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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. “Ring ring…. ring ring” Appy starts throwing things off her desk to find the annoying ringing noise and so accidentally throws off the horn “Hello? Heeeeelllllooooo, Appy you there?” Sweetcherrie shouts through the horn. Appy looks up, “oh no, not voices again” Sweetcherrie wonders what all the noise is on the background Appy notices the horn and picks it up, “hello?” “Hello? Appy?” “Sweetcherrie? What are you doing in this thing?” Appy asks as she looks at the horn suspiciously “I tought it would be nice and warm in here” Sweetcherrie replies cheerfully, as she sticks a finger out the horn and waves. “Erm, maybe you could help me out of here? The space in here is not too big” and she tries to get the rest of her hand out the horn. Appy starts banging the horn on the desk, but after a scream she notices the hand, “hold on, I'll just pull you out shall I?” “Yes, please” Appy grabs the hand and pulls, sending Sweetcherrie flying across the room, landing her upside down against to opposite wall of her blanky, “erm…” Sweetcherrie stands up and tries to get herself straight again, while she’s doing this she hears a crack in her back where it has hit the wall. “Eep, you ok?” Sweetcherrie nods and hears the same cracking sound in her neck, “yeah, I think so” she looks around, says, “cosy here” and nods appreciatively. “But what I called for...” “Yes?” “I was wondering if you had heard something about those lost phrases already?” “Hmm...” Appy starts rummaging through the mountains of paper on her desk and floor, “Not really... no, not this... hmmm, I can't say I've found many yet, there's this one... but I think that's it” she says as she hands over a grubby paper. “Ah, well I kind of need them by Wednesday, or otherwise my teacher might get angry,” Sweetcherrie replies as she looks at the grubby paper. “We need more help then...how about we hijack the intercom and send out a message? Sweetcherrie thinks about this idea and frowns, “Are you sure they won't kick us out for that? I mean that might wake people up.” “Well yes, that's the point isn't it?” Appy replies and looks bashful at Sweetcherrie. Sweetcherrie hits herself on the head and points at her blond hair, “you just have to forgive me sometimes that side takes over” Appy grins, “forgiven beforehand, you can't be worse then me when we're talking about sides taking over” her left elbow starts twitching and she quickly grabs it. She coughs, and continues, “enough about that, let's find this Jack and put him up high so we can use the intercom!” and she points at the air and walks out of her blanky Sweetcherrie follows Appy out of her blanky, “What's a Jack?” I knew a Jack once, he was quite cute, blond hair, blue eyes.” “Isn't he the guy who controls the intercom? How else can we take over the intercom? Sweetcherrie starts jumping exitedly, “I'm going to meet Jack again, weeeh” Let's go! I think I saw him last in the Cabaret Room...maybe we can bring your skippyball and my pogostick? “Of course, how else are we going to get there!” Appy says and bounces off into the sunset. Sweetcherrie places her feet on the steps of the pogostick, “Weeh Jack here we come!! Appy looks around, “Where the hell did that come from?” shrugs and bounces on. Together they bounce into the Cabaret Room, where Sweetcherrie bumps into Zool, “Hey, just the person we were looking for-“ Appy circles the two on her skippyball, “hiya!” *bounce*, “Zool!” *bounce*. “We were wondering if we could use the intercom thingie, so we could tell thingie and thingie, about thingie, you know?” Sweetcherrie asks. “Yeah!” Appy screames and bounces, “and by the *bounce*, way, do you *bounce* know any Jack's?” *bounce* Zool looks positively confused now, but point with a finger to the intercom installation. Appy bounces towards it, “hey you!” she screams at the person behind it, “Are you *bounce* Jack?” *bounce* The person behind the intercom looks as if he will get a heart attack of fright, but nods nevertheless. “Hah! Appy shouts and bounces one final time and grabs the now white-faced man at the wrist, “Up you go!” Jack lets out a scream as Appy starts twirling the guy around and releases him, setting him flying into the rafters where he can just grab a support beam. “There's that done, now for the message!” “Erm..Appy? Maybe we could just ask him nicely,” Sweetcherrie says as she starts feeling sorry for the guy, but at the same time has problems controlling her laughter. Sweetcherrie looks up, “sorry bout that, she's kind of excited about all this, I'm sure someone will come and get you down.” “Ask? We already have something else to ask everyone else! Too many questions isn't good for you, you know,” looks at Sweetcherrie, shrugs and looks up too, “Yeah, what she said, and if not, just shout "Moose" and let go! You'll be fine!” She grins, “Better now?” Sweetcherrie nods appreciatively. “Better, shall we send this message then? Appy points a finger in the air again "Yes!" and already starts pushing random buttons on the panel while reaching for the microphone. She grabs it the wrong way around and pushes some more buttons, this way producing an enormous schreeching through the speakers all around the keep. "Erm.. yes, ok. I think they are awake now" she smiles innocently at Sweetcherrie, who stands there with her fingers in her ears. "What?" she answers, while removing said fingers. "Yes well, whatever you just said, I think the Keep is awake now.." Appy coughs "Yes, well.. here" Hands Sweetcherrie the microphone "You take this and talk into it, I'll make sure they hear you!" Sweetcherrie looks uncertain at the microphone, overcome by a sudden attack of stagefight. With a tiny voice she speaks "erm.. hell everybody?" Appy turns some wheels on the panel, increasing the volume tenfold. Sweetcherrie ducks just in time to avoid the splinters of the windowpanes that just broke by her own booming voice. "Yay that works!" Appy screams. She turns the wheel back a bit. "Try it again, it should be ok now, trust me!" she sais while grinning, her gleaming eyes still fixed on the controlpanel. Sweetcherrie coughs once "Right then", and tries again "Dear Contestants...estants...tants..ants...erm, I think there is a bit of an echo now...ow...ow..ow. "Never fear!" Appy screams happily "I know exactly what to do!" and she pushes some more buttonsat random while waving away the smoke that's comming from under the controlpanel now. *THUD!* Sweetcherrie turns around "What was that?" and notices that Jack has fallen from the ceiling. "Oh dear..." says Appy, who had turned aswell at the sound "he didn't scream Moose... unless of course it was while the volume was so loud that my moose couldn't hear and come to the rescue...erm...yeah...someone should look at him maybe" "Would you mind?" Sweetcherrie asks Zool, who is still standing in the Cabaret Room, confused and with an unanswered question. "errrm Sweetcherrie?" Appy says with an urgent tone "Yes?" "RUN!" "huh?" Appy runs away from the now sizzling panel and hides behind one of the couches. "Eep!" Sweetcherrie runs after Appy and dives on top of her. *BOOM!* Sweetcherrie looks over the top of the couch "Now what?" "erm.. well.." Appy coughs a bit and waves away some smoke "there's always the message board.." She points at the big board on the other side of the Cabaret Room. "It has some smokestains on it, but it looks ok I guess" Sweetcherrie says "I don't have a pen though, you?" "Of course!" Appy produces a pen while walking upto the board "no paper though.." Sweetcherrie frowns while taking in the large amount of stickies "hmm, maybe we can use one of these?" Appy grabs an old notice saying something about a firedrill and safety first "Good idea!" she turns around the paper and hands Sweetcherrie the pen "You should write, people are always complaining that they can't read what I say" "Sure" Sweetcherrie takes the pen and starts writing, the tip of her tongue between her lips: OOC: End date for posting your entries is the 13th of April (upcomming wednesday) and then there's still another week for finding the phrases, making the end-end date the 20th of April. If this presents major problems, we can of course extend it. Just PM either one of Appy or Sweetcherrie. Have fun! PS: Didn't do much about spellchecking and all that grammar stuff, please try hard not to notice anything gone wrong in that area.
  2. Good luck!
  3. In answer to a question we received: Do not add to or alter the sentence we gave out! Otherwise it'll be even more difficult to find the exact sentence/phrase. So again, it needs to stand out on it's own. thanks
  4. Appy

    1st of April

    Had me laughing for sure What's even funnier for me is that it's April the 2nd overhere already, so that definitely caught me offguard hehe I survived April the 1st without any jokes and then this, nice one!
  5. ack, you're right, it doesn't need that umlaut and does mean beautiful right there It's one of the things that I still tend to loose my way in with German, the umlauts. That and the uhm 'naamvallen' (the die der das den dem and so on)... Thanks for your explanation, interesting indeed...
  6. I took the liberty of looking over your German version and made some improvements, grammar-wise. My German is not great, specially not on paper. But I think I know what I'm doing after living in this country for over 2 years and 5 years of basic schooling before that. Ah dissillusion is something great don't you think? Original English The birds happily welcomed spring, Their voice carried even into my room. Weakly lying on my sickbed, I too watched spring succeeding winter. I knew, that it would last until summer. But then I shall not be here anymore. Original German Die Vögeln begrüβten den Frühling, Ihre Stimmen kamen in mein Zimmer ein. Legend in meinem Krankenbett, Ich beobachte auch der Frühling den Winter folgen. Ich wusste dass es wurde bis Sommer dauern. Aber dann wurde ich schon nicht hier sein. Appy's version Die Vögeln begrüßten fröhlich den Früling. Ihre Stimmen kamen sogar in mein zimmer ein. Liegend in meinem Krankenbett, Beobachtete auch ich wie der Frühling auf den Winter folgte. Ich wusste das es sich bis zum Summer halten wurde. Aber bis dahin werde ich schön nicht mehr hier sein. I am very curious to learn how you created all these, did you do them from the top of your head? If so, kudos for knowing so many languages well enough that you are comfertable writing poetry in it! I personally often grab my English to German, or even my Dutch to German dictionary when writing in German. But that doesn't help much when it comes to grammar. How did you deal with that? And at last, I like the poem a lot. It was very interesting to see it in this many languages, and those that I could read were.. hmm reminiscing. Reminded me a lot of a book that I once read about a very sick girl (who of course built up a wonderful friendship with someone not so sick blabla the typical teeny novel) It had a good grip on my emotions back then, and so does this poem. So full of longing and wonder. Well done. I hope to see more of this
  7. *Appy bounces over to Sweetcherrie on her skippyball* I send out a lot of messages to people, who might be able to help in our search. This should get you back those cheeky sentences in no time! *beaming at herself, Appy bounces away again shouting things like: "I saw you!" and "I know you're around here somewhere!"* Private Messages send.
  8. I only saw 9 a bandana banana
  9. Oh wow, that makes for 6 teams for the first round! More info in a few hours... expect some pm's tonight people. And a lot of thanks for signing up! *bounces away on her skippyball, in search of Sweetcherrie*
  10. Sweetcherrie searched frantically through her desk. She had misplaced them, she was sure of it. Swooping aside a pile of papers, quickly looking if they might be in between, she bumped over her cup of coffee. The brown liquid drenched all her papers, and she felt on the verge of crying. She swallowed the tears, and tried to face the possibility that they would be lost forever. She picked up the pile of, now useless, paper and walked over to the bin. She was so lost in her thoughts that she bumped straight into Appy, who had just come walking in. “What’s wrong? You seem to be distressed about something?” “I was supposed to have all these bizarre phrases somewhere but I seem to have lost them.” Sweetcherrie answered, holding back a sob. “You’ve probably just misplaced them.” Appy said reassuringly. “But I’ve looked everywhere.” “Hmmm…” Appy thought about it for a moment, and then said brightly “this sounds like a case where we could use some help from our fellow pennites.” Ok, the game is called “Hide and Seek”, and is played as follows: You sign up in teams of 2, yes you can choose your own partner, and if you don’t have a partner, or would like to take this opportunity to meet new people, you can sign up on your own, and we will find you a partner (we would gladly threaten some people into joining ) Each team will receive a location, and a random phrase (through PM). You'll need to write a co-authored piece and “hide” the random phrase at this location. These phrases will contain some pretty bizarre words, and it will be a nice challenge to weave them into your stories. The given phrase cannot be split up, and has to be written as a whole. You can write in whatever format you like (Story, Poem, RP), and you post the work in the designated rooms (stories in the Assembly Room, RP in the Conservatory, and poems in the Banquet Room). Please make sure that your work has the subtitle “Hide and Seek” But wait, this is not all! Once you have written your own piece, you and your partner need to go looking for the random phrase in the other team's work. Once you think you have found a “hidden” phrase, you PM this, including a link to the post where you found it, to the mods (Appy or Sweetcherrie) and your team will receive 6 geld for each correct phrase (this means 3 geld per person). The “found” phrases will need to be exactly correct; if this is not the case you will receive a PM back telling you that you have not found the right phrase. If there are still things that are not clear please let us know, and we will do our very best to find the answers. (Let’s hope they’re not hidden as well) Example: Location: the desert Phrase: The snazzy unicycle lumbered into the snow bank. [Written by Sweetcherrie, concept by Sweetcherrie and Appy]
  11. Don't organise the organisation, organise the thing that needs organising instead (I'm almost positive that they teach this the other way around in 'manager-school', never seen a manager NOT able to only concentrating on organising the organising )
  12. *coughs at Zariah and Venefyxatu and points at her signature* Also: - The truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head. - "Remember -- that which does not kill us can only make us stronger." "And that which does kill us leaves us dead!" - People who don't need people need people around to know that they are the kind of people who don't need people. and one of my favorites: - The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. All in some form written down by Terry Pratchett I'd prolly have some of my own if they weren't on the spot things and I never quite remember them... one thing that's ALWAYS true tho, in horror movies at least; - When in a movie, the first warning/rule stated is: 'Don't go walking around alone' then that'll be the first thing that happens. and - The girl who had sex dies first.
  13. sooo.... what on earth IS a purple finch or catgut? Had fun, thanks
  14. I like both of these. The first has an innumerable sadness around it, and I absolutely love the way you cut up sentences. Fits perfectly. The second has me totally confused on the subject, and feels slightly horrific. The first sentences makes for a whole poem already though... Time breathes from my window *nods* Thanks for an excellent read
  15. Congratulations! Well deserved
  16. "The monkey flew down and stole my cracker!" Appy runs around shouting that one line over and over again. After several minutes she collapses in a heap of giggles.. "Very funny, this thingy... and congratulations to all you promotees! (Is it promotees? like the subject of a promotion? I hope so ) runs off telling everybody that the flying monkey stole her cracker. PS: Wheeee! (Appy and Green)
  17. Apaltra winced at her headache, but managed to stay upright. “Thank you kind sir, but I’m not sure if that is necessary. Surely there are other rooms to be had?” With this she turned her gaze on the innkeeper, who shook his head. “This man is kind to give you his room ma’m, I’m booked full tonight, with the carnival passing through here” He sneered and gestured at a band of people who indeed looked like those who traveled from town to town, entertaining folk with theatre, jokes and acrobatics. Apaltra sighed and nodded shortly, accepting the room as it was offered. Again she regarding the man next to her. There was something transparent about him. As if you could see exactly what he thought about, but as is such with transparant things, there was much you didn’t see at all. She frowned and said: “I am grateful for the offer, but I don’t see how I can repay you for this kindness.” “No need for that, you were kind enough to share your fire with a lonely traveler.” He gestured at the table he came from. “Won’t you join us for a meal and drink? You look like you could use it” Apaltra took in his serious face, and looked at the group of people at the table. They seemed friendly enough, more friendly in fact, than anything she had encountered for weeks. Suddenly the weariness of solitude and running away -or towards, she wasn’t sure of this- washed over her and again she nodded. Barely keeping to her feet they walked to the table and sat down.
  18. hehe always fun *hugs* Good to see you again Sal
  19. Ptraci eyed the person in front of her critically. Clearly a servant, and obvious unaware he wasn't talking to Appy. *sigh* The girl really was a problem these days. She considered just getting rid of this nuisance, but then, for a second and to her own surprise, she felt herself being curious. And slightly more angry. Who was this person daring to send after her a mere servant requiring her presence at the ball! She was going to find out. In the best interest of course, can't have people running after her all the time. Besides, she was done with her preperations for the gift she had planned to present to Xaious. This could be fun even... *slowely a grin appeared on her face. It was actually quite pleasant, if you didn't pay too much attention to her eyes.. Narrowing her eyes she replied* "I see, so that's how it is hm? Very well, I will join you and see for myself who dares to require my presence at the ball! But we will walk, thank you very much." *Without a look, tugging something into her beltpocket, the form of Appy walked out of the room, and towards the Ball*
  20. Well, I send mine, without doing something as cheesy as checking a dictionary for those that I didn't know about... like, what IS catgut or a purple flinch? No idea heh Was fun, thanks!
  21. ohoh can I try? tell me if you want it posted in PM or if I just make guesses inhere please. I already know the answer to the first *bounces around a bit, anxious to try*
  22. Hehe, thanks for making me laugh. Great read!
  23. Thank you And yes, the German does sound better doesn't it... it's why it IS in German in the first place even. If I could've said this in English I'd have preferred that, since translating poems always feels... strange. Not done. thanks again for the comment
  24. Oh tötet mich! und kuck' nicht weg Ja merk dir deine Arbeit Und blicke auf die Horizont Wo ich erscheinen wird Oh tötet mich! und pass gut auf Damit das Blut erst fließt Betrachte dann das Abendlicht Wo ich für immer bin Oh tötet mich! und gebe acht Wie atemlos ich werde Und shau im richtung Dämmerung Wo ich dein blick erwider' Oh murder me! and don't look away Yes take notice of your work and look towards the horizon Where I will appear Oh murder me! and pay close attention so that the blood can flow and then look at the evening light Where I will be forever Oh murder me! and pay attention how breathless I become and look towards the dusk of day Where I will look back at you ~ Leverkusen, 25-02-2005 ~ Translating this one was a real pain.. it seems that german has more different ways of saying the same thing than there are in english. That's all great for poetry, but terrible in a translation heh. So you have my apologies for that, I did the best I could. Hope you enjoy despite that I am very curious as to what people will 'see' in this one, seeing as how I actually did have something specific in mind this time. Normally I just write what's there, this one has effort and a theme behind it! *cheers* I wonder who will notice Oh, and if anyone finds mistakes, be it in the german or the english version (but most likely in the german) please post so! Much obliged - Appy out. [edit: changed Wie atemlos ich wird to Wie atemlos ich werde since I believe that's the proper grammar... should run this by my hubby maybe, who's german afterall ]
  25. Now this reflects how I feel about Valentine's day heh! Well done. Silly little holidays thought up by multi-faced concerns to bring in some more money. To me, everyday my husband shows me he loves me, with every minute gesture, and me attempting to do the same, to me that's love. I don't need only one day per year to act it. Again, well done. Both on the structure and the message (from my point of few at least ) And welcom to the pen
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