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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. I would have a comment on the actual content, but I don't know what to say... mostly because I really dislike the word 'want'. It dictates the life of too many people. (did I say that right? not sure about the grammar there) I like the format (exactly my kindof style). And a good edit I thought *hugs Mr. P and walks away grumbling to herself "making me think again, always making me think.." Afterthought: What confuses me greatly is the first two sentences: 'I don't want to be better than nothing in your eyes' To me that reads: I want to be nothing in your eyes.... Tell me I'm wrong please
  2. *giggle* very funny. My favorite stanza is the one mentioning the avatar of daily news Reminds me a bit of DEATH from Terry Pratchett, hehe
  3. Lucky you, I'm glad Good to see you! *hugs*
  4. Have you ever been waiting? Waiting for the tears to come? Knowing that they won't You've balanced out There are no tears to spill No sorrows to cry out Just the pressure of continuity As if it has to be.. In this way, I'm sitting here Waiting for the tears to come Knowing that they refuse I perceive that I will have to live with the pressure of contentment Or is it ... resignation?
  5. *runs in* Phew! Hope I'm not too late. I mean I'm sure everyone's settled in quite nicely already but here's a hearthy "Congratulations to all!" from me too Have fun with your new shinies!
  6. There's only one thing I could possibly say to this, since the rest would only be smilies: "Merry Christmas!" :woot:
  7. *giggles* this really is a gem to me. Thanks for writing it! *hugs* PS: and welcom back too! Missed you around
  8. Had my eyes growing bigger all the way through, great read. Thanks I really like how you cut sentences weird and the format of narrative that you used. Definatly draws you in more this way. And I love how you manage to confuse me on who to feel sorry for. Well done!
  9. Had to translate it from pertussis to Keuchhusten (german) to kinkhoest (dutch) to know what's wrong hun, and when I reached that point my response was: kinkhoest?! wow That's indeed what I got shots for at younger age like Salinye mentioned..among several other things. Glad the anti-biotics seem to work this time. You have my best wishes, my thoughts and lotsa bucket's of luck that the drugs will actually get rid of it completely *hugs* Get well soon, this place isn't the same without you prowling the corridors, smirking and giggling at your own thoughts and evil-ish plans
  10. *giggles* cute little thing this! Thanks for making me smile *hugs*
  11. The metal tip, bend in a funny way The paint, once green, is almost gone I have to dip it, again and again, In ink to keep it going on And thus we write, forever more My friend and I
  12. *hugs and a bucket full of luck*
  13. I really liked the format in this one, and of course the message is pure and unabashed. wish this hadn't been buried on one of the last pages of the banquet room for so long! But then again, you prolly do Oh!, I love what you did by using of course and of course not .. good start and finish
  14. "..and only you can win!" bombastic music fades out "Soooooooo... Tell us who of these guys and gals forgot his or her lyrics in the last probe and win this fantastic car!" speaker turns to the jury panel "And now for the moment we've all been waiting for, the first judgement of our professional, and I might add, above all devillish panel! Mister X, please, your comments!" Mister X: "Well Appy, miss." Appy: "That's mistress to you" winks, audience laughs obediently Mister X: "Hahaha, right. short, thoughtful pause I first would like to say how hard everyone's worked so far, and that I'm very proud on all of them for making it here. Jerry however, had a bit of trouble with the danceroutine it seems. Plus, even though it's hard for me to say, he doesn't seem the type for this kindof event. The punk hair and ripped jeans are just not from this age anymore. Sorry Jer." fumbles a bit with a card until he gets it standing upright in front of him, the name Jerry written on it in messy handwriting. Audience applauds. Appy: "Well well well, isn't that interesting ladies and gentlemen! But nothing is decided yet, let's see what Miss Y has to say about all this. Miss Y?" Miss Y: nods cordially, sweetish smile"Thank you, Appy. I too would like to comment on how hard everyone's been working. sighs But comming from the music business myself I know how one should behave of course, and unfotunatly Felicia doesn't seem to understand that you just can't push yourself in front and fight your way through the throng just to get to the front of the stage! public laughs obediently again, Felicia looks close to tears hehe, I'm sorry hun, but your chick-terror has the whole group confused and we can't really deal with that at this moment! gracefully puts her card in front of her, the word Felicia in neat handwriting. Audience applauds, a few shout boo and the now openly crying Felicia Appy: "Oh my, now this is not totally unexpected, after that little disaster last week dutiful but uncertain laughter from audience but it's all still very exciting! It's all up to our last panel member now! Mister Z, if you would be so kind?" Mister Z, who had been writing ever since the show started again, puts a big card in front of him, which reads: Limitless He then gets up, and leaves the studio without a word long .....long pause flustered and confused Appy "WELL! another pause, some thoughtful listening to earpiece Ladies and gentlemen, this must be the first in live televsion and popstar shows around the world. It seems that Mister Z has refused to give his vote for obvious stated reason and has now left the building! I guess we'll have to find us a new panel member now! nervous laugh We'll be back with, hopefully, more news and a solution! ..after these messages... fade to commercials
  15. Sizzling on her still warm body Covering her tangled hair with intricate patterns Filling the gaps around her But never touching her cold dead heart with it's beauty and grace Winter's adversaries are here
  16. I was hoping it would be that, knowing how much you love kids Congratulations! *hugs* And of course *pours out her bucket of luck over Salinye* It's all yours hun PS: does this mean you get to be your own doula?
  17. Every syllable clicks into place.. like it should be. Big dark almost mystic feeling intertwined with deep love. More then a good read
  18. Something my husband, Red Baron, said: "Shave the chicks and the donkey's" ...made perfect sense to me too
  19. That was a wonderful picture and story. And I love your after-thought hehe Thanks for posting this for me to wake up with
  20. Aw thanks you guys Even though I never participate in any birthday thread you made me this, I'm flattered *hugs all* Had a great day, no funky family party have to pretend having fun or organising the whole thing, just me and my hubby and a lot of new cd's *grin* Thanks.. *hugs again*
  21. Always good to hear that someone's enjoying real life too much to spend time on this dusty internet Have fun! Still good to hear from you though *hugs*
  22. small comment: funny how it's a dutch website, the one accepting the apologies? Specially with the big wave of violence going on there right at this moment after the killing of Theo Van Gogh..... we're a weird bunch I tell ya
  23. Thanks for using paragraphs afterall (didn't think there would be any since the first one's sooo long), allowed me to continue reading the next day. As this hints at, I stumbled ove this late and night and yes, continued reading the next day. You had me quite curious as to where this would lead in the end. I liked how you gave a minute to minute account mingled with a stream of thoughts, leading to the conclusion. It's a funny ol' world where a single word can bring something like this around *raises her glass to the word 'humbug' and reverie* Here's to you and your wonderful work together!
  24. Let go of the Angst and take a good look Such beauty all around us asking to be caught
  25. hmm I remember that rule being something like "People will believe anything" ... I could be wrong tho. And afterall, that could mean the same thing One other thing, you can never be people, since you are an individual. And there's a big diference between 'people' and 'individual' ... The difference is in the social interaction/conditions. -Appy
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