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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. Glad you're excited.. have fun first question arises is: why not post this info there where only page an up can see? I already know the answer.. but i'd be annoyed for having something candy-like thrown under my nose while I don't have the fingers to pick it up yet, being an initiate only... I need a breather, and will not post my initial reaction.. I'm sorry
  2. Thank you Yuki And I can't believe I hadn't caught those two 'forces' in the first read... I'm deeply ashamed (I dislike repetition without an obvious purpose) Parm... uhm, I need coffee before replying to you, but you already know I appreciate, so that's alright then, right? *hugs all* thank you for taking the time and reply here.
  3. I see i'm gong to have to start a traveling company *giggle* Thanks, and you're all very welcom in joining me! (PS: parm... who? what? explain yourself! )
  4. Hmm... I can see how you would say this needs work still... but I don't know how to help on that one (since this is such a good job already..) I'll just comment on this here okay? Fully agreed with Yuki on those lines, especially since they are followed by: They seem to overstay their welcome, awkwardly trapped there, though like the passing days of company, never lasting long enough. Reaching beyond color and hue with that concentrated stare, or perhaps avoiding the commitment of fully seeing. My favorite passage, very vivid... uhm.... well it's not really imaginary is it... I mean that I can see how it would feel like that for many people. Brilliant thinking on this for sure. .... Oh, I just saw the reference to 'love-makes-blind' in the last sentence there... pleasant surprise I see I'm going to have to read this more often (in case there's more of those surprises ) and I look forward to your revisions, as I'm sure that they'll come. Already a neat job for sure, the one thing that keeps popping into my mind is the word 'movie-like'... I guess that is because of the vividness (is that a word?) *nod* Well-done
  5. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif To start with the obvious comment; I like this a lot The topic, the format; the choppy, almost methodical way of saying what you want to say. *applauds* You've been thinking again, yay! One thing keeps nagging though... I keep reading: No lands to conquer, No space to explore, For some reason it flows better.... and it confuses more *grins*... it's the one thing we have left ofcourse, space. Funny/interesting personal sidenote: My mom and I were just last week talking about how horrid it is, but how much it would probably help our society if the people would see/experience a war from up close again in all those western countries......don't hit me for using my graycells pls! *hides under her blanky* I wanted to comment on your reply in arwen's post aswell: that is a very sweet, very upclose and touching poem... format and message appeal to me a lot, job well-done *hugs* All in all, all I wanted to say is, great poem(s)! Always looking forward to reading your next
  6. very .. hmm....enjoyable, the "zero-one" poem/scribble thanks for sharing
  7. ~ Had the state-of-mind to revise a bit, my rythm and punctuation change often after re-reading things... comments and comparing the two versions are Very much appreciated. ~ Don't know what I'm doing here in this lifetime; if only to research emotional pain distressing lifestyle while knowing that I don't belong in this time of age Sometimes it is not only life that, which is not fair sometimes it's about the choices we make; with nothing else to blame but destiny forced upon us by unknown powers living in the light loving the dark..
  8. Thank you for such high praise purple shadows! *hugs* Falcon: Thanks too for your praise. And on your remark: I definatly mean 'distressing lifestyle' but I see your point.. just that it changes the core of the poem I'll edit out the Somtimes and turn it into Sometimes, I'm sure I have a spare e around here somewhere And you know what's funny? Reading it again today makes me realise that I capitalized only every other stanza.... unconsiously. Makes me wonder if there is such a thing as 'unconsious conditioning of order'
  9. Don't know what I'm doing here in this lifetime if only to research emotional pain distressing lifestyle while knowing; not belonging in this time of age Sometimes it's not only life that, which is not fair sometimes it's the choices we make; with no one to blame but destiny forced upon us by unknown forces living in the light loving the dark.. ~ didn't revise much, hit me with all you got ~
  10. I really like the 'strangeness' of this here.. the format/syntax you use and the breaking of the sentences, as far as there are any. Well done; it brought to me a distinct feeling of ...alianation I think it's called. Which works great with (or because of) this stanza: It appeals to me, although I can freely admit I didn't understand every little detail... then again I just woke up and haven't had any coffee yet. I'll read it again sometime later today *hugs*
  11. The freaky part being.. I read this before the original and understood it... *runs a long long way and hides under her blanky there* edit: Forgot to say that this was fun *bookmarks the translator*
  12. [continuation of sub-title] ~ apart from boosting my echo ~ I've been promising replies to many topics and have a huge list in my head already/still of things/posts that I want to reply to.... I just want to be able to reply properly to most of those things... and my mind doesn't like me thinking lately... or maybe just basically doesn't like me in a general sort of sense thingy... yeh... you know, thingy! Basically just wanting to post this excuse for not posting the posts I promised to post somewhere this weekend... "Someone stole my bridge and my bike was open. Then the dog was on strike and the busdriver ate my replies-notepad. On top of that it was snowing so hard that the wheels or my mom's car got stuck to the melting asphalt.... So that's why I couldn't get my replies ready in time! Honest!" *bounces out on her skippy ball while throwing boiled sweets at innocent bystanders and saying "Whops!"*
  13. .. I can't believe this got posted... and I wasn't even there.. luckily... i'd be angry now otherwise
  14. *nods* *opens mouth to say something .... shuts her mouth again* *nods* *hugs*
  15. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Very powerful I thought, the imagination is very touching on an overal emotional level... if that made any sense Don't worry about not posting, you can't force creativity or a 'want to share feeling' any way more than that you can force a donkey off a minaret.. persuasion is the key there You have something, hold on to it
  16. Yesssss yes yes yes... One thing though (and this might make me look elvish... ...) You are a dangerous man Mr. Lizard.. Still, loads of yes and yeah and such!
  17. the one forgiveness that matters to me is the one in true friendships... where you forgive and are forgiven beforehand. It is being close enough to someone to know motives and feelings without having to have them explained, therefore without having to forgive them... there is nothing forgive or to be forgiven for. Any other forgiveness is purely selfish... not less important for the functioning of social behaviour(-patterns)... just more of a background noise to me...
  18. Amazing, love And you'll never stand alone *hugs* (we should meet soon and go shopping *grin*)
  19. I agree with Sorciere.. Mail me
  20. *big hug* Thank you!
  21. Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: The upload failed. Please contact a member of staff to help rectify the problem
  22. Not only is the centering not working, now it seems I can't upload my avatar anymore.. not even the one I accidentally deleted/removed.. Help, pretty pwease?
  23. Great poem Regel! This: Seems to me that when I go, A circus will come to town, And this: Pictures in a rented hall, Tell stories, laugh and cry Food and drink provide it all. And know that I’ll be standing by Reminds me strongly of how the ppl from Suriname bury their loved once, with a lot of music and a parade through town, celebrating his past life, instead of mourning his death... I always liked that idea for a funeral... Back to actual topic. To me burning was always preferred above burying, if just for the huge amount of space needed to bury people... and the prospect of ending up stacked and sorted as bones isn't all that appealing either, from a more personal point of view... Then again, I don't feel I could care much about what happens to my body after I died... on account of being dead. But the funny thing I DO have is that should they decide I could be used as donor (which I have no problem with on the whole) they ARE NOT to take my Eyes... I made my mom swear she'd remember that. Should tell my husband aswell, come to think of it Being the window to my soul in life, I don't want any other soul peeking through them sorta-thing... Thank you for sharing Regel
  24. Keep distracted! *giggle* Seriously, this almost summed up my life for a long time.. dwelling on the little and big things of life, dwelling on the past (something I still do but shouldn't) I would quote a favorite part but that would mean quoting the whole poem.. so I won't Oh ok, don't look at me like that, I will quote! *giggle* For most people likely to be the most confusing part, for me, it's definatly the scariest... I don't like missing anything, specially if you forgot what you're missing (something you *kinda* defined well in your first stanza I thought) ... very nicely summed up fear this. In short, Thank you for sharing this and I just have to say it again, stay distracted please, this was excellent! *hugs*
  25. For reasons I won't reveal this really hit me, and I can relate to it a lot... Thank you for sharing this (yes, I know, no indepth response, but it's nice to hear a thank you every now and then isn't it? )
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