I want to thank so many people here that I better stop now, or I never will. Thank You So much better without turkey isn't it? (couldn't resist ) this was brought to you in no specific order (or time). It's just me in a funny mood.. and it ate my other post already, I hope this one gets through.. I'm not sure if I can do this another time.. treasure this moment, it doesn't come lightly to me, to thank the world...
  5. I resolve to not having any resolutions as usual, since I can stop or start something any time of the year.. not 'just' around the 1st of january. Anyways I stopped the smoking for some months now... so that one's out
  6. *Appy raises her hands and jumps up and down on her seat* oeh got an opinion yes! As those people who know my work know, I write free-form, almost solely free-form. And not because I don't think about what I want to say how... First, I only know the basic rhyme schemes. Second, like wyvern pointed out already I get an uncomfertable 'high-school-stuffy-classroom'-feeling when trying to write in a certain rhymescheme.. education is deadly to creativity I say Third.. uhm.. was there a third? Don't remember, maybe later.. Again quoting Wyvern: Couldn't agree more.. I have slaved over my poems and edited, re-written and punctuated and spend a lot of blood sweat and tears on them.If I didn't put it down in a box to simmer and reconsidered, it's not worth posting. And that's how I write. I DO agree that in many cases rhyme works well.. if I can get over the 'stuffy'-feeling Reading all this makes me want to try it out. *wonders if she has anything else to add* I think that was it.. good topic hopper, thanks!
  7. ~ I'm probably going to annoy some political correct, write-everything-out-full-and-don't-use-irc(dash)chat-language-on-this-forum-people now.. Look away if faint of heart and member of this association (which I have no problem with at all incidentally.. the writing things out full thing, not the faint of heart.. although people have a right to that too ofcourse... my head hurts) Continuing transmission related to the two stories(dash)written entertainment mentioned above and my reaction to both of them... ~ ... LMAO! ... ROFL!! ... ~ Just had to express myself in this mannerism at this point in time .. end of transmission, Happy Holidays all! *biggest hug yet* ~
  8. I sense a little Linkin Park influence here.. wish I could here the music with this, it's not bad at all hun *hugs* miss you
  9. I am trapped Within my skull Pounding on the walls To no avail Looking out Through the windows No escape From the blinded Putting feelings into words again there *hugs*
  10. very intruigingly written, that is, if intruigingly is a word Well done, had me captivated
  11. I liked reading all the answers.. can't we all have a little fun? My clothes' colour would have to be Black, simply because I look the best in it and have been wearing it ever since I had a choise in what I wore. (being blond, black's your friend ) Green has always been my 'play colour'. Any game where you have to choose a colour, be it pawns or your 'magical direction' (like in Archmage) I would try to get green. If not green.. then black or red(ish), but those are always second/third. Now for Red.. Blood Red, Dried up blood Brown-Red, Red-rose-Red, Any kind of Dark Red would be the emotionally strongest. Especially when combined with either black or white. Oh, or Green.. as in Roses Furthermore I think that days have colours too: Monday - Yellow Tuesday - (clear summer day sky) Blue Wednesday - Orange Thursday - Dark Purple Friday - Green Saturday - Blackish.. going to Grey Sunday - Blank.. possibly Clear, if that's a colour Dunno why.. they just have colours of their own.. and I never liked Wednesday's so that's probably why it's Orange.. never liked that colour too.. or maybe it's the other way around? Thanks for making me write this down, forgot that days have colours.. anyone else here have that too? And for smells aswell? Or am I just a weirdo? *giggle* Appy out
  12. You had my mouth fall open with that last sentence. *Appy applauds* Great work! Especially for it's shortness.. Reminds me of hearing that one dad was SO annoyed by the noises the Xbox made while his kids were playing it that he grabbed a gun and fired at it.. my first reaction was 'He had a GUN in the house?!?' Has nothing to do with this story ofcourse, but disturbing enough all around I think... *hugs wren big time* Again, great job hun!
  13. read some of my poetry if you want free verse ntraveler I never could stand the thought of having to follow a 'set structure' like used in Sonnets and the likes... I did enjoy doing haiku's though.. Great work Finnius! smiling good; precious baaad *giggle* By the by, that wouldn't be MY blanky would it ntraveler? *eyes the blanky suspiciously for any signs of jumping at her while wagging it's tail* *GRIN*
  14. Great story, makes me wonder how many people actually live like that.. on any level. It's the voice in my head that comes out at night, explaining to me the things that cannot stand the light of day
  15. Heh, thanks all, I wish every single one of you the same feeling about real life! *gives Loki a heartfelt HUG before dashing out again* sorry to hear, hope you'll find something better soon *poofs*
  16. ~Very nice imaginary! I can picture it *giggle* .. funniest to me is, I had this idea about poetry just last night.. and wrote it down using the flashlight and booklet I have next to my bed for such occccasions (the flashlight so as not to wake my hubby) ~ On Poetry These are the short Little thinkers Mind twisters head cleaners making room for fantasies bigger Take a concept thought or picture Break it down to the essentials ...word them as your own Fix it together again flourished or minimized and a poem is born Most likely ingredient subject or invoker Emotions Angst Sadness Fear Confusion Happiness is often taken for granted No need to examine it ~ rough form, just an opinion.. *runs back into the flow to catch that one sparkling fish that'll nourish her ideas even more* ~ ~ PS: I just noticed that the line Happiness is often taken for granted sounds strange maybe, just remember that I'm talking about poetry here.. most people enjoy and endulge in happiness instead of writing about it, right? * krggh* end of transmission *kgrhrk* ~
  17. very well written, i wouldn't wish regular migraine upon anyone. Luckily for me an "offering at the porcelain altar" and a good night/days/3-4hours sleep is enough.. unfortunatly the offerings let wait for them a long time sometimes. Meds only made it worse in my case, but never tried morphine.. dont want to either *hugs all carefully*
  18. *hugs* don't leave us all together, you know where you're welcom always..
  19. K, uhm, for some reason i don't feel like getting online lately, so if someone's missing me either on the board or in chat.. it's because of that. Real life is way too much fun at the moment Will be back as usual, love you all *huggles* PS: I will join chat every now and then, but if I leave without saying so.. don't hate me, I still wuv you!
  20. Free... hmmm.. allow me to share MY freedom. First: I always have to chuckle a bit when I see all those anarchists and wanna-be rebels shouting that they hate the society and will never follow a trend. I chuckle because what most don't realise is that they ARE following a trend.. the trend to kick against the esthablisment... it's as old as the first time some human stood up and made descisions for other humans to be guided by. Now, my freedom, where to start... I used to be a rebel. Refused to wear anything that the "popular group" wore at that time as default. Hated rules and kicked against the esthablisment (school and parents at that time). Barely stopped at actually Kicking teachers. I cannot tell you when I changed my ideas.. I have no idea myself about the when.. but slowely I did. I started to notice more and more that it was actually popular to be a rebel, in whatever way. So I stopped and sat down and thought about what I wanted. (Later on I was confirmed on rebelling being a trend. After highschool many of the 'always-thought-to-be-popular-group told either me or my best friend that at the time WE had been the group everyone wanted to be part of... Because of our no-non-sense policy) I moved out of my parents house and started art academie. I immediatly noticed it was even worse there.. it was a trend to kick all art rules, ideas of art and most of all.. they had the strange idea that ANYthing could be art, as long as it was made by an artist... I quit the school after only 2 months. Moved to the city my bf lived in at that time. Great group of friends.. and the best thing I learned there... being yourself at all times is what Freedom is about. Non of my friends cared about what other people thought of them. They did what they liked. So that meant that we had one who liked everything from punk to metal, one who started to fall in love with ska, me experimenting with the rythm and solitude of gothic and the gf of one of the others who loved dance music and trendy clothes. When in contact with other humans we did not judge, we communicated in our own way, which meant being interested in almost anything. It always struck me on how fast (usually 5 minutes) we got contact with other people when on something festival wise... it almost seemed that people noticed that we did not judge and basically were good at having a good time.. with anyone. We were FREE. And that philosophy is what I still carry with me today. Humans have a tendency to conform, I agree.. but humans also always have a choice. I make the choice to live comfertable, so I pay my insurance bills, make sure I don't spend too much money so we can Also pay the telephonebills, and make sure I don't cross the law because I'd hate to spend any time behind bars. If I see something clothe-wise that I like and looks comfertable, I try it on and it fits, I buy it. I am too lazy to follow what the latest trend is.. so I don't. But I'm not kicking against those people who like to follow the latest trend.. A happy human is unlikely to get in my way I could go hating the esthablisment and live on/off the street, so that no government can take my money to spend it on useless stuff.. but like I said.. I like living comfertable Enough rant.. my 2 cents and a good luck too. *walks towards the door mumbling about how she promised herself Not to respond to this thread and shakes her head.. too late* *Appy out*
  21. *Appy will cross her thumbs for you every now and then then* Good Luck for sure!
  22. Appy


    Thank you all *hugs*
  23. *meeps and hugs* sorry to hear that Life never deals a perfect hand it seems
  24. *giggle* this is great! Not a word to much or to less... scary thought though *hides under her blanky making sure there's still an opening to the outside*
  25. hmm.. First of all, thank you for your nice words wyv, very much appreciated. Further, thanks for making suggestions... and I agree.. the She knew seems too much ... But no one knows yet what her special smile IS.. so I'll leave it in for now.. I 'will' do my best to figure out the rest of this story, I am curious myself.. but no promises. My field is Poetry.. I gave up on writing long ago, and I can't even think of the reason right now.. should try to find that I guess (I was 8 I think) Again.. Thanks.. you all make me think about this some more... can't thank you enough for that
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