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Everything posted by Appy
maybe it's not a counter, but adding to what you already said, Jareena *bows and walks away, shaking her head about people that discuss something subjective*
heh mind if I counter Jareena? The greatest thing you could do for a person is to stay alive for them, even if you feel you don't deserve it. That's love. . .
Very neat this.. it brings feelings, so that's a very big plus And I was going to suggest the same as Peredhil.. had it all written out too... good thing I decided to read the comment before posting But yes, I read that sentence automatically in the way Peredhil suggested putting it, just sharing that thought Welcom to these boards, and again, very neat poem *hugs*
I am exalted! I almost lost all hope for humaity and then you show me this. Thank you! I'm so glad that there are still people around who see what's in front of them.. and not what everyone else wants you to see... brilliant... thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing this. - Appy ~ just expressing opinion ~
Yay i'm back! Thanks for all your support! 'tWas stressy but finally, today, *I* (Yes. Me. The woman in this household ) got the gateway back online Glad I didn't have to miss you all for too long *hugs* *grabs a spoon and starts eating chocolate goo*
Watch: A woman sitting behind her computer, late at night, staring at the screen, tears fall.. Refocus: A town on the verge of a river, polluted by the society, pipes belching smoke into the night.. Refocus: A country on a huge landmass, trying to loose its boundries while holding on to its standards.. Refocus: A landmass on a planet, keeping its head above water in troublesome times, floating some coarse.. Recofus: A planet in a tiny solarsystem, following its track around the sun, not aware of being called home.. Refocus: A solar system, in a universe so big, we cannot see the end, let alone fanthom the possiblities.. 'Life' is so useless, but oh so precious! It is , and will stay, all-depending on Focus
In case anyone would be interested... Tomorrow (saturday) we're going to try to switch gateway computers. And since we're not sure that we can save the password which allows us online at the moment, it might be the case that, starting tomorrow, I/we might be without internet for some time (think months, to be on the safe side) Just wanted to let you guys know... and help me pray that that won't happen maybe? - Appy
This poem is called Artistry from now on *Appy does the 'I found a title' dance*
*Appy sneaks in and slumps down on the floor next to Ayshela, enjoying the tale being spun here*
I wish I could stop thinking stop thinking and relax; unaware of being alone with only me in my head "I don't understand." "How can you feel that way?" How do others deal with it, loneliness is built-in; comes with the package; do not share or return. "Just tell me what you feel." "You should control that anger." All the bullsh*t flung at us behave like this, do that, don't say such things you shouldn't have done ..... "Are you ok?" "How are you doing?" Just... all shut up and leave me be; in my natural state Alone ~ 11-03-2004, Leverkusen ~
I guess it's because the more emotional pain you get to endure, the more you realise you're the only one you can really share it with.... I don't know.. that knowledge cuts deep into feeling alone and emtpy for me. Well written purple shadows, but for some reason the first stanza seems out of place to me.... not sure why, i'll look it over again when i'm not so inbalanced as today, kay? Overall I like it a lot, as a poem, and for subject at the moment.... *hugs*
initial reaction: Lovely Catchy, honest but/and thought-provoking... Lovely Thanks
*Appy harrumph's* I always disliked putting labels on emotions... unless they are unbearable to live with (as in, endangering you and/or people around you)... you know, so that the 'doctors' have something to work with (something to look up that is )..... but I do recognise a lot here.. I'm very glad never having had any medication for it too... but that's not something i'll get into here... thought-provoking again *tisks* a nice little doodle
How to start... I can't wait to read more...yes, that's a good start I think Interesting way of writing you have here... somehow relaxes my mind and all that because it is so much like how humans think... erratic, jumpy, and (and this works all the better with the context) confusing at times. Incidentally it's is much how writing happens in my head and how I would like to be able to put it to paper (when conjuring stories)... never happens though, I get tangled up in detail.. you balanced that well I think. *nods to herself* Yes, do write on, I'm having the typical 'must read on' feeling On a sidenote: might want to look them over and edit a bit before posting, you tend to forget spaces for instance (that was the only thing I noticed immediatly) Keep it comming
already said in chat, but yeah, welcom back! :woot:
... that hurt.. but never stop believing. *wan smile* it's just that I cant even remember how often I told myself the same things... for me it doesn't work long enough unfortunatly, I hope that it will for you *hugs* Some small edit: lye = lie in the 1st sentence of the 3rd stanza And how about calling it 'Black Hole'? Well written, thanks for sharing and take care *hugs again*
~ Due to some great help from Morgane and Wyvern I'm re-posting my latest poem, originally titled as "Rock", now titled "Storm".. thanks for helping me decide on a new title! ~ Storm Please be silent don't say a word I cannot concentrate on What you are saying.. Mindless babbling; uninteresting matters A frown on my forehead for having to ask you again what you said or what you really meant Arguing about nothing Annoyance through wording Increasing distance with every syllable But be silent don't say a word I'm concentrating on us touching.. Feelings close in; only you matters A smile on my lips for experiencing warmth again from your body or your breath on my cheek Tranquility, doing nothing Relaxing without a word Increasing closeness with every touch ..I love you my solid rock and safety lock; in every storm of emotions.. [08 maart 2004, Leverkusen]
~ thank you, and you are so right! Been revising a little, tell me what you think! Biggest change is the last few lines.. ~ Rock Please be silent don't say a word I cannot concentrate on What you are saying.. Mindless babbling; uninteresting matters A frown on my forehead for having to ask you again what you said or what you really meant Arguing about nothing Annoyance through wording Increasing distance with every syllable But be silent don't say a word I'm concentrating on us touching.. Feelings close in; only you matters A smile on my lips for experiencing warmth again from your body or your breath on my cheek Tranquility, doing nothing Relaxing without a word Increasing closeness with every touch ..I love you my solid rock and safety lock; in every storm of emotions.. [08 maart 2004, Leverkusen] ~ PS: I would still like to change the title... but can't come up with a better one.. any suggestions? ~
Happy Budda! I mean Happy Buddha! I mean Happy Birthday! yeah...
nice work Reminds me of this movie "Stigmata" and the discovery (portrayed in the movie, and real life 'happening') of old scrolls with 'new' words of Christ on them... he sais: "If you split this wood, I am there. If you turn this stone, you will find me" (not correct quote, but accurate in it's intend) Basically telling people that you don't need the institute of 'church' to believe... I really like that idea.. and you so very well put in your poem WHY I like that idea... Offcourse the christian church does not like this idea that they are obsolete... but i'll not get into that kay? Again, nice poem, and welcom to these boards!
Please be silent don't say a word I cannot concentrate on what you are saying. Mindless babbling; uninteresting matters A frown on my forehead for having to ask you again what you said or what you really meant Arguing about nothing Annoyance with wording Increasing distance on every syllable But be silent don't say a word I'm concentrating on us touching. Feelings close in; only you matter A smile on my lips for experiencing warmth again from your body or your breath on my cheek Tranquility, doing nothing Relaxing without a word Increasing closeness with every touch ..I love you who is my rock; my safety lock; in every storm of emotions.. [06 maart 2004, Leverkusen]
Gulls, searching for food trampling with their feet curiously looking with their heads looking if a careless worm surfices and then, if nothing surfices they fly a little further If only life was as simple as that of a gull Original: Meeuwen, zoekend naar voedsel trappelend met hun pootjes nieuwsgierig kijkend met hun kopjes kijkend of er een argeloze worm bovenkomt en als er dan niks bovenkomt vliegen ze een eindje verder Was het leven maar zo simpel als dat van een meeuw ~22-03-1994, Peize~
*surprised look* wah? Oh! *stammer* why thank you... I haven't got a speech ready but uhm... I'd like to thank uhm... oh! my mom (*mutter* always a good one, yes).. and uhm,.... *stare into the crowd in front of her* .. yes.... *walk towards mindripper* do you mind? *CHOMP* Yes *chew* yes, just what I thought on the first time... *look up at bewildered mindripper* You, Sir, taste horrible! *nod* *Humming the tune of the Magical Roundabout, Appy wanders away wiping her mouth with a tissue and flicking a small piece of tentacle from between her teeth using a deranged squirrel*