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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. If all else fails, reinstall OS a link to a free spybot, run that and it'll find whatever trojans and spyware might be on your comp... well, it'll find most, and possible that one too http://www.safer-networking.org/ Good luck hun! *hugs tight and massages Salinye's shoulders a bit to get some tension out* PS: no, you don't HAVE to donate to download the programm
  2. To me, #5 sais that Joe likes to play fetch, and his dog merely also has three legs, just like Joe... but it tells us nothing about if his dog likes to play fetch aswell. Also, it's not obvious that Joe likes to play fetch with his dog, it's only common sense telling us that that's logically the case... I guess it's one of those guts feelings that some languages have? Or is there an actual rule for it... no idea. Great way of explaining Gwai .... Poor Joe *giggle* -Appy [editted 'cause it's way too early in the morning for me to be coherent. One can try thought, right? ]
  3. But that would change the question, since it'll put the choice truley entirely in your hands.... with a 4th person involved who does the killing.. that's something different in my opinion....
  4. I wish I could get into answering this, since I've always enjoyed your questions. But.. I don't want children and if I can help it, will never have them. Therefor it's not fair if I answer Curious about what other ppl will say tho and very glad you've returned and started your Life Question's again, Salinye
  5. *giggle* Now there's an answer I like
  6. I wonder what it means then if you got it the first time.... I hope that just means I got lucky?
  7. /me seconds Z on his IRC-rant and Valdar on his Blatant Trillian Promotion Speech (BTPS from now on) To add to the BTPS... check out the cool skins aswell while you're there [mode Promotion speech = OFF] -Appy
  8. You know, I think almost anything I would/could say has been said by others, so you'll just get a hug and a tut for thinking we wouldn't have you the way you are okay? *hugs and tuts Ozy in no particular order*
  9. I was gonna say the same heh Still congrats on winning Z, if by accident only
  10. Good to see you back Salinye *joins in the pouncing and huggling*
  11. Thanks for the praise *blush* Yui: I agree, that does throw one off but so far I haven't been able to find a good substitute... if anyone has ANY idea about how to say I've been drawn by me where by is a two-syllable word.. please tell me DL-snake: *long pause* I never really know what to say when people take something I've written in a few seconds, and find so much intruiging 'things' in them (truely sometimes I think I am only the medium, not the creator) Thank you for deciphering it, and in a way, you are always right... like I said before "A poem is there as much as to be interpreted by the reader, as to be written by the writer" meaning that any interpretation would be correct. (ofcourse there are exeptions to this 'rule', as there are to any rule.. which would, for instance, be when a specific 'character history' is being told, but that's another story) With this interpretation however you hit a nerve, and made this one special, thank you for that -Appy
  12. ~ So,... I haven't written anything since my last finished poem, which was, to be precise, 13th of april, which for me.. is a very long time. (that sounded a bit silly since before I came here I hadn't written in 5 years.. but being here inspires one, and if there's no muse to hold on too... it's frustrating, if you get what I mean) Anyways, I am not sure if this is finished, but my muse is back, and I'd like to share that... any advice and reaction very much appreciated ~ Drawn and Quartered I've been drawn inside myself Looking for answers that you cannot find just lying along the way I've been drawn within myself with inexperienced hands and eyes unfocused forming my own picture I've been drawn towards myself finding what no one can searching for the reasons of selfness, ego, me... I've been drawn and quartered kicked down and discouraged pulled up and beat down ...and found life again [26 mei 2004, Leverkusen]
  13. I guess we can wait for the 1337 version (leet in normal lettering, from elite... yeh right..) aswell then.... *sobs*
  14. ieh gads! *hides all her books from Messenger generations*
  15. ah uhm, welcom 'Walking' Dreamer I have a uhm.. questions about your latest sig example there... isn't that copyrighted? If I'm not mistaken that's part of "Sir Bunny Vs. The Wockwurm" ... a painting/work by Ursula Vernon, a member of epilogue.net... and that means it's copyrighted unless you are Ursula..or got her permission, which I doubt. Please correct me if I'm wrong Sorry to greet you like this, but copyright is important in this digital world where stealing has become so easy If you didn't use the same tactic on the other examples, I'd say go with the first Again, welcom -Appy
  16. Many thanks for the tea *sips it contentedly* ...and I think you are right about it being Alaeha who said that first... so thank you Alahea !
  17. So they actually have conventions about Otaku... which by my best of understanding at least 'used' to mean : Isolated Unsocial Person; mostly associated with people who spend ALL their time watching anime or reading manga (Warning: incomplete definition, possibly slightly faulty, but you get the idea)...in other words.. we'd call it Nerd, Bum, and all those other things you can associate with people without an appearant life. Really now, I already was annoyed with Dutch language incorperating english words and 'dutchifying' them... now I see that american can very much do the same, where does this world lead to *rolls eyes* Afterthought: Yes I know what they think they mean with it....it still annoys me Disclaimer: Not directed at anyone in specific, if you thought it was, then it possibly applies to you (thanks to "I don't remember who and can't look it up because it was in some post that has been moved out of my reach".. you know who you are, thanks for giving me the idea of this 'disclaimer' ) Another Afterthought: Yes, I did wonder if that's what the name stood for, but in blissed ignorance hoped they wouldn't be so stupid -Appy without coffee or tea
  18. *expects a full report* Pretty pulease? *bats eyelashes*
  19. Appy


    *knowing smile* Where to start... that is a great poem, you've managed to explain those two realities in a very small amount of words. That is already worth of congratulations. But.. (there's always a 'But' isn't there? ) I do think that with some revising and rewording and remoddeling this could become even better, specially and specifically on the second stanza. It seems to me out of balance...then again, when looking at the content of the poem, it fits perfectly... difficult... oh well, my 2 cents on the structure you have already On the content... I have no idea what a 'stream of consiousness' poem is supposed to be, because I've never heard of them. But the knowledge of two realities and the feeling that the latter from your poem could be much more satisfying had me (mostly unconsiously) searching for the path that leads to it. I doubt I'll ever manage (one of the reasons why I won't, the others will sound too freaky, even here ...) but I do believe that this is exactly the way of finding your true selves...Ok, now I'm getting too deep into it and might embarrass either myself or others. So I'll stop there. Very interesting subject, and well-written... hope you either look over it once more (but I heard that you didn't? Not sure if that was you) or that you'll continue on this subject once more
  20. Wai! Have fun, both of ya! And offcourse whoever else goes there.. wish I could, but that would require winning the lottery first or something
  21. Carfully balancing her wig and party drink Appy hugs Ozy and hereby spills most of her drink on him "Happy *hic* Birthday!" (OOC: That was for the chocolate-stuff.... Have a good one )
  22. "Owaah how could they keep these things on their head all the time? It's itching!" Walking slowely towards the door was the... well the apparition of Appy. Clad in an original Louis the XIVth dress and wig (with ornamental bird cage + tiny bluebirds) she had trouble walking, but at least she managed to stay upright. Arriving at the door she first had a good stare at Melba, then put her wig back upright and said: "Right, no need to look at me like that, just came back from... a Trip. I have my entry right here.. somewhere" Appy rummages around in her wig a bit, upsetting the bluebirds so much as to make them mess all over the place. "Terribly sorry bout that! Here let me cover that smell with my parfume" Flourishing in Appy's hand is suddenly a huge parfume bottle which contents seem to haven't been anywhere near rose pettals but all the more seems to contain liquids to destroy anthills and wasp-nests. Appy fervently starts spraying the contents over the crowd behind her, almost completely dissolving the row. "How ungratefull.. just run off like that. Now what was I doing.... Oh right, the Birthday Present... altho no one told me who's birthday. Then again I was away for quite some time" Quickly Appy pushes a small scribble into Melba's hand and forces herself through the door without so much as even waiting for approval. Because of the enormous dress and the momentum created by it's weight Appy seems instoppable once moving... and gets inside without harm. Confused Melba unfolds the scribble and reads: Mauw miauw mauw mauw Mew mauw miauw mew miauw Ksssst miauw miauw!
  23. Appy


    First off, I like the subject and how you tackled it.... original and hmm 'light' almost, not sure how to describe it.. like a fluffy, easy, lightheaded way of saying something deep.. Then, continueing a bit on what Yui said: About the revision, it almost seems to me to be a continuation of the first, original piece. Like a second chapter to a story. A deepening of the silence and how you walk that way to freedom. If you were me, I'd keep those two together. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this. You did an exellent job on something so profound as this subject.
  24. *wanders in looking all over the place for something, starting by looking behind people's backs. Noticing that several are being hugged fiercly she pays some attention to the things going on around her* Oh! Promoted! Congratulations all! *huggles the promoted* Have fun readin' up on yer new forums
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